Chapter 15

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As I look back now, that was one of the most beautiful and happiest I've ever been in my life. Thinking back, that I was actually focused on every details of my time with Chris.

Little moments.

It was intense. It was usually work on set, hotel, then work again but somehow he made it special. How he makes me laugh even though we're both tired, how he does silly things for the both of us to pass the times of endless waiting on set, how he kisses me when were talking.

He's sweet rude interruptions.

Whatever was Rianne and her squad was doing, it was muted by all the fun we both were having.

Those three was short and bittersweet.

The end came unexpectedly as all ending does.

It was horrible...the look on Chris' face when he saw my room...half naked.

Remembered, I just got out from the bathroom. Was holding the little stick that actually made me happy and anxious to tell Chris.

Remembered, Mike saying some crap about how sorry he was to Chris for finding out that way. That it was all a set up for us to get a close-up info about the ever elusive Chris Evans. That it's all about the money that we can get from the interested medias. Me, Rianne, and Mike.

That it was all a play.

Remembered, I was shaking. Stupidly shaking. Not doing anything as Chris took my silence as guilt. How Chris looked so hurt. Looked down on the floor and then, finally, looked at me with his cold blue eyes. And left.

Remembered, that I hurried after him when he walked out. Ran barefoot and half naked in the hallway. Pounding on his door. Crying. Begging.

"Chris...please....please...." Those sobs, forever branded in my mind.

I didn't know how long I was there, in front of his door. Begging. Scared that I might have created a scene and risked his reputation.

When I went back in my room, I saw Mike and Rianne laughing.

"How can you be so cruel? What did I ever do to you?" I said, angrily wiping away the tears.

They never answered. Or, I guess I never heard them. I just recalled their laughter as they left.


I dressed up, trying to be hopeful that day. He'll see, like before, that its all a set up made for me and him to be a mess.

And that, we're stronger than this shit...

At least, I thought we were....

Then I was called by Zack, just when I was about to go out of my room and go talk to Chris, again. I remembered how cold Zack's voice was on the phone. He said that I was not needed anymore. That I was asked to just fix my stuff and pack up. That he'll deal with what Chris needs.

I recalled feeling numb, but held on to the hope that surely, surely, Chris wouldn't just leave us like this...

How stupid can I get, right?

That day, I had to deal with looks of disgust and pity. And of course, Rianne. As if it was not humiliating enough that I was the only one packing my stuff on set, she just had to go over to me. Pretended that she was helping. Sealing the rumor that we, indeed, played Chris all along.

"You know whats up bitch?" She hissed. Making sure nobody else will hear her. "Words out that you're begging in front of his door and his PR heard about it. Decided to just cut you off before you do something embarrassing and risk Chris' precious reputation. Marvel wont have that, of course. And apparently, Chris is on board."

I smiled at Rianne, then. "Well...I hope your happy." I said and stood up. Walked away from the set.


Poor Luke, was trying to protect me but really, how can he help? Damage have been done. Chris believed them over us. I mean, what can we do right? What can he do? This is supposed to be all work. I was the stupid one who fell in love with someone I'm never suppose to.

Told Luke that I will inform Chris. He needed to know about the situation.

"No!" Luke said vehemently, he was furiously helping me pack. It was a bit comical, how he angrily pushes all my clothes inside my luggage. Not wanting me to be at that horrible place anymore.

"You will go back to Oregon and take care of the baby there. With people who loves you. I wont have that asshole anywhere near you, you hear?! He does not deserve you and he does not deserve that child." Luke, ever so loyal. I hugged him then. He was actually the one whose crying now.

"My God Mace, why the fuck did you let him do this to you? How can you even consider telling him when all he did was doubt and....trash you!" He spatted those last words out.

I just hugged Luke then. Not knowing what to say.

After a while I said, "Chris deserves to know. I dont want to be the mom who gets hated by her child cause I didn't even fought for her right of a father."


The night I was about to leave, I tried to call Chris but it goes straight to his voice mails. So I decided to, once again, swallow my pride and go stalk him - there's no other word, really - at the bar where I know they were to celebrate the last day of shoot with his friends.

It was a chilly night, I feel like vomiting then, not sure if it was a part of the pregnancy or the nervousness. I saw Zack, entering the bar. Knew this is my one and only chance to speak with last time...

I huddled in my coat and approached Zack. He saw me and immediately blocked the bar entrance.

"Stop, Mace." He looked at me with so much pity. My mind keeps screaming, go and leave.

"Please Zack, this is important. I've got..." I pleaded.

"He doesn't want to see you anymore, Mace. Its over..." Chris cant even be bothered with telling me that its over between us. I have to hear it second hand. With Zack. In my face, I thought bitterly.

I looked over at Zack's shoulder and saw Chris looked at the entrance, his eyes found mine...saw him tensed and clenched his jaw....turned his back to me.

"Chris!" I tried to get in.

Zack stopped me. "Stop being fuckin' selfish mace! Cant you see! He got enough of the drama! You'll ruin him. Don't you get it! If this gets out what then?!"

I looked at Zack. Stubbornly shook my head.

"I'll wait until he... Zack please...this is important. Please..." He seems to note the desperation in my voice and hesitated.

But then said, "Sorry, Mace." and went inside. Making sure that he informed the guards that the pathetic girl outside was not allowed in.

I remembered then, I waited and waited by the stairs, beside the bars entrance. My cellphone buzzing as Luke tried to call me. I didn't told him my plan. I know how desperate it was then. How so unlike me. He'll be here for sure if I did. Screaming bloody murder at Chris. Or Zack.

Zack came out after an hour or so, and saw me. Went over, "Mace, what the fuck! Its freezing!"

He was trying to take off his coat for me when I saw Chris angrily stalked towards us.

This is it, I thought then, I don't care if he's mad. He needs to know.

I stood up, opened my mouth to speak when he grabbed me by the shoulders and through gritted teeth, spat out, "Get the fuck away from me Mace, before I forget what you were to me. You used me. Made a fool out of me and now I'm paying the price for it. Do me a fuckin' favor, get the hell out of my sight!"

He shoved me back. Good thing I grabbed the banister to keep me from falling backward.

I remembered a sob escaped from my lips then. I hated myself for that.

Saw Chris's broad back as he went inside his SUV.

That was the last time I ever saw Chris.


Author's Note:

When I was writing "A Sorta Fairytale" my mind was actually not on how Chris and Mace met. To me, their real story started when they got separated. Hope you guys will keep reading. :)

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