chapter 5

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Maader glared at Sera the entire way back to the Madriel company. Sera smirked once Maader wasn't looking, it was a nice subtle way to make people notice the conditions in the company.

~Earlier that day

"So, you've finally come to your senses?" She asked.

"Last I checked you're still debating on whether to be her child or not," he fired back.

She clenched and grabbed his shirt and pinned him to a wall "that's my problem, at least I wasn't proud and dumb enough to challenge her to a battle-" her eyes slowly turned black with red irises- "and then lose,"  she growled. She threw him to the ground and took a deep breath, her eyes then turned back to normal.

"Don't act like you're some god because then someone will come and knock you off your pedestal. Just like they did here," she said with a malice tone. Sinbad looked at her in shock, but then quickly recovered.

"I want you to do something for me," he said.

"And why in hell would I do that, prideful teen."

"Because I'll get us out of here," he stated. Sera's eyes widened.

"What do you want me to do?" She asked.

"Something small, but it will have a big impact," he said. She rose a brow as if to ask what he had in mind.

"I want you to sing your song, but with a dark intent to slander her name."

"I have a song in mind, but this better be worth it," she said.

He smirked, anyone who looked at him could see the fire he had in his eyes "it will be."


Sera had to admit, some in the party did question the intentions of the company. What she liked the most was everyone looking at her and wondering how she acquired the metal vessel and the fin-like ears she had. Especially the people of the Sindria trading company.

Now Maader was probably going to keep her in that room for quite a bit, but with the plan set, she won't be there long.


She heard a knock and jumped out of the tank and pressed her ear to the door. "It's starting."

It was Sinbad. "They're revolting," he said.

"Okay, I'll wait here. As planned, if you don't get and Masrur out of here, I'll personally kill you," she said.

She felt him pale through the door "yes, ma'am..."


Maader informed of another performance, Sera smirked. Now it was time for the same song to finally hammer the last nail into the coffin.

"Dwell within me! Amdusias!"

She equipped into the same dark dress from the celebration. The same song would be sung, but this time with more power. This time she was finally going to hurt Maader and she was ready.

(A/N: same thing as last chapter, the second half where Azura has the dark dress)

Embrace the dark you call a home,
Gaze upon an empty, white throne

A legacy of lies,
A familiar disguise

Sing with me a song of conquest and fate

The black pillar cracks beneath its weight

Night breaks through the day, hard as a stone

Lost in thoughts all alone

She closed her eyes and could hear Maader getting weaker... It was satisfying to finally be able to be able to do this. As she left the arena to stand by and wait, she winked at Masrur to start.

As everyone chanted the word kill, she could feel the power in Masrur, but this time it wasn't from her. Masrur slashed his sword through the cage and let the lion out.

"Come out. You... Shouldn't be in a place like this... If you're the same kind of beast as me." Masrur's eyes darkened as the guards scolded him for breaking the cage.

"... I'm not a slave. I'm a proud Fanalis."

He then broke through the gate keeping him in. "I won't hold back... Because I was told... To show my true power."

Sera stepped down and stood next to him "and for me as well."

"You will let us through!" Masrur yelled.

"Masrur!" Sera summoned her weapon and used Amdusias' spear to break his chains. She then pointed it to the guards holding them back, she was surprised she hadn't felt faint after being in her dark equip for this long. The rush of adrenalin felt amazing.

She slashed through the guards trying to stop all the slaves by killing them. She tried her best to keep fewer casualties as possible.

It was sad to see Kil being the only one to protect Maader. He wasn't much of a shield against them all.

Fortunately for those two, they escaped, but not without a few injuries. Sera left Masrur and the children for themselves, she had faith in them. She flew and made her way to find Maader to end this all.

"What are you saying...? I just followed your example and did the same thing you did." Sinbad stated.

Sera flew down next to him "he has a point, don't act like you're a golden child in this situation... We both know that's untrue."

"Shut up!! I know that you manipulated my children and caused this rebellion! Even my siren!"

Sera gripped her head and thought "I may have been confused, but I'm not anymore! I know your ways and have seen your true intentions! I am no longer your child and these chains have finally been broken!" She yelled as she said all this, she finally felt the chains set on her mind break and evaporate. She finally felt free.

Maader clenched her fist and glared at them both. Sinbad then explained how he managed to manipulate the children to his side.

", Lady Maader, let's move on to our final negotiations. Will you die here?"

He pointed his sword at her.

"Or will you give up everything and run away with only our misery?" He asked.

"Choose." Stared Sera, pointing her spear at Maader.


"All of the company's land, as well as structures on that land will be handed over. The commerce rights of the special administrative Venus island will be transferred.

"🔼🔼🔼 will be transferred. XXX will be transferred. All of the rights of the Madriel company... Will be transferred to Sinbad." Maader glared down at the paper that was about to take everything away and make her into nothing.

"... And finally, sign this document to relinquish the ownership of all your slaves. Now everything you owned belongs to me. And... As of today, all slaves here are free!!" Sinbad yelled as he raised the document with pride.

All of the slaves cheered and had tears I'm their eyes. Sera smiled and looked down at Masrur, who looked in shock. She pats him on the head and smiled down at him.

Maader only had a dead look on her face as the realization came in, one man came in and destroyed her empire. She gazed down at Kil, her most faithful slave till the end, but now that was gone too. She left, but not before resting her hand on Kil's temple in a soft gesture.

Realization came to the kids as well as they looked down at all the kids and friends that lost their lives.

Sera's heart ached at the sight, she shouldn't have left them alone. It was all her fault.

"They're dead... We killed adults... And they killed so many of us. We're finally free, but... Why did it have to turn out like this?" A boy asked.

Sera sneered at the speech Sinbad said, she wanted to kick him in the face for thinking a heartfelt speech could solve this. It annoyed her to end that this was the route destiny took, but she didn't have a say. All she could do was look at mistake she made in leaving them alone. This is going to be on her conscience for a while.

"This isn't your fault."

Sera's eyes widened as she looked at Masrur. "We all contributed and knew what would happen," he said.

She wrapped her arms around him and hugged him to her chest "thank you for being with me this whole time Masrur. Thanks to you I was not completely alone."

She let go and grabbed Masrur's hands "we're free now." She smiled and stood up. Sinbad then spoke and said he wanted to take the children.

Sera smiled and looked up to the sky. 'Thank you.'

Your welcome.

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