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Any guess by seeing the above  picture?

Be crumbled.
So wild flowers will come up where you are.
You have been stony for too many years.
Try something different.

~ Rumi

*Dear readers hold your hearts*

Life is really unpredictable paving a road for your desired destination makes you reach the destiny you didn't even planned for 
but the best part is that Allah has planned it and we all know
He is the best of planners.

This week my thoughts had  lingered on just one subject "The proposal"

Concluding my own feelings I felt nothing .,nothing at all.
Nor I was happy nor sad.But excitement of an  advancement was there

"Apii you said you will listen to me" Ameera reminded as she perched close to me

Coming out of  my trance I visualized her expectant eyes

"Yes close the door first" I instructed with a heavy heart.

There were so many questions which I wanted to ask but sealed it in order to hear her first.

"Say it Ameera" I gestured giving her my undivided attention

"Api" she initiated gauging my reaction

"You will believe me right?" she asked hesitant

"Why won't I ?"

"Api  I  I don't know how it happened I really don't I am not sure how to explain but please believe me api I I love you a lot ."her voice weaverd

"Why did you do it  Ameera" I whispered cleaning her already flown tears

"That day when we went to the park in  Lahore,with Amir bhai remember!"


"When you left Reema and me because of Daud and a guy approached you I I witnessed that but before I could move Amir bhai was already there."

"But you were very far,?"I interrogated

"No,I was following behind  but after that I ran to call Reema knowing Amir bhai will be displeased with us".


"You know how I am! that seemed so cool seeing how bhai came and defended you   it was my first time seeing it and I narrated it all to sehar api."

"Ameera !!!"I frowned at her childish behavior

"Sorry "

"Sehar api suggested me  it's better for your safety if we  tell mama to  and I agreed"

"How was I supposed to be safe like that Ameera "I questioned softly

"I wasn't thinking straight "she shook her head

"When I went to mom she just asked me whether there was someone that day and is sehar telling the truth I said yes not knowing what she had actually told"

"I didn't get you."I inquired confused

"Apii mom just asked whether there was someone I didn't knew what she meant she was thinking the exact opposite and I didn't knew it .api I could never ever imagine to spoil your reputation and especially those filthy talks it was only that day when I asked mom and we cleared the misunderstanding as you know she doesn't share anything with me"

"Although I insisted her but she said it's non of my concern "

"I was so shocked and afraid I didn't knew it could even reach that point."

"And and it was all sehar api I hate her she took away my big  sister ,my best friend,my guide and my  love she broke down as I embraced her tight with my own tears own the way.

"I am so sorry api for all that I have done she chocked I I it was her she told me about everything and it was all wrong she sketched the wrong picture of you and I believed it and said so many hideous things I am so sorry api jan I love you so so so much "she mumbled with quivering voice

" when I stayed away from you I learnt that how important you are to me  .from my every decision to my each secret you were my best guide a guide which none other can be for me ."

"Please forgive me my intentions weren't that at all"she gazed with her glossy eyes which held regret and longing

I can't believe it could turn out to be so opposite
Sometimes how  small misunderstandings can  lead to the  breach of  once stronger trust and believe.

And just by words someone can actually ruin you in many ways you think weren't possible.

"I forgive you Ameera but for  next time if anything bothers you please come to me before we will sort it out together"

"Okay ?"

"Yes" she nodded

"Mama was so depressed after I told her what actually happened" she sniffed  .

"Let's leave that things behind."I kissed her cheeks

"I love you so much api" she held me tight

"Love you to" I whispered embracing her 

I could see the innocence her eyes held as she admitted her faults without faults.

I can't blame sehar and I forgive her for what she has done maybe was an outcome of my inconsiderate gesture towards her.

"You will love me like before right?"she inquired conflicted

"I never stopped loving you Ameera I was just to shaken with the circumstances and quite heart broken "

"Can I sleep with you tonight?"

"Sure my sweetheart"I smiled

"And you will be the exact same as you were before."she asked again

"Ameera don't worry you are still my baby sister "

"  I um  made a cake for our sister reunion party "she grinned hesitantly

"Really you did?" I.asked surprised

"Yeah.But there is a problem.!"


"The cake which I was working so hard for since morning was over done a little and it resembles a biscuit now but I assure you the taste is great "she said making me giggle

"Come on let's try the cake I am sure it would be amazing"I encouraged

"And here I made a card to and you see this bear here its rayyan" she pointed giggling while cleaning the remains of her tears

"Make sure he never finds out" I warned with a big smile never erasing from my face.

"Bismillah am I seeing right or its an illusion" Rayyan gasped seeing us enter while laughing

"Why are you near my cake you said it's horrible"Ameera grumbled

"No I said it's vomitastic" he corrected

"Rayyan!" I warned

"Areesha tell her to respect her big brother"

"Yeah like you respect api you even  call her directly by the name "Reema pointed

"I respect her a lot and besides age doesn't matter she looks smaller than me" he shrugged

"No I don't and you should call me api I said taking a seat beside him.

"In your sister reunion party don't forget you are blessed with a.charming brother" he chortled devouring the desert

"Unbelievable Ray" I shook my head
Gathered in kanwal's house we all were completing our due assignments while teasing each other un Till the topic of Umar came up

"He went ?"Aliya inquired dejected

"Yes ! It's been a week or more" I nodded

" And  You just let him ?" she frowned.

"Quit it he wasn't in her destiny ,let's focus on the future or Amir I would say" kanwal cheered.

"You shouldn't have let him leave!" Aliya whispered.

"Aliya" I whined "please stop "

"Areesha I get it you are very sensitive to words but...

"Why do you prefer him always Aliya ?" I questioned annoyed

"Because he loves you and  if he came all the way from there just to convince you than there was something how could be you so blind Areesha.And I know Amir is a best option but Umar must have great qualities to
If you haven't seen his good side it doesn't mean that he is bad may be compared to Amir he is more than amazing you haven't seen Amir's bad side have you" Aliya argued leaving us startled.

"I don't know Aliya I tried to like him or give him a chance but I wasn't able to  .don't ask me why I just couldn't."

"Don't take a haste decision to be with Amir just because you want to run away from umar "

"Why would I do that" I defended

"Leave it when is your engagement with Amir "she proded

"This weekend"

"Shut up kanwal I didn't even do istikhara yet" I exclaimed at her revelation

"What I can't wait for that day" she sighed
"and than my dear princess get ready for the teasing session of life" she smirked

"Aliya? "I glanced at her gloomy mood

"Areesha I am happy for you Alhumdulilah I really am but I still pray the best to happen even if the best is a synonym of Umar "she winked making me groan.

"You haven't even seen him."I protested

"You haven't either" she fired back with a triumph smile

"Of course I.have seen him "

"Sure? okay!than  what  colour does his eyes posses?" she inquired 'smug

Uh um

Definitely I.have seen him and his face many times but the colour?

"B black" I said going with a casual

"Are you sure?" she asked seeing through my lie.

"Should I introduce you to him  Aliya may be you know you both...

"Don't even get there she shrieked spraying  water on me" as I squeaked

"Don't say the words you may regret later seeing you I know  you are going to be  one  protective wife."she stated

"Girls don't you think we should code name them if anyone hears our talks about boys I don't want to list the consequences" kanwal whispered gazing at the closed door.

"Oh yeah "Aliya agreed

"Hnm let's name Umar  "Barbie" and Amir a "doll "kanwal clapped as we stared at her without a blink

"Do you want Areesha to start hating barbies" Aliya mused suppressing a smile.

"And I don't think our parents would be thrilled seeing us talk about barbies and dolls" I added

"Or maybe we can name them fruits" kanwal suggested

"Or chocolates"

"Are the human names gone extinct "Aliya chided making us  laugh

Sun hid under the blanket of approaching dusk giving its light to the new born moon which glistened in the dark ray of the night sky.

Dinner was done everyone seemed to be resting in their chamber while mummy and baba awaited for their tea.

Today was the night where I would do  istikhara and finalize my decision.

I knew mom was expecting them on Sunday and I have two days to answer.

Adding cardamom in the bubbling milk I searched for the strainer to filter it.

"Where could it be" I mumbled searching  the top cabinets as phuphees voice filled our house .

They must be talking on Skype!

where  is it??  I huffed irritated due to my  incomplete mission

Better ask mummy rather than wasting more time I thought going towards the lounge.

"Please bhai why don't you understand!!" I heard phuphee


"Gulnaz I know what you are going through but we should accept the fate" baba answered

"I know but bhai tell me  what happened there ?"phuphee hitched making me confuse

Why is she crying?

"You don't know what is happening here bhai Umar isn't well 
since his arrival he isn't the same anymore" she sobbed

"What happened to him?" mummy questioned 

"he loves your daughter Fatima and wants her and only her " she answered with teary eyes making my heart beat wild.

Ya Allah
Umar understand please don't make it hard for us

"Gulnaz you know:-my father started

"No bhai please your sister is crying and  confronting to you help her" she pleaded

"He refuses to eat,his state is worrisome and He isn't co operating with the doctors
bhai  umar kept snatching out the IV every time the doctors inserted it.
His arm is badly bruised because of it.doctors have sedated him so his mind could relax.He is close to have a nervous breakdown" she wailed making me flinch at her revelation.

Umar what are you doing.

Please stop

Deeming silence huddled everywhere which screamed near me as though waking me  for the challenge ahead.

"He isn't listening to us bhai" her tears of anguish fell on her cheeks as mom depicted the same trying to hide her tears.

A misty layer of sadness was surrounded all over the house no one spoke just listened to phuphees cries making me feel worse..

"Listen to me gulnaz let me talk to Umar things don't work out like that it's a matter of whole life not just a day
He shouldn't act like this" my father said in a strained tone making me sad.

"Bhai see my adjoined hands please I beg  give your Areesha to us please" she demanded with weariness all over her tear stricken face.
As I stood rooted there shocked ,confused,depressed,helpless and breathless.

"My daughter isn't a doll which I can just give you she is a human she has feelings how can I push her I am telling you to let me talk to Umar I will make him understand" my father sighed

"I will try to switch on my phone in his hospital ward" she hitched as my father sighed while I witnessed the whole thing.

Still in the Hospital.

The lamps of the house indulged with the gloomy situation making it seem lifeless .
AS the golden rays with tense atmosphere travelled all around.

"Salman please make him understand or give us what we desire" uncle spoke  in a defeated tone.for the first time

sadness was quick to catch all our hearts moulding in perfectly at all the angles needed.

Everything seemed heart.broken even my parents depicted the same.

I am uncertain that whether it was the helpless cries of a mother

A depressed sigh of my father.

Silent tears of my mother.

Or the first time appeal of uncle shah but it made me think to the depths of the situation.

My baba who refused  granny  just for me not considering  he had met her after so long

He risked his position in his whole family  again for my feelings.

He stood by me when even my mother wanted me to say yes for him.

He is even considering my feelings now when His favorite sister is crying in front of him and I can see he isn't looking phuphees way.

He is still steadfast after uncle shahs appeal.

And she is the sister who remained in contact even when granny stopped speaking to him she was the sister who still trusted and loved his brother against her mothers threats.

this was something I heard mummy saying  because I didn't had a clue about it before

And what about granny if she gets the news of mine and Amir's wedding how will she hold it and than yet again what will be my father's position

I knew my and umar's bond will.bring wonders to our family connections.
Yet I still chose to see my easiness.

I don't know about future but I know I will not be doing istikhara  for Amir and May be because deep down I know Amir is a great person and perhaps deserves way better than .me

I I I will let go Amir's proposal and will not think of it ever again

Maybe he isn't in my Destiny

And without wasting a second I knew what my decision was

After so many years of baba's  priceless love I can't take away his family  no never.

How will I live in peace knowing there are again conflicts between them

A daughter cannot do that

i have always quesioned that why girls could not take stand and say they dont want to marry the former person today i understood  We love our parents to much to see them sad.

No matter what happens i am going to say yes wheather my mind agrees or not i cant face it anymore i cant fight  with whats written in my destiny . i can't see my parents like this.

I just can't

You really won Umar,

It was a soundless night not a whisper could be heard except for phuphees voice which echoed in every inch.

I.knew granny will call baba sooner than I think and the best time to give my response wouldn't be today.

What a game of fate ,and at what time the exact night I was going to pray for someone is the exact night I am praying for him instead.

My life has definitely taken a turn to a new destination which I didn't saw coming

Protecting my heart from breaking I didn't knew I will break someone's heart ..I  I didn't meant to hurt anyone..I was shielding my heart from a storm but I guess i created a storm in theirs ..

Sometimes you have to consider what other expect from you
to let go of yours  and see their wishes..
Not at  all times  you get what you want ..you have to let go some things before you break them apart..

I layed on the bed stroking Ameera hair as I told her my view.

"Api I am really happy I like Umar bhai he is very nice "

"Maybe" I responded

"Will you speak to Amir bhai they are coming on Sunday.?"her hushed whisper echoed in the dark room

"No,!I am firm on my decision I don't want it to change" I closed my eyes.

"You think meeting Amir bhai will affect your decision" she inquired

"I don't know may be "

"You like Amir.Bhai? "

"I didn't said that" I dismissed

"You feel more comfortable in his presence don't you."she stated

"Yes I do" I admitted

"What does your heart says.?"she asked curious

"It says tell Ameera to stop blabbering"

"Now does it !" She grinned

"Hmm" I nodded

"Well tell your heart that Ameera can't stop blabbering" she giggled.

"Tell me api what does your heart says.?"she persisted

"My heart doesn't know what it wants" I replied.

"If you like Amir bhai than don't go  for Umar bhai."

A string is what I am standing on it feels I will fall into a new world as I set my decision.

"Ameera Umar is my final answer" I whispered as she kissed my cheeks while with a heavy heart I turned to the other side afraid of my own decision.

Help me ya ALLAH.

"You do know that Umar bhai is in the hospital right now "

"Yes !"

"He loves you a lot ,"

"What he is doing now is called foolishness not love ,
Love doesn't teaches us to put the people close to our heart in despair if we can't get what we desire.have you heard phuphee Ameera she is so shattered by his doings."

"But api.;"

"I don't question him but it's a lesson Ameera never put your parents in  agony just because of one person.You don't even know how much they sacrifice for you and hence if you don't get one thing in life you do this.And forget their each and every efforts included in growing you up and bringing a smile on your face "

"You are right api!I didn't thought about that,
when will you tell to mummy?"

"Tomorrow."I declared closing the lamp.

The night was the most difficult on their family her parents stayed awake whole night on the phone knowing about umar's health which wasn't getting better
While their granny prayed for her most beloved Umar. Not knowing the prayers were already answered.

As Areesha spent all her night restless as she tossed and turned each minute on the bed finally skipping to stand near the window gazing out side .

There was a hollow deep inside which was a question for herself to.

Deep down every girl prays for a Prince 

A Prince not of a title or with money

But a Prince of nature

caring,understanding,loving,compassionate and most of all  respectful towards  her

That is a Prince  every girl wishes for but people mistake it with  another.

Offering tahajjud she kept all her dreams and wishes in front of Allah .
she was afraid she won't be able live them because he will never let her .But she trusted the one who gave her those dreams and prayed for the most important decision in her life.
Content she made her way to the bed but not before praying for umar's health to.

Sleep wasn't in her destiny tonight it was just thoughts and a wild heart beat. With panicked and shivery tears

" Love is not a game of chess,
where you plan
move, ....

... but a game of backgammon,
where you trust ....
dice. "

- Mewlana RUMI

Assalam o alikum wa rahmatulahi wa barakatuhu

The awaited chapters is here,now shower me with your response .

Who is happy,who has smiles,and who has tears.

Is Areesha right?

Will Amir let her do that?

How will Umar react?

And I am sorry for the peak .it affected more than my expectations.

My dear silent readers do vote :-)

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