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Oh soul,
you worry too much.
You have seen your own strength.
You have seen your own beauty.
You have seen your golden wings.
Of anything less,
why do you worry?
You are in truth
the soul, of the soul, of the soul.

~ Rumi

"Areesha" baba voiced again making me jump with fear 

"Yes baba" I turned keeping my gaze low.

"Come sit with your baba ,how long it has been" he said softly making my head jolt towards him.

Is this real

"Come beta he patted the place beside him" as I stood rooted to the ground not believing my ears as his words echoed around me.

"Areesha" he called again as.I didn't move

I was afraid to take a step thinking everything will break if I dared.

"Do you not want to sit with me" he spoke

"Baba" I whispered sitting beside him as tears found there Way out .

"Why is my daughter crying?"

"Baba I.didn't do anything"I chocked

"I.would never do it ,it wasn't me baba I am.not like that you know me baba your respect comes before everything baba I didn't do it it wasn't me" I rambled.without wasting a minute

"Come" he smiled.as he opened his arms


Hugging him tight I cried my heart out all those months not even seeing him was a torture enough.

"Bas bas.Areesha I believe you my daughter.shh stop my doll" baba patted my head lovingly.

Finding a little affection after so long my heart wasn't ready to let go as tears were free from the cage of lashes

"Areesha bas my doll" look at your baba.

Sniffing I detached my head from his chest.

"Tell me Areesha than why didn't you come to me before?" he asked as he cleaned my tears.

"I.I thought you wouldn't believe me" I hiccuped as he gave me water.

"Calm down my life I can't see you like this."

"You know, my heart believed my daughter cannot do like this but I waited for your conformation everyday but you even  stopped  coming infront of me which made  me suspicious

"But still  ignoring everything I called you  twice my doll but that also didn't went well ,i just needed to know through you beta that you didn't do it.I believe my daughter above any evidence.I know" he looked at me as I layed my head on his chest again

"Why didn't you come to your.baba" he whispered.

"T t hat night you told me that yy ou  don't believe me ."

"That night no one was in right mind everyone was shocked but.I.never said I.Don't believe you,I only said that I was ashamed because you were pointing it on Umar without thinking"

"I am sorry baba",I sniffed.

"I didn't like the way you accused Umar beta he cannot do like that I know you pointed him because you don't like him.?"

"Hmm" I nodded

"And beta this is your father's words I will not pressurize you for any proposal.Your happiness is above anything."

"Don't think about anything now just be happy look at your eyes they are swollen,I want my daughter to be strong so that she can.handle any situation with confidence,.you should always clear your misunderstandings.beta"

"And did you talked to your mom?"

"I went to mama many times" I said slowly.

"If she wasn't listening I was there beta and you know me have I ever said you anything" he asked as I shook my head.

"So many months you were indulged in the the grief ,and do you think I was at peace .Your my first and beloved child beta.Although I love everyone the same but you have my heart just a little more" he winked making me chuckle with teary eyes.

"I don't want to see my beloved daughter sad ever again" he said sternly

"What about mama and what about the letters" I whispered.

"Your mom will believe I will talk to her as for letters they don't show your character in any way.I know.my daughter."

"Did your mummy said anything."He inquired concerned

"She doesn't speaks to me directly,only the important things."I whispered swallowing the lump.

"I will talk to her myself.my doll.I"

"And what  granny was talking about on the phone a bout t t hose letters?".I stuttered

"That's why you went" he frowned

"Yes" I nodded "I thought again someone May have done something..I"

"We will see who that someone is and no your granny was just talking about the property papers."


"Amir told me about your project,and I will pick and drop you myself or Rayyan will" he smiled.

"Thank you baba."

"But if there is Allah Reham.,any emergency than you can come with Amir okay.,he is a trusted boy.
I am satisfied that even if your project is in some foreign office ,Amir is there "

"Now beta sleep it's getting late and tomorrow we are invited there remember "

"Yes you to sleep baba" I kissed his forehead

"Now I will await for my.daughter to meet me first as I come home like she used to.."

"I.want to hear that same squeal shouting baba as I open the door" he laughed making me smile at my old antics.

"Go to room now no more tears"he smiled

I prayed so many nawafils to thank ALLAH that today at least I got my baba back again.about mama is what I am afraid off but I know Allah will help me thank you Allah million times.I whispered closing my eyes as the tears peaked out to lighten my burden a bit more.


The serene area of khalifa city enveloped us,as our car slowly entered it's heart.
Although dubai and Abu Dhabi.mostly consisted of tall buildings.
this area had more villas than buildings it did have but in scarce It can also be referred as  the elite area for the people of Abu Dhabi.away from the city traffic in serenity.it was beautiful in it's own elegant way.

Each round about adorned with various fairy lights blinking away.Which gave the place a remarkable look.And the tourists a unique welcome.

Both sides of roads were decorated with lighted horse statutes followed by many flower ones

Each turn had a splashing fountain.refreshing us by its splendid activities.

The best part about this area was not only just rich but all the well settled people could afford a house on rent leaving the permanent luxury houses for the rich ones.

The place held harmony as the masjids were brightly coloured with many people entering and leaving automatically placing a sweet smile on my face

The last turn was meant to take us to our destination Amir's house that is.

The lamp lights paved our way shining on either side of the road.

The road was so long and decorated that it resembled the entrance of a palace.

The car halted.in front of a beautiful house.

Stepping out from the car I gazed the house in front it wasn't very big nor small just a normal elegant house .

"Assalam o alikum my sweet daughter  you made me so happy by coming" aunty kissed my cheeks as she embraced me

"Areesha apiii "Reema chided running towards me.

"Reema your outside the house" Amir warned hearing her screams

"Yay I am so excited you came" she hugged tightly.

"I am happy as you" I said hugging her back.

"Ameera my  sweet partner "she cheered.

"Welcome home" Amir greeted as aunty ushered us in..

One step in and I was enveloped by comfort,the interior looked fabulous the.house was normal but quit bigger than ours and elegant fancied by heavy flowered chandeliers.as it possesed double  story with marble staircase beautified by iranian heavy carpet in the middle.

Mesmerizing view of lounge could be easily seen from where I stood and its designing was Porsche complimenting the whole house ,it looked like a very cozy and welcoming house

"Oye who invited you Rayyan?" Ibrahim quipped.

"What your here but aunty told me that you wouldn't be ,darn that was the only condition I came.now I will have to see your face for many coming hours" Rayyan mocked.

"Yeah yeah welcome" he smiled as they did the weird handshake


"Look who is here the most rarest and busiest species" dani exclaimed seeing me and Amir entering the lounge .
each carrying a dish of refreshments

"Well hi there Mr bean!" Amir boomed loud.

Placing the dish gently on the table I went near the laptop where everyone was huddled around.

"Hey dani" I.waved.

"Hey? First tell me who am I,?" He.grunted making me smile.

"Mr Daniel '?"I teased.

"Yeah,you still know me atleast,so where were you both didn't you miss such a handsome face,my  such lovely talks huh?"he mocked

"Dani I was busy" I smiled sheepishly

"Busy?so many months ?besides your phone is also switched of all the time why?"

"I uh b broke my phone "

"Oh.May he be in heaven" he wished making me giggle.

"Well send me the no.your using now"he demanded

"And I assure you if you two got married it will be a surprise if we even get to see you once a year" he joked making me stiff.

"Dani!!" Rayyan warned.

"What !can't I complain of there absence when I finally got to see them" he faked a tear.

"Drama queen" Rayyan muttered

"I heard that batman" dani chided making us laugh.

"Areeeeeshaaa" sana exclaimed pushing dani aside.

"Sana how are you my dear" I waved

"She has enough energy to shove me of course she is fine "dani glared at her

"Yarr seriously missed you so so much,I want to share so much with you "she cheered ignoring dani

"I missed you to "I smiled sincerely

"Your lying "Dani smirked from behind making me glare

"Sana look Amir is also here should we  pass sweets in the whole neighborhood" he said sarcastically.

"Dani quit overreacting" Amir chuckled

"I am not" he grumbled.

"How are you doing Amir" sana grinned.

"Perfectly fine "

"Is it the camera or Areesha you look pale" sana squinted

"Uh camera of course" I answered abruptly

This Skype

"I will be back in 2 min Areesha don't dare move" sana warned before scurrying away.

"Dani how is my hero.?"I questioned

"Which one?" he asked confused

"Dani how many do I have ?"

"Oh are you asking about me or Daud ?"

"Daniel" Rayyan and Amir retorted

"Woah look at the bodyguards no worries Areesha I was just checking if they are capable for taking care of you and your perfectly safe " he boasted making us laugh.as we continued our conversation

I missed this

"If your phone broke than what do you do in the university,there.could be any emergency,mobile is important "Amir came as stood in the backyard with reema

"Mummy has given me her mobile so it's with me whenever I go out ."I responded

"And it's really not an issue I will buy another soon" I lied.

My mobile is still in prison.

"Api this is the one I planted" Reema pointed at the pink roses.

"We are waiting for you all inside Reema you can show her after" Amir spoke going inside.

"He could have said my dear little sister let's go inside now and  you can explore here afterwards but no my bhai is just amazing" she huffed making me giggle

"Come on every brother is somewhat like that" I consoled

Why I came outside was because I craved fresh air especially after those heart breaking words it wasn't easy to stop my tears.

Because it clenched my heart when in one of her talks  I heard mom saying.

"Yes humaira a daughter with a good character is a blessing May no one have  the opposite.because it than shatters the parents and shows them how they failed to bring up there child."

I don't know why but I felt it was directed at me May be because whenever it comes to a talk of character tears hugs  me tight.

Need to spend the evening well I.consoled myself as I headed in cleaning my eyes well

"Children we are leaving ,Amir and Areesha your their incharge  and you all will listen to them"  baba pointed at all  .

"We don't want to hear that you didn't obliged to their demands" aunty gazed.

"And enjoy together" uncle smiled.Ending a long precautious lecture which started 10minutes ago.
"We will be back soon Allah Hafez" mom waved.

They all were going to the car auctions it was a long way to there and we knew it  would take a good amount of time till they reach home,un till then we all were going to be together.

"Areesha is the incharge" Rayyan mocked beside me earning a slap on his head not from me but from Amir.

Okay this I didn't expected

"Watch it Rayyan you have to obey her commands" he smirked..

"That I would never "he grunted.

"We are going to have so much fun" Reema and Ameera squealed making me smile.

"So api will you do  us a makeover " .Reema asked excited.

"Wait,hold on who said we will let you do the girly stuff" Ibrahim glared.

"We are going to do whatever we want and you boys can't disturb us "Ameera said.

"We will enjoy together" Amir remarked ending the Matter.

"Bhaiii" Reema whined

"Oh yes!!."Ibrahim smirked

"Okay Let's watch a movie together you all set up the connections.  un till we prepare the snacks" Ameera suggested

"Yeah that's okay" Rayyan shrugged .

"Which movie do you suppose we will watch" Amir raised his eyebrow.

"Any Disney movie" we shrugged making him sigh.

"Wait I have a better idea how about we go out I will treat you with pizza and .baskin robins ice cream,and Ibrahim wanted to learn driving and to get to that spot it takes a little time which means you all will get a long drive" Amir said.

"We are in it" they cheered ,

"Is it okay mam?" Amir looked my way.

"Y yeah of course but  ice cream  will be from my side."

"We will see.about that "he said taking his keys from the holder.

"Areesha didn't you wanted to learn driving to" Rayyan questioned

Thumbs up brother what a time to remember.

"Yes but not now" I said quickly.

"No if you want to learn it's a great opportunity,there is spacious space around that garden we are going ,"Amir offered

"Yay appi it will be wonderful" Reema smiled.

"You can take time to think until we get there "Amir sensed my uneasiness.

"I will take my car and we will race" Rayyan challenged looking at Amir.

"Rayyan no way" I scolded

"That would be a great idea but we have family "Amir pointed.
"But we can always race at that garden" he added

"No one is racing" I declared.

"What api we are not kids !!"Rayyan frowned

"Reema you were right let's go I will do a makeover for you both" I said politely

"Okay okay we will.not" Rayyan huffed spreading a smile on my face.

"Be ready in five minutes un till we take the car out from the garage "Amir opened the main door as we hurried to the room to set the veil properly once again

"Is it just me or the food tastes more yummy if it's your brother who is treating you." Reema devoured her cone making me.chuckle.

"Your right"

Currently sitting in the cream parlour we were relishing our deserts.while Rayyan and Amir on the other side still choosing there flavours.
Amir didn't let me pay no matter how much I insisted seeing I can't further I left the matter in Rayyan's hand because I knew he would do it perfectly.

"Your ice cream" Amir handed me the cup.

"But I already had one !"

"This is the another  chocolate flavour,I know you will love it."he kept it in the front.while taking his seat.

Today maybe I saw the real Amir

I didn't miss his glare when the someone smiled at us.nor I miss the fact that we were sitting at the corner secluded from all the choas.while his broad frame covering us from the sight of everyone .

He was acting quite normal since we came ,he wasn't changed I guess I didn't notice his huge temper issues or the fact he was quite bossy in his house to.But with time I wasn't feeling uncomfortable at all around him.rather it was a normal feeling.

"I am so excited for the looooong drive" Reema dragged.

"Tell me about it I love it "Ameera joined.

"Bhai not again, they talk all the way! .I have learnt by heart which nail polish blends with the white to make.a flower " Ibrahim whined making us chuckle.

"I am changing cars Areesha api you.go with bhai.I Wil go with Rayyan" he declared.

"Do you want to leave your brother alone with them he Will.drown in make up" Rayyan gasped.

"No my.Bhai has the ability to make the other person drown in his personality"
Reema boasted making him smirk.


"Bhai you teach Areesha api and Rayyan will teach me."Ibrahim grinned

"Why?" Rayyan asked.

"Because I can't learn with bhai the amount of anger  in him he will not leave me" he whined.

"And you want api to go with bhai what a gentle man" Reema scoffed.

"Excuse me, "Amir narrowed his eyes as they gulped seeing him.

"I I was saying it would be good if you teach api because she needs an expert driver to teach her" he smiled.

"Better" Amir nodded still gazing at him.

"He is your small brother Amir don't scare him" I said as he averted his gaze towards the side.

"Areesha come than "Amir pointed giving me the keys.

"Wait what I am not learning"

Especially from you.

"Areesha we are.just rounding by the park and Ibrahim is right Amir Bhai has more.experience in driving,I will.teach Ibrahim with Ameera in our car and you can.go with bhai along with Reema" he pointed.

Is it Rayyan speaking

"I I changed my mind I am.fine with not being able to drive "

This is not right

"Are you afraid" Amir voiced barely a whisper.

"Of course not ."

"Than come on Reema take the back seat we will see you at that point keep it low no ravings "Amir warned.pointing at them

"Okay ,and Areesha it's not a pressure though but it's good if you know it" Rayyan glanced

Driving school's also have instructors and they are man too.so it's better here.atleast I know him and Reema is there to.

"I will try" I said unsure.

Sitting on the seat I buckled my belt as I adjusted the mirror to my range .


"The break Areesha not  the accelerator !!" Amir scolded for the umpteenth time

"I can't do it anymore" I said slowly. Stopping the car

I felt like throwing something on his head.such.a short temper person.

My nervousness point is at its peak and this person is no help at all,he directs so fast that it's difficult to keep up with it and than he either grunts or scolds.

From past 15 minutes I was hooked up all the time scared from another tantrum

I am done .

"Why can't you do this ,you need to just pay attention "he frowned

"Amir I will learn from Rayyan or driving school but not from you "

"Why ?"he shot a glare

"Your fuming with anger since I started I need a cool and polite person"I reasoned quietly

"If only you would listen properly I wouldn't do it" he retorted.


"You both are fighting like a couple and I am feeling a the lost child in between" Reema giggled making me glare.

"Send Rayyan here" I said politely

"You have to drive till there" he pointed at there car which looked miniscule from afar.

"Amir no" I shook my head.

"I will be patient" he sighed.

"No it was a bad idea already"

"Start the car" he ordered dismissing my tantrum.

With great courage and patience I started it and made my way till Rayyan

Never will I sit with a hot headed person like him save me this time Ya Allah please.

"It was a little better but next time make sure your hands don't tremble all the way" he smirked getting out of the car.

There is no.Next time

Rayyan run for your life. I thought as I got out from the car totally fumed.


"See you on Sunday IN shaa ALLAH I hope you had an adventurous time" Amir orated as we all stood by the door.

Indeed very adventurous

"Can I join Areesha to" Rayyan beamed before I could answer

"Not before you go in university,"he pointed

"Not fair".he huffed.

My baby brother .

"Come again soon my dear Allah Hafez" aunty embraced me in her warm hug as we exited the house.


Under the darkening sky Umar stood firm with a cigarette in his hands as he thought about the possibilities of his next step..

TODAY After granny's lecture to leave her  because she refused the first time itself . he was restless.

It wasn't that he was refused by a girl in front of the whole family.But it was a feeling which was not less than a slap for him

Although he has been changing with time instead of one he prays two times a day now which sometimes misses to but he is trying,.

He had thought countless times that why he wants to have her despite of her being the reason for his humiliation infront of many people.

She has a special auro around her which makes it looks very easy to.have her but the person who wants her is the only one who knows how is the battle towards her sweet fragrance..

Something had engraved in him that she is special and his heart  warned him not to lose her.

But he still remembers her words which was delivered to her by sehar he gripped the cigarette in his palm turning it into ashes...

So she thinks she will not marry me even if I am the last person on earth

She has insulted him in the cruelest of the ways.yet he wants to have her..

To satisfy his ego


Just because all her other words said to him brings him peace and the way she said she will only love her husband just stops his heart for a second..He assured himself

A pure and sincere girl is what I desire he thought closing the doors of his terrace as he went into deep slumber thinking about his ways to reach her

Was this Love or he just wanted to attain the girl because she the most favorite and the praised of all..
Like he always has everything of the top most brand

Assalam o alikum wa rahmatulahi wa barakatuhu

So,how was the chapter.,eagerly waiting to hear your response.

Take care of your selves

Keep smiling and spread them to.:-)

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