chapter 7

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Sinbad pulled away and looked at Sera.

"I... I don't think I'm of good use to you," she stated. She looked down at her lap and twiddled her thumbs.

"What makes you say that? You helped plan the rebellion and you have a powerful metal vessel."

"All true, but I don't know anything about writing, working, and I haven't trained with my vessel properly in so long. I can barely keep up my equip." 

"Then, I'll help you. You'll train with me after all my work is done-" he stood up and held out his hand- "so, Sera, will you become my subordinate?"

Sera chuckled and grabbed his hand "I promise to swear my loyalty to you. Don't disappoint me."

Sinbad chuckled and helped her up. "I won't disappoint you, I promise."


Sera sighed as she sat on top of the roof of the company. She ran off before Sinbad could introduce her to everyone. The reason why was because she wasn't comfortable meeting them yet or at all.

How would they think of her after she pulled that stunt on Seredine and Drakon? Not very well. She sighed as she remembered all the scared looks on their faces as they saw her eyes and nails change. She didn't belong here, but she couldn't Masrur and the children behind... 

"Hey! What are you doing out here?" 

She rolled her eyes "leave me alone, Sinbad." She heard him sigh and sit next to her. She growled and glared at him. 

"What did I say?" She asked sternly. 

"Don't know, wasn't listening." 

She groaned and turned away from him. "Why didn't you meet them?" He asked suddenly. 

Her eyes widened at the sudden question, she wrapped her arms around herself as if to protect herself from a threat that wasn't even present. "I... I was afraid..." 


She stood up abruptly and looked him in the eyes, "why? Why?! Have you seen me?! I'm a monster! They would never accept me..." 

"All types of races-" 

She cut him off, "exactly. Races. I'm not even the same species as you all! You are all human, I'm not." 

"Neither is Drakon." 

"He was once. I never was, I'm a monster surrounded by horrifying legends that make anyone shiver in fear and my reputation as siren got worse after I almost attacked Serendine and Drakon," she stated. 

Sinbad was speechless, he didn't know what to say. There wasn't much he could say... He was stuck. For once the almighty Sinbad didn't a heartfelt speech to say to make someone feel better. 

"Look, thank you for trying to make me feel like I belong, but I don't... So, before I leave do me a favor. Take care of Masrur and the children." 

"Wait, Sera-onee!" 

Her eyes widened as a large group of the kids came and grabbed the ends of her pink dress. Some of them were teary-eyed. "Please don't go!" They wailed, "If they don't accept you we'll leave too!" 

She rested her hand on one of their heads and smiled down at them, "don't worry about me," she said. 

They sobbed "please! Don't go! We'll stop you!" 

She looked down at their faces and slightly gave in, she couldn't leave them now... 

"Masrur would miss you the most even if he doesn't say it," they said. Sera looked up and saw Masrur standing there with the same stoic look on his face. 

Sera giggled and let go of the children. She walked to Masrur and knelt down to his level "would you miss me if I left?" She asked. He didn't answer and only nodded slightly. 

Tears developed in her eyes and she hugged him. The children all ran to the two and joined them in their hug. 

Tears ran down Sera's cheeks as she hugged then all close. 

'Thank you all.'

That was when she saw it, the Rukh, but only for a moment. She looked up to where it came from and saw silhouette of a man. The silhouette was supposed to be invisible, but it was outlined by the Rukh. The man only smiled and walked off, only to disappear. 

'Who was that?'

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