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I've come as a spring
to lie beside your blossoms
to feel the glory of happiness
and spread your flowers around.


As soon as I stepped inside our cabin I caught a glimpse of peeking flowers,curiously I walked towards my table and found a bouquet of pink roses,

I had a little idea of whom  that might be from as all the girls already greeted me outside but to make sure I opened the mini card placed at the side.

°*[ Just like how rainbow bands the earth with its beauty  after a thunder is like how a sincere apology amends the heart with its colour making the relationship yet more stronger and beautiful..]*°

<I apologize Areesha,>

I didn't expect this at all.!
And I am sure I am conflicted on what to do.

"What's this?" Aliya peered with a smile.

"Flowers uh for you" I shoved the bouquet at her

"Woah for me what a surprise!" she laughed

Well what was I supposed to say it felt awkward 

"Ahem and the card to" she smirked

"It's from Mr Amir" kanwal winked.

"I uh you both can share"I  smiled.

Aliya facepalmed,

"They are for you Areesha come on" kanwal mused handing the.bouquet

"Good morning" Amir voiced from behind.

"Good morning sir" all answered except me.

"Today is your last day here we have arranged a little farewell lunch on  behalf of the company, be at the 2nd floor by 1pm" he instructed while all smiled in excitement.

"I have checked all your work I admit I am impressed with the new concepts,and  Ideas.your marks will be announced in your final wrap in Abu Dhabi this weekend.And you all will get a day or two for the compilation of your works.And the final speech will be delivered there" he said

Me and Aliya were still standing.while I uneasily kept the flowers down.

Without saying a word  he gazed intently at me for few seconds before departing

"Coming back to the gorgeous flowers so...." Aliya hinted mischievous.

"What about them!" I grumbled

"Don't tell me your not moved by this" kanwal wiggled her eyebrows.

"No,what will the whole cabin think I whispered.
"It wasn't a wise decision" I pointed

"First he bought you amazing flowers despite of being the boss and here your being bossy "

"No I am just saying what's right" I defended.

"And judging by his mood a few.minutes ago I can't believe he sent these."I stated

"Ahem so.someone did notice the mood" kanwal sang

"I just stated the fact "I said plainly

" Areesha please can you go to the front garden "

"Why?" I eyed her suspiciously

"Because Amir asked us to inform you" she shrugged

"So?,I am not.going there alone" I seated myself

"Your not going to be alone there Areesha gardeners,some staff and on going people would surely be there" she explained

"Still I am not going "

"There is nothing wrong if he wants to explain his doings" kanwal mused

"Let's assume I forgot it ,no way I will go there it's inappropriate" I dismissed.

"No!your going because we gave our word and I don't see anything wrong if he wants to apologize in person because he has to" Aliya glared.

"I don't want  an apology it's fine "

"Get up we all will go okay!" kanwal smiled.

Making me.stand here they both practically ran away

I will see you both! I thought as I looked at there retreating figures.

"Your upset ?"I heard Amir's voice winding me around


"How are  you feeling now ?"he inquired

" Alhumdulilah Fine "

"So,your upset with me?" he tiptoed

Of course

"I did a mistake yes but I didn't deserved to be scolded" I whispered

"I apologize I didn't meant to be that rude and I definitely don't shout at ladies but I had a bad day so I lost control over my temper "he admitted

"So,whenever you will lose temper you will repeat it again with anyone?"I asked

"I am trying okay it isn't easy" he sighed

"I want to take back every rude comment I said that day."

"It's okay "I whispered

"Thank you for releasing me from the guilt"

"Areesha I I l"

"Hmm?" i asked looking ahead

"Nothing thanks once again" he smiled

"Can I.go.now" I asked pointing in

It felt awkward standing outside the office premises

"Yeah sure and Areesha you are free to make mistakes I will not say a word" he grinned

"You are giving me a free offer don't regret when I apply that" I smiled making him laugh

I shouldn't have said that

"I uh will go in" I turned

Looking at her retreating figure he sighed how can he explain.how important she had become in his life that a thought of not having her in his life makes him nothing less than a monster.

How could he control himself when he heard about umar's arrival,he doesn't trust him and neither can protect Areesha when he is not around.

But he had  planned one thing though which will at least make her a little comfortable

HE will gift Umar a hotel suit package from HIS side in front of Areesha's dad so he wouldn't deny  and won't stay at there house for the time being he is here.

And with that his budget will have to be planned once again.But for Areesha it's worth it.

The radiance of her face shows a glimpse of her pure heart,and lucky would I be If I get to have a corner there he thought as he followed her once walken steps towards the building

While the mind sees only boundaries, Love knows the secret way there.

~ Rumi


"Areesha humaira has invited us all for dinner and she advised me it's better if you stay the weekend in Abu Dhabi untill your project is complete".

"Mummy how can I stay there"I asked baffled.

"Why not I think it will save you from the daily hustle of traveling almost 2 hours.And besides I assume a little change in surrounding will refresh you."

"You wouldn't let me stay at my friends how come you are preferring I stay there" I chided.

"When I keep all the scenarios ahead it appears as the best option and I will be at peace while you study there ,"

"What about baba?"

"Your baba will say nothing it's only for three days.besides he Wil prefer the same."

"I will discuss with Aliya and kanwal to" I muttered closing the wardrobe .

"No,need beta I already said yes to her.I just came here to inform you about it" she smiled


"Now pack your clothes,don't look at me like that consider humaira as your mother "mom said going away.

Wait does that mean I will be staying near Amir all that time

Why do you think it that way my mind scolded.

"I am soo looking forward for the stay" I sighed picking out my clothes.

You see a mother and a child relation is unique and specific in it's own way.
No matter how many loopholes distract you from each other or how misty the affection becomes in between but the love never weavers it may seem shielded at times of utter difficulties,but it never fades.
And as soon as the life gets on track your bonding becomes more stronger forgetting even that once it was close to a fading line.

My mind is  Really eager to know the reason behind her change but I am scared of the beautiful balloon around me will burst as I ask and everything will turn out as it was before ,gloomy.,depressed,sad And I don't want it to return again

"Where are you going?"Rayyan plopped on my bed jerking me from my thoughts.


"What happened I asked whether your going somewhere?" he inquired.

"Oh yeah humaira auntie's house I will be staying there for the weekend "I orated calming my heart

"Excuse me who said so?"

"Mummy said it would be easier,for me to go from there "I explained

"No one  Even bothered to  tell me" he grumbled

"You will miss me?"

"Sure I will "he scoffed

"I knew you were going btw Where is your small teddy there were precious things in his pouch" he inquired looking around.

" sneaky I mumbled "and  didn't you  bought the teddy?"

"Nah Amir bought it and literally it has lindt chocolate.talk about exclusive" he cheered .

"Lindt isn't exclusive Ray" I chuckled placing my clothes.

"It is exclusive because mum doesn't let me buy them no matter what" he grunted checking the pouch.

"Where are the chocolates?don't tell me you finished them all."he proclaimed

"What if I did" I teased.

"Noo you couldn't do this to your handsome brother he fretted".Making me laugh.

"Don't worry I kept them in the fridge" I consoled

"Oh  Really thanks and  by any chance did you said  good bye  because that was the last time you saw them" he exclaimed running out.

"Rayyy" I chided from my place

"Had a fun meeting with you sis" he shouted from the kitchen.

Brothers .

I felt like a huge burden has been lifted from my heart as I recalled my realization of mistake.,

Mummy was being extra careful with her talk with me very sweet that is.

And I saw a response In my dream which is the top reason of my happiness.

Allah responds when you call unto him!

All that time when I used to pray and the missing feeling which I used to feel was a way through which He was indicating me .But I wasn't able to grasp it.

But when I asked .HIM about my wrong doings instantly all the paths were lit open.



"I have even commenced  to polish my dance moves" Ibrahim chided making us laugh

"We don't want people to run away ibi" Reema snickered,

"Who said you will be allowed to see it ,he defended

We were presently seated in humaira aunties house teasing Amir to get married as his mother willed

Ibrahim was the one who started it while we were just supporting the idea and enjoying Amir's scowl.

"Areesha api tell bhai to agree with mom's choice"Ibrahim orated

"Yeah  And will you help us in  finding her" Reema inquired excited

"Sure" I grinned as Amir grunted

"If you are  curious to find me a wife than tell me what  will she  prefer and dislike in me" he raised his eyebrows.

"Well it depends upon her preferences how can I know.?"I stated

"What will any girl dislike about me."he asked again

What a question..

"Your temper" I pointed

"I thought they like hot tempered guys."he mused

Such confidence.

"It depends upon every girl " I stated

"You mean to say you won't like your husband to be hot tempered"

Astaghferullah where is this conversation turning to


" I we are talking about you".I replied annoyed

"Yah bhai I am craving for a function get married already" Reema whined

"I wish to see you in the groom's position" Ibrahim fake sniffed making us giggle

"I want to attend a wedding soon bro "  Rayyan smirked

"If you so.want to attend a wedding why don't you get married."Amir fired

"Well,I have time to choose and settle now it's your turn."Rayyan defended

"I am.hiring a rishta wali aunty for you" Reema wiggled her eyebrows.

"We don't need that my future wife has to be around she just have to open her eyes and heart to see me" he boasted going away leaving us  all stunned at his sudden confession.

"Reema is there someone? I asked

"We need to be stalkers "she smirked

"Yeah you all funny very funny you will be caught at the exact second" Rayyan mocked

"Don't focus on his words" I smiled at an irritated Reema.

"Rayyan is right Reema is a person who will say..
"Hey I am a robber who came to steal so be aware" he mimicked making us laugh

"I will see you ibi" she exclaimed throwing her chocolate.

"Fortunately You see me every day sista" he saluted running away.


"A pleasant weekend it's going to be" Reema cheered taking my hand as I came inside after bidding farewell to my family

I was feeling slightly uncomfortable being alone without my family despite of them being nothing but welcoming.

"Come.beta let me show you the room change and than come we will go the roof with a cup of tea" aunty instructed making me excited.

"No need mom we will make  special tea on coals there" Amir  spoke.

"That's even more wonderful ,you know Areesha Amir and your uncle makes the best tea.I am so glad you will taste it today" aunty smiled.

"Can't wait" I said slowly.

"Mee to" I heard Amir's whisper behind me

Dismissing every thought that threatened to glide I strided towards the room.

Pleasant air swayed around us in a calm and gentle manner fanning our faces with its light breeze.

This place is mesmerizing I thought as I gazed at the different houses lit and decorated with the finest arts and lights.

The view of peaceful night filled with colonies of decorated lamps

Some cars zoomed slowly on the bright streets in the darkest part of the night while others lay asleep in the rustle of few leaves and hum of the breeze.

I glanced at the heavily glimmering sky with many stars and a shining moon glowing with smile.

An involuntary smile reached my lips as I remembered the lines I read somewhere.

When you feel sad see the moon and smile  because it's the same moon our beloved prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) used to see.

SubhanAllah it's true the moon looks more beauteous when seen in that way.

"Care to share the reason behind your smile" Reema asked as Amir stood beside me making me shift a little

"The sky seems so gracefull with those shining stars" I murmured

"In Dubai the sky is much crowded by dust to gaze at the stars."

"They are hidden behind the atmospheric gases,not giving us a chance to peek at them"

"Exactly some people are more precious and bright than the stars but they are hidden due to some wrong people as dust in there lives,". AMIR said

"Hmm may ALLAH help them to shine and eradicate those people from there life "I whispered.

"Ameen" he murmured.

I looked at him sensing his gaze on me.

"You know the  star which I desire to capture seems to be near yet impossible to catch" he glanced at me.

"Which star do you desire" ,   I inquired gazing at the sky

"The light I desire can brighten my life only if Allah wills.And I am going to do just that."


"I will ask Him to let the star be mine"he whispered lighter than a feather

"So if you decided to ask for a star ask one for me too I love them" Reema  chirped

Guess she heard to

"Bhai for api to ! you want one to right ?"Reema beamed

"Really you want one?" he asked.

What am I supposed to answer

"Uh maybe" I shrugged

"You don't need a star "he looked away.

"How can you say that ?"

"you need a moon to help you shine the brightest admist all."he orated going towards the  braizer containing hot tea

His words

Reema and i stood rooted to our place as we absorbed his words.

Reema glanced at me confused.as I blinked the thoughts away .

It's not good to go deep in his meanings

"Come on I want to taste the tea" I smiled taking her hand.

"What did Bhai meant api.?"

"I don't know.much about philosophy Reema" I chuckled brushing away the awkwardness..

"Come beta sit here" aunty drew the chair near her as Amir handed me a cup of the special tea his gaze not wavering even for a second.until I turned my face away to chat with Reema


Closing the cupboard I answered the incoming call.


I froze

"How are you ?"


"What happened did I surprised you?"


How did he get the number

"Assalam o alikum" I responded

"Walalikum Asalam." He answered

"Uh do you want to talk to mummy"i inquired anxious.

Although mummy was 2hours away

"No!I called to hear your voice Areesha.,it's been long since I heard it".

"Didn't you like me calling you?" He inquired

"You shouldn't have called" I whispered

"Why not! I really miss you."he said making my senses halt

"Umar" I warned

" Areesha I love you "he stated loud .

with that I disconnected the call

Keeping my hand at the crazy beating heart I closed my eyes not believing what I heard after so long.

Assalam o alikum wa rahmatulahi wa barakatuhu

Lovely readers Hope you liked the chapter :-)

Stay blessed

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