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I will be waiting here....
For your silence to break,
For your soul to shake,
For your love to wake!

~ Rumi



Fresh breeze of the Cold nature huddled around as we passed through the very familiar path leading us to Mrs raufs house.

I breathed the brisking fragrance of the wild trees along with the symphony of cold sea playing with chilled waves of flying wind.

The wooden house came in view increasing my excitement gracing me with an involuntary smile as I looked ahead to meet the women whose words thought me many things.

"I didn't knew you will be so delighted" Umar gazed through the rear view his eyes fixed on mine fizzling my heart'.

"Of course she would be Umar it's the first time you agreed to something without a tantrum" Hina api replied

"Very funny" he took a turn towards the gate.

"I am sure Daud will love you a little more after you denied him" Annie joked.

"I don't care , he has to learn he can't go everywhere, Areesha goes" he shrugged switching off the engine.


"How do you know Amir's khala?" Umar inquired as everyone went towards the house

I was relieved knowing the call was just hers! congratulating me on the engagement

"Um we stayed at her place in Lahore" I answered.desperately wanting to go in

"Yeah how can I forget!" he rolled his eyes going away.

First he ruins the special day and now still acts bossy where did he hit his head !

"My doll welcome welcome" Nano kissed my cheeks taking me in her motherly embrace as I held her tight without knowing why my eyes filled .

"How are you?" I croaked still in her embrace

"I am well with your duas sweetheart" she patted my head affectionately

"Why do I see tears in my daughter's eyes ? "

"I was looking forward to meet you since a long time that's why" I smiled

"Mabrook my sweetheart I am much delighted to hear the special news"she caressed my cheeks making me smile

"Ms Areesha glad to see you again or should I say the person my mom talked very often off" waqas came as he greeted all.

Last time I am sure he didn't even said a word

"Why wouldn't I talk about my lovely daughter "she replied

"You forgot me after her "sana accused with a pout.

"How could I my sweetheart"she embraced

"Ms sana" waqas nodded briskly

"Mr waqas" she gave a tight lipped smile.

"Or should I say Mrs sana" Umar smirked making me suspicious

"Congratulations to you to my dear" she patted umar's head with strings of dua.

"Thank you" he smiled looking in my direction

"May you both have a blessed life ahead I was so happy after hearing the news,that I wanted to be there the exact moment"

"Come on take your seats feel at home" she gestured .

"You didn't came" I complained

"I just came a day before my doll I was away" she explained as we all gathered around the fire lighted on wooden logs .

"Do Nikkah soon now and I will be the first one to come "she adviced making me stiff

"IN shaa ALLAH soon "Hina api answered.while the thought itself made me uncomfortable

"What's with Mrs sana story" Annie asked voicing my thoughts.

"Ask her" hina api giggled.

"Its simple , waqas here you see is sana's groom isn't it" ,umar inquired looking at both

"Umar" sana pleaded.

"Is it true" Annie asked shocked

"Absolutely" he smiled.

"Let me clear it there was a tablo in their school when they were in prep.And guess what our sana here was the bride and waqas was the groom and from that day we tease them that's why they avoid being together" Asad bhai laughed .

"When is the valima?" Umar joked

"Bhai you are embarrassing me" waqas complained politely turning red

,"Don't Umar" sana warned as she saw his smirk.

"Who is teasing my daughter ?"nano came with a tray of traditional. homemade delicacies.

"You all enjoy children and give us some time "she said taking my hands and tugging me towards the room

"I hope there is a good explanation for the secret meeting" Umar raised his eyebrow.

"Umar enjoy your meal" uncle patted his shoulder

"How is everything Areesha ?"she asked taking my hand in her warm ones.As we sat down in the snug room

"Everything is fine Alhumdulilah,

"I feel you have grown so much in just a year .Soon you will be a wife and than a mother" she orated lovingly

"I am still small nano and no baba don't have plans to do the Nikkah now" I chirped

"How were the circumstances" her affectionate eyes gleaming with love as she touched the soft spot

" your words helped me a lot" ,I smiled

"There came a rough time and it was due to my mistake nano and I asked forgiveness from Allah but I am not sure how should I ask from the person" I admitted

"The clearance of your heart is the most that matters when a person repents wholeheartedly Allah makes multiple ways don't worry and besides beta we are humains we are bound to make mistakes and it's our duty to correct ourselves in order to get a higher rank in both the world's."

"Thank you "

"Recite this dua daily my princess ,it's beautiful"

"My Lord! grant me wisdom and join me with the righteous.And grant me an honorable mention among the later generations.And make me one of the inheritors of the Garden of Delight"

"AMEEN that's so amazing nano ,i will IN shaa ALLAH"

" You seem disturbed my dear" she asked tenderly brushing my hair away

"Why didn't you tell me before nano If you knew its him" I whispered

"You are not happy .?"

I wanted to discuss about sana but than thought otherwise as it was related to her reputation.

"He he is very different nano his attitude scares me many times his mood swiftly shifts and he loses control over his words.
He is not at all gentle in manner nano how will I live with such a hot headed person" I asked desperate.

"Areesha your names if are bonded than my darling there is a great wisdom behind.being scared won't help you .trust ALLAH and walk on the path with head held high" she patted my cheeks.

How could I explain that his words turns my every event or important day into a memory I wouldn't want to relive

"Nano I can't handle harsh words.They affect me so much" I whispered.

"The surface once rough when touched by softness slowly turns blunt followed by mild into smooth and finally melt and mould the way you wish."she advised

"I am not that good nano to turn him soft" I admitted.

"Every bond has a meaning and whoever will be your bond in the end you will be happy besides I know my Areesha she can handle everything."she assured

"That's the problem nano I am not at all close to what you think of me I can't even iron a dress right how will I handle this complicated relationship" I sighed making her chuckle

"You are laughing" I pouted

"No one knows it's strength and talents un till a person has no choice but to discover them purity is your strength and words your talent with the help of Allah you can achieve everything you desire "

"What are the secrets we can't know "sana knocked the door.

"Silly girl "nano shook her head.opening the wooden door.

"Sorry! My jan but we have to leave soon for the dinner remember" she grinned.

"Nano join us" I offered excited

"No beta you all enjoy I can't go" she excused.

"Come I will share a story my doll listen to it carefully and than you can leave after praying Asr "she kissed my cheeks.

We all sat down around the fire in the small backyard ready to hear her.while she started

Once There was a man who had four sons. He wanted his sons to learn not to Judge things too quickly. So he sent them each on a quest, in turn, to go and look at a pear tree that was a great distance away. The first son went in
the winter, the second in the spring, the third in summer, and the youngest
son in the fall.

When they had all gone and come back, he called them together to describe
what they had seen. The first son said that the tree was ugly, bent, and
twisted. The second son said no-it was covered with green buds and full
of promise. The third son disagreed; he said it was laden with blossoms
that smelled so sweet and looked so beautiful, it was the most graceful
thing he had ever seen. The last son disagreed with all of them; he said
it was ripe and drooping with fruit, full of life and fulfillment.

The man then explained to his sons that they were all right, because they
had each seen but Only one season in the tree's life. He told them that you
cannot judge a tree, or a person, by only one season, and that the essence
of who they are-and the pleasure, joy, and love that come from that life-
can only be measured at the end, when all the seasons are complete.

If you give up when it's winter, you will miss the promise of your spring,
the beauty of your summer, fulfillment of your fall. Don't let the pain
of one season destroy the joy of all the rest. Don't judge life by one
difficult season. Persevere thoroughly the difficult patches and better
times are sure to come some time or later. (Anonymous)
she finished giving me a meaningful look

I was stunned by her words

Was I judging him?

No he is the one who ruins everything..

But the main point is why always me?
Why can't he be nice as the spring season
Why should always I understand.

Would it be even worth it of I do!

And what if I am not the one for him I thought glancing at him who was.engrossed.in the talks.

Well I am still angry due to his illogical demands.I reasoned encouraging myself to continue the silent treatment.

But I Will think about her words


"We will climb till that hut" Umar instructed., I gazed at the wodeen hut with a bench in the middle inviting to an open view of the place.

We just finished our dinner after which Hina api offered us to take a walk near by.I was reluctant but couldn't deny when Umar stood up I did offered sana and Annie who brushed it off whining they are to tired leaving me with no choice but to follow him

"Do you need help" he asked when I huffed due to cold .

"No" I mumbled ,

Once in the hut,I marvelled the enchanting view with twinkling eyes as it roamed through the city seeing the mesmerizing view filled with glory and attraction SubhanAllah.

"The day was ruined wasn't it" Umar spoke after a minute.his voice echoed in all the corners of the hut which was starting to turn darker by the sinister clouds above

"It was your fault."I complained gazing at his trance who was leaning on the pillar with arm crossed disheveled hair and intoxicating gaze.

"I know ,but all that wasn't because I don't trust you" he tilted his head seeing through me as I changed my position looking ahead

"It did show that" I murmured as the air flocked my veil making me grasp it tighter

"I trust you Areesha,if it would have be due to trust than I surely would have done same for all .Did I restricted you to speak to anyone else ,it's only Amir, and I have my reasons for that" he completed.

"No,matter for what it was Umar the day was ruined I accused."My dress flying due to ghast of winds.

"And how would the lady agree now?"he jested

"I want only words Umar ,soft and assuring words I am ready to accept your choices but that's not the way you shove it ,their are many humble ways please try them".My heart raced as I gave away the most important key to my heart

"It has been included in my nature ,I have been like this whole my life ."

"It's not an excuse."

"Humble words aren't easy to speak when the girl in front of you has another man's wishes.May it be in a form of card,that was our moment Areesha and don't hold me responsible for something I have no control over ".He declared with a slight rage his eyes narrowed as he tried to make out my reaction

I silently gulped sensing the jealousy in his words.

"Let's close the topic" I whispered slightly scared of being the victim of his rage and I knew this talk will only entice anger nothing else

"You know it was supposed to be our Nikkah not engagement" he revealed as I gazed at his intent eyes.

"Your father required some more time and granny demanded pace for the preparation .not that I care about it but your father's appeal was to be obliged .
Beside fiance doesn't suit you but wife does "he admitted boldly as I lowered my gaze.

"Areesha stop being reluctant speak something!!" he demanded

"I am speaking "I frowned

"Yeah can you please enlighten me what were you murmuring to the winds" he said sarcastically as I pursed my lips seeing his rigid stance

"I was saying them to cool your anger" I said as he stepped close alerting me

"What did the winds reply than?" he raised his eyebrow.as the sky turned darker with passing minute taking the sun in the passion of its embrace with each step

"They said Umar's bp issues are far from our control" I giggled at my own words as the small lamps from each pillar lighted glowing the hut.with it's warm and shining shawl

" living with you I am sure to have those"He mocked

"If I am that bad for your health than:-

"Save it "he held his had hushing me

"Continue your wind story ,what was your reply".He gestured

"Well I advised them to surf your brain so it may cool."

"If you would say that directly maybe it will help more than advising the brainless winds" he rolled his eyes.

If only you would listen

"Umar it's getting darker we should go" I fretted

"Why are you sacred if i am here."

"We may be engaged Umar but there is a limit of time for every talk" I said as darkness enveloped us from all sides just a peak of small lights glowed from the lamps

" just a minute"

"This is for you" he extracted a small velvet box from his front pocket .It revealed a delicate ring encased graciously inside the rim with a small rose upon it a small diamond shone to add more beauty.

I stood there holding the flying shawl which the harsh wind mercilessly blew as he brought his hand in front

"May I" he inquired looking deep into the valleys of my unspoken eyes.making my once cold hands to freeze upon his bold demand

"Umar I will wear it myself "I lowered my gaze taking in a breath of frosted air.

"What's the harm if I do it ?"his voice sharp yet calm

"You know it Umar" I tried to make him understand.

"I don't want you to remove this ever because it's solely my choice just for you and the forgotten ring on your finger was the traditional ring" he authoritatively declared making me nod

He did noticed

"Wear it now and remove it never" his cold Voice filled in the sudden auro around.

My trembling hands took hold of the delicate ring from his large ones .,gradually I started to slide on the finger as sanas tear stricken face flashed across me making me halt.

There was brewing storm of guilt building inside me for.which I held no precautions and absolutely no safety.

"Having second thoughts" umar's voice jerked me , slowly I glanced in his eyes which started to turn from soft to hard.into a scary glare as I hurriedly shook my head making the ring claim it's rightfull place.

"It looks gorgeous now" his voice slow but loud.

"Do you like it?" he questioned

"It's beautiful" I praised making him grin as the wind motioned around us securing the sudden chill in the embrace of little warmth

"My intentions towards you were never wrong Areesha let the rising moon be the witness of my spoken words as it's the same moon which helds the witness to many unspeakable nights to have you here in front "his voice calm and slow.

"What do you mean?" I tilted my head to come across his talk frame.

"For a deep writer you are and always will be clueless to my words" he smirked .

I wasn't clueless but was sure speechless...

huddled in the corner seat, Sana gazed at them from afar sitting in a warm cafe as Annie chatted about but her glance never wavered from them,

Looking at his carefree side she closed her eyes to take a deep breath in order to calm down her dwelling heart in the endless sea of her crashing dreams.

It wasn't easy to absorb the fact as it seems to be it pains with every cord to realize the person you liked was never yours.The person for whom you did everything never recognized you.
The person for whom you saw many dreams never even considered you .
It hurted so much .

If only she had not dwelled In him
If only she had never considered him
If only she could have been strong to keep her strong demeanor.
If only .....

It wasn't longing pooled in her eyes rather it was pain mixed with realization.,she was capable of understanding the reason behind their match .She was sure they were made for each other.

Areesha changed him by provoking his every bad Habit without pressuring or demanding as he kept on moulding his ways for her and is still doing .

while she was ready to accept him as it is without a change which she knew was somewhat selfish of her to just gain him.

She couldn't even imagine this side of Umar which was disclosed after Areesha's appearance

The emotional hurt felt in the depths of the heart couldn't be dealt with just an assurance of brain ,it was to only heal with the faith that Allah never burdens a soul more than it can bear.

Besides patience and time heals the worst of the wounds in the perfect of ways.

I trust your plans my ALLAH she murmured cleaning the warm tear cascaded admist the cold weather.

May Allah bless them with everlasting happiness was her last murmur before she averted her attention to a whining Annie .


"Can I come in" I peeked through Rayyan's door who was sprawled on the bed with feets dangling out.

"Sure" he groaned

"You look tired" I orated visualizing his State

"Yeah snow surfing isn't easy as I thought anyways how was your dinner ,I didn't even knew about it ?"

"You all left directly after breakfast that's why .it was good first we went to Mrs raufs home followed by dinner "

"Seems like you had fun.,"

"Hmm" I hummed

"Your engagement went well,you are sure about your decision right?"he inquired

"Rayyan why wouldn't I be and I thought you liked Umar know.!"

"Yeah I do ,but I still had my suspicions" he shrugged

"I am happy Ray it's been 6 months since I decided get over it or you are saying this because you will miss me" I joked.

"Nah I will be thankful"

"Than there is still left many years for you to be thankful because I am not leaving soon "

"Ya Allah why?" he groaned.

"Ray" I chided smacking him with the pillow

"Sorry !sorry ! I am not going to let go my sister soon " he said warming my heart.

"Because than who will do our projects" he laughed seeing my glare.

"Just kidding!! You know Amir called me" he said growing serious

" oh "

"He congratulated on his behalf and he is coming on Sunday "


"Yeah but he will stay in Islamabad it's work related"


"Can I intrupt in your serious conversation" Dani grinned standing at the door.

"No !"rayyan orated

"Well thank you for inviting me" he jumped on the bed ,

"Hope you are well" he saluted making me chuckle

"What do you want danu" I am tired Rayyan said

"I have an important matter to discuss with Areesha "he chimed having my attention

"I will just freshen up and come in a minute "Rayyan tiredly strode towards the washroom.

"What have you done to my baby brother?"I complained

"Nothing just showing him how to have fun my style" he boasted.


"What's the matter.?"I inquired

"I want you to come with me to my collage tomorrow" he said.

"Why?"I questioned confused at his sudden demand

"That girl remember I want you to meet her "he cheered

"You haven't approached her parents yet"

"Nah at least I want to know her response before I take an action.
I have a well reputation at my collage and you all girls are unpredictable If we flirt there is a chance of slap and if we directly jump to proposal again there is a chance of it" he grumbled making me laugh.

"You ,me and sana will go tomorrow before Umar wakes up ,I have already asked your parents "he declared.

"Okay than"

"Keep in mind Umar shouldn't know as soon as he will sleep after fajr we will leave "

"Why "I asked curious

"We never know ....
Just leave it "he dismissed

"so done" he grinned

"Done" I smiled not knowing weather I just signed a fun or a regretful contract .

Assalam o alikum wa rahmatulahi wa barakatuhu,

Dear readers what are your opinions about the chapter and there relationship.?

💟12th Rabi ul awal is just a day away from some do recite lots of salutations on our beloved prophet Muhammad [peace be upon him] and remember everyone in your precious duas

,Dedicated to

Take care :-)

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