Chapter 2

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(White House Situation Room, Washington DC, 9:00 AM)

   Colonel Carol Danvers had made her way to meet the Head of State as her companions waited for her at the lobby. She was dressed in a US Air Force uniform when someone assisted her to enter the room. 

   Entering the place, he saw a man in his early fifties or sixties. He cordially smiled after drinking his cup of coffee.

   " How are you doing, Colonel Danvers? " the President asked. 

   " I'm fine, sir, " she asked.

   " Please have a seat. "

   " No, thank you. " 

    Carol was still ashamed to explain everything she had done in the past several days. Meeting with a very important official seemed bothering to her which she had no choice, but to comply. The President had put down his mug and stood up from his seat.

   " What is it, sir? " the short-haired blonde woman asked. 

   " Do you think I can give you serious charges for what you have done. Honestly, I found your work very interesting. " 

   " Why did you say that? " 

   " Well, you handled all of this, even with the eyes of the world on you with incredible grace. " 

   " Thank you, sir. " 

   " And that profiling vision-making Inhuman? " 

   " No longer with us, I think ..." 

   The President sighed and placed his hands on his seat while placing his left hand on his pocket. He wanted to tell something as Carol waited.

   " That is too bad..." he replied. " I was really getting to used to this knowing the future before it happens stuff. "

   " A future, sir. " 

   " I'm sorry? "

   " It was a future. A possible future. One...One of many..."
   The President intently grinned and crossed his arms as he got more interested. He sat down on his seat and wanted to listen more. 

   " Am I going to explain everything to him? I made a terrible mistake, " she anxiously thought while looking at the official. 

   " Well, we're still breathing American air, " the president said. " So, I don't care about the hows and whys. And no matter what they say on the Facebook pages, most Americans don't care about the hows and the why's as long as they get to wake up on the next day. "

   " Yes, sir..."

   " So, what does it look like? What is the fallout over there in the superhero community? " 

     Carol sadly sighed and humbly bowed her head. She remembered everything she had done. It made a tremendous consequence for the rest of the heroes. That incident in the nation's capital was the most brutal and critical thing to experience. Agent Winter Schnee was indeed right, Carol would have faced more charges, but meeting with the Head of State seemed to redeem her. 

    " It's a little of everything, sir, " she calmly answered. " Some are just overwhelmed. Some find themselves having to start over. Some think they absolutely know what they need to do now. And the others might feel the exact opposite. Some are just so lost over what has taken place, doubting themselves. Some wounds will never heal. And there are some who have just become enigmas to me. I wonder if I will ever know what they are really feeling. But
I'm going to choose to focus on. I'm going to focus on the good that might have come out of this." 

   The President nodded in agreement and had his hands touched on the fingers. Behind him, the screen flashed an image of Tony Stark. Carol seemed uncomfortable in looking at it. He noticed her and switched it to stand by mode as it flashed the official US President seal. 

   " As will we all...but meanwhile the winner gets her prize. What can I get you Danvers? "  

  " Sir? "

  " You know not to long ago, I had Colonel James Rhodes right here, in this room, and I told him he was the future of the country, but now I'm's you. " 
   " Why is he redeeming me from all my sins? Seriously, is he really crazy? I'm a monster! Everybody hates me now, " she thought and raised her eyebrows. Carol tried to pacify herself and spoke, " I appreciate the gesture, Mr. President, but..." 

   " Not a gesture. You have a golden ticket in your hand and you can cash it in right here..." the President replied and raised his both hands in interjection. " You want to do your job as best as you can? Well, my piggy bank is open and I want you to go forward and win big. Don't blow this off. What I can do for you? " 
   Carol was tempted to accept the Head of State's offer which it was some sort of a bribing redemption. She had understood of her future which her new boyfriend mentioned and never wanted to repeat those mistakes. She was willing to be a mother for her future son as she wanted to make a difference and a good influence for him. Now, that was the only chance to make amends to attain that goal by bringing back the Ultimates or the Alpha Flight.

    " Actually, I have some ideas about the future, " she determinedly spoke.

(Bronx, Manhattan, NYC 7:00 PM)

   At a local bar, a white haired British-Chinese man from Kyrat was dressed in magenta suit sat along with his companions and started drinking with them. Barry Crawford was loudly laughing and listening to the man's story while a brunette German-Sokovian man was unamused to hear more and kept gulping his beer.

    " Mein freunden, are we expecting anyone here? " he impatiently asked. " Can we cut the chase and do something? "

    " Helmut, my friend, " the man named Pagan Min grinned. " Relax...relax... I'm just amused to hear about Barry's killing spree. It was quite fun that I make silly jokes about them! " 

    " Right! " the crocodile Faunus boisterously laughed and banged the table as the others noticed them.

   " We are supposed to meet the new recruits! But where are they?! " Baron Helmut Zemo furiously raised his voice.

   As the two men drank, there was commotion from the other end of the bar.  A well muscled German man wearing lederhosen with blond short hair was angry. Zemo turned and knew it was them. 

   " Ugh, so nasty... You call this shlop beer?! I vouldnt zerv this shwopage to the pigs of sausage. Such insult...!"

  " That is right mein freund, " the HYDRA agent stood up from his seat and approached them. " My other two comrades are waiting for you and wasting their precious time. "

   Pagan Min and Barry Crawford kept laughing and toasted their beer mugs as the other men noticed them. 
The man summoned his suit to his body a gold plated quarterback gear armor.

  " You giggle at me vunderkind Blitzkrieg?! " he defiantly asked as Zemo grimly stared at them and crossed his arms. 

   " No... They are making jokes of Fraulein Whiz-Bang's greatest mistake ever and Barry's killing sprees. I need you two since we are planning for her greatest demise. That is her FUTURE. " 

  A beam of light struck Blitzkrieg bringing him to his knees as a handsome man in his thirties with silver hair walked into the bar his silver armor with the Vatican symbol gleaming bright.

   " Sit down, dumbass! Your f#%$#!ing attitude, I command you to adjust! " 

   " Relax..." Zemo blandly spoke. " Relax..."

   The silver haired man kicked a chair at Zemo almost hitting him, but missing by a few inches. Still the Sokovian HYDRA Agent was not amused and yawned.

   " I am Javelin, the Vatican's secret weapon. I answer to the pope not you so f#$# you..."

   Blitzkrieg got to his feet with a smile on his face, " No fair! No fair! I have sit and you get to have fun...ja?"

   Javelin summoned his light sword out pacer and stuck it in the floor while kneeling in a knight stance.

   " If what Darkus' ruins says is true. This b#$$ is going to bring about an apocalyptic future... expect a fight..."

   " We are actually after those heroes, " Zemo answered. " Especially Fraulein Whiz-Bang, now will you excuse. My friends are coming to meet you. "

   Javelin clenched his gauntlet fist light leaking from his closed fist as he sat in a nearby chair.

   " Hero? " he grunted. " Any apocalyptic force that threatens the peace of the future deserves its villanous skull crushed..."

   " HYDRA wants them dead, my friend..." Pagan smiled and shrugged. " Especially the one who terribly divided the Avengers. I had a bad experience with her as Ms. Marvel by the way. "

   Blitzkrieg jumped up and down excitedly creating shock waves, " So...she haz caused you aches and painz then hahaha?! She strong, but I even stronger, ja? I will make her part of floor heaven and earth introduced... hahaha." 

   Javelin rubbed his temples and annoyed the vien in his head throbbing, " Shut the f $%$ up you stupid bastard!... My intel says she is tougher than you think. but she is not the only target correct. I need more intel on the others..."

   " Captain No-Good should be dead like her Inhuman friend! He disappeared, but I found and killed him instantly! " Barry added.

   " So you made Ulysses Cain as your bait? " Zemo asked.
   " Barry, when did you do that? " Pagan asked.

   " Yesterday, before you numbskulls found me! I found that kid somewhere else and made his bloodshed! "

   Javelin laughed sarcastically and poured himself a beer as the three HYDRA Agents stared at him. 

   " That's cute... You think your all that and a bag of chips don't you....adorable but sad. Love the....enthusiasm though! " 

   " I have all sources where the freaking Captain Marvel had gone these days, " Pagan smirked. " If all of you want to know..."

   The four of them turned each other as they got curious. It seemed a very interesting opportunity when they smiled. Javelin banged his mug on the table and belched so loud the left window cracked. The others turned to him and got terrified.

   " Well... yeah. "

  " Our wise parrots told me she's in the White House this morning along with her little friends from SHIELD and a new boyfriend. "

   Blitzkrieg walked towards the door,  " Then, the choice is eazy haha! I go and knock on door, ja? Big knock..."

   " Let's make a very good introduction to her, " he answered.

   " My plan is simple, I send the idiot in and he does damage. Then after a bit, I step in and "stop" him gaining thier trust. Finally, I put plan two face in motion, " Javelin smirked.

   " Good idea, but do you think it works? " Zemo asked and raised his eyebrows. He was not even satisfied on the plan
which he was thinking of another plan. Javelin put his sword away. 

  " This is not my first rodeo in another country. Appearing like a savior is what I was designed for...literally. " 

  " I want to join ya, guys! I want Captain No-Good to feel more pain, " Barry the Crocodile Faunus beamed and finished drinking his tenth mug of beer. Javelin walked towards the door to join Blitzkrieg. Pagan turned to the Sokovian man and signalled him to stop leaving. Zemo nodded and stood up from his seat. 

    " Not yet, my friends, " Zemo hindered the two and reminded his companions. " Remember this is a team effort, we shall all do this for HYDRA. "

   " Your little "group" doesn't concern me. I just want to kill her... That is my only mission, " Javelin sneered at him. 

   " Wealth is the only key to motivate you two..." Pagan took a briefcase and showed everyone the cash and Kyrat Vibranium. Javelin and Blitzkrieg grinned. " We will make further plans before getting there. " 

   Blitzkrieg mopped sadly, "All you do iz talk about the planning... I want to fight and break much waiting..."

   " This is the only way to make things successful. You cannot just fight without such plans, " Zemo seriously replied. " HAIL HYDRA...." 


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