Chapter 15

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Carol slowly opened her eyes when she ended up lying on the hospital bed. Her husband was sitting beside her along with her green skinned  lawyer-friend. She instantly sat up and noticed a dextrose tube attached on her left hand.

" G-Guys, what's going on? " she lowly spoke. " Wh..what happened?! "

" You passed out after Judge Ozpin declared you, not guilty, " Jennifer answered. " Your husband and I took  you here. The doctor just told us of your critical condition. You're not allowed to put too much stress to yourself. "

" I'm aware I've been pregnant for a month..." the blonde half-Kree spoke. " But how long have I been sleeping? "

" Eight hours, " Methu-Selah calmly answered and held his wife's hands. " It's 9:00 pm. "

" Wait, what?! "

" Yeah, the doctor will discharge you by tomorrow, " her green skinned friend smiled. " You and your hubby should celebrate, since you've won the case and then in eight months you will have a baby! "

Carol began to smile, touched her abdomen, looked at her husband,and held his face. The Kree Eternal gently touched his wife's face.

" Anyway, guys. I better leave you now, " she added. " I guess this pro bono case is good to go. You guys don't need to worry a lot. So, Meir please take care of your wife. "

" Thank you, Ms. Walters, " he smiled.

" Thank you so much for your help, " his wife added. " How could we repay you? " 

" Nah, that's fine! You're welcome, " She-Hulk winked and replied. " I can't wait to see that adorable baby of yours to come out to the world. See ya, guys! "

" Bye! "

Jennifer happily left the room when the husband and wife remained. In those hours, Methu-Selah recalled a talk with Tony Stark after the trial. Earlier, he visited the Kree outside his wife's room. He had a talk with him as he recalled. This time, he thought of opening up with his wife and turned to her.

" Carol..." he broke his silence. " Your friend Tony Stark discussed to me about something. "

" What is it? " she asked.

" Well, he's concerned about you. He's supposed to meet you tonight. "

" Really? "

" Yes, but please be careful out there, all right? " 

" I will, " she kissed him as her husband carefully removed her dextrose tube.

Carol took her battlesuit and flew from the window when, reaching upto the night sky. Looking around, she saw a familiar red and gold armor waiting for her.

" Tony! " she happily beamed and greeted her armored friend.

" Congratulations, Carol, " he slightly smiled and crossed his arms. " You won the case. And another thing, your hubby told me, you've been a month pregnant. Is it a boy or a girl? "

" My husband said and predicted it's a boy. I'm looking forward to see him coming. "

" That's good to know, Star Scout, " he grinned. " Although, I hope that kid will be born soon and grow up just like you and Meir. "

" Yeah, " she nodded.

" I talked to him before while you were sleeping. He's really concerned of your well-being. So, yeah, I do too. He told me you have been in prison in weeks. "

" Oh, that..." Carol sadly sighed and recalled. " It was really a humbling experience. I understood how was it like to be a prisoner. "

" I'm glad you have learned your lesson, " Tony nodded and thought of his words. The half-Kree woman waited for him to speak when she curiously raised her eyebrows.

" Tony, is there something you need to say? "

" Yeah, this is serious. I need to let you go and move on your own. "

" What are you talking about, Tony? "

" Carol, after all what happened these days, I have enough of your issues. I don't want to let that onslaught happen again. I'm sorry. Your Avengers days are over. Redeem yourself as a wife to your spouse and a mother to your upcoming son. " 

The blonde half-Kree woman remained silent and wept. Tony sadly sighed and felt sorry to his female friend which he had to say this to her.

" Tony, I already learned from my mistakes! I knew how it was to become unwanted and disgraced. I really wanted to redeem myself as an Avenger! " she wailed.

" I already understood that, but you should be taking care of yourself, " he continued. " Meir and I are concerned for you. If you live your wild heroic days, you might put yourself in danger and more issues. Months from now, you will have a son. If he grows up without you, he's gonna have a hard time knowing himself just like I did. Lately, I found out my biological mother: a former undercover SHIELD agent and a singer. I don't want that boy to experience the same way as I did. "

" Tony..."

" It's not just I want to kick you out in the Avengers, because you have done a lot of trouble these days," he smiled. " I want you to have a quiet and normal life, be a mother and a wife. That's the only way you can redeem yourself. It's not the end of your journey, but you're beginning to move forward. "

The armored man hugged his friend as Carol hugged him back. She understood what he really meant and rubbed her eyes.

" We're still friends, right? " she asked.

" Yep, we are, " he nodded. " Go home to your husband and enjoy life. "

" Thanks, Tony..."

" Goodluck to your motherhood, Mrs. Montmartre! " he waved and flew away when Carol waved back and headed back to the hospital.


Carol was walking around on the streets of Manhattan after going to the hospital which she had a pre-natal check-up. She was waiting for her husband while taking her phone to contact him. The pregnant half-Kree woman was expecting him to meet her at the hospital lobby at 4pm. She sat on the couch and remained along with the out-patients waiting for their turn to see a doctor.

Just around her, some people murmured and stared at her. She felt uncomfortable in hearing and seeing them which she heavily sighed and thought of leaving the place.

" Isn't that Carol Montmartre aka Captain Marvel?! " a middle-aged woman asked.

" Yeah, she had badly f***ed up five years ago while fighting Iron Man! Now, she's doing another controversy in Russia! " a Hispanic man laughed at her. " That's why she got kicked out for being an Avenger! She's supposed to be guilty and arrested! " 

" Now, she's pregnant with her kid! Yet, I hope he will never get his mother's damned and freakin' angry genes! " an African-American lady replied.

" Poor baby, he's getting an international terrorist mom for real. " a young brunette man added and snickered.

Carol instantly stood-up from her seat and left the hospital lobby. She never wanted to stress herself from the chattering crowd. Just in time, her husband Methu-Selah arrived and hugged. The Kree Eternal sensed his wife's negative demeanor which he already knew.

" Carol, it's okay..." he empathized. " I knew how these people criticize you. "

" Methie, I just want to go home with you, relaxing together and thinking about our baby, " she replied. " I don't want to hear any nonsense from them. I'm sick and tired of them. "

" Yes, we are going home. "

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