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And do not worry that your life is
turning upside down.
How do you know that the side
you are used to is better than the one to come?

~ Rumi

"Areesha my strawberry how are you?" kanwal hugged me tight.

It's been three days since I have arrived and it proved to 'be a huge relief seeing my friends .I was feeling suffocated staying home for the first time

"I missed you" I orated returning the hug.

"Hey my turn now!" aliya voiced trying to separate us from the hug.

"Someone is just jealous" kanwal moved

"I missed you more than kanwall" she squished me

"Aliya no! no!" I warned seeing her intention.But she was far from listening.

"Hold on tight" she twirled around making me dizzy..

"Now this is the way to greet a friend missed you lot" she boasted moving away.

"You made me dizzy" I blinked my eyes to steady them

"It looked like a looooooooong vacation truly we were bored to do anything but we watched all the animated movies from Cinderella to fairy topia once again" Aliya mused.

"Very mature of us I know" kamwal winked.

"Not even once did you remember me" I scoffed.

"In all those princess movies we kept searching for Areesha whose Prince was searching for her but our princess was to busy running away from the evil demons" kanwal sighed

I froze

"What happened it looks you really didn't recognized your Prince who was there all along" Aliya mocked.

"You know I don't like these kinds of jokes" I glared.

"So you will now glare at us after a whole month of leaving us alone to suffer" Kanwal wiped her fake tear.

"Didn't you have mercy leaving me alone with her" aliya pointed


"Please na I am tired to laugh" I whined making them glare at me

"So tell us everything from the day you stepped in Pakistan to the Dubai airport" kanwal chided dragging me to the cafe seat.

"It was a wonderful vacation I enjoyed a lot but I will narrate it some other time ,we don't have much time "

"At least one scene" kanwal pouted.

"I will tell you about the cousin's trip we tried to stop"
and narrated the whole incident

"Wow that was so amazing if only they haven't played to" Aliya laughed

"Awee they all sound so wonderful ,girl your lucky to.have them" kanwal mused.

Not all

"Take me with you next time" aliya chided.

"Sure" I smiled

"Something is missing in you do you miss anyone" aliya wiggled her eyebrows.

"Yah the cheerfulness in you isn't there" kanwal pointed.

"I am the same" I huffed

"No we will discuss it later it's time to leave" kanwal signalled

"You all have to tell me about your adventures over here" I pointed looking at them.

"Yes we will and Areesha you have to tell us everything tomorrow when we will meet" kanwal smiled

We were invited for dinner at thIere house

"Hmm" I hummed

No doubt they are very close to me just like true sisters but how can I tell them about the conflict taking place between me and family I can't do that

I still haven't adjusted to the fact that they don't believe me how will I tell them no

not now at least

I should clearly talk to mom today the silent treatment which I received last 4 days has been to excruciating for me to bear.I will make her believe that it wasn't me and I am sure she will understand.

These were my only thoughts till I reached home .

"Where is mummy Rayyan".I asked entering home

"You came Areeshey I was just leaving with my friends I brought your favorite chocolates.Don't tell Ameera."he grinned

"Rayyan this isn't fair" I glared.

"Api Of course I bought for her and she already ate it so I am just warning you she will take yours too" he chuckled.

"She is our baby sister she has the right to have extra" I smiled.

"By the way how was your day?" Rayyan tied his laces.

"It went fine Alhumdulilah and Aliya missed her baby bunny" I smirked.

"I am not her baby bunny" he grunted

"It's between you and her I just gave her message." I shrugged

"Than give her my message to that I didn't missed the modern aunty at all" he grumbled.

Rayyan and Aliya always had been on a name fight they irritate each other with exact names they hate.

"Well you can give your message tomorrow as we are invited there" I pointed.

"Yah I am leaving Ameera is upstairs take care" he waved.

"ALLAH Hafez have fun! "I orated closing the door.

Let's see what's my baby sis is doing
I will talk to mum as soon as she arrives I thought going upstairs

"Ameera candy how are you?" I layed beside her.

I was so indulged in my matters that I failed to recognize that it's been long since I.had a long talk with her.and
I know she doesn't know about the letters thankfully

"Ameera" I shook her shoulders

No response.

"Ameera I know your awake come on answer miss candy" I tickled.

Jolting up she covered her face with a hitch.

"Are you crying Ameera"
" what happened?" I hugged her close.

"Get away from me" she yanked herself away.

What has happened to her.

"Ameera did I do something" I asked confused.

"What did you not do" she glared with teary eyes.


"What do you mean? Please talk about it" I said slowly

"What's there to talk about it api you always do this ."

"What did I do Ameera.?"

"You took Rayyan away from me too" she flared


"Ameera control your voice and we can speak politely" I warned.

"I can't take this anymore api I am tired" she cried .

"Ameera please tell what's wrong clearly and let it all out "

"You won't understand" she flared.

"I will try"

"You always always snatch the attention,

From child hood anywhere we go it has been only about you."

"I get the result baba and mama always lectures comparing it with yours."

"Ameera my dear:

"No listen to me first don't stop me please listen" she demanded

"We go anywhere from the eldest to the smallest sings your praises."

"We went for vacation everyone made you the center of attraction praising you everywhere."

"Seeing your comfort.always".She breath

"If you dont wan't to go out no one goes"

"But if you say everyone perks up saying yes."

Allah I closed my eyes taking a deep breath

"I do something they all say to follow you."

"When I demand something they show your character."

"Please Ameera at least let me clear your misunderstanding"I pleaded

"Let me speak today" she glared

"In murree if anywhere you weren't present all of them ask about you a thousand times and if it's me no one even cares."

"Because of you I get blocked everywhere.!"

"Even in office party baba took you not me ."

"If you ask baba something he replies fondly but when I ask something I get a response to use my brain."

"Areesha this!' Areesha that.!

"I want a daughter like Areesha".

"May ALLAH bless everyone a daughter like her."

"I want her as my daughter in law."

"Awee I wish she was my sister."

"This is all I hear wherever I go and I am tired of this craziness

if they love you so much than they can have you.."She shouted

Please tell me this is a dream I can't handle it

"Everything in my life is compared to your standards which turns my efforts meaningless ."

"They all have made you a trophy I can't reach ever even if I play with my life."

"They have made your status so high that an average person cannot even look at you.."

"Everything you do turns to be good everything.."

This isn't true

"And how i am introduced every where.
See the trouble maker."
"Oh Ameera the naughty girl"

"Ameera who? Ameera oh Areesha's sister How lucky are you."

"Because of you I am failed to be recognized anywhere they only know me by you.."

"In mom's friend circle it's you."

"In baba's office it's you. Who is recognized as his daughter by everyone".

I can't believe this is happening

"You know how much time I spent with Reema and in the end she told she wished to have a sister like you.."

"And now Rayyan the only person left I asked him to take me somewhere and he was like, he Wouldn't take me if Areesha will not go"

"But if the same thing you had told
he would have been ready in a moment."

"He never spends time with me now he just stays with you ,."

"Api am I this bad than why don't mom throws me somewhere so far."

"Ameera you shouldn't think like that your our princess" I whispered still not it coming to the reality.

"Api I beg you see my hands stay away from me and my friends I am tired of your praises and because of you I am.blocked everywhere."

"Ameera without you our lives are colorless your our doll please don't say this."

"No your there princess what problems do you have ?"

If only you knew

"Ameera understand please this all isn't true" I whispered not knowing what to say

"Let me shine by my own .stay away from me" She shouted banging the door.

I have. Lost my.only sister too.

Why is my life taking an unwanted turn and I see only darkness ahead.

Ameera isn't like this I know she would never think like that
it's beyond my thinking capacity that how she came to this.

If only she knew that what I am going through now.

This thing will not remain hidden for long I know.

Why one by one everyone is leaving me alone.

I am afraid Rayyan Wil change to.

Since when has this grudge been growing inside her.

"Areesha give me water" mom voiced from down

Mummy is here

The faster I will clear the misunderstanding the better.

I cleaned the cascading tears from my face
Taking a deep breath I summoned a little courage to talk


Sitting close to mummy my heart craved for her love while my eyes longed to see the same affection once she had for me.

"Mummy" I croaked

"Hmm" she hummed not glancing at me.

I wanted to say so many things but my I forgot everything when I saw she didn't even looked at me

"Will you not believe your daughter ever" I asked .

"She left nothing to trust her about" she grazed.

"Just for once mummy ask your heart that can I do this,mummy it was you who taught me to always listen to my heart .Does your heart says I am guilty".I chocked.

"My heart said my daughter can never stoop so low but her accusing others to hide her fault said she has done it."

"How can you blame me so directly does only those letters speak about my character .
Nothing else indicates you that I couldn't do it.,does nothing.Mummy" I breathed out full of rage.

It was enough

"Watch your tone Areesha and leave from my room your baba is going to come here and I don't want to spoil his mood by saying something to you so leave me" her cold voice spoke.

"Your pushing me to that edge mummy from where you will lose me forever" I orated with teary eyes going away.

"Api" Rayyan kept his hand on my shoulder

"They are not ready to believe me what have I done" I cried hugging him

"I don't know.Why they are not ready to believe but I promise you api we will find a wayI am here. how many days they will.ignore in the end only truth wins" he consoled.

"Rayyan thank you for believing me I can't survive alone."

"Areesha I am your brother you will always find me standing with you."

The unfolding layers of my destiny ahead was scaring me with each step taken.

The sadness in mom's eyes,the brokenness in baba's gaze. Was to much for me to handle.

Each minute of my life spend in thinking and forming the ways which can prove the truth.

But it looks like fate wasn't with me with every idea formed there was already a demon.standing to demolish it leaving me with broken ways and forms.

In this path of life how should a girl prove herself ,was there no trust that could be gained my true words..

For me my while life changed it took a turn in the direction I didn't knew existed.

My life resembled this steaming cup ..

Blowing my happiness away each second leaving a cold tea behind which is worthless..


Unknown number: .Missing you!

Who could be This!

May be it's sana yes she was telling about changing her number I consoled.

But deep down I had a feeling it wasn't her...

Assalam o alikum wa rahmatulahi wa barakatuhu.

So, how was the chapter did you miss anyone?

About her life right now *sigh* any advice

Who sent her the message I know everyone will guess the same;-)

Keep smiling please :-)

Take care :-)

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