Chapter 3

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Chap 3

Sera admired her necklace as she laid on the glass floor of the tank, it's been quite a while since she's been in a performance. Sera had to admit it was entertaining to do them.

She then thought about Sinbad and how he was doing. Masrur told her a few things through the door. He was an apprentice head slave and fully under Maader's control. She sighed. She thought he was going to save them, turns out she was wrong.

It was immensely boring in here and the limited space didn't help at all. She heard a knock 'Masrur?' It wasn't him, it was Kil. "Lady Maader is allowing you out for today. A reward for being obedient." Her eyes lit up and she nodded. Kil rolled his eyes, he never did like her, he always thought she was similar to Masrur, thinking too much. He only disregarded his thoughts and left. She ran and left to find Masrur. 


She walked in to see him carrying children on top of three slabs of concrete. "Ah! Masrur, be careful!" She said. Masrur then put them down and began to answer their questions. She had a sad smile on her face as she looked at Masrur interacting with them. It dropped completely when she saw Sinbad. He looked... dead. That torture was probably unbearable.

"No good. He won't respond at all." 

"He's still really weird."

The guilt always came back when Sera saw him like this. She had never felt this before towards most humans, so, why now? Those feelings for them were coming back and it was becoming a nuisance. Her thought was interrupted when Fatima came in and grabbed Sinbad, taking him away. 'What are they up to?' She would've gone to find out, but a child tugged at her arm. "Ne, ne, Sera. Can you sing something for us?" 

She smiled nodded. The children climbed to her lap and Sera smiled, resting her hands on their heads in comfort.

Come Little Children
I'll Take Thee Away,
Into a Land of enchantment

Come Little Children
The Time's Come To Play
Here In My Garden
Of  Shadows

Follow Sweet Children
I'll Show Thee the Way
Through All the Pain and
The Sorrows

Weep Not Poor Children
For Life is This Way
Murdering Beauty
And Passion

Hush Now Dear Children
It Must Be This Way
To Weary of Life and

Rest Now My Children
For Soon We'll Away
into the Calm And
The Quiet

Come Little Children
I'll Take Thee Away,
Into a Land of

Come Little Children
The Time's Come To Play
Here in My Garden
Of Shadows

She took a deep breath as she ended the song. The children cheered for the song she sang. They didn't actually know the meaning of this song and it's better that it stays that way. To her, it meant getting away from Maader's grasp as well as the children. But... She didn't know if it was possible right now. 

That mysterious voice hadn't told her much since all those days ago... She was slowly starting to lose hope that she and Masrur would stay here forever...


She was once again locked in her room since there wasn't a need for her. She was slowly starting to think that Maader locks her in her because Sera might influence, but Sera would never do that to her mother. Masrur told her Sinbad was an apprentice to Fatima, which was why he dragged him away the other day. She shot up as someone opened the door, once again it was Kil. 

"We need to heal this sick child, apparently she has a fever." He stated. She nodded and got out as a glaring Fatima handed her the child and stormed off.

She swirled your hand which allowed water to appear and pressed it close to the little girls forehead. She closed her eyes and concentrated singing the same song she did for Sinbad when she healed him. Once that was done handed the child back.

"She's healed, but needs a little bit of rest. So, don't overexert her."

Kil nodded and locked her back in her room, but not before informing her about another performance coming up. She nodded and he left.


Sera watched as Masrur sliced through the opponent with his sword, she backed away as some blood splattered next to her feet and dress.

Everyone cheered as the opponent fell to the ground, dead. She didn't understand how humans found two people killing each other to be entertaining. If anything, she found it to be horrifying. Even if she were a siren that ate humans like the rest, but she did it for survival, not blood lust.

She walked to Masrur and gave him her hand so he can follow and get the blood clean.


As she wiped the blood off Masrur with a rag, she pondered on a few things. How long would she stay? Why Masrur spoke to her of all people? Given that he was silent and didn't care much for anyone and how Sinbad was going, after all, it is her fault he's in this mess. It seemed like she's been thinking a lot lately. One reason why Maader wasn't convinced Sera was her child.

She bit her lip, "Masrur?"

"Hm?" He asked. She hesitated. Why were scared of this answer anyway? It's not as if he's taking advantage of her.

She rested the rag in her lap and looked him in the eyes "why did open up to me and not anyone else?"

He pondered in it for a moment and shrugged "I don't know, to me you seemed like such a nice person, someone I can count on."

She hugged him "it's nice to know I can be of use here. I promise, someday we'll get out of here. Together."

Masrur nodded. "Masrur! You're covered in blood! You too Sera! Are you alright?" It was Sinbad.

She smiled "we're fine, it's from his opponent."

"Oh, then let's get you cleaned up," he said, as she handed him another rag. She wiped Master's cheeks and smiled sadly at him. A child like him didn't deserve this life, but there was nothing she could do. She knew he was stubborn, so, if he didn't back down, she wouldn't either.

"I heard that since my appearance..."

She drowned out Sinbad's voice as the guilt hit her all at once. It was all her fault... And once again, there was nothing to stop this.


He snapped her out of it. "Yes?" She asked.

"Are you tired of doing this as well? Being the cause of people dying and losing to Maader."

She flinched and nodded.

"Well then, I'll ask Lady Maader and see if you two can stop working in the coliseum. It's all right. If you become Lady Maader's "child," I'm sure you can stop right away." He smiled, expecting a yes from both of them. 

Both of their eyes darkened. She began to walk away with Masrur. Sinbad called to them.

"Hey! Where are you two going? Don't you want to stop doing this?" He asked.

Her fists were clenched and she scoffed "a siren would never submit themselves to you greedy, disgusting humans. Unlike the slaves here we still have our pride and dignity to keep in check. I may not be able to decide what side I choose, whether to be her child or not, but I know that I will not stay here and the choice that I make will be a good one."

"I am... A Fanalis. I'll do the job I'm given. I'll obey orders. But... I won't throw my pride away. Because I am a proud Fanalis!"

As Masrur said this Sinbad's eyes widened as if he made a revelation. Both of them had pride for who they were and no matter what, no one can break that as hard as they try.


Maader laughed as Sinbad finally became her child, the only problem was Sera and Masrur. The fanalis are strong both physically and mentally. As for sirens, it could be an advantage or disadvantage.

'Fu... Fu... Fu, I'm sure she'll be my child soon...'

When a siren is born they are taken care of until a certain age, a pretty young age, and they have no clear memory of their caretakers or parents. Having never felt maternal love siren can do two things.

One, given that sirens have never felt maternal love, once they felt the warmth of a mother they would feel compelled to stay with comfort, having never felt something so comforting. In other words, they would be completely under Maader's control.

Two, it would an unfamiliar uncomfortable feeling after being so used to going alone for so long. Siren's like being independent, it's like an instinct and if they felt that maternal love they would be unfazed. Allowing Maader's love to be ineffective.

As for Sera, she were stuck between the two. It was something no one could explain. She hated humans, but also enjoyed the company some gave. She had grown feelings for one once, but that was a long time ago. Having felt Maader's love, it almost felt that same way from all those years ago. The positive and the negative.

Being lonely and never feeling loved caused her to be vulnerable and accept whoever it was that gave it to you no matter what and quickly at that.

Her other half yelled at her to stop this foolishness and reminded her they weren't to be trusted. Not after what happened....

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