Chapter 17

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Everyone frantically looking around to see what it was that caused the murder of the innocent man, Sinbad looked to Ja'far, "Ja'far... You didn't... Slip back into your old habits of killing people, did you?!" He exclaimed.

Sera glared at him and smacked his head, "that's not funny Sin! Of course, he didn't!" She scolded.

"Like she said, I didn't," he deadpanned, taking out his kunai all while resisting the urge to stab Sinbad. After convincing Ja'far to put away his weapon, their attention was back on the dead body. The face was now covered by cloth to obscure the eyes.

"...but what in the world is going on here? Why would someone who just seemed just fine die so suddenly?" He asked as he recalled how happy and energetic the man earlier.

All while the two attendants were crying, people around them began to mumble about the curse. It almost seemed their mysterious aura shifted over as Sera felt a chill run down her spine, it didn't feel right even after being with Maader for so long.

"Curse? Are they talking about the rage of the former king that we heard about in the palace?" Asked Mystras as everyone's gaze shifted to the two men who were mumbling about it. The men proceeded to mumble the same information that they had heard of when it came to the curse and began glaring at Sinbad's group as they were all foreigners.

A voice soon cut in, interrupting everyone's thoughts and conversations, "CALM DOWN, EVERYONE!"

Sera sighed and groaned as she recognized who it was, unfortunately, her thoughts were confirmed as the person that had just come in was the princess herself, Serendine.

She was examining the body along with Sahel and Tamira, her attendants. "Don't worry this isn't something like a curse. It's undoubtedly murder," she said as she looked over the puncture wound on his arm.

"Your... Your guest...!!" The receptionist exclaimed, apparently, she was the guest that had come to see Sinbad from before, "this is the person. The one who said she needed to speak with you."

Sinbad looked shocked as Serendine apologized for not staying put, she proceeded to explain how it was murder and that it was a poison that had been used on the body. She seemed to know about this given all the information she had given.

"We should consider this situation calmly without being deceived by this trickery, any objections?" She asked as she looked over the crowd of people standing and gaping at her.

Sera was about to say something until she felt a hand on hers, she glanced next to her to see it was Sinbad. He looked at her and shook his head, she ripped her hand away and saved her comment for later.

"If you understand the situation, hurry up and call the police, we'll give them custody over the body and crime scene," Serendine stated with a smooth voice as if having dealt with this before.

The police soon came in and all the while, Ja'far seemed relieved as he wasn't blamed for the situation. They both then looked to Serendine, both wondering what she was even doing there. After Serendine explained that her attendants came for her safety.

Ja'far them became concerned as she crossed the desert to follow them. Serendine looked to the ground, "I'll admit it was dangerous... But I'm a soldier, formerly known as the poisonous spider princess. I can fight my own battles-!"

She was cut off by a laugh, "that's a cute little title! Unlike you, I didn't need a title to sound threatening," said Sera as she nonchalantly looked at her nails, "all I needed were these, just like the rest of my people until you killed them." Sera then stuck her hand out to display the sharp black nails that had just grown.

Serendine narrowed her eyes, "you really can't forget can you?" She asked, crossing her arms.

Sera laughed, "that's rich coming from you! Last I checked you beat up your own citizens just because you heard them criticizing your putrid father," she said with a smirk.

Seredine's eyebrow twitched and her hand was soon on her sword, "what did you say?" She snapped.

Sera cheered, "there it is! There's the little temperamental princess that I've been waiting for, hahaha. Now come on, do you really think you can win?" Sera asked as her eyes soon turned black with the familiar red irises.

"THAT'S ENOUGH!!!" Sinbad yells.
But even if he did, the fighting was about to get out of hand. And right when both girls were about to get physical...

Sera turned to him with a glare that could've put him six feet under, "shut the hell up Sinbad."

Sinbad gulped and cowered behind Ja'far, too scared to move a muscle. And right when both girls were about to get physical...

"Ow! Who was that?!" Sera groaned as she felt the said person that was screaming fall on her back.
The girl that landed on her quickly got off and began to help her up.
"OPPS!! I'M SO SORRY MISS!!" The girl said as she helped her get back up.
She got up and emerald green eyes met sakura pink ones. She looked down at the girl who was in a panic state, frantically repeating she was sorry. She had dark pink hair in a bun with a gold hairpin. A purple travel dress with a purple cloak on, around her waist was a gold silver dagger with strange markings.

Everyone backed away and looked at the two with wide eyes. A girl just suddenly fell out of nowhere.
She stayed silent and watched the girl still in an "I'm sorry state". The girl looked about 14 years old. Same age as Ja'far and 3 inches smaller than Sera. At least taller than Ja'far.
"What's your name?"
"I said, what's your name?" And that made her snap back to reality.

"Sorry.......I'm Kimigakiri but Kimi for short....." the girl now know as Kimi said.
Sera sighed and gently patted her head.
"My name is Seraphina, Sera for short. Now can you tell me why you feel from the sky and landed on me?" She said with an angry tick mark, along with a kind smile.
Kimi gulped and instantly answered.
"I was running away from studies also because I accidentally destroyed some important scrolls that belonged to my older brother." She answered.
Sera couldn't help but giggle at how silly the story sounded.
Kimi's eyes widened. It was Sinbad when he was 17. She looked around and saw the younger versions of Masrur, Hinahoho, Drakon, and Ja'far. Also Mistoras. Sitri, one of her djinn, must have sent her into the past but an alternative world of the one she is in. Her eyes widened more when she saw Serendine, Sahel, and Tamira. She sensed that the atmosphere was thick, meaning she landed at a terrible time.

Sinbad smiles and walked up to her. On the positive side, she just stopped a fight that was about to start.
"Hello, I'm glad you're alright. I am Sinbad and this is here is Ja'far, Masrur, Hinahoho, Mistoras, and Drakon. It's nice to meet you Kimi." He sent her his signature smile.
Kimi gave him a deadpanned look.
"You're not my type. I hate that playboy smile of yours." Kimi said.
Sera burst out laughing and ruffled the girl's hair again. Sinbad was in utter shock and his mouth opening and closing like a fish. Sera liked the girl so far.
Even Serendine couldn't help but laugh.
"Where am I?" Kimi said as she looked around.
The place looked like her modern day Egypt.
"You are in the kingdom of Heliohapt and thank you for stopping the fight," Ja'far said he walked up to her.

Kimi eyes widened. She isn't familiar with the place do her best choice right now would be to stick with them. She can hear her djinns snickering and chose to keep that she is a dungeon capturer a secret.
"What fight......?" Kimi asked as she scratched the back of her head nervously.

Sera grins.

"Nothing you need to know." She said.

Kimi looked back at her and between Serendine. The Rukh around them tense. She stayed silent and turned back to Sera.
"I'm.....sorry again for landing on you. If it may be alright, may I stick with you for awhile? I may not look like it but I do know how to fight." Kimi said.
Serendine walked up to her.
"I don't see a problem. So why not. Besides," Serendine suddenly pulled her from Sera and hugged the girl, "you're so cute!" She squeals.
Sera glared at Serendine and Serendine sent a smirk back at her.
Kimi anime cried cause looked like she is now in the middle of a fight between the girls.

" that we've worked things out....let's head to the royal palace to tell them what's happening here." Sinbad smiles.

Along the way, Kimi stuck by Sera and took in her whole appearance, something that seemed curious to her was the hood, "Sera, why do you wear a hood?" She asked as she tried to peek at what under it.

Sera tensed and pulled it down, "u-umm, w-well, people in my family were born with horrid looking hair and-"

Kimi cut her off, "you're lying."

Sera sighed, "you're one smart kid... Look I'll show you but don't freak out on me, okay?" She asked, looking down at Kimi.

Kimi nodded with a smile, "I won't."

Sera smiled down at her and slowly pulled off her hood to reveal green fin-like ears. Kimi squealed, "you're a mermaid!" She exclaimed.

Sera had a tick mark and bonked her head causing Kimi to whine, "I am not a mermaid! I am a siren, there's a difference, unlike mermaids we're not overdramatic and turn once we got only one drop of water on our arm," Sera said as she rolled her eyes at the thought of a mermaid.

Kimi nodded and made sure not to mistake the two after this, after that, they got to know each other. Kimi learned that Sera was once a slave of Maader, along with Masrur. Kimi eyes narrowed at the mention of that witch but chose to remain silent. She also got to know about Serendine more. She's a nice person. But she was curious what happened between her and Sera. But she chose to remain silent. About an hour later, the group arrived at the palace.

"We've caused you a lot of trouble on your journey...his majesty has also been extremely worried about these mysterious cases," Narmes said as he bowed in apology.Kimi now understood. She landed during the time where one of the citizens of Heliohapt was murdered. "Hey, Narmes." Sinbad began, "you knew, didn't you? That these incidents were really....not a "curse" at all, but actually someone murdering young people in Heliohapt." He said as Narmes stiffened. 

Sera stepped up."Just as we thought......Here in Heliohapt with your excellent knowledge of pharmaceuticals, there's no way you wouldn't discover that these incidents were murder if you really investigated them." Sera said as she finished Sinbad's thought. Kimi stayed silent as she heard Sinbad, wondering if Narmes could explain what was going on.

"I understand.....I'll tell you everything. The truth about this country." Narmes said.


Hello! For some who may not have guessed this is the start of a collab between me and SakuraGarcia8

This is probably only until the end of the Heliohapt arc. 

Some of the parts here were written by her and some by me, hope you all like it!

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