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Whatever happens to you, don't fall in despair. Even if all the doors are closed, a secret path will be there for you that no one knows. You can't see it yet but so many paradises are at the end of this path. Be grateful! It is easy to thank after obtaining what you want, thank before having what you want.

~ Shams Tabrizi

Squinting my eyes open I gazed at the cream ceiling above realizing it was just a dream..

But Why would sehar cry?

A very weird dream it was i saw sehar crying and the disturbing fact is that I was the reason behind it,as she was pointing at me for her discomfort.

As far as I remember we never spoke other than from mere greetings or a very formal chat in between.

Perhaps it doesn't have any meaning

Glancing at the clock I smiled i still have an hour more ,
sleep Areesha I.advised myself as I closed my eyes once again.

But my mind plotted against it leaving me restless,

Why? sleep come to me please ! I whined sensing no sign of it .

I.had a weird and not so.peaceful kind of feeling deep within,which I.couldn't pin point probably because of the disturbing dream,I.hate to see someone cry.I.just can't handle others tears they are my weakness

I had to assemble the file oh ! I got up remembering the unfinished task.

It has been ,4'days since we joined and I was delighted each day learning a lot by daily task handed

The whole compartment of girl students from various universities became well acquainted helping and experiencing together.

The office staff seemed very co operative ,being lenient and polite in many matters.although Amir was the manger of our whole compartment but his routine seemed tough he visited only once a day seeing the progress or answering any questions.making sure everyone is comfortable.He would also joke here and there to enlighten the atmosphere and send refreshments without us ordering,but he never left his dominant guard down in front of us.

There were many boys at first but thankfully Amir ordered to.change there floor.letting us work at ease.But we will have a final round with them in Abu Dhabi where we will finalize

There was a commotion at first ofcourse but Amir dismissed there appeals of working together.

I heard the staff members grunting, and commenting on his rudeness ,but also there helplessness to do anything in regards to it, there was no choice left for them but to comply and work a little more than they already do.

Otherwise Every one seemed pleased with there boss.except for his dominating nature which chased where ever he went .

No matter we all were Well adapted to the new environment but once he used to enter there would be serene silence with some scared faces .

He comes home for dinner every other day regarding my father's order to.Come daily.

Mom loved his presence each time Rayyan would especially take out his skates for them to go on a run Every night and after having the tea he would leave
We.didn't talk much at home just the formal.greeting and than I would leave room continuing the work and come only when the tea was needed

I wouldn't lie he did felt like a part of family now

And despite of my mom's scolding he never came empty handed ,he would always bring something for each of us.

In his defense he would say you can't deny your son.which mom loved to hear but still she refused to accept gifts saying if he brings with them next time she wouldn't let him enter. stubborn he was he didn't stopped.


"Areesha can I talk to you privately untill kanwal returns "Aliya inquired anxious

"Sure what is it?"

"Uh Areesha your mother called me yesterday" she said troubled

"Hmm than" I encouraged giving my full attention

"Well ,she asked me something!"she glanced at me

"Uh what?" I inquired confused

"She um she asked me weather there is a certain boy in your life or are we helping you in regards to you know talk to him or anything that sort because we three share everything" she finished worried

"Oh" I answered perplexed

"She asked for his full details taking a promise I wouldn't lie "she added gauging my reaction

Mummy why?

not in front of my friends please

I didn't knew what to reply ,what could a girl reply in this situation anyway.

Taking a deep shaky breath I closed my eyes faking a smile I consoled her.

"It's nothing serious Aliya ,you know mom likes one of my cousin's proposal and she doesn't wants to force me and to make it sure she just asked you whether I like someone or not I". Replied confident while I was crumbling from inside from embarrassment,shame,and insult.

"Oh I see I was soo tensed that everyone knows and probably can.give you a certificate in regards to your character so why was aunty asking ? it now no.worries.But we have to talk about that proposal In detail "she winked while I faked another smile which great difficulty.

I don't know how I.covered that but thankfully I did.

But my heart cracked a bit more

What will they think if everyone gets to know,today I covered it but till when .

Mummy please believe your daughter
I prayed as I stopped my sudden tears

Allah says in the Quran 2:155-157

'And We will surely test you with something of fear and hunger and a loss of wealth and lives and fruits, but give good tidings to the patient,

Who, when disaster strikes them, say, "Indeed we belong to Allah , and indeed to Him we will return."

Those are the ones upon whom are blessings from their Lord and mercy. And it is those who are the [rightly] guided.'

I read those words as I started my work with great difficulty

I was preoccupied in my thoughts throughout the day forcefully doing my work while reckoning her words.

Areesha focus

"Aliya where is the blue file ?"I panicked

"I guess it's in Amir's office for final signature why?"she replied confused

"I I think I did that mistake again the transaction one" I reminded

"Second time" she chuckled

"Yar what should I.forgot to look at the backside and if Amir calls I am.not Going" I said anxious

The reason I panicked was Amir had already corrected my mistake the first time I made and he had warned me of the disadvantages of doing it again and secondly I have heard Amir shouting at someone and I wasn't thrilled at all.And lastly he had a foul mood idea why

"Relax Areesha if he calls I will come with you and we will explain it together" Aliya and kanwal.consoled

"Hmm" I nodded still searching for the file wishing it would still be here

"Miss Areesha sir is calling you in his office"shruti came after few minutes


,but Amir never calls me alone he always calls us together or comes by himself

"Okay" I nodded

" looks like the file is there We will come to "Aliya got up.

"No it's okay he didn't call all ,I don't want him to get more hyper I will go" I assured

"Are you sure?" kanwal asked

"Yes" I smiled.

"Yeah go don't worry why are you panicking like your going in dragons lagoon "Aliya snickered making me.glare


"GET OUT NOW!!" He bellowed at someone

I retreated as I heard his tone outside his room

"Boss is calling the poor boy came out sweating profusely

"A m m ir" I peeked in

" he answered sternly


"You called" I inquired politely

"What is this Areesha ?"he glared turning the papers.

I knew he caught the mistake

"I I forgot to check the backside" I admitted scared.

"It's the second time Areesha not the first time ,it goes under rechecking because you all students are working otherwise do you have any clue how troubled things could get" he snapped loud


"Sorry means nothing,you have to do the work properly otherwise there is no need to come" he scolded making me flinch

Tears clouded in my eyes as I fisted my hands to control them

"You may leave I want the file and transactions up to date without any mistake" he glowered throwing the file on the table.

"And please check it properly this time" he huffed

Shivering I went near the table not looking at him I took the file and ran out of the office to the ladies restroom
Locking the door I released my tears chocking in between,

He shouted so ferociously!

It was my first time getting shout by another person I felt so bad and humiliated

After 10 minutes when there were no more tears left I washed my face with cold water.
trying to adjust my red. puffy eyes.I made my way to the student cabin.

"Areesha I was so scared seeing it took you so long" kanwal said

"Ahem she was in his office " Aliya smirked but when I looked at her it instantly dropped.

"Were you crying darling?" she asked concerned and that was all to break in front of them

"Aree yar did he.say anything !"she patted my.back as I nodded

"That mister I will see him please sit here" she consoled as I attracted the attention of the whole cordial of girls

It's been few minutes now and all the girls were gathered around me consoling and giving tissues.

I never wanted anyone to know but my tears and eyes wasn't able to lie.maybe frustration of Aliya's talk about mom and Amir s scold mixed up my emotions.And I didn't hide them although I tried really. Very hard.

Having a bad day wasn't enough that I.had to face so many aunties as I came home.

I hate to work as soon as I come from out ,but who said I.had a choice .

All I feel is exhausted now mentally and physically drained even after being locked up from few hours no rest

And the fact I haven't eaten since night isn't a help either

I refused to think about Amir after replaying his words again and again for a quite some time .,

But I have to talk talk to mummy to.It's better to talk early gathering enough confidence I decided to confront mum it's going to far now.

I don't want to be insulted infront of my friends.I thought as I got up

"Mummy I want to talk to you please" I entered her room closing the door behind me

Please be strong no tears ,please no.tears.I chanted.

"What is it ?" She frowned

"You called Aliya mummy?" ,I asked broken.

"Yes i did" she nodded

"Wasn't ignoring for many months enough punishment " I held my wavering tone.

"I wanted to know the truth Areesha which you have been hiding" she signed.

"Why you don't believe me ,do I look characterless to you,do you think I will stoop so low mummy I am tired please don't insult me in front of my friends I am so tired of your ignorance" I strained .

"Why don't you believe your own daughter mummy please it's enough torture" I pleaded.

Seeing me she cleansed her fallen tears as she stood up.,

"Do you think your mother will blame you directly,with just those letters ,do you think I didn't trust you Areesha you were the one I trusted the most out of all my children."

"What do you think? I just came and checked your bag just like that.!"

"Someone told me ,I.didn't believe it .than I got two witness but still I wasn't sure than I checked your cupboard and bags it's than I found them."She lashed


"And exactly what you said to me in your defense were written in it And then that message do you think I am fool to just believe those mere letters but they proved and corrected my every doubt tell me what do you have to say now" she glared with tears in her eyes.


"Besides everything I didn't tell your father about any witness because I couldn't see you dropping from his heart" she chocked.

Witness.2 witness.I stood there absorbing what was thrown my way
In the brutlest of the ways.

My emotions flowing through my I gazed at my mother truly she was hurt beyond me.

Who could have not believe in what she encountered.

My mere words attached with true tears and against me two witness ,letters,and a message I had no chance ......not at all..the opponent is way stronger than me.

"Who are the witness" I whispered holding my self with the broken threads of my own being.

"What will you do if you know them huh?aren't you ashamed of your stubbornness.I still ask you what I have asking since months tell me about that person I promise I will make a way" she demanded shattered.

"I will ask them mummy why they did that.I will ask them in front of you" I murmured slowly closing my eyes trying hard to soothe the inner pain striking high with each word heard and said.

"One is your own sister" mom revealed as she sat on the bed with the flow of never ending tears on her angelic face.

"Tell me Areesha whom to believe now?" she questioned with a wavering tone

My world didn't just collided it shattered into mere pieces without a sound yet in my brain it was a volcano that erupted in my heart needles pierced.

"My own sister" I held my head as the vision.seemed to go blurry whiteness it was every where and not eaten anything didn't helped either nauseous feeling abducted I slid to the ground my legs giving away.And nothing was seen ahead no matter how much I tried.from complete whiteness I slid into the darkness hearing my name once more as scream which came from my mother.

I can't live like this hiding from all..

Assalam o alikum wa rahmatulahi wa barakatuhu

*Hands you A tissue box*

So ,any comments about the chapter .would love to know :-)

Keep smiling.:-)

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