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" My desire grows, my LOVE is bursting.

He has poured me a sip to drink .....

He has quickened my heart
.... with the cup of love,

Which He has filled at the ocean
of friendship. "

- Bayazid al- Bistami

"Shukar at least it isn't that flirt" Aliya voiced

"Yeah although Mr Amir looks very dominant tall and broad "kanwal orated

"Your right kanwal He has an aura of dominance around him is it me or it looks like if I will say a word he will snap at me?" Aliya inquired

"Don't know.yar I hope he is easy going I want my precious marks" kanwal looked at him

"What do you think?" Areesha

"I uh don't know" I shook my head

"Atleast a word on his personality?".kanwal insisted

"Intimidating" I voiced making a fool out if myself

Areesha where is your brain

"Uff Areesha your just great" Aliya laughed instructing towards sir.

"Let's go na fast we have to get the schedule" kanwal tugged but I stucked to my spot.

why I am nervous

"Students?" sir motioned before I could make an excuse.

"Where is he?" kanwal inquired seeing his empty seat.

"I don't know ."

"Mr Amir went to attend an important call he says he will discuss everything on the lunch" mam said.making my heart thud

"I knew he was the.bossy kind" kanwal sighed

"Woah! lunch I am liking this office thing" Aliya mused.

"Next he should say he Will have a meeting with us in burj khalifa" kanwal chided earning a slap from me
"Hey can't we dream."

"Suits you kanwal and don't worry I will inform bhai about your love for dinner at burj khalifa "Aliya laughed making her blush.

"And we will book a suit for you in that hotel" I winked making her glare.

"Come on we should get to the cafe before he comes."?Aliya motioned

Why it's hard for me to meet him

Hearing Aliya's plan we passed through the corridor where at front stood Amir.talking on the phone while he gazed at the scenery

"Should we at least say hi or wait for him in the cafe?" kanwal squinted

"To the cafe" I said monotonous

do not turn Amir.

"I guess we should do everything that shows respect and obedience to gain full " Aliya contemplated making me sigh

At least give me.some time to adjust to the fact he is here

Ending the call he turned making me panick

on seeing me without masking any emotion he walked towards us.

"Assalam o alikum sir "Aliya greeted

"Walalikum Asalam" he nodded

"Hope your doing good sir" kanwal smiled politely

" Alhumdulilah! I hope you all are too "he replied making them nod

"Is this who I think it is?" he peered as I glanced at him

"do you remember me ?"he teased making me gulp.

" sir.you know her?" kanwal asked confused.

"Yeah" he smiled.

"Who is he Areesha?" Aliya questioned.

"Uh my cousin "I blurted taking us all my surprise

It's not my mistake that my.brain refuses to.work in sudden.situations

"Cousin?" Aliya gazed warning me that she will ask later

"So if you know each other it means you will go.easy.on our projects! Mr Amir" kanwal mused.

"That will solely depend on efforts" he pointed.

"If you are her cousin than.Why did she said you look.intim,:

I kept my hand on her mouth with a glare.

"How do I look? he raised his eyebrow

"Uh you know bossy" kanwal covered making him smirk.

"You both may go and order we will.join you soon" Amir politely gestured

"Of course" Aliya nodded as they both went leaving us alone

I should have joined them

"Meeting after so long and not a word Areesha ?"he looked.

"How are you doing?"

"Fine" I said slowly

"Why are you nervous ?"he frowned

"I guess I didn't expected you here!".

"Me.neither but I am.happy though so have you vowed not to come in front of us many times your parents came and multiple times us but not.even once I.saw you why?"

"I I was busy."

"If you want to meet someone there is always a way to make time" he pointed.


"What happened you look very different?"

"Nothing" I looked up.

"You will not ask how am I or anything like that we weren't on.bad terms Areesha" he said softly.

"How are you?" I asked confidently as I tightened the hands around my books

"Now I am.fine !"

"Our father's are planning some workshops together so there are going to be many meetings between the families.
Let me make.it clear miss Areesha on every meeting to our house your absence will make.you lose 2%of your marks" he stated making me shock.

"How.can.you do that?" I instantly glared making him chuckle

"Why can't I" he shrugged

"You were different before !"I stated

"How can you say that you never even spent 5 minutes.in my presence "he smirked

"Let's go they are.waiting" I signaled

"You remember that lady Mr rauf's wife ?she sent a message for you.!"he orated ignoring my demand

"What message ?" do you have her number."I asked desperate.

"Well what she said.to me is to tell you that..:

"That?" I asked impatient


"You all are invited to our house this weekend and you will have to be my guest to know her message" he challenged making me frown.


"Let's join them" he continued

"And relax I.was just joking your marks are totally a professional work."he grinned making me frown

"After you" he motioned

"Areesha!" aliya waved from.her seat as we searched the crowded cafe.

"Did you place the order? Amir questioned

"yeah we did".they nodded.

"I will order for both of us" Amir signaled the waiter

I felt a tug on my arm

"What" I whispered looking at Aliya while Amir ordered

"What is the connection" she wiggled her eyebrows making me glare.

"Your head "I answered annoyed

"Ahem ahem" kanwal smirked

Ya Allah when will I go.home.

"Mr Amir what is the topic of our project?" Aliya asked.

"This is the email address
with your numbers and certificate attached, send it your schedule and topic will be emailed to you all" he handed his card.

"Thank you" aliya took the card.

"I.want to you all to start this project from Sunday so there wouldn't be any inconvenience due to any public holiday.and at the end of the week you will have a meeting in the main head office which is located in Abu Dhabi.!"

"And from Sunday I want you all to be in the office at Sharp 8am and you will finish off at 5pm"

"This long" kanwal voiced but seeing his expressions she stopped

"project ends in a week but we will decide it officially by seeing the progress in regards to it".

,"Excuse me" he went as sir motioned him

"Areesha are you sure he is related to you.!"Aliya huffed.

"My heart isn't normal from the mistake of interrupting" kanwal exclaimed.

"Answer us why are you chuckling?" Aliya whined.

"To be honest I am afraid to I don't known I guess in the Matter of work he is like that" I shrugged.

"Totally bossy".

"Well I like that" kanwal winked

"Oye he is your that cousin right honestly you both look good together" Aliya mused making me glare.

"No he isn't and Stop it"I warned as I aimed the small sachet of sugar

"Everything fine?" he asked taking his place

"Yeah" I dropped the sugar instantly

"Areesha will you not introduce me to your friends" he gestured in a friendly mood.

he changed?

"Um this is kanwal I gestured as he smiled at her nodding and she is Aliya"I spoke

"Nice to meet you miss kanwal and Aliya" he nodded.

"Same here" Aliya voiced

"Sooo isn't it a nice coincidence that you.both met here" Aliya started.

Just wait aliya

"Yes Alhumdulilah a very nice indeed otherwise your friend doesn't like to meet anyone" he smirked.

"Yeah she is very shy and introvert Mr Amir "

"I see that" he gazed making me.shift .

"So what you all plan to do ahead? he asked and with that they all got comfortable talking to eachother with passing minutes

"See you all on Sunday IN shaa ALLAH Sharp at 8am he emphasized looking at us and you on Thursday" he glanced at me making me avert my eyes.

"Enjoy your lunch"

Didn't he had to eat?

"Allah Hafez" he said leaving

"Allah Hafez" we replied

"Woah what on Thursday" kanwal winked

"Uh aunty has invited us "

"Aunty or..... Aliya trailed off

"Aunty" I said sternly

"Sigh our boss is nice" kanwal smiled packing her books.

"Yeah we shouldn't have judged although he is very officious but he is friendly..actually it's a nice habit to keep your work life professional


"I can't believe he is related to you" kanwal squealed.

"Kanwal are you ready to.accept him as our brother in law" Aliya winked.

"He is like a brother" I gritted

"Not every person you meet is your brother" Aliya glared

"Astaghferullah take that back Areesha" kanwal ordered

"I won't"

"Than I pray from the depths of my heart that may you be his.brid:-

I slammed my hand on her mouth warning her to stop as she giggled .

"And what were you.going to spill that I said he looks intimidating" I narrowed my eyes.

"Uh that well it isn't my fault you saw him and didn't even hinted us that you know Mr Amir "she blabbed.

"Guys cold water" Aliya kept the glass in front of me

" WELL ,He looks impress by our Areesha"Aliya winked

"Shut up" I grumbled.

"What it's a fact didn't you see how he was protective about our teasing when it came to you."

"No I didn't"

"You need glasses of the heart "

"He is not that cousin he is Amir and that was Umar Amir is a family friend "

"Than why did you say that?"

"Because that was the only thing that came into my mind"

"But admit it He has a charming personality.!"

"Than marry him" I said annoyed.

"Did moon came in the morning instead of night our Areesha actually is angry."Aliya chuckled

"Moon is always there" I glared.

"Are you sure ?"

"Yeah "I nodded

"Acha sorry na please show your smile" kanwal held my.hand.


"Areesha don't you have mercy on my cute face" Aliya mused batting her eyes which made me chuckle

"Areesha" Amir voiced from behind as I stepped.out of the campus

"Yes" I turned

"I am going to your house and mom is already there come we will go together you don't need to take the bus."

Why didn't I knew about it

"Uh no I am.fine like this "

"I want you to be comfortable ,come on" he gestured

"No.Uh please understand" I insisted

" it's okay I thought it would be good if you reach home early today the bus takes long" he pointed

"I am fine with it and Aliya and kanwal are waiting for me"

"Hmm I wouldn't pressurize you but it would have been nice if you would have joined me ."

"Thank you. Uh Allah Hafez" I said striding towards the bus stop.

"Allah Hafez."He smiled looking at her retreating.figure.

Happiness boomed inside him as he recalled her rejection to travel alone with him .it was just his way to test her although his heart had assured him long before about her character.

This is the kind of girl which I desire he whispered putting his shades on as he drove the car to his now favourite destination.her house.


"It's scorching hot here" I.huffed as I pressed the bell again

Maybe it's to noisy inside to here it

Before I could ring the bell again door burst open and my eyes twinkled seeing the person in front

"Rayyan" I beamed hugging him.

"Welcome home sis"

"I know I know you missed me I am just to precious" he patted my head.

"Ray" I shoved him lightly

"You could say I.missed you too."I pointed

"Somethings.doesn't need to be expressed" he boasted

"Now where is my chocolate chip cupcake" he beamed

"I didn't knew you were coming otherwise I would have bought it "

"Yar you know I love your uni cupcakes but I wanted to.surprise you to" he smiled

"Meri jan Areesha how are you?" aunty neared as she saw me

embarrassing I.just shoved Rayyan in front of her.

" Assalam o alikum I am fine aunty how are you" I said as She hugged me.

"It's after so long I am seeing my daughter didn't you desired to meet your aunty "she caressed my cheeks.

"I always asked about you my daughter"

"What happened to you so look so weak?"

"I am fine aunty" I smiled.

"You just came home sit here" she patted

I glanced up to to see Amir sitting with baba smiling I greeted them

Baba came home early ??

"Amir told us about it you could have come with him "aunty smiled.

"I couldn't leave kanwal and Aliya aunty "I smiled loving her motherly care which was currently missing from my life

"Oh yes friends so tell me why didn't you come to.our house at all and not once did you inform.me.about your mother's accident I am like your mother to beta you have to tell me everything.poor girl how did you managed your house alone?"

"Aunty I know.your a part of family I.just didn't wanted to.disturb anyone and it wasn't difficult to handle Alhumdulilah"


"I I will change and come" I said as I looked mom coming here

"Yes beta go.And fresh up we are waiting for you we will do lunch together "she smiled.

"Areesha come fast and arrange the table" mom looked

"I will arrange it" humaira aunty answered.

"No no aunty please have a seat I will arrange it in two minutes"

"No shoo to your room I.have made something special for you".she beamed

I miss my mother's affection seeing her love gives me peace.

"Mummy Ameera isn't home yet?" I I asked as I filled the jug to place it on the dining

"She went to the science festival with her friends" mom replied monotonous not even sparing me a glance I should have been used to it by now but every time my heart cracked a little more .

"I will be in the room if you want anything" I whispered leaving the food which I was so tempted to eat.

"Finish your food than leave" mom ordered

"I am not hungry".

"Areesha," she warned.

"I am full" I lied going to my room.controlling my tears.


I smiled remembering how humaira aunty had bought lunch in my room saying I would not want to sit in a commotion downstairs after a long day

"So than I told sir about my idea and he was so impressed" Rayyan's voice bought me back from my trance

Sitting in my room he narrated every moment of his visit as I carassed his hair.while he sat down near the bed talking non stop

"That's wonderful MA shaa ALLAH" I.smiled.

"How was mom"

"She doesn't speaks to me properly" I said as I gulped the upcoming tears.

"I don't know how should I make her believe" he sighed

"Rayyan I have left the matter in Allah's hands leave it" I pleaded

"You.didn't kept your promise Areesha isn't it.?"

"What promise" I frowned

"You didn't take care of you .look at you I thought it's not my sister but someone else.as I saw you" he narrowed his eyes

"Rayyan it isn't true you need glasses "I ruffled his hair

"I am.not small nor I am mad".He glared.

"Remember only a year difference not a century I can be counted as your big brother "he pointed.

"Oh really so tell me big brother what you brought for me".I changed the topic.

"Buckets of Duas" he smirked making me.chuckle.

"Well.I bought Cadbury for you" he smiled

"You didn't have to Ray!"

"Oh! No I didn't kept baba's medicine and forgot to warm the milk for him Rayyan it's late go to sleep we will talk tomorrow" I got up.

"I will give baba you sleep "he offered

"No you don't know the medicine he takes at night ."I wore my shawl

"You go look at yourself you look exhausted" I pushed him out.

"Don't throw me out" he grumbled

"And Rayyan please give time to Ameera she missed you a lot" I said softly.

"She didn't talk to you did she ?"he.asked.

"Here and there she is trying but Rayyan it isn't her fault she felt neglected and anyone could feel.that."

"Take her to.magic planet tomorrow"

"Yeah so that she would eat my brain off".He.grumbled

"Okay I will! Rayyan surrendered.making me smile.

"Good night.sweet dreams".I wished as I headed towards the kitchen .

Warming the milk I placed the tablet aside .
Baba was watching t.v mom is asleep. everyday I place it and go to my room so I wouldn't face him but today I was late due to our talks.

Ya Allah I can't face him what should I do,?

Mustering enough courage and reading ayat ul kursi my trembling feets took me towards him.

Slowly I kept the glass on the table shaking from.inside as I sensed baba's gaze on me.

"Baba your medicine" I whispered lighter than the feather.

I didn't dare look at him and turned around to leave .

"Areesha" he voiced as my fear grew

"Yes baba" I turned keeping my gaze low.

Fear consumed me each moment as my conscious in pure dread after a somewhat a.peacefull day will it get destroyed,
It's the first night I didn't felt like crying but I guess somethings are just meant to happen.

Baba hadn't pointed anything on me till now or maybe I didn't confront him at all in these months.I stayed busy somewhere in his presence never to be seen in front of him

Because I knew one word of baba against my character will destroy me in ways that I wouldn't be able to handle myself.

As assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

How was the chapter I would love to know your thoughts

Do you think Amir is going to.give her a hard time during the week or he will be nice.

Thank you to all my readers who.have been supporting the book through there precious votes and comments I love to read them,and see your opinion.JazakaAllah khair dears.

Stay blessed,with full blown smile.

And I wish you a wonderful Islamic new year may this year brings with it bundles of happiness and love in your lives with Allah's blessings

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