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" The heart of a lover is like a
.... furnace of love.
Whatever goes into it is burnt
to nothingness ....
because there is no fire like
.... the fire of love. "

- Hazrat Khwaja Gharib Nawaz Chisti


It's eccentric how the happenings around you convert swiftly as you move on.

Throughout the night each word of his  reverberated around me.

It left me restless,confused,tired and a little scared.

While  here  thought he would  probably have forgotten me

Some people in your  life are meant to be distractions perhaps..or sometimes something more

Allah knows,

The curtains were parted strings were tied welcoming the awakening glow of the shining sun,

Soft gleam of it spreading throughout the house gradually making its way.

The house looked mesmerizing in the morning glittering with radiance of the sun with the fresh fragrance of flowers decorating every inch of it.

"Assalam o alikum wa rahmatulahi wa barakatuhu aunty good morning" I chirped stepping in the kitchen

"You are awake my dear,come have some tea un till I make.breakfast."

"I will help you"  I smiled

"No,no beta you sit,and enjoy your breakfast "

"But I Wil:-

"No,just accompany me in talking" she assured.

"It's a good habit to be  awake early ,your mother is lucky I.have to drag all of them into their seats early morning."

"I was the same aunty but slowly my routine changed "

"Stay blessed beta,.now have  this hot paratha with omelette,"she placed the oily goody infront.

By the size of the paratha I am not going to be hungry all day..

"No one will join aunty ,I don't like to eat alone."I said.

"Goooooood morning ladiess" Ibrahim chirped taking the chair.

"You have one now" aunty chuckled

"Hey ibi" I smiled

"I was pondering from where the fragrance of rose is emitting from i see its you sitting here "he grinned making us laugh.

"Ibi Amir will see you" aunty shook her head.

"You are philosophical" I complimented as he bowed.

"How come you are awake early?".Aunty questioned

"I wanted our guest to have a good impression of me" he answered cheekily

"Did you wake Reema and Amir ?"aunty chuckled.

"Your gem of a son resembles a sleeping beauty while your daughter practically threw me out.I am not going again".he chided.

"You see api I am only the sophisticated child here" he boasted drinking tea.

"Sure you are" aunty muttered placing his breakfast ahead.

"Mom not again!!" Amir's grumble boomed in the house

"Why would you do that" he exclaimed from his.room.

And I thought  he is different

Seeing my confused expression aunty laughed.

"Don't worry Amir you will thank me later" aunty voiced loudly.

"What happened" I asked.

"I massaged his head with oil while he was asleep
he hates oiling his hair.
But what can.I do.he will turn bald by all those gells he applies  so I always take  advantage of his sleeping state," aunty laughed making me.join.

"My.Hair stinks" he  grunted with that a loud thud of the bathroom door was heard.

" He is not only my.biggest son but also a big baby" aunty said adoringly making me.chuckle.

"He.is grumpy" I said.

"He will be fine after breakfast don't worry he is a little hot headed but he is very loving and caring child".

"Nah Bhai is  grumpiest in the morning" Ibrahim joined earning a slap on his head

"Ow mom you are a fighter" he grumbled rubbing the sore spot.

"I will wake Reema and come" aunty exited the kitchen.

"I will get ready untill than" I excused.earning a thumbs up from Ibrahim who practically had a mouthful.

I dressed up in an elegant royal purple gown matching it with pearl white veil around and headed downstairs,not wanting to be late.

"MA shaa ALLAH beta you are ready good! You look beautiful"aunty smiled attracting attention.

"My daughter is here come join your  for tea".Uncle offered.

"Thank you uncle I had my breakfast" I excused politely.

"No worries give us.company till Amir comes "

He is still getting ready?

"Amir takes a  hour to get ready in the morning" aunty answered.my thoughts

"Bhaii I am sure  you look amazing come out" I heard Ibrahim's voice as he came down with cheeky grin plastered on his face.

"Hi again api" he waved making me smile

"You are at home till now !"Amir glared from behind.

"I am.going I am.going" he ran  out making us laugh as Amir himself stifled a smile.

Greetings us Amir took his place in front of me .passing a genuine smile

I averted my eyes conflicted  whether to return the favour.

"Bhai" Reema whispered

"What ?"he asked distracted

"I think I am.not feeling well can I stay home with api "she pleaded.

"Definitely don't know how to act".Ibrahim snickered coming back.

"Why are you here again?" Amir questioned "and Reema be down in two minutes" he answered

"But Bhaii:

"Areesha will be going with me and will return after 2   so it's better you get ready"

I glanced at aunty who seemed delighted hearing their talks while uncle  engrossed on a call

"I came here to take Reema bhai tell her to hurry up" Ibrahim said taking a seat beside me.

"Go out and inform the driver to wait the bus wouldn't stop itself."Amir pointed

"Nah he always wait for us Bhai Courtsey of your being" he grinned.

"Areesha why are you not eating anything?"Amir passed croissants

"No thank you I uh had my breakfast" I replied dismissing his offer politely

"You got up quite early" he remarked

"Yes she has a great habit unlike you people" uncle said

"All we need is a good influence of her in the house to be like her and it's better If I  don't go to collage today" Reema lazily strolled down with her bag.

"I want to see you out In two minutes Amir ordered earning a grown from her.

"Hey sweet api" she greeted kissing my cheeks.

"My dear have a wonderful day" I wished returning the favour.

"Tell Bhai to let me be  with you today" she whispered

"It's better  not to miss your collage sweetheart." I whispered back only to see  her innocent pout

"Reema have a proper breakfast and don't trouble our daughter "uncle said leaving

"I will set your father's clothes" aunty hurried behind

"Bhaii can't I.accompany you all to office?"

"No!" he answered monotonous

"Close the news channel "she gestured

Ibrahim.being a good brother he did

"What is the meaning of this act "Amir grunted placing his coffee

"It's  sports practice today so we won't study and I want to come  with you" she pleaded

"It's a kind of event and families are aloud "I voiced

"Really whoops" Ibrahim cheered

"But we are not taking them" he dismissed

"Whyy that's utterly unfair "they chanted

"They can visit the small festival they have arranged" I spoke

"They are going to visit only one place there collage" he gazed at them making us all huff.

"But I promise to take you all somewhere in the evening" he added making them grin

I smiled remembering there excited face as they went out.

"Care to share the whisper talks" Amir proded raising his eyebrows

"That's a secret" I said

"A secret I see ,
so are you comfortable around here?"

"Yes perfectly Alhumdulilah"

"If you acquire anything you can say to anyone you want to please feel at home" he said

"Thank you" I whispered

"When will we leave ?"

Seeing me Amir frowned.

"Areesha you are not going now?I will pick you up at 11"

"Why ?" I asked confused.

"There are many unnecessary people,,just informing about stuffs you don't have to listen to them ,when the main course will start you will be there." He answered

"But Aliya and kanwal will be there at Sharp 8."

"They can learn many things in the meantime" he said casually

I am mad or he is..

"I can learn to."I persuaded

"No,there are way to many people."he dismissed

"Amir my friends will be there and I want to join them."

"I have stated it already,be ready at  Sharp 11" he said going towards his room.

What is this.?

"Amir what will I  say to my friends." I question annoyed

"Inform them you will be there at 11 or if you want I will make them drop here till than "he said

"They won't have the permission to go anywhere "I stated

"Than I will make arrangements for them there."

"Than I can I go to "

"No! I will call you so your mobile should be with you."

"But this won't be fair to them and than why the timings  say otherwise.?" I asked

"I know.What I am doing Areesha!",he frowned

"Amir you are leaving , aunty questioned

Should I tell her

"Yes mum Allah Hafez" he orated closing the door.

"What happened to him?"she inquired

"I uh don't know" I answered

"Your uncle is leaving soon and than we will spend mother daughter quality time" aunty winked cheering me up.


"You messaged us at the right time otherwise we would have been bored in those business talks "

"That's not true Aliya your company can never let anyone get bored" I stated

"You could have entertained the boring businesses men's to" kanwal mocked

"Stop" she scowled

"Honestly speaking this  week was amazing" Aliya sighed

"True it was" I agreed.

"Tell us how is your stay at his house ahem more closer I mean" kanwal beamed

"We are in the office kanwal" I glared.


"Everything is fair after you get amazing scores" she chirped

We received our certificates few minutes ago and were currently heading towards the small event  they had arranged in the honour.

NOW All we had to do was attend two days seminar here and than.back to university

"No it's not fair" I shook my head

"You are going to tell us about every detail  Areesha" Aliya voiced.

"I don't have any details" I mumbled answering the call.

"Amir says to sit on the table he had booked" I said closing the phone

"The waiter will guide us". I added

"What?" I asked hearing no response from them.

"Has he already proposed you?you are not hiding anything right?"kanwal inquired

Ya Allah rahem.

"Shut up kanwal and He was our manger he had done this for each of  his batch" I defended.

"Oh" they said.

"Honestly I like this office more it's more huge and sophisticated" kanwal praised.changing the topic smoothly as we entered the camp

The event consisted of grand business  library,
many oil refinery models,connected to the extraction with relative machines used in it
Best refine of petrol with the great octane number was sampled using it and assuring its advantages to people.

In short it was interesting to learn about various aspects of the course in which it's extracted and many new discoveries on the way.

currently they have been evaluating the sea bed and already have started it's extraction from the sea.

U.A.E has been exporting oil since many years and now it's role has become vital in regards to the supply making many  countries dependent for it .

Gasco is one of the largest oil company across it.consisting the logo of the national bird. "The Eagle"

"My mind can't take anymore let's go and sit there" kanwal whined

"Yes and it's almost time for us to leave."Aliya informed.

"So early" I asked disheartened.

"You have a great company don't you say anything kanwal" smirked pointing at Amir who was currently talking to someone.

" please leave now why wait I will be surely  in more peace" I stated

"Nice joke" Aliya laughed

"One word in favour of Amir I won't talk to you both" I warned.

"As if you can do that" kanwal mused

"I very well can "

"Sure,but who knows if someone turns Mrs Amir soon "Aliya mocked.

"Ya Allah give me patience" I mumbled as I blew on them

"Someone has done magic on you both go home rest well than we will talk "

"AND Who may be  the magician here" Amir inquired surprising us.from behind

"Magicians should remain invisible Amir Bhai" kanwal spoke making him chuckle

"Your bus is waiting" he pointed at them

"Oh okay ALLAH hafiz will miss you" Aliya hugged as she whispered nonsense in my ears.

All friends need is a simple source to tease your existence. Sigh

"Whispering is a sin when others are standing near" Amir mused

"Sorry bye and thank you" they greeted as they strided out.

Thank you?

"Had a good time?" Amir grinned standing in front

"Yes" I nodded.

"Let's leave" he gestured towards the entrance.

"Shall we pick Reema and ibi on the way then we will dine out "he inquired driving away.

"Sure,but after picking them  we should go home aunty must be waiting" I answered

"Let's see he mumbled sliding  the Windows down making me internally smile he knew and he remembers that  I always slide the Windows In his presence.

It was beyond his thoughts that why her every act made him respect her more.

Whether it  be her shifting to the furthest part near the door,
Opening the Windows till maximum
Or never initiating  a .conversation  herself ,
Just a short answer to his long questions
Or a little long if necessary.

His heart swelled with pride on her every act done and every word spoken

Like soft hums of flower beds in the early morning she brightens his day with her soft whispers.

Areesha be mine he prayed
internally as he glanced to see her engrossed in her own world gazing outside .

Both of them in there own world with content heart and different desires.

But who  knew what was written in there  destiny,how many heart breaks ,how many tears ,how much longings and how plentious love

The fate will decide that whether

The desire will be for each other or will.be for another

The tears will  contain happiness or carry  sadness

The heart breaks will be from words or  distances.

The longings would be from changed  behaviors or from changed destinations.

Love would be true or just an illusion

Distances will end or grow.

Only destiny had the answers to all.What faith held for them and for a person who has uncovered his first layer.


"Today the dinner is special our Areesha made Biryani "aunty voiced as we arranged the table

It was my  third night here and I wouldn't lie I felt cherished

"Wuhuuu yes!!" Ibrahim cheered making me smile.

"Oh yess appi love you" Reema grinned.

"Can't wait "Amir glanced .

"MA shaa ALLAH  Areesha you just made the day very special my daughter.."uncle said.

Although I knew that it wasn't a big deal probably aunty makes it often but  the praises they showered me with were immense

It's the best feeling when you know your efforts matters..I was jumping with happiness inside.

"I was so bored of eating  vegetables" Ibrahim Sighed.dramatically

"Apii it's the most delicious Biryani I.have ever tasted "Reema moaned..

"I second that "Amir spoke.

"Woah wait a second bring the thermometer Bhai said something unbelievable" Reema gasped.making me blush

"Reema "aunty shook her head while Amir gazed at me with a smile

"Api please stay here forever" Ibrahim whined.

"How selfish ibi for food !".Reema glared.

"No no I will.make Biryani myself only for her if she agrees" Ibrahim defended making us Chuckle

"No doubt our house seems more beautiful after you came" aunty smiled making me feel  special

"  stay a week more than" Ibrahim whined

"I uh."

I didn't knew we would all bond so soon

"Yes you.have a week holiday isn't it stay here" Amir pointed

"I will speak to your father" uncle smiled.

"Uncle I don't think..I started

"I know it will be great amjad sahab you ask bhai after dinner.I am not letting my daughter leave" aunty smiled.


"Assalam o alikum " I smiled embracing mummy.

"We couldn't live without our daughter for  so here we are " baba orated as he embraced uncle in a manly hug.

"Now! who said we will give her back,I am not letting my daughter leave". uncle joked

Where is Rayyan

"Right Ameera we can keep your sister here while you and your brother live there" aunty came

"No aunty she is mine" Ameera exclaimed making her giggle.

"And aunty she is the only one in the home who can do our projects we can't let her go" Rayyan's voice boomed from out side

My typical sweet brother

"How selfish" Reema mumbled making him grin.

BUT  my smile dropped the  instant I looked towards his direction

"Humaira look whose here to meet you" mummy pointed at the figure approaching besides Rayyan as I stood there internally wishing it to be a dream.or an illusion.

But who said dreams can't be true or illusions can't be accurate,

Because striding towards me was a man who not even in my dreams I thought would be here in front of me after so long.

Aunty embraced him as I stepped back from the door turning around only to be halted by a tug

A slow gasp escaped my lips as I saw the corner of my veil grasped in his hands.

I couldn't jerk it away  or else everyone would see,that only leaves one option go in when everyone leaves.

I glanced up to see his eyes analysing my face stopping by the eyes. as my heart beat raised at a frenetic level.

It should,and definitely should be a dream.

Without you, I am like winter, tormenting everyone. With you, I am a rose garden in spring.

~ Rumi

Assalam o alikum wa rahmatulahi wa barakatuhu

Sooooooo many people were waiting for him..
Such confidence he possesses

While Areesha looked comfortable with Amir.?

Please do let me know your thoughts

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