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If you are irritated by every rub than how will you be polished


Whispers of the dawn mingling with light chirps of the awakening bird's surrounded me as I prayed to Allah for the respect and happiness I once had..

I had full faith on th Mercy of the only Lord of the.world.that He will make a.way out for me in an amazing manner.

Patience is beautiful but in some situations it kills a person from inside by every cord

Some says time flies others say it's stacked actually time is an illusion faster for those who are happy and slow for those who are in grief.

These weeks are starting to move slower by each second.passed.

Holidays are something which I started to loathe during an off most of my time is spent in my room or working in the kitchen.

I lost my interest in watching t.v,
I seldom visited the lounge.

Mom's room was the place which had become unreachable for me just like there heart.

With anger and being accused without any fault my mind and heart lost the power to fight against truth.If this is the way it's going to be that so be it.
I can't fight further nothing in me has the urge to prove myself.

If they don't believe me now they won't believe me ever..

My room was the only place where I would spend hours crying,studying,blaming etc.

But each day  Rayyan studied here making me somewhat fine in all this ignorance.

"Rayyan your dress is ironed take it from the stand" I said taking my shawl.

"Give it here" he whined from his room

Lazy brothers

"Here now go change fast we are late" I scolded.

"Why do I have to go?" he grumbled

"Because your invited and besides don't you want to meet Aliya "

"Who wants to meet her" he scoffed

"She is my best friend Rayyan" I pointed

"Not mine only yours"
besides I would get  bored there "

"No her brother will be there."I smiled

"Woah really he came from Pakistan.?"

"Yeah" I nodded

"Why didn't you tell me before than," he combed his hair while spraying cologne

"I hate the strong smell" I scrunched my nose making him laugh

"Areesha are you ready we are Waiting downstairs how much time you all need" mom scolded.

"We are here we are here Rayyan" chided ascending from the stairs.

Passing  admist the tall lighted buildings Proudly standing  made up  of crystalline shiny glass showcasing the wealthy life style of dubai carrying with it self a magnificent view

From the top famous cars to  the casual ones all zooming on the busy streets .

Dubai is attracted by tourists from all over the world due to its luxurious advances.No doubt in the fact it's a pearl of gulf as it's labeled

From breathtaking sea view to exquisite hotels and not to forget the enjoyable desert safari.

Seeing the person one can easily identify the tourist from how they take pictures of buildings and there glances at shops while the local persons tired from work just rush home without glancing at the sides.

There is always a hustle outside May it be any time of the day or night the roads are always filled including shops.

A huge traffic and hustling outside compared to. our car which held complete silence.
No.,banters.No teasing ,no scolding, every one in it's own world not uttering a single word.

I hated these type of silence,they don't give peace rather guilt if your the cause.

Since many days I have been avoiding baba whenever he comes home I don't come out of the room and in the morning I leave early for university.

He hasn't said anything to me but his silence speaks volumes.And I am.not sure if I will be able to.handle it if he says anything to me .

My baba never shouted at me and never insulted me in any way so I know any negative word from him will take away the little I still own as peace.

His words still ring in my years from that night and from that day I am training myself to talk to him because I know as soon as I will confront him my tears will make there way  out before words.

Mom has just been the same she just tells me important things no talks ,no affection.my home doesn't attracts me anymore.

Ameera isn't ready to listen and speaking with Rayyan about it  was a very bad idea because they argued because of me.

Why everything bad is happening around me and with me being me the sole reason of it.

Maybe going to aunty's house will cheer everyone up just a little but I hope it will.


MEANWHILE at the the residence of of Areesha's granny there was conflict between the granny and her beloved grandchildren.
He had vowed that he will not speak to his granny un till she makes a way leaving her in distress.

Sitting around the lounge table all the three sisters with there mother sat  secluded from all others to  resolve the matter of Umar who chose to stay away from each of them.

"What is that girl to be distressed so much" one of them huffed.

"She is my son's choice and mine to"gul naz pointed

"And not to forget how everyone praises her from a child to eldest,something in her is special" granny gazed

"You will get many girls out there and in the family to after all there is not even a bit of shortcoming in our Umar."

"I thought pressurizing bhai will lead to positive answer."

"He is adamant on her happiness he Will never force her" granny had said.

"We are leaving in few days and we are going empty handed" his mother  exclaimed

"No you will get her I have my ways of persuasion my child .Umar will have her".

"I don't get it what's so important of her?"

"She is Being proud because of many proposals "

"She is what my Umar wants otherwise I also don't see anything in her" gul naz said.

They shielded the girl while narrating and pointing at her invisible flaws to satisfy there ego .But deep down they all knew what she was and how she had captured all of there hearts by her mesmerizing personality

while Amir on his last day there stood in her room to feel her presence which still roamed in  the empty room,her character was the main thing which had captured his heart not her beauty but her heart which was soft and inviting for everyone,a selfless girl is what he thought about her .He assumed his life to resemble a king if only she was his queen,
going near the table he smiled seeing his.gift laying as it is when he left there with her words fresh in his mind.

"It's very nice of you but I don't accept presents from anyone unless if my parents permit" she had said.

He never thought it will get difficult to.have her than it was already because of Umar.

There was a serene feeling inside him that he will be much near to her in coming days as he fly.back to.His.home but there was unsettling feeling in him as he had gathered many memories of her in this very place ,no it wasn't of her talking with him it was of her small gestures which was admirable for him promising him that if he had her she will be the one glittering his life with happiness in return he Will never let that glitter in her end.

There was no doubt in the fact that Mr Amir was in love

Umar raged as he gazed Amir in her room.From the opposite railing.

He knew Amir 's behavior towards her choices was better than him but he had never been in a situation where he would be rejected in any way it wasn't his fault

But whatever he does Amir will not have her he is going to  make sure of that


"Everything is done now tell us" Aliya closed her door.

"What do you want to know?" I removed my veil.

"Any crush,any love,any proposal,any adventure with desi aunties".kanwal winked.

"You both: I started

"Wants to eagerly attend your wedding" Aliya exclaimed

"The satisfying biryani of  Areesha's wedding sigh that moment would be unforgettable" kanwal sighed.

"Kanwal what about YOUR fiancè" I winked.

"He has gone to Malaysia for a month and not once I have known if he is okay" she huffed.

"What do you mean ?"

"We don't talk as you both know but at least through our siblings we let each other know we are okay and it's been two weeks since he went not once his sister informed me
be my witness if he likes any girl from there I will fry him" she huffed making us giggle

"Kanwal in action!" Aliya winked.

"So someone is jealous I can smell it" I smiled.

"No yarr I just don't know I feel like throwing:

"colourful stuffed pillows at him from here" I finished

"Yeah well that's to soft but that will do".She glared at her mobile.

"Don't worry there must have something come up  We know bhai he isn't like that" I assured.

"Yes kanwal I agree" Aliya added.

"I hope so too" she sighed "anyways back to Areesha"

Not again.

"Tell us.naa
look at yourself how much you n changed are you sure your eating properly I didn't saw you eating much" Aliya inquired.

"I am fine"

"Come on lay here and tell us" kanwal patted her lap.

"Actually there is someone" I started.

"I knew it!" Aliya boasted

"Than continue" kanwal caressed my hair.

"He he is my cousin,he lives in UK and phuphee asked for my hand " I said in one breath

"Oh my I am soo excited" kanwal chirped making me glare.

"Our Areesha is getting married" Aliya sang

"Please aliya stop I don't like him" I confessed.

"Why?" they shouted.

"Do you want to alert others" I glared.

"Sorry na but why I mean why don't you like him.?"

"I don't know all I know is he has a major ego issue and not to forget he doesn't know how to Convey and show feelings "

"He will change  for you if he likes you I am sure he Will "Aliya consoled.

"I don't think he likes me Aliya I am his childhood infatuation I assume the little I know about love and liking is that you make person feel it to.You just don't throw the it on them."

"Are you sure Areesha.?"

"Yes kanwal the boys having bad attitude and adorned with a tag of bad boy  or something like that they look good only in books or movies in reality they don't look  appealing at all its not easy to sacrifice your feelings again and again."I explained

"You have a point but what does your parents say?."

"They like him very much.But they didn't pressurize  me.In any way "

"So you rejected the proposal?"kanwal asked

"No they didn't let me instead they gave time to think and answer"I sighed

"What will be your answer than ?"

"I don't know it's like my heart doesn't believe in him anymore I was close to give my answer
like every girl may be I was  a little fazed to but something happened that it shook my trust to the core.I am.not able to trust him now".

"What happened ?"

"It's a long story please not now "

"Seeing your expression we will spare you for now"Aliya smiled

"Let's go to dubai mall this weekend we haven't been there since long" kanwal chided.

"Good idea".

"I don't think so mom will permit we are going to Abu Dhabi this weekend to pick baba's friend they were supposed to be here today but due to some reasons they delayed there flight "

"Nooo who are they you don't have to go na "kanwal chided

"I don't want to go either but you know mom."

"Api come out" *angry face*

"Let's go out" I got up seeing the message

"Are they all missing us "Aliya giggled

"Yeah" I nodded

"My bunny did you like the cake I made it especially for you" aliya exclaimed sitting in front

"I got it now why it tasted so horrible" he made a face.

"Ignore my sister" her brother qasim voiced

"I am so.happy you loved it" she mused.

"Rayyan you have grown so much since last time when I met you"  kanwal mused.

"Yes drink horlicks you all will grow to" he answered unfazed making me suppress me smile

"High five" bro qasim exclaimed

"You leave us speechless" Aliya grumbled

"I am Rayyan afterall"he smirked

"Who can say Areesha is your sister" Aliya voiced

"Anyone seeing can identify the that she is my sis" he boasted

"Good brother anyways how is your studies going?" kanwal smiled

"Api Alhumdulilah fine although after a long  vacation I hate getting up early" he huffed

"Areesha api how is my sister at uni?" qasim inquired

"Very good" I smiled.

"Ask.again" Aliya smirked

"Never mind I.asked the wrong person" he huffed.

"Areesha api.How is the  criminal? and api will say he has changed a lot and is good "he mocked making me throw the disposable glass

"Someone changed" he chided dodging it making us all chuckle

"Beta get ready" mummy voiced from the room

"I will pack cake for you bunny wait a sec" Aliya ran


Keeping my books aside I fluffed my pillows and scattered them around myself I had a habit of sleeping admist of many pillows .

"Areesha give me your Mobile I have to call someone".mom entered my room and on that particular instant my mobile indicated the arrival of a new message

Biting my lip I.gave my mobile to mum scared if the message is from the same unknown no.which I receive every night.

"I.will return it after calling" she looked at me.making me nod

"Whose number is this ?"she turned scrutinizing

"Which?" I inquired scared as she read through whatever it was

"The number you received message from?"

"I I don't know um it's a wrong number" I said slowly scared from her reaction.

Stepping near me she slapped making me shock at her sudden reaction.

"Unknown numbers don't write this Areesha look".She exclaimed

"My darling Areesha I miss those times when hiding from everyone hand in hand we walked through the back garden of the house"

"What are you going to say now?"

"Nothing" I whispered having enough explaining myself for no reason

Her slap was enough for me to know that she doesn't believe me while she forgot that I informed her of a number messaging me .
But I guess she doesn't pay attention to my words either now.

"Your not getting your Mobile  now" she went with tears in her eyes while leaving me with a waterfall of broken tears that I know will not seize soon.

Why it feels like someone is playing with me and why it hurts even more with time to see my mom's reaction.

Why a girl is so helpless in these matters

Her slap is something I know I will never forget I touched my stinging cheek breaking down all over again.

Assalam o alikum wa rahmatulahi wa barakatuhu

My lovely readers hope you all are doing great.

So,how was the chapter did you like it please let me know your thoughts.

Keep smiling while munching fruits :-)

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