chapter 6

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Sera let out a breath as she sat on a small hill under a tree. She didn't really know what to do now, whether to stay with Masrur or to go back into the ocean again... She did miss the feeling of the water on her skin. She ran her hands down her pink dress and sighed.

The problem was that she didn't want to leave Masrur yet. They had supported each other through the reign of terror from Maader. They were almost family at this point.

Sera ran a hand through her short hair. She opened her eyes and looked down at her hair, maybe she can finally start growing it out... Her eyes trailed her eyes down to her ankles and grimaced, those scars were going to last a lifetime. 

She shook her head, that wasn't the point now... The point was what was she going to do... Not like she could stay after the stunt she pulled when she walked into the company.


Once Sinbad walked Sera around, introducing her to people. Her eyes widened, she never thought so many diverse cultures could be pulled together to join into one big family.

"I have a few others to introduce you to," he said, he's been guiding her around by grabbing her hand and an arm wrapped around her waist.

He walked her into a different part of the company where a dragon was sitting there in front of a map.

"Oi!" Said Sinbad.

The dragon was snapped out of his trance and greeted the two of them. Sera's eyes lit up as she looked at him.

"I never thought I'd actually get to see a real dragon!"

He looked at her startled " you're not afraid of me?"

"I was going to ask the same thing," said Sinbad.

"You're joking, right? Did you expect a siren-" Sera pointed at her ears-"to be afraid of a dragon?-" she pointed to him- "In case you haven't noticed sweetheart, I'm not human and I've heard tons of stories."


"What I didn't expect was for him to be so cute." She rubbed his snout and giggled.

He gave an unamused look. "sorry," she said sheepishly.

"Anyway, his name is Drakon-"

Her look darkened and she clenched her fists. She interrupted Sinbad "and I'm guessing his full name is Dragul Nol Henrius, Govius Menudias Partenuvonomias Dumid Os Kartanon,"she then noticed pink haired women walking up to them "and the princess herself, Serendine Dikumenowlz Du Parthevia."

They looked at her startled "how did you know?"

"How could not? You're two were played a part with the hunt for my race for money-" she glared at Serendine- "and it was your father who issued the hunt for us," she growled and her eyes turned to black with red irises. Her nails went to a black and became sharper.

The looked in fear as her teeth turned sharper. The fear became more evident when she charged at Serendine. Serendine flinched and backed away.

Sera hissed at the person holding her back and clawed in front of her trying to get to Serendine. Everything looked red in her line of vision, all she wanted to do was tear Serendine apart. There was nothing she wanted more.

She hissed louder and swiped her claws at who was holding her "LET ME GO!" She growled. The person grunted slightly, as she heard that she suddenly went limp and stared at the ground.

She looked up at who it was and it was a man with blue hair. She gripped her head as the man dropped her on the floor as if she was a crate.

She flinched at all the people staring at her in fear. Sera then got up and quickly ran out, avoiding everyone's eyes.


She looked down at the grass with a guilty expression on her face. She didn't regret her decision of attack at all, though. It would've been nothing compared to the torture those greedy royals did to her race. She clenched her fists and slammed her fist on the ground.

"Hey, be careful there!"

She turned and summoned Amdusias' weapon getting into a fighting stance, not knowing who it was. The person put their hands up "hey, calm down, I'm a friend, not foe."

"Why the hell are you here?" She asked, sitting down and turning back to the ocean.

Sinbad only sat down next to her. "If you're going to give me heartfelt speech, save it. I'm not in the mood," she said.

"I'm not, I just want to give you company," he said.

Sera put her knees up and wrapped her arms under her thighs "I don't want that either... I just want to be alone," she said.

Sinbad only stayed quiet and stayed next to her. "Leave! Your presence is a nuisance!" She yelled. Sinbad only stayed sitting next to her and looked at the scenery.

"Hey?" He asked. Sera turned to him with an annoyed expression.

"Can you sing for me?"

Sera was taken aback "why would you want me to do that? Now that I'm free I could enchant and kill you," she said.

"It's a risk I'm willing to take." He rested his head on her lap.

She sighed "you're definitely testing my patience." He didn't say anything and only waited for her to sing. Sera rolled her eyes and began to sing.

I wonder if this light inside my heart has been right here all along
And I've never noticed it at all
'Cause every time I stumble down or have to take the long way around
It shines on me forevermore

Sinbad closed his eyes and Sera began to stroke his hair.

The distant singing of the bells
If you listen close it tells a lonely story
Once more I'll push my fears away
All that I endure today will make me stronger

The mere repeating of reality alone
Aligns the stars and all the wishes they take on
At last I've found something to chase with all my might
I cannot fight or go against these feelings

No matter if one day I wake and blink away this world around me
And I'm lost in thoughts of what could be
I know that I will find my way
'Cause now I have this light within me
It shines on me forevermore

(A/N: As you can tell, I only used a portion of the 

What the two didn't notice was that some people were eavesdropping on them behind a bush.

After the song, Sera looked down at Sinbad and noticed he fell asleep. She'd have to guess after all that fighting he was finally giving in to slumber.

She gazed down at his features and brushed his bangs from his face. She sighed and shifted her gaze back to the sea.

Her eyes started to feel heavy and then she fell victim to sleep.


"Where the hell is-?!"

Everyone shushed Ja'far and pointed the tree resting on a hill. Ja'far turned to one of anger to one of annoyance. He sighed and sat down next to him.

"What are you all doing here?" He asked.

"They've been sleeping for about 10 minutes," someone commented.

"I don't care, why aren't you all doing your work?" He asked.

"Well, after that girl tried to attack Serendine, lord Sinbad went out to find her. Then we heard singing and went to find out where it was coming from. After we followed the source, we saw them sleeping," Vittel explained.

Ja'far gave them all an unamused expression. "Get back to work, they'll probably wake up soon."

Everyone sighed and agreed.


Sera eyes opened and she immediately rubbed them to adjust them to the bright light. She looked down and saw Sinbad still sleeping.

She poked his forehead "oi, wake up."

Sinbad sat up and looked back at Sera. "Oh, did I fall asleep?"

She sighed "yes, you did-" she looked him up and down- "you look like a mess, if you're going to be walking around in your underclothes the least you can do is button up your shirt." She reached her hands up to his shirt and buttoned it up.

Sinbad chuckled. "What?!" Asked Sera.

He wrapped his arms around her and hugged her close "you're going to be a valuable asset, I can tell."

"Do you get close to everyone you just meet?" She asked.

"That sounds about right."

Sera chuckled and hugged him back.

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