Chapter 8

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"So, are you ready to meet them now?" Asked Sinbad. She nodded and smiled as one of the children grabbed her hands.

"Sera-onee, are you alright?!" One asked.

Sera rose a brow "I'm fine, why do you ask?" She asked confused.

"You're crying," one said softly.

Sera's brows scrunched together as she reached her hand up to feel her cheeks. Sure enough, tears were streaming down her face. Her eyes widened. "Why are you crying?" Asked Sinbad.

Sera looked back up to the sky where the man once was "I... I don't know..."

Sinbad rose a brow, but said nothing else. "Well, I'm sure it's nothing to worry about," Sera said cheerfully.

Sinbad nodded and led her into the company to see everyone. Sera's hands clenched into her dress, the anxiety was slowly coming back.

Then, Sinbad reached out to hold her hand. "You'll be fine," he said.

She took a deep breath "okay... I'll trust you..."

Sinbad smiled and opened the door, as he opened the door Sera looked in awe at the company. She never really got a good look at it before, but now that she did it was hard to believe someone so young can accomplish all of this.

Sera flinched as Sinbad called for everyone's attention. They all looked at her and began to whisper in each other's ears, Sera looked down as they did.

"Everyone I'd like to introduce-"

She cut him off. "My name is Seraphina, I am a siren. I'd like to apologize for scaring you all before. I couldn't control myself, but now I see how childish and reckless I was being. I promise it will not happen again." She bowed to show that she meant her apology.

Everyone stayed quiet as Sera was bowing, no words were said and no sounds were made. "Do you mean it?" Someone asked.

Sera's eyes widened and she looked up to see a giant woman with blue hair. "If I didn't then I wouldn't be here," responded Sera.

The woman stared at her and then beconked for someone to come next to her. That person was Serendine.

Sera's jaw clenched as she held back her anger. "Do you wish to apologize to her most of all?" She asked.

"No. I will never apologize for almost attacking her, what I did was nothing compared to what she did to my people," said Sera, "don't pretend you understand. Our species is small in numbers, you would never understand what it feels like to have them disappear and never come back. Sure, we may not speak to each other personally-" Sera put a hand to chest- "but we all feel connected, so there's never a need to speak to each other."

Once again, it was quiet. Sera sighed "I don't mean to sound rude, but enough of this, it's getting us nowhere. Imuchakk warrior, I'd also like to apologize for almost hurting you." The Imuchakk warrior only nodded.

Sera looked to the ground solemnly. No one was going to accept her, she didn't blame them.

Don't worry, you'll be fine.

There was that voice again, it's been speaking to her ever since she was in Maader's hold. She still didn't know who it was, but she felt comforted as she heard those words.

She took a deep breath as someone put their hand on her shoulder. She glanced up to see the same woman as before.

Sera closed her eyes, bracing herself for the worst. But all she felt was something warm. She opened her eyes to see the woman was hugging her.

"I'm sorry you had to go through that, but you'll have to let go of this revenge or this revenge will make you into someone you don't want to be," she said. Tears developed in Sera's eyes.

"I'll try..." Whispered Sera.

The woman smiled and hugged her tighter. "I'm sure you will..." She said.

Sinbad smiled at the display and announced that they would have a celebration for the arrival of their new members. They all cheered and started looking for the alcohol. Meanwhile, Ja'far sighed.


Sera giggled and smiled as they bid her goodnight. "Yes, yes. Goodnight." She then closed the door and smiled as she still heard them celebrating.

Sera's smile then faded and she looked down at her necklace, "Amdusias? Who was that man outside in the sky?" She asked.

"What man? I did not see one my queen," her djinn responded.

"What? You didn't?" She asked bewildered. She heard her djinn sigh sadly.

"I'm sorry to say I did not..."

"Amdusias, I want to speak to you personally."

She heard her djinn sigh, "well, you know what to do," he said.

Sera sat on her bed cross-legged, closed her eyes, and took a deep breath. When she next opened her eyes, she was wasn't in her room. She was in vast space of blue in different shades, it looked like they were inside a blue crystal.

In front of her was a man with blue skin, wearing an outfit similar to her djinn equip. Except instead of a skirt, he had pants and a white waist cape. His hair was blue and tied into a ponytail which looked to reach up to his ankles.

"Hello, my queen."

"Hello, Amdusias."


The next morning, when Sera opened the door to her room, Sinbad was waiting outside.

"Yes?" Asked Sera.

Sinbad gave her an apologetic smile "I'm sorry, the training will have to wait. The company will be moving to Balbadd."

"That's fine, but knowing how fast you all work I'm sure it won't take much time," she said.

"I also have an audience with the king," he said.

Sera hesitated "may I accompany you?" She asked.

"Why would you want to?" He asked.

"Well, not many are comfortable around me and I'd rather be with you for the time being, you're the only one I've trusted so far," she responded, looking down to the floor.

Sinbad chuckled "alright, but don't do anything foolish."

Sera glared at him in response.


Sera kneeling down with her hands clasped together behind Ja'far and Hinahoho as Sinbad spoke to the king of Balbadd.

"We're extremly grateful to be granted the favor of your hospitality. I, Sinbad, head of Sindria trading company, have come here today to give you my thanks and to report our accomplishments to you... King Rashid of Balbadd.

"Sindria trading company has left Napolia of Rein and has officially completed it's move to Balbadd. We've already completed reconstruction and plan to reopen as early as tomorrow... All of this is thanks to his Majesty's generosity."

Sera then tuned out some of things they were saying. She didn't start paying attention until the king mentioned her.

"And I see you gained a new subordinate from the experience," he commented. Sera looked up at him and smiled.

"Yes, my name is Seraphina," she said. The king smiled and then went back to speaking to Sinbad and asked him how he would build his country.

The conversation was interrupted when a faint whispering was coming from the curtain.

"Brother, stop..."

"Shut up. I can't forgive having such a lowly theif and a monster in the palace."

Sera's ears twitched as she heard this. "What the hell did you say you little brat?!" She yelled while getting up and walking towards the curtain.

Sinbad stood up as well and pulled back the curtain. "Mother said so. As heir to the throne, I have the self-awareness of a king..." It was chubby one who said this.

"Quit your complaining. It's loud. Who are you two?" Asked Sinbad. They both screamed and began running in a circle as they realized that they were caught.

"Save me! I'm going to be killed by a lowly commoner and a monster!!"

Sera's eye twitched "being killed is going to be the least of your worries if you don't shut that yap of yours!" She grew out her nails, ready to rip the brats vocal chords.

"B... Brother, wait for me!!" Yelled the other one.

"You go that way!" He responded.

Sinbad then grabbed the two "what did you say?! Who are these brats?" He asked.

"Wah!! Let me go! Don't touch me!!"

The king sighed "you two... I thought I told you two to stay out of here. Hurry and get out..."

Sinbad expression grew to an unamused one as the chubby one continued to spout out whiny garbage. "But why, father?! Why did let a guy like this into the palace?!" He yelled.

"He's soiling the historical palace of Balbadd!!" Yelled the other one.

"Father...? You don't mean these two are..." Sinbad couldn't even finish the sentence.

"... That's right. These are my sons," he said, a little regrettably. Their names were Ahbmad and Sahbmad Saluja.

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