Chapter 14: Forgetting

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3rd Person's POV

The car ride home was full of mixed emotions. 

Keefe and Sophie sat in the back, the drunk boy lying his head in her lap as she ran her hands through his greasy locks. he really needed to take a shower, she thought to herself. Tam sat in the seat in front of the two, and Linh in the other. Fitz was mumbling curse words on the ride home, Biana slapping him for every f-bomb he mumbled. 

"You okay back their, Soph?" Tam asked. Sophie was about to answer, but Keefe answered before she could. 

"Same answer as the last four times you asked, Bangs Boy," Keefe told him, his head still resting in Sophie's lap. 

The car soon pulled into the apartment parking lot, Sophie helped Keefe out of the car, him stumbling along the dark parking lot. Sophie quickly wrapped his arm her shoulder and did the same to his, limping toward the illuminated door. The sliding doors opened and Sophie gave a small smile to the confused lady at the desk. She walked into the elevator, keeping it open for her friends. They all crammed into the small area, sitting in complete silence as they rode up to their floor. 

"See you in the morning, guys," Sophie said, but Keefe groaned, reaching for the dorms doorknob. She rolled her eyes, taking out her key and opening it, letting the boy topple onto his bed. Tam walked in behind her, immediately going behind the curtain and flopping on her bed. Sophie bit her lip, looking between in pain Keefe and upset Tam, not sure who to help first. She looked back over to Keefe and noticed how he was already pretty much in his bed. So, she walked over to her side of the room, looking to see Tam's back facing her. 

"Tam?" She asked, causing him to flinch a bit. He turned his head over his shoulder, biting his lip before turning away. 

"Do you want the bed tonight?" He asked. "Or are you going to sleep with Keefe again?" She could hear the snap in his voice, but ignored it. 

"I'm not sure. I hate seeing you so upset and I have no idea why, but I want to make sure Keefe's okay, but-" she started, but Tam turned to her, a small smile on his lips. He got up from the bed, walking over to Sophie and grabbing her hands. 

"Keefe's in his worst phase right now, go with him, but could you sleep in here tomorrow?" he asked her. She bit her and nodded. He smiled, leaning down and planting a soft kiss on her forehead before waving her into Keefe's half of the room.  He was rolling around in hi bed, seeming to try and get comfortable in his blankets. Sophie quickly ran over to him before he could go toppling off the bed. 

"Keefe, stay still for a second," Sophie told him, rolling him back to the middle of the bed. He groaned, rubbing his eyes and turning to her. Her broken hearted eyes made her eyes tear up. 

"Did I mess up again?" He asked her. She shook her head, climbing into the bed next to him and wrapping her arms around him, snuggling her face into his torso. 

"No, it was my fault, Keefe, not yours. I'm sorry," she whispered to him, planting a short kiss on his forehead, losing her eyes and soon falling asleep to his soft breathing. 

Sophie woke up before Keefe and Tam did. 

So, she decided to do some research. 

She reached down to under Keefe's bed and pulled out her laptop she had placed there when she had slept on the ground. She pulled it into his lap, opening it and letting Keefe snuggle up next to her. She quickly entered her password. 

Username: SophFoster

Password: 221B Baker Street

She typed in adoptions in New York for the year she guessed Tam was born and started scrolling down the page to find tam's name. She found it at the end, right above Linh's name. She raised an eyebrow, tapping on Tam's name and scrolling down to his information. 

Tam Song

Gender: Male

Age: 20 Years Old

Biological Parent(s): Quan Song, Mai Song

Adoptive Parent(s): Ellie Glimmer (never delivered)

Sophie's eyes widened as she went back a page and clicked on Linh's name instead. 

Linh Song

Gender: Female

Age: 20 Years Old

Biological Parent(s): Quan Song, Mai Song

Adoptive Parent(s): Mister Forkle (delivered)

Sophie bit her lip when she noticed the same biological parents and the same ages. 

They had be twins. 

She quickly went into her search bar, typing in Mister Forkle. She bit her lip when she noticed the large label that said: DECEASED.

No wonder the two hadn't met. Tam had probably run away when he was old enough, and Linh was taken in, but her adoptive father hadn't been alive long enough to tell her about her twin brother. Or maybe he hadn't known. 

"Sophie," she heard someone groan from beside her. She quickly slammed her laptop closed, not wanting Keefe to see her discovery. But his eyes looked heavy and his brain gears seemed to be rusty. "What happened yesterday?" He asked her, rubbing his head. 

Sophie eventually guided Keefe over to the large circular window soon the other side of the room and pulled a chair up for him at the smaller wooden table. His eyes were a bit foggy, but he continued to drink out of the cup full of honey water. 

"So, you don't remember anything from last night?" Sophie asked from the other side of the table. Keefe played with his feet under the wood surface, biting his lip and shaking his head. She bit her lip, remembering the sweet kiss they had shared only a few hours before. Keefe stared at her in concern, tilting his head in confusion. 

"Why? What happened yesterday?" He asked her. She thought about telling him, but his ego didn't need to grow anymore. So, she shook her head. 

"Just forget about it."

"I don't have anything else to forget..."

"...Besides you."

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