Chapter 14

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Returning to her homeland, Carol Danvers-Montmarte arrived in handcuffs along with people from the INTERPOL, her husband, and her lawyer, while being flocked by a sea of news reporters. She felt uneasy which she had realized of the most controversial act outside of the country. From there, she turned to the mayor of St. Petersburg and a businessman who sued her from a devastating terrorism case. Carol bowed her head in shame when a lot of people murmured and ridiculed her. Her spouse looked at her with concern and sensed such downtrodden aura of the former half-Kree Avenger.

Entering the courtroom, Carol and her companions found a place while waiting for the jury and the judge would prepare themselves to begin the trial. It took some time to wait for the judge when everyone paid attention.

" All rise! " the middle-aged Caucasian plaintiff called everyone's attention when the female African-American judge arrived from the room and the jury had stood up. " New York Supreme Court with an INTERPOL RED NOTICE case is now in session. Judge Dorothy Ozpin presiding. Please be seated. "

" Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Calling the case of the People of St. Petersburg versus Mrs. Carol Susan Jane Montmartre. Are both sides ready? " the judge asked.

" Ready for the People, Your Honor, " the other lawyer responded.

" Ready for the defense, Your Honor, " Jennifer Walters added.

The other lawyer with an Arabic descent was giving a snarky smile to the green-skinned defendant which he crossed his arms and turned to the blonde half-Kree woman. He was slightly muscular as his grey business suit had perfectly fit him. His hair was slicked back as his nails were neatly groomed. Lasheem Nilgram had a goatee and gold front tooth which everyone in the jury had noticed him. On the other side of the court, some members of the Avengers had attended the trial and witnessed the beginning. The other parties were Russian witnesses and some members of the Interpol who arrested the heroine turned criminal. A female Caucasian clerk in her late twenties had stood up from her seat when she had commenced her statement.

" Will the clerk please swear in the jury? " the judge asked.

" Will the jury please stand and raise your right hand? " the clerk added when everyone was still standing. " Do each of you swear that you will fairly try the case before this court, and that you will return a true verdict according tothe evidence and the instructions of the court, so help you, God? Please say "I do". "

" I do..."

" You may be seated. "

Everyone took their seats when Nilgram was still standing in front of his Russian clients and approaching to the judge and then to the jury. They turned their full attention to him when it was his first to proclaim.

" Your Honor and ladies and gentlemen of the jury: the defendant has been charged with an international crime of destructive acts on the streets of St. Petersburg, Russia on the wee hours in the morning of October 24th " he explained. " The defendant was arrested three weeks later by the INTERPOL, since they had taken all the evidences from the street surveillance cameras. Now, this former Avenger has a Red Notice. The evidences I present will prove to you guilty as charged. "

Nilgram sternly glared at Carol when he took his seat. It was Jennifer Walters' turn to respond when she stood up and confronted the jury.

" Your Honor and ladies and gentlemen of the jury: under the law my client is presumed innocent until proven guilty. During this trial, you will hear no real evidence against my client. You will come to know the truth: that Mrs. Montmartre was fighting against the HYDRA Agents in that time of the incident, " she replied. " During those hours, she was being influenced and tormented by another detractor in the scene. That caused her to do such acts. Therefore my client is not guilty. "

Methu-Selah looked concerned at his wife as Carol turned to him at the back. She sadly sighed when the two lawyers had finished their statements. Jennifer returned to her seat and drank a glass of water.

" The prosecution may call its first witness, " Ozpin said.

" The People call Commander of the UN Security, " Nilgram added.

A bearded Moroccan man came which he was being aided with the clerk. He stood beside the judge and confronted the jury.

" Please stand. Raise your right hand. Do you promise that the
testimony you shall give in the case before this court shall be the truth,
the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God? " the clerk asked.

" Yes, in the name of Allah, " the first witness replied.

" Please state your first and last name. "

" Jalal El-Fassi. "

" You may be seated. "

El-Fassi took his seat at the witness stand when Nilgram stood-up and walked over. The Moroccan UN Security Commander was ready to answer any questions from the prosecutor.

" Commander El-Fassi, " he spoke. " Where were you when the St. Petersburg incident transpired? "

" I was assigned to lead a team to protect the UN Ambassadors at the hotel. I was talking to Dr. Henry McCoy before we got on field. "

" For what event? "

" The UN Peacekeeping Summit held at the University of St. Petersburg. "

" Did you see the incident within the city areas when it happened? "

" Yes, me and my men are guarding hotel at those hours. We saw and heard an explosion from a distance. I asked few of my units to inspect around the streets. "

" What did they find? "

" It was Captain Marvel who were causing those explosions, " El-Fassi continued. " We found her extremely dangerous which my men could not handle her such tremendous intensity. "

Nilgram turned to the half-Kree woman and evilly grinned. Carol secretly used her seventh-sense which she found the deputy lawyer differently. She remained silent, kept touching her abdomen, and turned to her husband.

" Methie, I found suspicious with this guy..." she telepathically spoke and raised her eyebrows. " I think he's letting the other party win this case. "

" Well, I knew that, but let's see the outcome, " her husband replied and looked concerned at her. " By the way, are you all right? "

" I feel bloated, but I need to finish this trial. "

" Just let Ms. Walters know, if you don't want to proceed this case. I'm worried about your condition and our baby. "

" I know we can win this case, Methie. This is for us and Amnon's as well. "

" Had anyone in your team to defeat and arrest the defendant? " Nilgram continued.

" Like I said earlier, we could not handle her. We saw the other authorities coming to her. "

" Thank you, I have no further questions. "

The prosecutor returned to his seat when Judge Ozpin turned to the other party. Jennifer Walters remained silent and thought the answers were sufficient enough from the first witness.

" Does the defense have any questions? "

" No further questions, your honor, " the green-skinned defense attorney replied.

" The witness is excused, " Ozpin replied and waited for El-Fassi to leave the witness stand. " The prosecution may call the next witness. "

" The People call the member of the Rainbow Six, " the clerk spoke.

A bald Hispanic man stood from the jury where the clerk assisted him going to the witness stand. He was glaring at Carol which he recalled of his observation during the incident. The blonde half-Kree bowed her head in shame which she regretted of what she had done. After the clerk asked the same question to him, the second witness replied and took his seat. It was Jennifer's turn to interrogate him.

" Mr. Estrada, " the green lawyer spoke. " From what organization you belong to? "

" FBI's Rainbow Six, " Pulse replied. " We were working along side with the INTERPOL. You know we've been hunting down international terrorists. "

" I see, " she nodded and walked around. " Were you there at that incident on the streets of St. Petersburg? "

" Yes, ma'am. Me and my teammates were there to check out what was going on. The Russian police were along with us. "

" What were you doing at that time? "

" My teammates and I were ready to shoot the terrorist on field. She was destroying all the structures around the premise. We realized it was Captain Marvel who was causing those explosions. "

" What had caused her to do such destructions? Did you figure out anything on your end, Mr. Estrada?"

" Well, I took my Heartbeat sensor when it beeped loudly. I just found out her heartbeat raced faster than anyone else. Her energy blasts went along with it. We were losing ammos to take her down. "

" Do you even realize what made her cause that way? "

Nilgram rose from his seat and sharply exclaimed, " Objection, your honor! The defense is asking a senseless question to the second witness. "

" Let the witness answer the question, Mr. Nilgram, " the African-American judge sternly answered.

" Well... it's an invisible being, " Pulse replied. " I also detected the heartbeat of Captain Marvel's opponent. My sensors couldn't locate the source. "

" Your honor, how Mr. Estrada could possibly find that someone during the incident?! " the prosecutor again stood-up, sarcastically spoke and shrugged. " Look, I have evidences that Carol Montmartre had intentionally sabotaged and bamboozled the Russian city?! Did the second witness have a credible answer on his part? "

Carol and Methu-Selah both glared at the deputy lawyer which they found him bothering. The jury kept murmuring as they got intrigued at the Rainbow Six member's answers. Judge Ozpin thought of continuing the process and ignored Nilgram's statement. Jennifer or She-Hulk made a death stare to the other lawyer and clenched her fists, but she remained calm and firm in taking her turn to ask some questions.

" Sustained, " Ozpin slammed her hammer when she turned to Jennifer. " Counsel, continue the question. "

" Mr. Estrada, did you and your teammates attempt to stop Mrs. Montmartre from exploding? " Jennifer asked.

" There's a guy who actually hindered us from taking her down, " Pulse replied. " His name was Jake Anton. He said that someone was using her negative emotions to cause her that way. So, we listened to him. "

" No questions, your honor. "

" Prosecutor, would you like to cross-examine the witness? " the judge asked when Jennifer returned to her seat.

" Yes, your honor, " Nilgram stood up and walked over. " Mr. Estrada, Is this true that you noticed an anomaly aside from Mrs. Montmartre? "

" Yes. "

" Didn't you even think that her mysterious opponent was just within her imagination? Instead, it was her intention to destroy, just like what she did to Tony Stark five years ago in the Capital?! "

Carol widened her eyes in shock which the other lawyer had brought up the other incident in the past. Jennifer looked at her with a concern and instantly rose from her seat. Nilgram was evilly grinning at her and making sure that the Avenger would lose the case. The mayor of St. Petersburg and the businessman beside him were pleased for putting Carol a down-low.

" Objection, your honor! The prosecutor just asked a question unrelated to the case! " Jennifer exclaimed.

" Sustained. Prosecutor, please continue the question. "

" I'm just asking your honor, if Carol Montmartre would make the same terror to the second witness's claims. "

" Look, sir..." Pulse continued. " I have heard of Captain Marvel's mess before, but that didn't mean she would do the same thing all over again. "

" How are you certain that she would never repeat that same mistake? "

" We have our sources, " the Rainbow Six member answered. " Me and my teammates found out from the other authorities which she and the other Avengers were fighting against HYDRA, but not making such a ruckus out of it! If you're gonna ask some questions about it, why not talk to Dr. Anton or any witnesses here. They can prove it to you. "

The Avengers in the jury exchanged glances and remembered what transpired before. Carol and Methu-Selah remained silent for they knew the truth behind it. The others got curious of who the other person was being mentioned. Nilgram frowned and became unsatisfied from what he had heard.

" No further questions, Your Honor, " he spoke.

Pulse was being assisted by the clerk when it was the prosecutor's turn to summon the third witness, a brunette Russian businessman. The clerk repeated the same question as the third witness responded and sat at the witness stand.

" Mr. Anton Ivanov, " the prosecutor spoke and walked around. " You're the owner of that Warehouse on Ligovsky, Prospekt. "

" Yes, I am. Mr. Nilgram, " Ivanov confidently nodded and placed his both hands on his lap, showing he would win this case.

" What did you have there? "

" Technically advanced armaments for HYDRA and other allies, " he replied. " We kept them in extra care. I made money out of those. I bought and sold them. "

" How did you discover that unexpected assault of Carol Montmartre? "

Ivanov angrily glared at the half-Kree and the other jury members involved at the incident. He sighed and replied, " One of my men reported after that casualty. She and the Avengers had started their raid and onslaught. I was there when I saw she caused that explosions on the streets. "

" Did you believe the other witness have claimed she was fighting another entity? "

" No! "

" Objection, your honor, " Jennifer instantly rose from her seat. " I was there when the incident had happened. Mrs. Montmartre just..."

" The objection is overruled, defense, " Ozpin sternly replied. " Mr. Prosecutor, please continue the question. "

" Thank you, your honor, " Nilgram mockingly grinned and turned to the Russian businessman which he showed the video to anyone. " Your honor, this is exhibit A. I will let the third witness and the jury to see this incident in reviewing this case. If you may. "

" Yes, proceed. "

Sitting along with the jury, Tsirhc Itna and Oblivion also attended the trial. They watched the 30 minute video which the prosecutor was preparing and presenting using his holographic device. Ivanov was intently watching and smiling which he already knew the incident. It was showing that the Avengers were fighting along with some HYDRA Agents. Carol was speechless and recalling that time in St. Petersburg when she fought against them. Then, the clip was moving on that scenario which the accused was fighting against air. Everyone loudly murmured as Nilgram and Ivanov noticed them.

" Order in the court! Order in the court! " Ozpin struck her mallet when everyone pacified and turned to the prosecutor. " Please continue. "

" You see, your honor. This is to remind what happened before, " the Arabian-American prosecutor continued and turned to his client. " So, Mr. Ivanov, based on the video, did you believe in this evidence? "

" Yes, " he replied and pointed his finger at the defendant. " Captain Marvel is indeed a terrorist! That video explains it! "

Carol was dumbfounded as she wanted to release her photon blasts to fight them. Holding back, she felt uneasy which her dizziness had occured once again. Jennifer gave her a glass of water to drink when a month pregnant half-Kree instantly drank it and composed herself.

" Is this true you have proven her as one? "

" Yes! "

" OBJECTION! " the green defense lawyer again stood-up. " Mrs. Montmartre was just doing her job to stop the HYDRA Agents during that time! "

" Would you like to cross-examine this witness? " Ozpin asked.

" Yes, your honor, " she nodded and went to the witness stand. " Mr. Ivanov, who had reported that incident? "

" It was just my Kyrat associate Pagan Min along with Tyko Cliche " Ivanov sternly responded and crossed his arms. " They knew how she and your meddling friends have caused a ruckus! Listen She-Hulk, we were supposed to stop you all, but you could not stop your light show friend from destroying! "

Oblivion was grinning and watching at the trial when he crossed his arms. He knew that his pregnant victim would lose this case and heard the HYDRA agent's further statements.

" Would you even realize she was being used? "

" No, I did not see such nonsense. "

" Were you even there when the incident happened? "

" I just came late when my associates had told me of that terrible mess! Why don't you guys stop us?! "

" Man, this is useless, " Jennifer thought and spoke. " I have no questions, your honor. "

Ivanov returned to his first seat after leaving the witness stand. The fourth witness was being summoned. It was Tech Deck who joined along with the Avengers from the incident. The clerk had finished his duty with the witness when Nilgram stood-up from his seat.

" Mr. Tech-Deck, before the incident what was the demeanor of the defendant? " he asked.

" Well, to be honest, she was very happy after she got married to her husband. We got invited at their wedding at the Alpha Flight headquarters, " the new Avenger continued.

" What made her to be disastrously violent? "

" My brother and I were there in that incident along with them. We found out my father's creations were there in that Warehouse and got stolen by a group of HYDRA agents along with Energeek and Tyko. "

" So, you fought with the Avengers against them? "

" Yes, " he nodded. " We never realized Carol Montmartre got mad at that time. "

" You're saying that someone has provoked her. Given the fact, she was seen destroying every structure. Is that true? "

" Look, she was fighting against an entity. I am telling the truth! " Tech-Deck seriously replied and raised his voice. " How can possibly she would be fighting in vain?! I was there along with them! I saw the man! The video you have presented was trying to disprove the actual incident! Carol Danvers-Montmartre was just fighting a man who looked invisible from this recording! You guys are making her ridiculous, aren't you? "

" But this is an actual evidence from the authorities! "

" Why don't you closely examine the video before opening your mouth?! Would I make sense to you? "

The rest of the jury laughed at the prosecutor when Nilgram became more infuriated than ever. Being the best lawyer, his ego had broken thanks to the jury. Judge Ozpin slammed her mallet twice when the sudden disorder had ceased.

" Order in the court! " she cried and turned to the defense. " Do you wish to ask the witness? "

" No questions, your honor. "

The fifth witness was a tall and muscular blue-skinned mutant wearing a business suit. He had done answering the clerk's question when he sat at the witness stand. Dr. Hank McCoy or Beast remained calm and started to anticipate any question from any of the attorneys. Still, it was Nilgram's turn to seek more information from him.

" Your Excellency, " the prosecutor gave him a false smile and called the mutant. " Is that true you and Commander El-Fassi were in that hotel at the time of the incident? "

" Yes, we were there along with the other UN representatives for an important summit in St. Petersburg. "

" I see, " he nodded. " Were you actually there when El-Fassi and his troops had seen that skirmish. "

" At first, he insisted me to stay inside the hotel along with my fellow ambassadors from different nations. They were all concerned for our safety, but honestly I wanted to know what's going on there. "

" I believe as a former SWORD Agent, X-Man, and an Avenger, you could have stopped the defendant from creating more disasters. "

" I was supposed so, " the mutant replied. " Apparently, I joined El-Fassi's team to monitor the incident. Upon seeing the devastation, we were very afraid to push through."

" Interesting, " Nilgram grinned and intently looked at the US Ambassador to the United Nations. " Your Excellency, were you even aware that your friend and former colleague has a red notice given by the INTERPOL since she has violated the Russian jurisdiction? "

" Yes, I am aware of that " Hank answered and raised his eyebrows in doubt. " But still, how can you be certain enough she really did that on purpose? I have heard enough from the other witnesses that she has been oppressed by something and caused her to do some manic attacks. Regardless of you're showing that video from any authority, I doubt it has manipulated. Is the evidence you have given plausible enough to believe? "

" You don't have the right to question me, Your Excellency! "

" Look, I know what's fabricated or not? I'm not trying to defend Mrs. Montmartre for her allegation. This trial is biased. Secondly, is this really from the INTERPOL or not? There must be a process to be followed which the authorities would take a matter of time to investigate and examine this case. I believe giving her a Red Notice is a mistake. "

Hank's statement caused a sudden disorder to the jury which they started murmured. The other members of the INTERPOL were struck to the UN Ambassador's words that they should have given more time to consider Carol's case. The Kree Eternal sensed such manipulation and chaos which he glared at Itna and Oblivion who were sitting at the farther side of the court.

Ozpin again struck her mallet, " Order in the court! "

Everyone remained silent after being called their attention to the trial. Carol felt dizzy when her husband and lawyer friend noticed her.

" Carol, come on..." Jennifer whispered at her. " Just hang-in there..."

" Jen, I don't feel so good, " the blonde half-Kree weakly spoke.

" Morning sickness, right? Just take a deep breath. One witness to go and it's your turn, okay? "

" Okay. "

" Remember, you have a spouse and a big support group behind you. Just don't let us down. You have an unborn kid inside your tummy for a month. Don't let him lose. "

" I will. "

The sixth witness was a St. Petersburg mayor, Igor Chekov. He was a balded and stout man wearing a business suit. Jennifer stood up from her seat and confronted the witness. The other Russian remained cordial to the defense lawyer.

" Mayor Chekov, Did you have any knowledge of the terror on 24th of October this year? " she asked.

" Yes, the Russian police and the INTERPOL had informed hours after the incident aside from the news, " Chekov replied.

" Did you believe the defendant have committed this international crime based from the presentation earlier? "

" Of course, that's evidence, " he chuckled. " Why would I claim that is a fraud?! I'm seeing what we need to believe in. That's why I escalated this to the INTERPOL, stopping you crazy Americans from ruining our jurisdiction! "

" How are you certain that is really based on facts? "

Chekov became dumbfounded when he couldn't answer the green defense attorney's question. He anxiously looked at Ivanov and Nilgram, forming a sweat on his face and becoming more jittery. He wanted to disclose the truth, but he had already accepted the bribe from a HYDRA businessman to make Carol Montmartre lose this trial. Jennifer waited for him to answer when she was walking to and fro.

The Kree Eternal Methu-Selah secretly read the Russian official using his cosmic awareness and crossed his arms.

" He's hiding something, " he thought. " Someone is plotting it to fail. "

" Mayor Chekov, please answer the question, " the judge said.

" It is....based on facts..." he instantly spoke. " I already told you, Ms. Walters, I believe in this. "

Jennifer was not even convinced and crossing her arms in doubt. She wanted to ask further, but she decided to stop inquiring.

" No more questions, your honor. Thank you, I may now call the defendant, " she broke her silence and returned to her seat.

It was Nilgram's turn to ask the defendant. Carol was being assisted by the clerk to the witness stand. Feeling nauseous, she was trying to deal and finish the trial as soon as she could.

" Please stand. Raise your right hand. Do you promise that the
testimony you shall give in the case now before this court shall be the
truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God? " the clerk asked.

" Yes, I do, " Carol nodded.

" Please state your name. "

" Carol Susan Jane Danvers-Montmartre. "

" You may be seated. "

Carol followed the instruction and remained calm during her turn on the witness stand. The prosecutor turned to her. His distaste with the accused grew more as he evilly grinned.

" Carol Montmartre, aka Captain Marvel or Ms. Marvel, " he spoke and crossed his arms. " I am so glad to see you in person. I mean here in this Supreme Court. Of all the places, Mrs. Montmartre, why here? "

" I am here to testify what I have done, " she humbly spoke. " In that video, I fought along with the Avengers to retrieve an important object. We defeated those HYDRA agents along with their associates. "

" Ah, yes. It's very obvious that you have testified well based from the actual incident on video. One serious question, who were you really fighting against? "

" Oblivion..."

" Oblivion? Who is he? What is he? I am not seeing this person on the video? You're just fighting a ghost or perhaps an imaginary enemy. "

" I was not fighting an imaginary enemy. I saw him there, taunting and hindering me to get defeated. "

" I didn't see him, so to speak. I'm not a stupid person, Mrs. Montmartre, " Nilgram sarcastically replied and shrugged. " If Oblivion exists, what does he look like? "

" A tall lanky man with a long dark hair. He was wearing all black clothes. Like you call it goth or edgy. He was the one who's causing me such pain there! "

" I don't think so, ma'am, " he smiled. " Would you like to let me repeat that video just to clear your thoughts? "

" No, I am telling the truth, " she firmly replied. " I just need to expose this. I know he's here with us playing with our negative emotions. "

" Mrs. Montmartre, are you making sense of what you have been testifying on trial? You might need some psychiatric help? "

" I am trying to let anyone know that I'm innocent and sane enough! "

" Objection, your honor! " Jennifer rose from her seat. " My client, the defendant is boldly speaking her cause. The prosecutor is mocking her. All of his statements are out of the context! "

" Mr. Nilgram, please ask some relevant questions to the defendant, " the judge sternly spoke.

" Your honor, I am trying to make sense of what I have asked to her. Since, I have already concluded that Carol Susan Jane Montmartre aka Captain Marvel has gone towards insanity, aside from being an international terrorist. "

" You didn't understand what I was saying! " Carol agitatedly called the prosecutor's attention. " I was manipulated that made to do horrible things before! "

" How about five years ago, Mrs. Montmartre? " Nilgram smirked and raised his hand in interjection. " You had just used a poor Inhuman lad who predicted the future and chaos. You had almost killed Tony Stark and made your colleagues out of order. It's because of you. Now, your insanity has gone too far. "

" I'm not bringing up that Avenger's division for Hala's sake! " Carol raised her voice. " I'm talking about now! Why did you have to ask me that?! I have already learned my mistake. I just want myself to be redeem from this mess in St. Petersburg and that Red Notice. That's what I want to do! "

Nilgram laughed when the jury murmured. Carol began to feel dizzy as Judge Ozpin noticed her. She couldn't handle the stress of this trial.

" Mrs. Montmartre, are you all right? Do you want to proceed this session? "she asked.

" Your honor....I am not feeling well... I think I'm going to...."

" Carol..." Methu-Selah anxiously muttered and saw his wife was about to throw up.

" The court will dismiss within three hours, " Ozpin said and struck her mallet. " We will resume at 1:00 pm for the final verdict. "

Everyone left the courtroom afterwards. The INTERPOL guarded her way to the restroom when Carol had gone vomiting into the toilet. Being nauseous, she had put all of her breakfast down the drain and flushed it. She left the cubicle and washed herself to the basin. There were women coming to her as they stared and laughed at her. Carol ignored them as the guard took her away. Just outside the restroom, her husband was waiting and watching her leaving the place. Carol was handcuffed and being held by the police when she saw him.

" Please let me talk to my husband, " she said.

" We'll keep an eye on you, ma'am, " the police sternly spoke and watched her.

" Methie, I don't know when this will end. It's just I got confused about this lawyer. "

" There is something's wrong with the trial, " the Kree Eternal replied. " The evidence needs to be examined closely. "

" What do you mean? "

" I watched the video along with Christopher and Miles. You were fighting with Oblivion in his shadow form. The prosecutor never noticed it when he presented the video earlier."

" You mean he's..."

" Yes, " her spouse nodded. " Contradicting the evidence. "

" I don't know if it's too late, since I'm going to have my final verdict of this case. If only there's another witness who will prove this. "

" Right, " he nodded and turned to the people of the INTERPOL. " Starling, I think they're waiting for you. "

" Oh, I just needed a chat with my spouse for a while, " she kissed her husband's cheeks as Methu-Selah blushed.

" Well, I knew your morning sickness can bring us here, " he kissed her back and embraced her. " I hope you win this case. "

" Before our baby arrives..."


" Your Honor, and ladies and
gentlemen of the jury: The judge has told you that we must prove three
things. There is absolutely no question about the first two things we must prove, " Nilgram continued and confronted the jury. "
First, the defendant was arrested by the INTERPOL which she committed a crime of terrorism and destruction within the Russian soil. Second, my client testified that the defendant had intentionally destroyed the warehouse including the nearby premises. Therefore, all we have to prove is that the defendant was insane which she claimed that someone had manipulated her during those hours. Based from the evidence, you must prove the defendant, guilty. "

Jennifer stood-up and continued, " Your Honor, and ladies and gentlemen of the court, Carol Danvers-Montmartre was in the verge of fighting against HYDRA along with the Avengers. The defendant and some of the witnesses have already mentioned there's another mysterious detractor that caused her to do horrible acts. Yes, she may be insane. But remember that under the law my client is presumed to be innocent. The prosecution must prove every part of its case beyond a reasonable doubt - that means that you must be very
sure. One of the things they must prove is that my client was being hindered and manipulated. My client is the only person who knows
what she intended, and testified under oath that she had no intention of destroying the place without a purpose. The prosecution has presented no real evidence to you to show that this is not
true. That means that there is a reasonable doubt and, therefore, you must find her not guilty. "

" Will the jury foreperson please stand? Has the jury reached a
unanimous verdict? " Ozpin asked.

The foreperson stood up. He was a Hispanic looking man in his forties. He turned to the jury and said, " Yes. "

Carol widened her eyes in shock which she expected to win this case. The other party was evilly grinning which Nilgram had taken care of his client. Oblivion and Itna were both grinning from ear to ear which they were excited for Captain Marvel's downfall.

" The jury finds the defendant..."

" Wait! Stop! " a male voice rang out.

The man had a brown hair and orange eyes. His build was skinny with an average height of 5 foot 4. He wore a sweater vest, a pair of black slacks. He had a watch on his left arm and a pair of leather shoes. Everyone looked at him with a surprise.

" Who are you? " the judge asked.

" My name is Dr. Jake Anton, psychiatrist, " the man spoke. " I do apologise for my late coming in, Your Honor. Before you claim her as guilty. I need to see the evidence from the INTERPOL. "

" But we were supposed to end this case..."

" Please consider me as the eighth witness, " Anton replied and turned to the clerk. Jennifer was surprised to see the late comer, but she was looking forward to what he would testify. " Please present to me the video. "

The clerk nodded and flashed the holographic screen. Dr. Anton made an instant fast-forward for this clip, showing Carol was fighting a shadowed entity and pausing the scene. Nilgram and his associates were grimacing at the 8th witness.

" Your Honor, " he answered. " This is the proof why the prosecutor has not clearly explained this event. Carol Montmartre was being terrorized by another person with invisibility semblance. I know this person is watching right now. He's the one responsible for making her unstable. Therefore, I prove that the defendant is not guilty! "

Oblivion gasped and widened his eyes in shock. He was supposed to remain invisible, but the rest of the jury looked at him with scorn. The judge was finally convinced as she knew what's going on and turned to the suspected person. The INTERPOL glared at him when he was about to leave the courtroom. They were ready arrest him. The other parties became confused. Carol turned to her husband and her lawyer friend which she wanted to ask what was going on.

The judge has finally made a decision which she struck her mallet. Everyone turned her attention which she was about to speak.

" Based on the clarity of the evidence presented by eighth witness, " Ozpin said. " I have declared Mrs. Carol Susan Jane Montmartre, not guilty. The jury is thanked and excused."

Carol could not believe in what she was hearing. Finally, she won the case thanks to Dr. Anton. She did not know how to react. Due to the overwhelming stress, she passed out as her husband instantly approached. Jennifer Walters was also with her, but she was asking anyone for help.

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