Chapter 14

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I waited for Chris' reply  the whole night. I messaged him once, tried to explain to him the situation. He didn't answered back. It feels like there was lead in my throat. Trying not to cry. Desperately wanted to.

The room felt empty without him. It didn't help that the sheets still have the subtle perfume he wore earlier that evening when he put his head on my lap. I lay down on my usual side of the bed. Felt scared of the emptiness, cause now I know I'm definitely, 100%, in love with a guy who, for sure,  in ordinary situations, wouldn't even give me a second glance. The saddest part is, I feel like I'm the one who ruined it.

It was a beautiful thing, our time together...but maybe...times up.


I woke up in, what seems to me, like a few minutes after I dozed off. I was facing the side of the bed where Chris usually sleeps.

I was surprised to see him there. Awake and facing me.

He's so close I can see his irises. Feel his warmth. Smell his perfume, with a little hint of beer. He looks tired and not so pissed anymore. I wanted to reach out to make sure I'm not dreaming.

"I'm sorry." I said quietly, instead. Praying I don't look like crap.

"You have to stop compartmentalizing your life with me Mace." He sounded so serious.

"I know, but I don't want you to see how messed up they are and your always busy and tired. You don't need that." I sounded like a kid, trying to explain why I didn't ate my lunch.

"I don't need you're fuckin' protection. I want you. If that means dealing with messy, pathetic people then so be it. Stop protecting me and let me be a part of you're life." He said. Arms crossed, frowning.

I was listening and also, trying to memorize his face. How red his lips can be. Messy hair.

"I thought for a moment there, we were over." I said suddenly.

"What?" He frowned. "You wouldn't get rid of me that easy."

I chuckled and reached out to hug him. I love how he feels. Feels like home.

I love how Mace feels next to me. Chris thought. She fits me perfectly, there's no denying that.

"What he said back there. How ling have he been saying that to you?" Chris asked.

"I call them the "suicide squad." My voice muffled as I buried my face in his chest.

"Oh, Mace...." I love how concerned Chris sounded.

"You can't  do anything about them. You'll be sued." I warned him. Knowing what he's actually capable of.

"We'll see about that." He replied, ominously.


The loud banging on the door cannot be ignored.

"Mace! Open the fucking door!" It was Luke.

I groggily tried to get up. Wasn't easy as Chris' arm and leg are literally thrown over me like a vine and I hate to wake him up. So I tried - the operative word is "tried" - to move his arm and leg off of me.

And fell off the bed, with a loud thud, in the process...

"Ow!" I lay there, with sheets strewn on top of me, on the floor.

Chris look down at me from the bed, sleepy gorgeous eyes, early morning stubble.

He looked at me confused and then chuckled. "What the hell are you doing there?"

I gave him a nasty look. "Give me my robe, will you? it's  on your side."

"Should've fallen off on the other side then. Get up, will throw you on the other side." He was obviously enjoying this.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

"Chris! Gimme!Before Luke ruins the blasted door!"

Chris laughingly handed me my robe. I hurriedly walked out to open the door.

Luke was in the process of banging again when I threw open the door. I slammed it close when I saw a bunch of the productions crew walking behind him. All dressed up. At 6am?!

Chris went out of my room, wearing only sweatpants. And I thank the Lord above for morning blessings and 6 pack abs. He went to the kitchen. Probably to fix coffee or something.

Luke banged the door again.

I opened it up a bit. Peeked. That's when Luke decided to put all his weight and push the door open.

"Geez Luke, what the hell is all the raucous about?! Its 6am! Why are you dressed?"

"Why are YOU not dressed? So did prince charming messaged you...." Luke kept talking as he made his way into my couch.

Just then Chris walked in the living room. Sat on the couch. Coffee in his hand.

Luke stopped short.

He whistled. "Well honey, I can tell you've made up already. You didnt told me you wake up to this." He pointed at an amused looking Chris. "I would've invited myself in every morning. No wonder Rianne hates you."

I looked up. Prayed for patience.

"Answer my questions." I told Luke, and crossed my arms.

Luke looked at me, "why are you not dressed question? The shoot for Captain 6-pack here is cancelled due to technical stuff. David decided that the "team" thingy...whatever it gonna happen today. I messaged you, you know."

"What?! But I'm not ready! Can I not come?"

"That wouldn't be a good thing. People will think...." Luke warned.

"That I'm...yeah, but geez, I mean...I'm not...I haven't taken a shower yet." I hurriedly went in the bathroom to take a quick shower.

Chris stretched on the couch and tried to get up. "I'll text Dave. I'll drive you there. Just give me the address."

"No!" Me and Luke shouted in unison.

"I need to take the crew bus or else they'll think there's special treatment or something." I explained.

Chris shrugged. But went back in my room.

While in the shower, I heard him talking with someone. Decided it might be Luke. And then I heard Chris went in the bathroom.

"Mace, I'm going with you and with  Zack, ok."

"What? I cant hear you..." I switched off the shower to hear him better.

"I'm going. I told Dave. With Zack.

"Chris you can't ." I pleaded.

He opened the shower.

I tried to cover me up. It was a pathetic act.

"Can you not? I dont have time!" I shouted.

"I'm going with you. It's going to be ok." He gave me a lopsided grin.

I shook my head.

"Fine. Get out!" I tried to close the shower.

He, in turn, tried to get in. It was a losing battle and we were just laughing our head off when Luke shouted from the outside.

"Stop canoodling and get the fuck out you guys!"

I pushed Chris out. "Christopher! Get!"

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