Chapter 18

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According to Narmes, it all started a few months ago when the former King passed away. The former King had two sons. Prince Armakan and his younger brother, Prince Sharrkan. Due to the fact that Prince Armakan was the son of the second queen, he wasn't the first in line to succeed the throne. 

However, his younger brother was only still nine years old, so Prince Armakan was the one enthroned. However, there were those who disagreed. The following month, the second queen passed away. 

Shortly after, the same sorts of death began happening throughout the city. All of the victims were people that stood behind young king Armakan. King Armakan began losing supporters. At that time, it was when the Vizier began spreading rumors of a "curse". Everyone believed him and soon began joining Prince Sharrkan's side. 

They soon found out that they died of poison, Armakan's staff presumed it might've been the former king's faction. Unfortunately, they didn't have concrete proof. 

As Narmes continued to explain someone cut him off. 

"That's enough, Narmes," said King Armakan as he stood calmly beside him. 

Narmes looked at him shocked, "k-king Armakan!" He stuttered. 

"These are travelers from a foreign country. We've caused you enough trouble because of our country's problems," he said smoothly, "there's no reason to drag you any further into our problems. It would be better if you left this country as soon as possible."

Armakan then said he was going to arrange for a guard to send them home and go to the royal tomb with the family, Narmes refused for him to go but there was no choice.

Meanwhile, Sinbad's group was confused as to why that would of any importance. It was also said to be dangerous on account to it no even being a tomb anymore. Everyone shot up at what they meant; especially Sinbad, Sera, and Kimi. 

It was quite obvious to the three that it was a dungeon. Just like in parthevia, every soldier sent in there never came back. When that mysterious structure came the royal tomb became a part of time much to everyone's dismay.

It also told who would be the next heir name to be carved into the side of it by their former king. But given that the tomb is unavailable, they have no way of knowing who the true heir. 

Sinbad spoke up, "I see what you mean. Due to the circumstances, the previous king's faction is trying to put forth someone else as the true heir to the throne...?" He asked, crossing his arms. 

"Exactly," agreed Narmes, "they made up the idea of a "curse" thinking that they could use the uncertainty of the crown to topple Armakan's reign," he said solemnly. 

He looked down the ground, "...we believe he is our king. If we could just prove that Lord Armakan is the legitimate king, then all of this conflict would come to an end," he said with his fists clenched at his sides. 

Sinbad smiled as he knew of a way to help them, "put your mind at ease, your majesty. Please leave that structure... No, the dungeon to us... We'll take care of it," he said proudly. 

Sera soon cut him off, "that structure is most likely one of the many dungeons that are appearing around the world," she said with a small smile. 

Kimi stayed silent looked over at the two.

"Beware of the bat that sings the songs of purity and puppetry."

Sera and Sinbad both turn to her. The shadows were covering her eyes. "The bat that controls all. Cover your ears when you hear his cries. Or you shall fall to his strings like a puppet." Kimi said.

Sinbad and Sera both gave Kimi a look but then turned back to Narmes, "a dungeon is a dangerous place. However, if you conquer it, the structure disappears and the place it stood will return the way it was before. We've already conquered two," he explained. 

"Leave it us," Sera said smiling.

Narmes looked at Sinbad in awe, "... Sinbad.... Just who in the world... Are you..." He asked with a slightly perplexing tone. 

Sinbad was going to answer his question until someone cut him off, "wait just a minute!" They yelled. 

It was the vizier and the queen dowager, Lady Patra. Both were looking very displeased. The vizier scoffed, "Oh, Narmes... How deplorable. Making up lies about is scheming to poison people and passing it off as a curse...!" He said as if he thought of it as ludicrous. 

The Queen spoke up, "it seems like the only one capable od leading our country correctly is my son. Sharrkan should be king after all," she said with a huff. 

Then, as if on cue, servants came in carrying the said prince, Sharrkan. Once it came into view, Sera gasped to see it was a small child with a dead look in his eyes; he looked miserable. 

"Our king... the true king who inherited the will of the former king, please show yourself. The second prince Lord Sharrkan," she announced. 

"How dare you insult us," spoke the vizier, "be denying Lord Sharrkan the crown that legitimately belongs to him?!" He exclaimed. 

"Narmes, you're an embarrassment as a consul!" He spoke with malice lacing his tone. 

Narmes' face flushed with anger, "I've said nothing but the truth! You're the one using the fact that we've been unable to enter the tomb to have formal investiture, and aiming to take the throne for yourselves, aren't you?!" Ranted Narmes. 

He scoffed, "hmph... With such uncertainty surrounding the throne, you sure seem to think you know everything..."

Kimi thought for a moment, 'well, if you really had to think about it, a small child would never be able to run a country. Not to mention, that nasty look on their faces...' She pondered as her fist clenched.

"That's just further proof that Lord Sharrkan is the legitimate heir. The majority of the people already support the former king's faction. Just what is it going to take for you to accept the way things are?" He asked with a slight chuckle, thinking he had won the battle. 

Narmes lunged at Gafra, "Gafra! You bastard!" He yelled as he was about to get to him, someone held him back; prince Armakan, "lord Armakan..." Said Narmes as he looked down at his king. 

Armakan spoke calmly, "I am the 36th king of Heliohapt. I have accepted the responsibility and have the resolve needed to be king. No matter what you do, or what schemes you put in place, I will never waver," he said smoothly with determination, "remember that."

"Shut up, false king Armakan."

Suddenly the room dropped a few degrees, the tension was obviously thick in the air. Sera turned over to Kimi, almost as if feeling the aura come from her.

"Sharrkan......" Kimi walked up to him, ignoring everyone telling her to stop, even ignoring her djiins telling her to stop "I may not know what you are feeling right now..but..." She smiles at him warmly, "If you believe you have a duty to fulfill, I trust you will make the right choice. After all," she grins at him, "I'll soon get to know the idiot porcupine that is brother in the future!" She gave him a goofy grin.

"MY QUEEN!!!!!!" Her djiins shrieked, while everyone looked at her with wide eyes.

Sera immediately went up to her and clasped her mouth shut, Kimi was struggling to get free while Sera gave them a sheepish smile. "Pay her no mind, for she knows not what she says," Sera said with a small chuckle. 

Kimi looked up at her and rose a brow at the type of language she used but soon shook it off as she looked to Sharrkan, she saw Sharrkan's Rukh and smiles. He was trying to keep himself from laughing.

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