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The soul has been given its own ears to hear things the mind does not understand.

~ Rumi
Turning  the side on  bed I glanced at the ticking clock once again,time runs so quickly when you have to get up early and your sleep deprived,

Each passing night my routine mirrored the latter  no matter how much I try .

But Alhumdulilah my heart was a  little in peace knowing my baba is there with me .

Two things are what I  generally think about,but presently there is an addition of tomorrow's first day in the office.

Besides that their are certain  words which endlessly roams around me every night

"I love you since I was small"

These letters makes me restless

It's not easy for me to forget his words.all what he said ,
what he did circulates around me at night.  It was the  first time I heard directly from someone ,I am a  normal girl and  not at all accustomed to hear it  from many people

No not at all ,

These types of moments has an impact on a girls mind that doesn't slips from her mind easily she thinks of it again and again with different possibilities.

the fact that troubles me is that those words didn't looked sincere,they were artificial sprinkled with fake glitters showcasing its attributes

Umar had left an impact on my brain no doubt,but he has surely failed to in my heart.

Multiple times I had interrogated myself that am I being ignorant,proud,selfish.But each time my heart assures me that I have a reason.One of it is loyalty.
I have failed to see loyalty in him.and for a relationship it's foremost important.

The other thing which fails to like him is that whenever things  goes his way he does everything to give comfort but if it  doesn't he leaves it not caring of any circumstances  others may face due to him

It's not habitual that I get a proposal that is not ready to quiet

Except I want a loyal relationship with love and care where I know I will put  all my  efforts to bloom it with passing time.
But for a relationship it needs both to make it work.
And seeing Umar.I am sacred that he will leave if he sees it's.not working without thinking how it will affect me.

How those words circulate around me every night but not even once my heart leaps with happiness or joy or nervousness or anything but a warning not to think about it.

His loyalty I wouldn't have been able to judge if I hadn't listen the same three words for someone else to..

.I love you. he had said to another too.which fortunately I was able to hear and witness.myself I remembered as a tear escaped my eyes.someone can play with emotions beautifully if the person doesn't really love .
and that's exactly what he did.

I can't have a broken relationship where it's only me trying to row the boat in the endless see of jumping waves it will not only drown me but also our relationship.which I am positive I will never say yes.

Sometimes life seems so difficult .

And than I remembered these words.

There are more fake guides, teachers in the world than stars. The real guide is the one who makes you see your inner beauty, not the one who wants to be admired and followed.

~ Shams Tabrizi

On the other hand Amir closed his eyes with a serene smile plastered on his  face as he revived all the moments once again.,
Every action of hers was filled with hesitance .

the way she always stood far away from him,

the way she opened  full  Windows  while driving

,the way she murmured Bismillah under her breath on each turn.

The fact she never talked to him unless needed

And the way she not even once looked straight in his eyes.

All her reluctance didn't made him mad but happy from inside ,because she was becoming more important to him by her each act, although he admits he was kind of a jerk acting there.but it wasn't his fault temper was never really in his control.and he had to scold like he does to everyone he just didn't wanted to act artificial he wants her to show what was real,not just an illusion so he didn't stopped himself whenever he got pissed at her not listening because she was nervous,

Girls should be strong

But she is admirable in her own sophisticated way.

Her trembling hands were enough proof of her crazy beating heart that day.

I am not perfect dear Areesha but I will do anything to make your life perfect,even if it meant to sacrifice my happiness,.

In my life I maybe the most bossy person but if you come I will gladly hand that to you.

My intentions are known by my  Rab.and my wishes too.how can he not fulfill my prayers which I made each night after knowing the real you which was not long before..

I.can't really read faces nor eyes but my heart says you need my prayers to bring back the twinkle  in your eyes.that seems to be lost or that's just my mere imagination

Stepping inside the glass covered skyscraper.we gazed around as we tried to take the  tiniest detail of the luxurious office.everything looked intimidating and inviting at some point filled with the aura of deep silence.

"The office is huge" kanwal praised

"I am so nervous" I held her hand.

"It's so quite here" Aliya whispered

"Yeah unlike our screaming university" kanwal joined.

There were only few people working here and there.not even.bothering who entered

"We should suggest Mr  Amir  to tell them to colour  there walls a bit bright rather than grey" Aliya glanced

"He is not the CEO Aliya" I chided.

"So what at least he could suggest" she shrugged

"Nor he is his friend "I.pointed.

"Why don't you suggest the CEO "kanwal mused.

"Your right I surely will after get my marks" Aliya smirked

"If anyone hears our conversation do you think they will let us enter again" I voiced.

"Nopee" kanwal chirped making us giggle

"Where are  we supposed to go?"

"Amir said we have to report to the reception service first but if there is no one sitting , we don't have to wait and can  directly  Come  to room no.,402" I voiced.

"Ohoo no need to wait" kanwal winked.

"Ahem ahem.looks like someone doesn't want to tire a certain person."

"Shut up" I scolded.

"What look at the protective side he gave you his office number" kanwal wiggled her eyebrows.

Friends !

"I am not listening "I covered my ears going towards the  glass lift.

"You will do the talking" I looked at Aliya.

"Why me ?you do it !"

"No na your the most confident girl in our lives "I flattered .

"Nope "

"Kanwal please" I requested

"Do you think I can speak without stuttering his personality is very intimidating Areesha handle your boss."

"He is yours as well" I glared.

"Open the door "Aliya pointed as we stood outside the exact room.

"You do it" I stepped back.

"Ughh fine next time remind me to bring two cradles for my two small babies" Aliya whispered knocking the door.

"Come in" a deep voice boomed making us nervous.

"If your hands trembled Areesha I.Will surely give it in his "Aliya warned as she held the door knob.

"You cucumber" I grumbled as kanwal giggled

"Who is it ?"Amir voiced gain

Ya Allah

"Assalam o alikum sir "Aliya peeked

"Walalikum Asalam come in  why are you Standing out" he gestured.

Because you look scary

Last time I met him he was friendly wasn't he I assured my self.

"Have a seat" he gestured in an officious manner.

"Welcome to the office "he nodded "hope you are all doing well.!"

After seeing you not quite.

"Yes "we nodded.

"Let's proceed towards your project I hope you all have researched about the given topic ,there will be more students working with you all.providing a friendly atmosphere at work he started".as he explained all the  details of the  work

"Now ,"

"Your student badges are on your tables.wear them at work I will come time to time checking on the progress,our staff will be there to help you out in case of any difficulty,but sure you can consult me anytime .no need to take any permission from anyone."

"And if anyone is disturbing in any way you will report to me directly" he glanced at me.

"You have an hour break at 11 and than at 3 the.ladies cafe is provided you can enjoy anything without paying ."

"And if I am free I will discuss your details on lunch"


"Any questions "he inquired

"No "I said.making him smile.

"So as everything has been explained,tell me why you all are nervous relax".He consoled.

"Phew your back Amir bhai I thought you changed again "Aliya chirped leaving me and kanwal shocked at her confidence

"Everyone should be serious during work" he orated

"So would you like tea or coffee" he offered

"Sure coffee" Aliya made herself comfortable

" we should start the project" I suggested.

"You can start  at 9 I.called you all early as I wanted to brief you about everything  your official timing is 9" he finished

What ! I could have slept an hour more.

"Do we have the credit of Areesha's presence "kanwal mused

"Kanwal" I warned.

"Of course you do consider this as your own office but the work should be done in due time I would not tolerate otherwise."He looked at me

"Sure sir Amir Bhai" Aliya mused making him laugh

"So 4 coffees" he questioned picking his phone.

"No I don't like coffee" I shook my head


"Yes" I said.

20 minutes till 9.

With warm drinks in hand friendly environment around there were only talks related to the project and  other random stuffs forgetting everything else as they became comfortable around each other as I waited for the time to end impatiently


Standing near the oven my mind travelled to today's. 

I thanked Allah numerous times for the comfort and help during the work

Truly Allah is the only one who can make everything easy

The.day went by perfectly I enjoyed working there , met many girls from other universities,and learned a lot I was at a little peace now but looking at mom it dims  .

Stirring the hot pot I took out vegetables to make salad .I.had enough house works already why they invited Amir too.

Baba had strictly informed Amir to have dinner everyday with us while his stay in dubai.

Why baba why

Guests are a blessing Areesha my mind scolded

I know they are but what about the hard work of garnishing everything I huffed

Astaghferullah sorry Allah  they are a blessing I am sorry I said while slicing the  cucumbers.

Seeing months back I remember I wasn't used to step in the kitchen apart from washing dishes and helping mom in some cutting but never would I have thought I would become a good cook handling and making dishes everyday.

It's not like I didn't messed up in between there had been days where the salt was extraordinary in the dish or sometimes not even a trace but with time and constant cooking I.had  learned to mange everything but the sad part was with distress and unshed tears.

Still it disturbs my heart when I remember it

It wasn't like the time I made the first sweet dish and everyone praised me to there fullest or how I got a gift from baba
I didn't even waited for any remarks in these months I would work and place everything on the table than locking myself in the room it was late night I would come out .

After  every difficulty comes ease I whispered.as I draped the shawl around my head and hummed  dhikr In a low.voice.

And now to add my secrets recipe.No matter what I cooked I used to recite darood sharief and blow on it praying it will turn out good.And as many dishes I applied this it worked more than my imagination..

Whenever guest came I was sure to get praised much more than I expected just by  adding this little sweet recipe of mine.I smiled to content seeing my hard work.

"Apiii someone is famished here" Rayyan groaned.

"Than make your self "Ameera chided opening the fridge.

"I am talking to my sister" he grumbled

"Yeah your sister" she fumed going away


"Rayyan" I glared.

"What she has to have some manners!" he spoke.

"You know she gets irritated "I pointed

"Not my problem I want food "he sat on the chair.

"Will you not wait for the guest?" I asked

"The guest is here
,come on how much time.?"he whined

He came where was I.

"Okay arrange the table and call mummy everything is almost ready" I wiped my hands

Reporting the last file Umar stood up picking his coat from back of the seat he had  disengaged  himself from work early today looking forward to have a word with His father about his upcoming plan,

Once in the study greeting his father he had  narrated his plan to invest in dubai and maybe merge with a well known  company resided there,

Which just infuriated his once calm father.

"Umar you have joined the business in the present  year I can't let you plan ahead ."
"First comply with your duties here" he said keeping his calm because no matter what he couldn't..scold his precious son despite of him being spoilt  he.loves him dearly  but he can't let him have his ways with the business which took years to establish 

"I want to invest there dad and I have thought about it keeping all the scenarios ahead" Umar replied breathing hard.

"Umar go we will talk about this later for now forget it" he ordered sternly on which the chair once occupied by Umar faced the floor discarded with a  sudden  blow.

His mother pressed his father's shoulder stopping him  from any harsh reply that could come out  for his son .

"He wants to go there for Areesha doesn't he" he snapped seeing his son has left.

"Shah sahab let him do what he wants to do",gulnaz pleaded.

"Take his side always" he snapped

"You know he has changed a little and I can't express how.happy I.am I saw him praying can you believe this "gul naz teared

"What? "shah asked bewildered.

"He hardly goes for eid namaz and sometimes  he leaves that to"  he added in daze.

"I don't know.but I have decided now my daughter in law will only be Areesha.if she has affected him this much without her presence she will make our house a blessed place believe me  "shah sahab

"I regret my sayings about that girl,May Allah forgive me.I want that precious girl to be umar's wife "she whispered

"Gul naz it's not easy as we think ,you know how your brother reacted and in no way I will ask again it's about our self respect to."He dismissed

"For my son I will talk to bhai and Areesha myself"gulnaz gazed

"Don't forget that we have to reply to ALLAH, and you know Umar  more than me" he warned

"I know-but that girl is Very soft she will mould herself easily I guarantee "

"What about his..:

"Leave it everyone makes mistakes" gul naz stopped shah.

"I will reconsider my decision than about the investment. But only if it is appealing to me " shah nodded making gulnaz beam

While On the opposite side Umar dialed a.number as he clutched the phone hard.

"Daniel I require Areesha's number message me fast.. "he ordered

"Why do you bhai ?"Daniel inquired

"It shouldn't concern you ,I will be waiting  Please"

You can't leave me restless Areesha you  just can't .

Assalam o alikum wa rahmatulahi wa barakatuhu,

Ahem so dear readers how was the chapter *offering sweets*

Take care with bundles of smiles

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