Chapter 4

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A/N: I am so sorry it took me quite a bit to finish this and it's not that long... 。・゚・(ノД')・゚・。 I'm sorry! The problem is that ever since the recent episode of RWBY I've been watching the fight between Qrow and Tyrian non-stop and haven't been into magi much lately... (That fight scene is taking over my life) I actually started writing something for RWBY (I promise it's not Qrow x Tyrian), but I don't know if I'll post it or if it'll just be for personal fun.

Also! I am currently moving to a new house, so, I've been busy packing and cleaning the new house (it's pretty messy w(:_;)w and there's a horrid ant problem in the garage).

Anyway, enough of my ramblings! Enjoy~


Maader sent for Sera after the recent events of today. The slaves escaped and Sinbad was blamed for it. So far no one knows who did it. Kil said you were to perform, but not for the fights Masrur did.

A look of distaste grew on her face. Usually, when she was called for these types of things it was to perform for a client Maader had in mind. Not only did she have to perform for those swine's, but Maader tried to convince her to "entertain" them. She always refused. Maader got mad and ordered for her to be tortured.

Kil opened the door and allowed for Sera to enter first. Once, she saw the Cretan she had to perform for, she almost ran back out the door. He looked horrifying.

"So, this is the slave you're granting me, lady Maader? A siren... How rare.." He asked.

Maader laughed lightly, trying to sound polite "no, this one is not for sale. Although, I brought her here to perform for you."

The man looked interested as Maader said this "I've always wanted to see one perform. I look forward to it."

"Dwell in my body, Amdusias."

Sera took a deep breath and performed the same song and dance from when she was helping Masrur in his fights. The man seemed surprised as the water came from fingertips and danced around the air gracefully.

After she was done, Sera kneeled down and unequipped. She heard the man clap for her performance. Sera stood up and smiled. Maader sent her a gesture saying that she could leave. Sera didn't question it and quickly left. She was relieved she didn't have to entertain another guest, especially that old troll. On her way out she saw Fatima entering the room.

Sera rose a brow but said nothing. She met Sinbad on her way out as well. She gave a confused look as to why he was standing there.

"I was told by Maader to escort you to your room from now on," he said. She nodded and followed him to her room.

They got to the door and he unlocked the door. Sinbad was surprised to see the giant tank in the middle of the room.

"This... Is your room?" He asked.

Sera nodded "it's not like I need anything else. I'm a slave, a glorified pet fish, and a decoration. That's why I rarely see the other kids, my tank is too big to fit anywhere else."

"Well, if you fully become Maader's child I'm sure she'll let you get out of this," he said.

Sera's clenched her fists "would you stop with that! What happened the dungeon conqueror that I read about in those stories?! What happened to the thrill of adventure and freedom you experienced?!"

Sinbad said nothing and looked the ground. Sera groaned "just leave," she said. Sinbad obliged and closed the door behind, locking it.

Sera took off the dress and sighed. She walked over to a locked window and looked outside 'will I ever escape?' She thought.

You will someday

Sera jerked around to see if anyone was there. 'Great, now I'm going insane...'

She then walked to her tank and jumped in. She let herself float down to the bottom of the tank and crossed her arms.


Sera shot up as she heard the door open, it was Sinbad and he seemed... Different...

Sera narrowed her eyes trying to understand what felt so different about him. Then she noticed it, he had a fire back in his eyes.

"So, you've finally come to your senses?" She asked.


Maader had asked her to perform at a celebration of the Sindria trading company. Once it was time, everyone quieted down. There were some confused murmurs, apparently, Maader hadn't told them about this.

Sera took a deep breath and decided to make things a little more interesting "dwell within me! Amdusias!"

Immediately she was equipped into her dress, but it was different this time. This time her dress took a darker tone to match the song she would sing this time and just like always her water manipulation would accompany her dance.

(A/N: it's the second half of the video when Azura is wearing a dark dress)

Embrace the dark you call a home,
Gaze upon an empty, white throne

A legacy of lies,
A familiar disguise

Sing with me a song of conquest and fate

The black pillar cracks beneath its weight

Night breaks through the day, hard as a stone

Lost in thoughts all alone

Sera softly closed her eyes as everyone looked at her with shocked expressions, even Maader. The song was a message for her and them way she was treating everyone. Sera may get bit in the ass for this later, but there was no regretting it, as it was already done.

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