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" Rub your eyes ....

and look again
.... at ... LOVE

with love. "

- Maulana RUMI

lazily leaning on the bed I was decorating the introductory page of my assignment along side memorizing the minor details .When a loud knock interrupted my tasks

"Come in" I mumbled engrossed in my work when it suddenly strike me

"WAiT" I squealed and haphazardly wrapped a shawl around as the door creaked revealing Umar.

I knew it couldn't be Rayyan or Ameera they don't knock and just burst inside the room , they know whenever I am busy I lock it instead.

It totally escalated my mind that he could be there as from the past 2 days I have been taking refuge in my room where I was sure he won't dare come until today.

Before I could ask about his sudden arrival he handed me the phone enouncing it's phuphee
while wearing a smug look as he examined my state and the room.

I busied myself on the phone but frowned seeing him gazing at my things.

He should leave now.

He kept glancing and touching my things while I observed his every step fuming inside.Not paying attention to any of phuphee's talk.

Hey that's my butterfly!!.I wanted to shout when he touched my art pieces with no delicacy.

I calmed myself and peeked through the door praying anyone to come and take him away.

But I nearly screamed when he went to my study and started scrutinizing my works
There was something he shouldn't even get a glimpse of

Hesitantly I greeted phuphee closing the phone

"Stop" I chided running towards him and gathering my secret chronicle saving it under the cage of my hands.

"What's in that book?" he narrowed his eyes

"It's it's personal" I answered my heart beat rapid.

"Your phone" I handed.

"Thanks !" he said still looking at the forbidden book.

"I am studying" I said hinting him to leave.

"Good" he answered taking a seat on the chair.

"I could help you" he rummaged through my course books.

"I don't need help I am busy!".I said monotonous

"It's the first time I am seeing your beautiful chamber & this is not the way you should treat "he gave a Pointed look

"It feels comforting I see this is the place you hide impressive!" he joked.

"Please I have work "

"Sure I would leave but show me what you are hiding" he pointed at the book

"It's mine "I said tightening my hold

"Are you that innocent or playing with me I didn't said it's mine I just asked to see it "he chuckled.

"No Umar leave please."

"Are you giving me the book or should I take it" he said growing serious

I took a step back as he stood up

He wouldn't would he

"I will call mummy" I warned with a frown.

"Yeah go ahead call aunty she is busy talking to granny ."
"Rayyan isn't home ,Ameera in the collage, uncle as you know at work, do you have any others now ? maybe a jin hiding somewhere." He mocked

Who is a bigger Jinn than you.

"Why are you quiet now?"

"Why did you come home early today" i questioned as he laughed

"Don't give me that look" he glared seeing my reaction.

"So someone notes my timings I am honoured" he smirked taking his previous place.

"Umar please "

"I promise I will leave if you give me that book"

"No" I snapped "it's my book how can you demand anything that's mine "

"Because you are mine!" his intense gaze never wavered from my eyes.as he uttered those words slowly

Gradually I took a step close surprising him and ran out with full force .

"Areesha!!" his voice bellowed as I bumped into mummy.

"beta why are.You flying "mom glared halting me with her hands.

"I uh um just sorry" I mumbled with a thudding heart

"Areesha you are here please can I have a cup of coffee" I heard umar's voice


"I will make for you my dear" mom answered going towards the kitchen

"Next time you won't be this lucky" he gazed striding away

When will you leave


"So you are saying that you deceived us on the last day because your Don came" Aliya mused

"I didn't said that" I exclaimed

"And he isn't my don" I shot her a glare.

"Not my fault the way you described him shows that ."she shrugged

"Don't tease my poor baby" kanwal said handing me a packet of chips

"What!! did you hear what she said and on top of that she gave the chocolates he brought to the children she saw on the street come on "Aliya huffed

"I didn't wanted it" I shrugged.

"On serious note Areesha life is unpredictable don't run away from someone so far that it's force may pull you back equally never letting go."

"Don't scare me"

"We are not scaring you Areesha we should be prepared for everything" kanwal joined

"But I just don't know why he makes me uncomfortable all the time." I admitted

"Maybe he just doesn't know the way to convey" Aliya said.

"But I will advice.choose Amir if you have a choice in both" kanwal advised

"Why kanwal ? a person is confessing his love to her
despite of him being different he is trying why not give him a chance" Aliya defended

"Why are you on umar's side? and kanwal don't bring Amir in it !I chided

"I am.not on his side but look from.his point Areesha can't a person change and if he really loves you he will change but for that at least give him a way "

"When she is getting a better person than she shouldn't opt for the latter" kanwal orated.

"I don't say you are wrong kanwal but let her just feel about his feelings to before concluding"

"Amir is nowhere in my life" I cleared.

"You just devour your chips and listen we will do the talking "kanwal glared.shutting me up.

"Sometimes we have to consider others feelings to and not just see our comfort because who knows for the person you sacrifice today becomes your comfort throughout the life."

"Don't confuse me Aliya please I am already tired running away from him" I whispered

"Than why run? surrender!"

"It isn't easy "I shook my head

"Nothing is easy at the beginning"she corrected

Only if you both knew all   that I haven't shared.

"What if i am only his infatuation"

"She has a point Aliya" kanwal said.

"You can't judge his love untill you have evidence "Aliya orated.

But I have a evidence.

"I will think" I sighed closing my eyes

But what if I don't want to


Seated at the rotana food court I.was immersed in the captivating view outside
SubhanAllah,it was hypnotic
Mesmerizing it's viewers taking them in a whole new oblivion.

Open sea decorated with multi coloured huts around with the three fully litted bridges luxuriously trespassing each other ,

Deluxe cruises roaming like swans with showcasing pride ..it intrigued me in every way.each side of it had a hidden surprise waiting to look at it.

Milky white reflection off moon glittering aloft the sea.As it waved from above high

It was a one romantic ride if on the cruise.

Umar noticed as she stared ahead  completely in another world.

He could see her reflection admits the fairy lights of the current place.it wasn't easy to describe what he felt she looked more beauteous yet gracefull.

Everything around complimented her in every way possible her captivating eyes as it roamed around the outstanding view glimmering her even more.

He changed his seat although she was covered in a respectable way,yet she looked attractive and it's the last thing he would do to let anyone  have a glimpse of her while she mirrored a fairy admist all.

"Areesha cut out the silent treatment" Umar demanded from beside me

I am sure he wasn't sitting here.

"Do you want to see the view outside ?"I offered not knowing what else to say.

"Yeah let's go" he beamed.

"Uh no I I meant you could take this seat "I corrected

"You know what never mind" he huffed

If only Rayyan would be here ,they both had a festival at their collage and baba bought us here for dinner with his colleagues which had something to do with umar's visit . And I could clearly see his interest in that

we both are the only young ones here while all are chatting gracefully with each other .

The view was fabulous otherwise I don't even know what I would have done other than seeing them chatting and praying for the time to end.

"Talk to me" he ordered .

"you are disturbing me "I said slowly.

"I am done here! come with me outside and prove that you are still young" he feigned

"I am not coming" I stated continuing my exploration.

"Uncle I heard there is a,famous gallery here I would like to explore that" Umar candid

"Yeah sure beta go ahead"

"Come Areesha it will prove to be beneficial for you" he orated confidently while I blinked twice before seeing my father's expressions .

My father will never allow.

"Why don't you all ladies accompany the children and explore around Fatima take them" my father instructed

"Yes a little walk would be nice" they agreed standing up as I smiled seeing my father nod.

"Better wear skates we wouldn't want to  be left behind them" Umar muttered sarcastically

"It's rude to say that" I corrected

"Only if you could muster some confidence to come alone with me" he rumbled striding forward.

Only if you haven't have come

It's been nearly 15 minutes as we explored each section of the intricately designed gallery with numerous paintings capturing a glimpse of nature in each

I wasn't able to admire anyone of them because of the annoying person close by who would throw a tantrum each opportunity he gets about aunties.being here.

I was irritated by his voice now.

"We should respect our elders Umar please stop saying things" I chastised when he mumbled something else only get a glare from him.

"It's your fault in the first place" he .blamed.

"Children you go ahead we will take a break here for tea" one of them spoke.

"We will be h:-

"Areesha let's see outside" Umar interrupted.

"Yeah beta go it looks amazing we will see you both from this glass" mom ushered


Dejected I strolled behind Umar who had a big grin plastered on his face.

Mild air swayed on the beach and   twirled around us to greet  as we stepped out

"Your writing is beautiful" he praised walking side by side.as I tried to create a little distance

"Don't look at me like I did something wrong I just saw and to Make it clear you didn't let me see it all" he cleared.

"Wait here I will see If we can have a ride on that cruise."

"No I won't go "

"Don't worry will take a full barat of aunties to" he rolled his eyes

"Don't dare leave I will be back" he ordered going towards the cruise.

I twirled behind to see mom engrossed in a certain talk

"Areesha come "

"No let's call them.first" I pointed.

"I want to show you something first" he gestured.

But I wouldn't be in mom's sight anymore

"Come on" he shouted as I shook my head.

"I don't eat humans if you are wondering" he snapped standing in front.

"There are some amazing fishes have a look and than we will call them "

"I don't think".

"Yes don't think come ,glowing fishes are present to".He added after

"Act like a cousin to me if you can't act as my love "he said slowly and I pretended not to hear

I gestured mom hinting the place I am going gaining her approval.

"Now your highness can we leave as you have your official permission letter in hand" he mocked

Slowly I walked towards the aquarium filled with many kinds of small adorable fishes decorating the tank with their coloured skins.

"Where is the glowing ones" I inquired.

"They all are glowing" he pointed at their skin which was lighted by the aquarium light

"You lied" I accused

"No I didn't aren't they glowing" he smirked.

"I will call aunty until than let's explore the cruise till they come."

I stepped on the luxury ship as he talked with mom but the minute I entered the cabin it started moving making me halt in panick

It wasn't supposed to move now

"I thought we should explore the sea alone" umar's voice came from behind

"Umar stop this thing" I chided with a scared voice

"Why ?"

"Stop this" I shot him a glare.

"So someone glares to."He smirked inching closer making me panick.

"Please" I whispered scared.

"Why are you afraid ,we will be back before they realize."

My heart pounded  at the sudden situation in the dark night alone in the cruise.with a person I don't trust.

I clutched the mobile in my hand but what would I say to mom if I do call.

.. No

If only you knew Umar your respect is just lowering by this filthy acts.

"Why does it looks like you will cry any second.?"

"Umar stop this ,I don't want to see anything I want to go back "

"Who was the him you were talking about on the phone ?"he raised his eyebrow

"It was Aliya "I huffed

"And to whom she was saying to call?"

"Why are you concerned?"

"Let's stay here until you decide to answer my question?"he stood by the door of now halted cruise.

" Amir" I answered

"Now you even acquire his number" he narrowed his eyes.

"It's work related" I specified

"I hate him make sure it's the last time you utter his name I will not tolerate your candor with him "

"You are no one to order me" I declared

"I am more than you think."

"Umar!!! " I gasped when he grasped my mobile with a light brush of his fingers with mine

"Here!! I deleted his number I don't want to see it on here again got it" he ordered

While I stared bewildered at his doings

Insane I mumbled

"Insanity is the first step of love my dear" he crouched making my eyes wide

"Umar I am clearly uncomfortable with your words please stop this "I snapped

"And you think I am comfortable with your stubbornness" he heaved

"Let me go" I said sternly as he stood at the threshold

"I will not move from here un till you do one more favour!"

"I wasn't going to ask this before but sometimes it's better to have answers "

"finish this prose" he demanded

I hated him with his each word said this is not a way to treat a girl if you love her

Twinkling being of the one I admire sees through my eyes never fails to ponder.

The feelings I hide the roses I like and the facade by which I hide is just a clear picture when he comes aside

His each word....

"Continue from this what was ahead" he frowned

"You said you didn't read it" I inquired confused and hurt that he lied and took a glimpse of my personal thoughts

"I said continue" he said monotonous.

He can't persuade me

"No" I said looking at him

"Do you want to stay here on the boat with me "

H h his e each word said to me brings me peace and closure to his influential being .

His assuring notings and selfless care can't be measured

He was my first hero and will always remain one I looked to find a grim expression plastered on his face.

"You are a liar,who is he?" he shouted

He is my king and my friend he is my father.My precious baba...I finished seeing shock replace his features as he stepped aside

Not sparing a second to ran back with heavy heart

While he stood there seeing her retreating away from him while all he wanted was to embrace her in his shield never letting go

Was he wrong ,


how could he be? yes he lost his patience but what else he could do when all she does is to treat him like a stranger
Is he wrong? when all she does is to run away from him

Is he ?

when he tries to be polite but still she refuses to join him any of his choices.

How can he  be wrong when all she does is to make him feel that he doesn't exist in her life.

In all this everyone can lose calm and He is just a beginner

"Lost it again" he punched the near pole.

Why does he lose patience every single time.

He knew now there needs to be only one single talk whether it will make her his or will part her from him forever

This is it he has no patience and tolerance to make her believe he never had never will

The hidden turbulence watched them from afar one would melt and one would freeze the emotions will swirl tears will gather pots will be filled wishes would be shattered hopes would be made.

Inner desires will speak love will wake confessions would be held and four beings will be gathered in the same circles fighting different emotions would it be betrayal of trusts or betrayal of emotions that will help them find there true love.

In awekning of the hearts
will the soul shake
Will their longings brim
Will their trust be made
Will their love attract
Or will their destiny play.
Partying all of them to different ways.

Whose prayers are strong faith will be a help.one step lose on it and everything will become an oblivion they would never want

Assalam o alikum wa rahmatulahi wa barakatuhu

Clears throat,
Umreesha And Amreesha lovelies so any thoughts about Areesha's likings

Smile Please

And how was the chapter :-)

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