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Thirst drove me down to the water,
where I drank the moon's reflection.

~ Rumi

*Orphans are not those who lose there parents orphans are those who have lost their love.*

These words striked at my heart.as I read them on someone's status

It's been 4 months since we came and each day of it I counted with growing agony.

That mere vacation not only transformed my life as a whole but remoulded me in many ways too.

I wasn't talkative back than but I.wasn't silent either as I have become now.

I don't like to continue any conversation nor I have urge to make new friends.

But my silence didn't go unnoticed by my.friends not a day went by that they didn't tried to keep me happy
.In there presence my worries always decreased and that was the only time in the whole day where I would smile or talk properly.I was blessed to have them .

BEING asked for my growing change I refused to open up to them saying it's just the stress of studies and my mother who.had a small accident last month and was adviced to be on bed.for a whole month.
they didn't buy the excuse before but with time and my continuous stubbornness made them believe despite of it they didn't ever left me alone to burn in my sorrows

My heart craved for love
My eyes seeked for affection
My thoughts wandered for positivity
As I waited for a miracle

With passing time I lost the sparkle in there eyes.
The pride for me in their heart.
The immense love once they had for me..

It hurts it hurts to see them like this..
To pretend they care to pretend nothing has changed..
Can I not see it can I not sense it..
That how far away they have gone from me..
It was not something that serious what would have happened if it were something very serious.

I.was far away from home that is my parents heart with.no map to.guide just struggle to nowhere.

Every word they utter to me shatters me more and more by the dryness of their speech without emotions without affection..Just like a burden of words important to deliver

There speech leaves me speechless

I was indulging in the cave of silence with each passing moment the depth of which looked appealing more than anything

I pray form the deep depths of my heart that no one ever goes through the agony I am going through ever..

Seeing your parents change is beyond the pain one could describe..

Once I didn't ever wanted to go away from them and now I want to run away from the disappointed gazes and never return

Everyday is like a nightmare which finishes to be over but each day's
reality realizes me brutally of its presence..

My father was my hero but didn't I know that not every girl deserves a hero..

My mother was my queen did I forget that queen is the mother of only a princess not some random girl..

Tears had became a lullaby I got addicted to without them sleep never came

From all these painful feelings the most beautiful feeling is that Allah has not left me .He was always there and will always be there..
HE IS my friend a friend who will stay with me forever a friend I don't have to be scared of that it will leave .A friend I will never Part from..
HE IS ALMIGHTY.He Will fix all of it..
HE KNows I can't take it anymore
HE knows I can't break more
Only He knows....Only Him..

Every night I spoke to Him about my feelings,about the hurt I am going through.and every night I found some peace as I bow down to Him.

It was hard at first I always used to complain of my sufferings but as the time passed I found my solace only being close to the Al wadud.the one whose love overpowers all the love combined.

O God!
Nothing comes to mind but
to take shelter behind you,

Every time during my secret talk with the king of the kings I found a hint of something missing but thinking for a few moments I would leave it thinking it's my conscious .Or maybe I was lacking something which I was being indicated.Or maybe not.

In these four months my father had called me twice
first time I was scared at the sudden call I went and stood behind his door for several minutes to compose myself and be ready to embrace anything that will come ahead but my tears betrayed me leaving me in hysterics and when mom saw me outside she sent me to the room because I.wasn't ready to talk

The second time was when with all my courage and self control I.sat in front of him but at the same moment granny had called I was patiently listening to there talks but when I heard something about the letters being delivered on my name that was my last straw
the self control i practised had vanished off and I came to my room without word.not being ready for being accused by the whole family.

I don't know.what she said after ,was she really talking about someone's letters for me or something else whatever happened I was unaware of it because my father didn't said anything nor he called me again till now...

But no matter what he never scolded me or behaved rudely neither he let mom scold me in his presence. whatever he would bring he would send it to me first through Rayyan .

I miss rayyan he had gone for.a collage project and this whole month I felt more alone by the day.but he called everyday

Cleaning my tears I washed my face to look presentable

Descending the stairs I made my way to the kitchen for preparing light refreshments to serve the guest

"Assalam o alikum aunty" I smiled placing the tray infront.

"Walalikum Asalam beta how are you,?and where are you nowadays you never come with your mother we always await for your presence."

"Ah um aunty because of studies"..I trailed of.

"Oh yes I know studies these day is very tough Fatima my daughter studies day and night she has got dark circles poor girl works very hard" aunty said to mom.

"Yes back in our days it wasn't this hard."mom replied without emotion

"And why you have lost so much weight beta are you dieting ,girls these days never eats healthy food what will happen when you will have 3,4 kids beta it requires energy how will you take care of them hain ??".


"Your daughter doesn't speaks Fatima why is she so quiet tell her to socialize like us "she laughed.making me feel awkward.

"She is like that you know" mom replied unfazed

Placing the last dish I made my way out but halted in my way up as I heard my name

"Fatima what have you thought about Areesha she is in university MA shaa ALLAH you should think about her marriage"

These desi aunties.

"I have good proposals do you want me to show you ?"

Why don't you marry your daughter

"No salima no.need her baba and I have already planned about her it's just her first year let her study
in the second year we plan to do.engagement mom voiced."

"Are there any boys In your mind.?"

What's her problem

"There are good proposals for her one is her own cousin I am looking forward to that and another is also good they are family friends.let's see what's in her destiny."

"That's good I say the best thing is to engage the girl as early as possible nowadays it's better not to let girls roam free you know what I mean."

Add fuel to fire aunty why don't you go away.

"Yes we are looking forward to her cousins proposal the boy is very nice and let's see t..:


I ran to my room not being able to stand there any more.

Why Umar you don't go away from my life you have become a punishment to me I cried throwing the cushion

Doing wudhu I prayed isha raising my hands I made dua with sincere hope and tears
please Allah I don't like him please take him away from my life I don't want him as my partner please I whispered as tears rolled down

In the darkness of the night I bowed down to the one who.is the.king of noor .because I believe my now.dark life will when will meet HIS bright noor it will brighten my both world's followed by the beautifully lit path on which I will walk on
As I will step ahead it's His noor.Which will pave my dark.road to  the.brightest one and I pray That he may brighten everyone's life who are fighting darkeness in any way. May it be any sorrow ,or waiting for any miracle because in His hands there nothing called impossible and I believe it with full faith.

What Areesha didn't knew was that at the same exact time there stood Umar after a painfully long time at the gates of the Big masjid situated at the heart of there town.
Waiting for four months without any response from them he knew only ALLAH is the one who could give him what he desires .his feelings for her were growing and he didn't wanted to lose her,he can't
so here he took the first step towards her by vowing to himself that he will leave all the relationships he had with any girl.as he bowed down to The MOST FORGIVING.In the swirling chills around him.after many many years..


"Areesha if you didn't return a smile back I promise I am going to disown you" aliya threatened making me chuckle

"Yar seriously what has happened to you? you will turn old in the next year if you stay like this" kanwal pointed

"Your always after me what have I done" I grumbled.

"Don't even get me started" Aliya glared.

"Anyways you know we are going to.have a week assignment and 35% of our marks will depend on it Areesha 35%" kanwal shook my shoulders.

"Really I.didn't knew!
kanwal leave me" I backed away from her constant effort of shaking me.

"How would you know currently you have decided to live in Pluto" Aliya commented.

"Go away" I shoved her.

"You know what's the best part we will have to work under a manager in the office and gain some experience relating to our course "

"Does that mean we will be working in an office" I inquired

"Yah she exclaimed I am soo so I excited no uni for a week yippy" kanwal whooped.

"Which office?"

"I don't know.We will get to know.today there is a.ceremony in the hall and there they will decide and don't worry we three are partners I have already talked to sir" Aliya informed making me smile.

"Wow.so much happened" I.voiced.

"Yes so tell us how was your stay at Pluto.do you plan to prolong your visit" Aliya inquired

"Your very sarcastic and yes I loved it there it's cold you know .not hot like here" .

"So does your Prince live in Pluto too?" kanwal played along.making me glare.

"Your every talk starts and ends with that kanwal" I pointed

"What?? is it my mistake that I want to attend your wedding and be khala to your adorable little kids" she mused.

"Yeah mini Areesha's I would love to spoil them with all the chocolates" Aliya exclaimed making me groan.

"One more.word and than:I threatened

"Than what?"she challenged

"Than" I started

"Yeah than what."kanwal.mocked

"I will go back to pluto" I said not knowing what to answer.

"Sure.!Sure.!"they laughed making me join.

"Students of the batch A please remain while others can leave" sir voiced in the Mic.

"Dear Students its a privilege to announce that we have 3 young managers from.different companies across the gulf which will guide you by there early experience which they gained as they came in the field and help you overcome the troubles any young student may face regarding it."

"This week three batches of three students will work under them each manager handling a batch."

"We wish you best of luck for the project hope you will learn and practice best under them scoring the best scores as you all know this project contains 35%of your final exam.make the best use of the glowing opportunity"

"Why they have man's not ladies?" I asked Aliya .

"There are mostly man's who are managers and secondly we have another choice to drop this and give an extra exam" she informed

"Nope this is better than exam" I exclaimed making them laugh

"Now to introduce them Mr Rahim,from Adnoc company will handle the purple batch "

Which was us.

"Don't tell me he is the one he looks flirt by face" Aliya whispered making us laugh.

"How come he is the manager" kanwal inquired

"I have no idea.I guess this is what sir meant when he said young managers" Aliya sighed.

"I just hope we get the marks" I said looking ahead

While he smiled mischievous looking at us.making us more uncomfortable

It's going to be a long week

"What will we learn from.him how to style" kanwal raged as he sat across the hall

"Don't judge" I glared at them while controlling my laugh .

"You may discuss it with your boss" sir instructed.

Kanwal and I gazed at each other trying to hide our smile as Mr rahim threw smiles at Aliya now and then.

"Let's go and take our time schedule" kanwal pointed

"Good afternoon ladies" he nodded.

"Miss Aliya or Mrs Aliya" he scrutinized her.

"The Id where you read my name from has the information" she monotonously replied.

"Intelligent girl" he winked making us shock

This is not how a manager supposed to be

"Mr Rahim!" sir called as he turned around

"Girls have a seat we will be back in a moment" sir pointed

"He is going to get something from me Areesha and I.Don't want to fail ,either we talk to sir or we quit" Aliya flared

"We can't work with him what were they thinking throwing us under these un experienced bosses".kanwal.whispered

"Your right" I nodded.

"Slight changes in the batches
the blue team will go under Mr zulfiqar

And the purple team will go under Mr Amir of Gasco company. "sir announced making my head jolt at the familiar name I looked ahead silently praying that my conscious was wrong but it wasn't there stood Amir already gazing intently at me.

Oh no!!!!.I panicked while Aliya and kanwal sighed.

IN the four months it was the first time I was seeing

I hadn't went to meet him or his family as they came from Pakistan I didn't wanted to go so Rayyan and I stayed home saying we have work to complete.and when it's the matter of studies no parent forces his child

In these four months there was no doubt that my parents had grown very close to there family but whenever they would come I prolonged my stay at the university and whenever my parents went I never went thanks to kanwal and Aliya who always helped me in the task .

A whole week

Assalam o alikum wa rahmatulahi wa barakatuhu

Beautiful readers hope your fine.

How was the chapter? :-)

Any thoughts about her future?

Keep smiling and take care.

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