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Oh brother! You are as good as your thoughts, the rest of you are only bones and fibers! If like flower is your consciousness, you are a rose garden... if like thorn is your understanding, you are fuel for fire.

~ Rumi

He visualized her from afar

Her glowing face , lowered gaze ,and heart warming smile halts him to falter his eyes from her
YET her soothing speech , nervous yet confident replies wants him to escalate her in his land .

What a game destiny has played with him,

The girl for whom he made a journey from so afar to satisfy his suffering heart now stood in front of him

Claded in a limelight frock with flowing grace which mastered her every move

But the irony ,
IN someone's house who he had come to despise because of his interest in his other half.

How could she do that to him

she did looked happy as she opened the door

But no she wouldn't dare to be no not in Amir's house at least

He can't loose the battle for which he has been striving hard and the battle which not only depends upon his victory but his life too.

If he can study eyes than probably her eyes contained nothing but distress for him.

which affected him

It did

It very much did.....

"Api come in why are you still standing there"Reema ushered as she ran to answer ,aunty.

The corner of my veil was still held captive in his firm grasp in such a twisted way by which the other person could barely see it

Briskly I took a little step ahead hinting him to release it.
But rather he moved closer perking up my senses.

"I really missed you" he whispered loosening his hold as he heard Rayyan's voice getting closer

I stood there rooted until he was completely out of sight scared that my one move will make him turn

Is this a new chapter of my life,or a new test I thought as I tried to hold on the fact

That he is really Here!!


This was the most unexpected surprise of my life.

"Well well look whose here the sister who forgot her only precious brother" Rayyan joked

"I talked to you everyday ray" I answered composing myself

"Well don't blame me it's your fault we have become dependent on you .

"Do you even know how hard it was for me to use the right words for my assignments.and guess what I did about my writing I begged mom to help out and I received so many lectures" he huffed.

"You should learn to do your own work" I pointed

"I will say don't abandon us like that again" he answered making me chuckle

" don't take it wrong who said I missed you" he grumbled.

"But I missed my.brother" I said

"Who can not miss me" he boasted gesturing us towards the dining hall.

" Aunty where is Amir ?"umar inquired boldly.

"He had some work dear he will be here in an hour" she smiled serving him.

I could sense his gaze and I wouldn't doubt how anyone can get a hint because he didn't bothered about others .any person seeing him can apprehend by following his unwanted eyes.

My feelings were all out of place I tried every possible way to assure myself but something in me hinted otherwise.

each bite resembled a rock which I tried to swallow

Drinking a glass of water I excused myself and went towards the backyard away from him.

My life was back to normal after so long than why why he had to come Allah.

I didn't miss my mother's glances nor my father's in an attempt to see my reaction

"My runaway princess" I heard his confident claim halting my senses

Ya Allah give him hidayat!


But how could he even know that I am here

Areesha run!

Winding around I glanced at the exit door.

"Let's talk first than you can leave" he spoke following my gaze

"I want to leave" I mumbled

"I request you" he said slowly

Is this the same umar

"Areesha how are you?"didn't you miss me?"he inquired striding closer

Hearing no response from me he continued

"Areesha I i want to have a proper talk with you ."

"Umar it's not appropriate to talk here" I pointed.

"A few minutes won't say anything" he frowned

"I want to go."I opted towards the exit

"Till when you will run ,where is your strong personality learn to face the situation" he stated.

"I am not running."I frowned.

"I am ready to talk in front of all then let's go "he gestured towards the hall.

He is the same

Gauging my bewildered expressions he spoke again

"I was supposed to be ecastic after seeing you after so long no doubt I am happy.But finding you here in this house lowered my expectations.and excitement as a whole

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"I have warned you earlier that I don't appreciate you being near Amir and here I found you in his very house you don't even know how I am controlling myself ,my anger and my frustration tell me Areesha what should I do" he raged

"Your opinions are based on your thoughts "I corrected

"It was supposed to be a time where I would have shared with you many special things and I definitely did not plan it to be here."He continued ignoring my response

"Are you even listening to me" he glared.

"Umar you are making it a big deal my my answer is still the same" I whispered scared of his reaction.

After getting no response I glanced up to see him breathing hard.

"Than mark it -
The battle has just begun I don't accept no for an answer,and you won't even believe what I had to tell you ."

"You choosed this way yourself Areesha and to let you know you are punishing me quite brutally on those mistakenly spoken words which were just an outcome of something else .
your honour is important to me in fact very important if it wasn't than today you would have been my wife willingly or unwillingly".he stated making me internally gulp.

"Areesha why are you out ?"Amir's voice broke the sudden tension in the atmosphere.

"Umar?" He voiced
" surprised to see you here" he spoke as they shook hands

"Yeah I changed my flight schedule" Umar answered

"You shouldn't be out at this hour go in" Amir gestured and I speed walked in to the house.as they continued there talk.

But not missing umar's hard gaze on me.

"Heyy people of the faraway land Dani welcomes you" he smiled

" so good to see my all children gathered after so long " he joked

The news of us being together spreaded throughout in just mere seconds that we were ordered to be online at the exact moment so here we were all sitted in the children lounge with laptop connected to t.v and a group call consisting Pakistan.and UK.

"Hey Mr bean" Asad bhai waved

"It's good to see you all together" hina api smiled.

"Sorry children just give me to two minutes with you "phuphee spoke making dani grown while we stifled our smile.

"Ameera Reema and sana how are you my dears.?"

"And my daughter Areesha how have you been don't you miss your phuphee" she asked.

"Uh of course I do "I mumbled

Lie lie lie.


"Don't lie to me than why don't you visit here come you will like it" she smiled.

"The offer is valid only for her phuphee can I tag along" dani chipped in.

"Yes my dear you are most welcome here" she said.

"Phuphee be aware you don't want trouble" sana warned.

"No no he is our Prince" she spoke.

"Listen to it people or shall I record it to refresh your memory every time you forget it" he boasted.

"Carry on I just came to see you and Areesha take Care ALLAH Hafez" phuphee orated leaving

"How did your project went?" sana inquired

"Alhumdulilah great just one more day to go "

"That's good" hina api nodded

"It doesn't matter if you don't attend the last day" Umar said

What is his problem.

"You don't have to attend it than why are you sulking" dani muttered

"Kids shouldn't interrupt".Umar pointed

"Me a kid" he scoffed

"of course you are dani who in their right mind messages in the midnight just to say"
" change your dp because it's annoying" Asad bhai mocked.

"It wasn't my fault the time difference we have just slipped my mind.and it's my right to have a say on that creepy thing" he defended

"Mom is calling I will be back" I excused leaving there banter.

"Where will Umar stay mummy" I asked anxiously filling the tea cups

"He is just here for few days beta so we decided that he should stay in the house rather than a hotel although he had already booked his room while coming and Amir offered him too but he declined."

"If he has already done the booking than we shouldn't stop him you know wastage of money "I covered.

"Areesha don't worry my dear it's not what you are thinking we had a talk about it remember be relaxed and as far he is concerned he is our relative and a guest we should think of his comfort.
take this tea I will call humaira"

"Where is aunty.?"

"She is attending a call so I thought to make tea so we can relax together"

"What a great level friendship you are cooking in her house "I praised.

"It's good to give your friend some relaxement sometimes" she chuckled.

"Areesha api they are .calling you up" Reema came.

"Okay I will serve tea and come."

"Ask whether anyone wants to have tea there" I said

"Okay" she chirped running up

"Will you not ask why I like diamonds because I have a very nice explanation prepared " I heard Dani whine as I entered

"Sure dani go ahead."

" diamonds  are unique they  reflect every  incoming Sharp rays of light in every circimstance which makes it more precious I prefer a life like it beautiful to look at
highly expensive
shiny throughout the life
difficult to break and when anyone tries to eat it they die" he ended dramatically.

While we all gazed at him In utter shock

"Dani you have brain" Rayyan gasped making him roll his eyes.

"I am beauty with brain" he answered cheekily.

"And one more thing many girls like diamonds "he smirked earning a hard slap on his head from sana.

"Serves you right" Umar spoke.

"I am sure this is the main reason you like diamonds" Rayyan joked.

"You mentioned you like pearls may we know the reason behind it.
I mean leaving diamonds ,rubies,emeralds you chosed pearls why?" Sana asked

"Why the sudden question?"

"We were talking about jewels and we demanded an explanation from everyone now it's your turn" zari api answered

"Oh okay!" I answered suddenly growing nervous by there expectant glances

"Well,I see a pearl through the eyes of an admirer.I believe in all how they form is the lesson for us,"I answered

"Elaborate it" dani ushered

"Allah has thought us a beautiful lesson through it"

"They replicate to be a hidden precept(moral) for us as humains."

"How??"Umar inquired curious

You don't even talk!

"I read an exquisite narration of sheikh sadi and from that day it's still adorned in my heart that's how I came to love pearls ".

"Care to share"hina api winked

"Um I will write and give it  "I pleaded

"No say it na please" they chided

BISMILLAH I murmured before starting

A raindrop fell from a spring cloud, and ,
seeing the wide expanse of the sea, was shamed.
" Where the sea is, " it reflected , " where am I ?
Compare with that, forsooth, I am extinct.

While thus regarding itself with an eye of contempt,
an oyster took it to its bosom, and fate shaped its
course .... that eventually the raindrop became a
famous royal pearl.

It was exalted, for it was humble ....
Knocking at the door of extinction, .... it became existent. "

- Shaykh Sa'adi

"It is exactly how we are when born nothing just like a rain drop in the wide earth but with full faith and honesty ALLAH helps and shapes you to become a royal pearl "

"You have to listen or read it few times to understand the hidden lessons in it "I completed

"I have no words Areesha" sana sighed.

"Indeed it is superb yar" kiran api grinned

"Can I be your admirer" dani wiggled his eyebrows.

"Get lost" Umar glared earning a smirk from dani

Ruin every moment

"Where do you get this all from" hina api inquired

"I love sufism so I read there quotes and some of them just sticks with me and abide in my heart forever "

"I  would  love to attend your class" Reema chided making everyone laugh.

Amir gazed intently at the beauty in front of him wishing to whisk her away from the dark eyes of the hard hearts who if gained her Will only crush her into pieces which he would never let it happen.

Seeing Umar here ruined his mood and plans altogether.

And who said her to be in the backyard
couldn't she just leave as soon as Umar came .

Because he is sure he must have followed her,

just why he left for work at night

He even declined his offer but boiling inside won't help him solve the matter he has to think wisely.

While despite of him being utterly angry at her due to their early conversation Umar Looked at her with adoration ,his choice is always perfect can't wait to call her mine his inner wished as he was aware of her discomfort at his sudden surprise visit
You can run but every road has an end and your end is being with me Areesha
You are my queen in my kingdom of love decorated with your sincerity and innocence.


"You are coming home!" Umar ordered

I glanced at the side to see Reema and Ameera engrossed in their show.

"I have to be here till tomorrow "I answered monotonous

"Don't make me a fool I.have been attending these kinds of projects and the last day isn't important" he glared.

"I didn't say it's important but I.want to go" I answered confident

"Than let's see who goes tomorrow" he challenged.

What wrong did I do today.


I would admit I missed my room,I had to drop the last day and He won the challenge,


It's surprising to know how he makes ways so easily for himself.

I have no idea what he said but aunty insisted him to stay the night so he can join us after the seminar and we could show him around.

That's when he passed his irritating smirk and I decided to skip the day and go home instead.

It was far better choice than to stay there with Umar  without parents and siblings . He is so confident and blunt in front of them I don't even want to imagine the latter.

Amir had a frown on his face all the while but didn't interrupted because it was my choice and respected that.

So here I am in my room sighing in relief that the ride ended who knew 2 hours would turn so obscure.

His ways scares me .

Closing the blinds I switched on my lamp and sat on the dim study writing a prose which contained my current feelings.

Dwindling in the valley of confusion I now reside ,who is suited and who is masked  has become an  arduous riddle which now I try to solve
Swirling emotions ,mixed feelings dainty trust and me stood now side by side in front of a path with various ways.

Just a step would show me the break or give a ride to sky.

In the puzzled ride I just don't want to lose myself.

It's for me to wait and trust Him after all it will be for the best.


Currently I was looking at my  message   from  Which  contained his menu for breakfast and his wake up timings.

I will be the last person to make something for him.and it would definitely the last day of my existence if I wake him.

Sleep Areesha mom will do something for him anyways I consoled closing my eyes.

Ya Allah please make these days fly please I will pray 4 nawafils of thankfulness.I mumbled

"Beta no problem I will make it in two minutes" I heard mummy's voice.

Gliding down the stairs I made my way to the kitchen to find Umar sitting on table along with Ameera .

He is up so early.

"Areesha beta you came good keep tea for your father.and make sure this doesn't burn I will wake your father and come " she instructed

"I would like coffee" he looked at me

"Ameera please can you make coffee.You make the most tasty one "I asked

"No,Ameera you must be getting late for school you better catch up before Rayyan gets down" he said calmly.

"No bhai I am done I will make it" Ameera stood up.

"I want to drink the coffee prepared by your sister" he said bluntly.

Ameera looked at me while I averted my eyes away.

"Why are you Standing Ameera do your breakfast "mom questioned coming in

"I was just going to make coffee for bhai"she answered

"I requested Areesha to make it aunty but I understand she is in a hurry" Umar spoke

Mom gave me a Pointed look.

My mom has always been very sensitive and caring towards any guest
She has a strong belief that they are a blessing and indeed they are. In some cases there is a little difference .
BUT In my mom's case there is just care and utmost hospitality and that is what she has taught us.

And I think I should just follow her I can't risk my position again especially after that conflict and besides she has assured me hasn't she .

I wasn't against him being the guest or me doing the work it was just his words and actions that makes me uncomfortable .

Let him do what he wants I will try to follow mom's advices in his case to but just try not sure.

"Areesha beta he has to leave in few minutes hurry" mom ordered.

"I I mom I will make it" I whispered

I kept a cup of sugarless black coffee in front of him

Serves him right

"That's good you didn't add sugar your sweet hands were enough to make it sweet "he said in a low voice making halt in anger.

How much does few days mean?

"I will look forward for another cup as I come home".He said leaving the kitchen after greeting mom.

Make it 6 nawafils ALLAH please fast forward the time.

Assalam o alikum wa rahmatulahi wa barakatuhu.

So, how was the chapter dear readers?

Still on umar's side :-)

Or Amir's :-)

Take care.

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