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The way is not far
from you to the friend:
you yourself are that way:
so set out along it.

- Hakim Sanai

Maybe you are searching among the branches, for what only appears in the roots.

~ Rumi

"Why are you crying api" Daud touched my tears cautiously.

"I am not  hero.it's just to cold over here" I lied.

"You are leaving na?" he sat beside me sadly.

"We will meet again" I encouraged wiping my tears which didn't wanted to seize.

"I want you to stay with me forever" his eye glistened.

"We can talk on Skype and you can visit me" I combed his hair with my hands.

"Yes" he hugged me tight.

His small hands around me assured me a little peace which I have starting craving...

"Hero your mummy is calling you" I patted his small head.still in my embrace.

"I want to stay here a little more with you" he mumbled close to my heart..

I didn't wanted him to leave either

Kissing the crown of his head I advised him to listen to aunty first which he obliged.

Returning to my previous view of the cold misty garden behind the foggy glass. showcasing my life at the moment all foggy and unclear..

This view had always intrigued me someway or other .It was a routine to look out everyday since I have been here.
But today seeing it didn't gave me peace
It failed to bring a smile on my lips.
It lacked to freshen my heart
It just acted as a mirror of my unstable life.

I haven't seen or talked to my parents since the last encounter.

Despite of me being right I was surrounded by guilt to face them.

It showed me that my constant hard work for being away from any harmful relationship proved to be futile ..because I have failed to gain my parents trust any way..

My father's words still echoes around me .He was right I have ashamed him.

How will I clear this miss understanding.

Since the morning I have seen and sensed the whispers of some aunt's and neighbors relating to my delaying of the proposal

The thing which irritated me was non of them were on my side .

All I could hear was how can I delay such a good proposal,I am being ungrateful,I am a proud girl or maybe I like someone else.

I didn't delay it I refused it but what I came to know is granny has just delayed giving my parents time.

None of my proposals became a night mare never but this..

Umar why did you came in my life..

Now I.wish I shouldn't have come.

I.never thought it will turn out to.be this huge issue..

Not only that today at breakfast I could clearly see the changed behavior of granny and Umar's father..

Will I only get respect if I agree to be with him..

It wasn't that hard to agree but just before that night he threatened me to accuse.I wouldn't be able to walk with him in life...and it's not his love its his craze to get what he desired like he gets everything..

What scares me is craze for anything turns that thing to worthless after it is attained..

And his obsession for me is nothing other...


"Rayyan please go and take some rest" I chided

"I am fine" he pointed.

Since yesterday night he  has been my support not just emotionally but in every possible way he could help me with my packing taking care of meals and have been around mostly

"You look like a zombie" I glared.

"You are being stubborn."He glared back

"Rayyan I have to go with the girls please I am fine".I said slowly

"Fine but please don't worry "he said  going to his room.

Leaving a smile due to his gesture

"Areesha" Amir came in front of my door.

"Hmm" I hummed without glancing at him.

"I am sorry if I made you uncomfortable in any way .I don't like anyone not speaking to me because of my any gesture."He looked at me intently

"It's okay" I whispered glancing around to see if anyone was there

I didn't wanted to create  new topic for them

"But I will still stand to  anyone making you feel uncomfortable that you can't stop".He spoke serious.

"Amir:- I started.

"Apii Ameera wants her jewellery bag" Reema exclaimed coming near.

"Yeah it's on my bed you can take it" I pointed.

"I will miss you and Ameera  but my heart is at content because After two days we will be together there" she chided kissing my cheeks.

"Yes" I smiled returning her hug

By the time she went Amir was gone too.


"Hey!" dani smiled sitting beside me on the stairs while keeping a safe  distance.

"Hey little brother" I glanced .

"Remember once I told you that I will tell you a secret" he inquired

"Hmm" I hummed.

"I will tell you now ."he grinned

"Sure" I encouraged..

"Here goes" he started

"In the nights of the nights with the full moon shining outside  only lamps with golden lights eradicating darkness around us and secluded from people I would reveal my secret to you" he started making me confused.

"Are you a poet" I asked curious.

"No,just listen to my secret".He spoke serious

"I am listening" I replied slowly.

"Areesha"he looked


."you are very innocent" he declared looking ahead.

"Dani" I warned

"What this was the.secret" he emphasized

"Uff goo from here" I chided making him chuckle

"Dani you can never be serious" I huffed.

"No no.actually I really wanted to share something."

"What" I asked not trusting him.

"There is this girl" he sighed.

"Girl? Dani please no jokes" I warned.

"It isn't a joke this time I am serious."

"What about that girl?"

"I l like her"

"Explain please"I proded

"She is in my college
there I started liking her.I don't really know her but as ,she never spoke apart from.necessary"

"I want you to help me !"

"How can I help ?"I asked

"Your the only one I knew who would take my matter seriously.I want you to talk to her just asking if she is engaged or not or if she likes someone after that I will handle it .by speaking to mom"he requested

"You have her number.?"I smirked

"Umm_ yah I I took it from the register "he gazed in front .

"Who knew the Dani inside is totally different "I teased

"Areesha please will you help me ?"

"Of course I will dani but I am leaving tomorrow night"

"I know I just didn't had the courage to speak to you."

"You can call her tomorrow"he orated

"These things take time Dani .poor girl will get scared if I directly ask all these things in a call.."

"No she will not the way you speak she will start loving you I just know."

"Dani it doesn't work like that."I answered

"I wanted you to meet her I just knew your soft personality will make her a fan of you."

"Dani I am not like that "I rolled my eyes

"You don't even realize it ."He answered

"Why don't you talk to sana Dani she is your sister I know she will help you'"

"She will start making fun of me" he chided.

"No Dani your lucky to.have a sister like sana ,speak to her and I know she will help you."

"No Areesha it isn't like that."

"A sister is the  best friend dani who will always help you in all matters" I smiled

"Areesha I don't know" he sighed

"Dani if you want I can speak to her for you but I will advice one thing if she isn't willing don't force her" I looked at him.

"I wouldn't ever force her" he pledged

"Hey dani what are you.saying about me Areesha whatever he has said relies on myths".sana chided coming down.

"Areesha for now please don't tell anyone" dani panicked.

"Sure" I giggled.

"So tell me what you two were backbitting about me!" sana hoped beside me.

"So Areesha where were we oh yah I was advicing you to  keep in mind that  stay away from sana always she has the tendency to nag a person to death," dani smirked

"Dani!! " sana warned

"Sana he was saying your the best sister in the world and he can't imagine a life without you. "

"Oh my really Areesha" sana squished his cheeks .

"Move away women" he scoffed .making us chuckle.

Why is everything failing to excite me.

"I am going in and don't get afraid jinns are going to run away from there anyway" he muttered going.

"We all are going to enjoy tonight as it's your last night here" sana looked sadly at me.

"I will miss you my dear" I hugged her

"I await for the day you will marry Umar and join us" hina api winked making me internally groan.

"I understand you need time and we fully support you" zari api patted my cheeks.

"Although we wouldn't mind whisking you away with us now" hina api exclaimed

"She isn't comfortable with the topic than why are you disturbing my princess" Sana glared at them.

Since morning till night I haven't talked to my parents nor have seen them.

"Areesha are you sad because you will miss us or....."Annie trailed of .

"Annie" I chided throwing the cushion at her.

"Girls will you bless us by your presence" Asad bhai grunted at the door.

"Oh my we  totally forgot you all were waiting for us" hina api slapped her forehead.

Since it was our last night here they all decided to watch  Alvin and the chipmunk together while devouring snacks.

"Are you all jinns!" Kiran api chided looking at the empty bowls which once were filled with snacks few time ago

"we were waiting with snacks but because of you all being late we had to do something" dani defended

"Girls let's fill them and no snacks for you all during the movie" zari api glared

"Let's see about that" Ahmad Bhai scoffed starting the movie.

During the whole time nothing brought a smile on my face ,nor made my heart content.
I was just starting at the t.v sometimes trying to take part in the ongoing conversation.

not for once I found Umar not starting at me

But at a point when I felt at ease and didn't felt his stare  seeing I realized that Amir has  changed his position coming between .

And the  time went on.making me anxious by every minute

"Take care of your self" hina api kissed followed by all of the girls ..

"I will miss your pasta thanks for making it again" dani smiled.

"My pleasure" I replied.

"This person only thinks about food" sana rolled her eyes.

"It was a great time spent with you all" Asad bhai patted Rayyan

"The house will feel empty now" Ahmad Bhai voiced

"My daughter love you" phuphee kissed my forehead.

But there was a difference in her tone.

"Don't worry this aunty is going to meet you soon" humaira aunty hugged.

Bidding everyone farewell I went towards my room to pick my things

Except humaira aunty I felt a difference in the time of every aunt. But Alhumdulilah my cousins were all the same with cheery attitude

Daud was asleep on my bed hugging my pillow.

When he Will wake up I will be far away from him

Kissing his forehead I fixed the blanket around him.

"So your leaving" Umar called from behind.

Thankfully away from you.

"is it this way we will part" he added coming in front.

"Umar I.Don't want to talk to you" I looked away.

"This wasn't the way it supposed to happen" 

"Will you not say anything" he inquired huffing.

"Areesha it wasn't me" ,he sighed.

"Areesha speak I didn't took permission just for you  to stand still."He glared

"What do you want" I looked at him.

" why you refused I want the reason'?"he asked

"Umar the most important thing for a girl is her modesty and self respect which is not just linked with her but her whole family,her past ,present and future.I can't forget you were the only person to point on it."

"You can't gain a person with force ,money or  Just by claiming it yours".

"If you want to earn someone's heart you have to work and think using a heart .not just mind."

"And the fact you have got everything you ever wished for doesn't mean in regards to a girl it will be the same."

"Love which you talk about should be earned by love not the way you think".I.ended slowly

"Does that indicate that your answer is still no?".He inquired

"Yes" I whispered.

"Do you love anyone?"

"It isn't your matter." I closed my eyes

"So that means you do love someone".

"My heart will belong to the only person which is written for me by Allah."

"And I will keep it for only him ." I said confidently

There was just silence

"What's your relationship with Amir.?"he inquired

"You are no one to ask me about my any relation."

"The way he defends you shows something else."He accused

"People only see what they want to see"i mumbled.

"I have noticed it many times that you follow what he says but when I say it you just ..He kicked the chair jolting me.

"Your ways are totally different" I replied leaving him.

Umar knew now if he has to gain her love he has only one way to do so not by money ,not by force but the only  way which will hopefully make her his.hopefully

The mother was helpless seeing the longing in the precious eyes of her beloved son.
How could his granny grasp to the fact that she wasn't able to fulfill the wish of her most loved.grandchild.
Tears glistened in her eyes seeing him lost
She didn't had the idea it would be even difficult,refusal was something she didn't even gave a thought about.
They all were sad at some point for him.

Deep inside accusing the girl not trusting her elders in the most important decision of her life

Yet they all failed to see the weak frame behind the strong facade the girl wore.

Nor was they able to see the unshed tears her eyes shone with

There was only one person just one who vowed inside his heart that he will try his best to complete her happiness May it be with .........

And there vacation which was supposed to be a time for her to paint the memories turned out to be canvas without any colours..

She lost the most important thing her parents trust,with that there pride.

How will she find the key to open the doors of her respect and that love which the heart of her beloved parents contained just for her.

The door seemed not just locked but far away from her reach to

With the wish to never comeback she stepped outside of the house,far from  his hold  and the grasp of the people who wanted to rule her life with there wishes not even bothering about   hers

Assalam o alikum wa rahmatulahi wa barakatuhu.

My sweet and lovely readers how are you all?

How was the chapter?

Areesha left.what about Umar now?

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