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Practice patience; it is the essence of praise. Have patience, for that is true worship. No other worship is worth as much. Have patience; patience is the key to all relief.

~ Rumi


sleep.was long forgotten,
my mind seized to think,
while my heart seeked for assistance.

If mummy isn't ready to believe me than how am.I supposed to prove my modesty.
I have nothing to show just words as my proof.

Mom looked so hurt and angry how am.I going to face her.will she tell to baba?

No she can't what will I do than.

Will baba believe me? .

The letters are clearly showcasing my hatred for Umar and any proposal besides one unknown person.

Who could have done such a thing every one here is so polite ..

has he done it?
.Yes exactly who else .He was the one who threatened me but I didn't believe he Will actually act so low.

I.can't believe it.,but after yesterday's encounter with him.I think he can do anything.

I think it's time to tell mom the truth about his behavior. he was the one who threatened my modesty.

Umar how could you do this.You have left me speechless with your pathetic stunt.

This isn't the way to gain someone you are just losing me more .

I just hope this doesn't spread in the house how will I face everyone,how will I prove to so many people it's just impossible..

I didn't do anything yet if my mom doesn't believe me than who will.

No one.

Ya Allah in what mess I.have been tangled...I need help.

"Areesha you haven't eaten anything" sana looked at my plate .

"I am.not hungry ,I ate late last night" I assured.

How am I supposed to eat when my mom didn't even glanced at me from the morning.

"Your just leaving in two days I can't believe this" hina api orated sadly.

"Yeah our house will be empty" granny spoke

"Don't worry they all will gather soon" phuphee smiled.

"Granny I am here to give you company why do you worry "dani winked making her chuckle.

"Get ready in the evening we will be going out "Asad bhai pointed.

"Areesha after you arrive from outside come to my room your baba and i wants to talk to you" mom stated making my heart drop.

While I just nodded from outside.

"Areesha come play tennis with us" dani exclaimed after breakfast.

"No dani I am not a good player."

"Yar please na sana tell her to come Amir and Reema are waiting for us there".He chided.

"Let's go we will have fun" sana dragged me towards the tennis court outside.

Why I didn't knew this before I thought seeing the court.

"Okay first round i and Amir will show you untill than you can warm up to it.by seeing the best players play" dani boasted .making sana roll her eyes.

"Sure champions go ahead" I said.

"This was sarcasm" wasn't it dani inquired.

"Sure it was" Reema answered before I could speak.

"We will see ,we will see" he puffed .

No doubt they were very good at this.
And now I am panicking due to my brutal skills.

"Your turn" he handed me the bat

" play against Amir" Daud extended.

"Hey! no I will play against sana.I am not a good player as he is."

"We never know how good we are un till we try it" Amir voiced

"Every one says that and I am not going to embarrass myself ."

"Oh so someone is afraid call Daud to play with Areesha" Amir exclaimed.

"I am not afraid just wouldn't compete with you."

"It means the same" dani supported.

"Your supposed to be on my side".I glared at him.

"I will only support the truth" he raised his bottle making me huff.

"Okay I am playing."

"Yay that's my Areesha" sana chided

"Don't think high sana "I voiced smiling.

It looked like a phase where a girl who was afraid to play comes in and when she competes she brakes all the records
but this was reality where my hands were trembling badly due to nervousness thinking whether I will be able to hit at least one ball.

This was the tenth ball in which I wasn't able to.hit
Besides one that to went in wrong direction.

"Why are you trembling ?"Amir chuckled picking up the ball which I aimed at the air conditioner.

"I knew I am bad at this" I kept the bat on the table.

"No you were good " sana tried to lie

And since the start of the game dani was laughing at my every aim.

"Dani stop it" I glared.

"Sorry" he raised his hands trying to surpress the audible laughs.

"Your lucky api I was here playing with bahi since morning and with my every miss he showered me with his anger .and now look at how patient he is being" Reema pointed.

"That's because he was trying to encourage you dear
but he could do it politely.".I said.

"Ready for next round "Amir pointed

"I will play against Dani un till you rest" I orated.

"Will I get to eat your pasta before you go than?" dani took his position.

"If you lose only than" I said making everyone laugh.

"Woah.Areesha spoke something brave in a whole month since she is here!" dani exclaimed.

"Stop it and start "I instructed.

"I am ready to lose for the pasta " he looked at Amir and sana.

"Fair deal" Amir encouraged.

And he did loose not by my skills but his own. He never hit the ball.

Playing with him encouraged me and I did better than.before .I wasn't nervous at all as I was with Amir

"Api mum says to come in an hour" Ameera came realizing me of the situation I had to face..

"Play a round with me and than you can go" Amir came in front .

Nodding I took my position

I.was afraid,panicked and angry from inside that I didn't knew what happened that with every hit of a ball against the bat grew my determination a little more to surpass this trial.
It had nothing to do with my current situation yet here it was proving the opposite.

I am glad I listened to Dani

I was just a very average tennis player.I used to play with Rayyan when small,
Within a round I would miss at least 5 hits.but here due to my present situation
I was proving better with each hit.

Every pound of the ball with my bat gave me peace it's beyond my imagination how.

I could see the demons of my life growing with passing seconds.

With each breath I thought of a new way to defend myself again mom.yet it was just the new words considered to be ways.

In less than an hour I will stand in front of my parents

What do I have except mere words weighing my innocence

How did I come to this ,I wasn't even prepared for what I have to face .

Yet most battles you deal with in life are the once you fight without being prepared!'

This wasn't a rule of life but a strange way of it.

Maybe I should speak to Umar

Yes I will ask him to tell the truth

"I um have to be somewhere" I kept the bat.

"Why? see how amazingly your playing."dani pointed

"IN shaa ALLAH next time dani"I.said while going .

"Should I come with you ?"sana shouted from afar.

"No no you continue".I gestured with my hands.

"Umar I want to speak to you" I said as I spotted him .

"Okay come in the room" he spoke confused.

"In the garden" I pointed out.

"Lead the way" he instructed..

"What's the matter?"

"I didn't knew that you will actually stoop so low Umar" I started slowly.

"What do you mean speak clearly.?"

"Why did you kept those letters in my.bag.
Huh?.do you even know that how cruel.it is to accuse someone".I spoke trying my best to stop the tears.

"Why would I do this I told you already that it wasn't me speaking it was a mistake I will never harm your honor" he flared.

"I don't believe you" I gulped.

"Than don't believe me I didn't do it that's it ,I don't care".He glared.

"This is the main problem that you don't care for anyone except yourself."

"You don't have any right to accuse me Areesha,I just want you to agree for my proposal I am not begging" he shouted.

"Than make it clear that my answer will never be yes for you." I spoke confidently

And he left without a glance.

"I thought I warned you not to be alone with him after his behavior." Amir glared as I turned around.

Is That why Umar left?

"Amir it's non of your business"

"It is my business you admit or not" he looked at me

I am.having enough problems already.

"Amir I would appreciate it if you will not involve yourself in my personal matters so leave please."

"Umar isn't your personal matter."

Ya Allah

"Amir I am having enough problems already will you please spare me ,I am.not interested to answer any of your questions .and I don't think I should either" I falred.

"So please leave me and don't come near me again please it's a request that I hoping you will consider .as you do to my other requests."

"I didn't meant to offend you in any way Areesha,it's just that I don't like umar's outward behavior and with you not at all" he answered.

"Amir I appreciate your concern but please Rayyan and baba are there.I don't want any more problems that will be caused by our contact.I hope you understand" I said slowly leaving without an answer due to my betraying tears


Standing outside her room my heart raced warnings me not to step in.

"Mummy" I gulped opening the door.

"Come in" she replied monotonous.

Sit she pointed

Shukar baba wasn't here.

"Areesha tell me the truth who it is and I will not tell your baba we will solve this out "she started.

"Mummy he is no one believe me please."

"Areesha there are no jinns in the house to keep those letters inside your purse."

"Mummy promise it wasn't me .have I ever done stuff like this?."

"I don't know.What to believe" she sighed.

"Mummy please believe me you know na that whenever a boy has approached me or even talked to me I have told you every single thing than how can you say I.have done this and with whom will I do" I tried to explain .

"Than who could have done this huh? Areesha no one can.touch your bag..here NO one is like that.!"

"I don't know" I said slowly.

"Maybe I should tell your baba
if your not telling the truth."

"Mummy I didn't do it" I cried.

" it' could be umar"I said

"How Many times he has asked me for your answer I am sure he can't do this" I am telling your baba only he can now take the truth out of you..

"You.have broken my trust so.badly Areesha !"mum cried

Despite of my pleas she called baba and Rayyan.

She orated all the matter to them while I sat there numb with only tears I wasn't allowed to speak un till she finishes.

"Baba I wouldn't do anything you believe me right?" I looked at him.

"Fatima my daughter isn't like that it could be anyone playing.Don't accuse her" he orated giving me hope.

"Because of you being lenient she got the courage to this all see this letters I got from her purse" she shoved in his hands.

While I sat there on the brick of my respect and doom.

"Beta explain this" baba gazed at me with hurt.

"Baba it isn't me!" I stood up.
"It's not even my.hand writing" I sniffed.

"Fatima it could be someone else" he looked at my mom.

" if Anyone could keep letters in her bag than why would anyone have problem with umar's proposal ".she stated

"Baba" I pleaded with my tearful eyes standing close to him.

"Fatima" my father gazed at her..

"Okay if it isn't you than marry Umar you shouldn't have problem with that" mom orated making me halt.

"I can't mummy pleaseI"I.whispered

"Why can't you?" she glared

"Because this is Umar's doing" I stated

"Areesha" she warned

"Mummy I am saying the truth it's Umar that day when you were not here he came to my room and threatened me that if I will not say yes he Will ruin my respect".I orated breathless.

"Uff Areesha there is a limit to.hate you can't accuse him of such thing when he has been trying to approach you through elders.he has sent a proposal than why would he do this."

"I don't believe you a bit now your covering this filth by accusing him..I"

"Your mom is right he came to us and we assured him that we just need sometime why would he do this than" baba spoke.

"Baba you have to believe me" I cried.

"You have ashamed me Areesha" he spoke making me fall to the ground.

The weight of his words were to heavy for my soft heart to handle.

"Areesha" Rayyan spoke for the first time since he was here.

He made me sit on the bed while my tearful hiccups didn't seized.

"Mum Areesha will never do like this I believe my sister" he orated.

"I didn't believe that I will come to face a day where my daughter whom I trusted the most will ruin our dignity and pride" mom choked.

"We just wanted respect in return of everything we did beta" mum spoke shattering me from in..

I.wasn't able to respond after being accused of something I would never do

"We will talk later Areesha here dry your tears we will go to my room".Rayyan held me.

"Baba no matter whatever you both say I have been there with my sister always and I am the proof of her innocence and I will stand out to anyone who points finger at her modesty..my sister isn't like that.."

Attaching the bits of remaining courage I got up and went with Rayyan to his room.

"Rayyan I didn't do this" I hugged him while crying.

"I know I believe you completely" he patted my head.

"I am with you don't worry we will figure a way out."

"And I don't want to marry Umar" I hitched.

"I will not let you marry him never against your will please calm down please" he wiped my tears.

Alhumdulilah for a caring brother.

" please sleep here on my bed .You.Don't need to face anyone by.going out relax I will tell your head is paining and wouldn't let anyone come here."

"Please you need sleep"

"Please be here" I whispered

"I am.here ."

Assalam o alikum wa rahmatulahi wa barakatuhu.

How are you my lovely readers.

An intense chapter I know.

Whom to believe .

Areesha is facing a very crucial stage in her life..How will she survive.

How was the chapter I would love to know your thoughts.

Take care :-)

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