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The minute I heard my first love story,
I started looking for you, not knowing
how blind that was.
Lovers don't finally meet somewhere.
They're in each other all along.

~ Rumi


Delightful chirps cascaded through the ascending morning celebrating a new day by thanking there amazing Creator..

Many heads were bowed in prostration,while many hands held the glorious Quran,and numerous fingers were busy doing dhikr all of them beautifying there day by beginning their day with Allah's name

The atmosphere around the house was nothing less than a dream ,seeing everyone busy in pleasing there Lord admists the enchanting fragrance of Itr and fresh jasmines.

Murmuring my silent prayers I whiffed on my family giving them in Allah's protection.

My heart was rested in peace seeing baba's  low but steady recovery, returning everyone's lost glint as the house once again was filled with banters and laughs.

A new feeling was awoken in my heart indicating me of something ..it was pleasant yet scary.

Folding the gracefully carved prayer mat.
I loosened the knot of my cloack wishing to feel the cool breeze which flowed in the morning welcoming every passerby with its soft chills.I opened the chilled Windows to endeavor the mesmerizing weather

Many murmurs of grave voices with drizzling chills greeted me as I revealed my self to the outer world.involuntary my eyes closed as I took a deep breath of the fresh breeze,
Umar was the first thing I saw after opening my eyes  who seemed busy in deep conversation with Asad bhai.a small smile beautified my features with a glint of sparkle in my eyes.

He was changing,

They  were all coming from masjid after praying fajr all the elders were ahead almost in the house while others were a little behind discussing and talking about.

"Oh dear rupenzel, what a lucky day to see you" Dani articulated dramatically earning everyone's attention my eyes widened seeing him pointing at me .

This boy!!!

"You just came out of masjid" Asad bhai slapped his head making me groan.

"So? ,what is it that I am doing wrong" he grumbled rubbing the sore spot as I suppressed my giggle earning his playful glare.automatically my eyes drifted to Umar who with His sharp eyes indicated me to go inside slipping the smile off my face .as I hastily closed the window.seeing him move closer to dani

"I am telling ALLAH" I heard dani's whine making me chuckle despite of my fast palpitation of heart.

Embraced by a intricate black net shawl her face shone with noor embellished as the pure rays of moon.

High up she stood placing her delicate hands on the stiff pane railings skimming through the wonders of early hours.

The snow melted on her soft fragile cheeks while it's shine dropped in front of her sparkled eyes.

What she thought she was doing looking so delicately charmed...

From the prying eyes of others doesn't she know to stay inside the safe walls..

He ought to go up and warn her about her new adventures,but he thought otherwise closing his eyes to melt his anger.

But how could the flames of anger anguish when it was Amir's gaze which rebuked his temper..

But for her smile he can overpower anything..

The more he wanted her safer ,the more his heart warned him about the upcoming storm..And the faster he wanted to make her his.

But not all plannings go as planned and who said storms seizes ,it just warns the victims before it comes to its prey thrashing and destroying everything .

Only the strong groups come out victorious who work and progress together leaving there ego and pride behind which Umar had still to learn.


Mummy sat on my bed admist the closed boundaries of the door with my one hand clasped in a tender squeeze,as she talked to me .

"My daughter please be calm and listen to me before denying or arguing " she warned

"What are you going to say?"I tilted my head with a question making her chuckle

"Beta your baba agreed ",she nodded with a hint of tears in her eyes while I stared at her with astonishment.

I felt detached from them before being away while my heart scolded me to show happiness and be calm

"Does that mean I won't be going with you ?"I whispered scared of my own conclusion

"Daughter's are like a beautiful, frail glass Areesha" mummy brushed her warm hand through my hairs

"After your baba's second heart attack I don't want to risk anything!,life is unpredictable beta "mummy said softly.

"I don't want my daughter's to suffer ,because no one can take care of the delicate flowers as there guardians ."I stayed quite as she showed her perspective making me calm

"Understand your mother ,she can never wish anything harmful for her daughter nor  can she leave her somewhere she isn't comfortable"

"Mummy I am not denying anything but I wish to continue my studies "

"Who is stopping you to pursue your education Areesha ,It worried me to the extent thinking about you and Ameera and when fate is providing such a delightful opportunity than why should we push it away."She added concerned

"Mine and your baba's heart will be at peace knowing that we have given our daughter in a more secure embrace."

"Mummy is it the right time ?"

"The best decision is the one which is made at the right time and this is it my jaan.Don't you want to start a new life?".She inquired with a small smile.

"That's that's not what I mean it's just:.

"Don't be afraid Areesha my daughter is capable enough to handle everything i know ."

"I am ?"I bit my lip

"Yes you are ,and you know my dear Allah has set a plan for everyone and when He sees its the right time He sends a person whose not just your husband but your guardian,your love and your best friend and that's where the real journey starts "

"A girl resembles a princess  under her parents shelter while she is a queen beside her husband" She kissed my forehead

"Your granny is so happy beta say yes" mummy insisted

"When is the Nikkah ?"

"It's next week it was supposed to be this Thursday but you know there is a good news ."

"What" I asked without curiosity

" waqas and Sana 's relation do you know about it?"she enthusiastically inquired


"Well so this Thursday is there Nikkah as waqas has a competition to attend somewhere so he will be out of country for few months but he wanted to secure there bond before leaving and everyone agreed."She completed with a grin

"That's amazing"I said thinking about sana

"Yes MA shaa ALLAH waqas is such a nice boy and sana is a gorgeous girl .May Allah bless both of them with happiness."

"Ameen" I murmured.

"Look at sana Areesha she also agreed without any hesitation because she knows her elders would never make a haste or harmful decision."

"Besides your baba agreed and you always accept his decisions "she orated giving a hopeful glance

By fulfilling there wish I knew I was going  to give away my old life being a married girl in just two weeks.

I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep in my room ,or touch my old things  for a long time .

I knew I won't be seeing Aliya and kanwal soon and who knows when fate provides the opportunity to meet them ..And I was sure I will miss her wedding because there was no sign of Umar agreeing to take me in just few months.

A lot of responsibilities ,and a long distance from home who knew it was the last time I slept in my own room back at  home as a single girl free from all worries.

To many it wouldn't be seem big deal but for me it was the whole transformation of my life...And I gave myslef in the embrace of fate to fly me in the accords of my destination..

"I agree mummy",I gave a short nod as she flung me in her embrace with strings of duas.

" you made me so proud".She patted my head with tears falling from her eyes.
"umar carries a wonderful heart ,beta every relation is hard before it becomes easy "she whispered

"Your baba still doesn't understand me completely but he will experience it when he will carry his first grand child for the first time" mummy said adoringly.leaving my mouth agape

"Mummy" I chided with a flushed face.

"Say Ameen meri jan".She patted my head.

"And Areesha be a little more understanding towards Umar I have seen you around him and that's not how you will deal now ,be a little gentle but within boundaries" she pointed making me nod as she cleared my tears.


"Do you not plan to come out of the room today" Umar leaned on the door with a quirk eyebrow.his frame almost blocking the door as his eyes shown with the golden glint of the lights

Seated near the window I was so engrossed in the book that I even forgot about the door.

Was the door open?

No I guess it was left a little ajar

"Areesha ?"

"Yes um I was just about to come" I answered meeting his sharp gaze.as I got up closing the book.

There was a slight different expression on his face merged between softness and something else!

I haven't seen him after the morning incident I was slightly obscured especially after mummy's visit.

"Change your shawl"!he tilted his head with a point of a finger. making me confuse

"Don't wear net shawls at least not now" he demanded before I could even ask the reason.

Phuphee was the one who gave me !

"It suits you a little to much" he added with a mischievous glint making me avert my eyes.

"I will come" I rendered mildly as I sauntered. towards the cupboard with book closely grasped in my hand.

"Areesha" he stepped inside but seeing my alarmed expressions he took the step back grimly enunciating he will be outside .

Slightly flustered by his comment I chose the thick burgundy shawl with dimmed sparkle fit for the cold climate  and headed outside

The vast backyard was covered with cold dawn already darkened by the snow filled clouds,he was right I didn't came out since long today and it means I will have to give an explanation to many!!

Sana did came and after a while Hina api to but seeing me occupied on Skype with Aliya and kanwal they gave me some space but I guess I went to far afterwards being lost in my own world.

The truth was I was to hesitant to face anyone knowing everyone knew the news by now.

Aliya and kanwal didn't knew it yet because I was to hesitant to break it ,so I let it pass for when it gets confirmed which I knew it already was.

Now,thinking about it how did I come with him so easily?

"Areesha we came here to talk I assume" Umar bought me.back from my disturbing thoughts.

"Uh yes?" I glanced at him

"A warm congratulations to you" he playfully grinned standing in front as we stood near the small lake situated in the heart of the backyard.

Standing on the lush green grass covered in the hue of dusky mist the tress surrounded the area with many hanging colourfull string lights which glimmered in the reflection of the waving pond as we stood just adjacent to it .his gaze locked with mine with a little bow of his head due to his large height .

The breeze wasn't behind either it blew his hair with its cold caresses,while it played with my shawl bringing a pleasant feeling with it.

I didn't had to guess the reason behind his demeanour it was obvious like a plain mirror in front of a reflection.

"Thank you" I returned a small smile while his eyes lingered on lowered gaze.

"To make this day a little more special I.bought you flowers" his husky voice filled the silent atmosphere making me tilt my head to see him.

Gesturing me to sit on the dry boundary of the lake he bought a basket filled with bunch of bloomed lotus's filling the area with there fragrance.

Surprised,delighted,yet sacred was my inner feelings..

The turmoil in my heart fluked me with many voices.

What are you doing Areesha?

What if anyone sees?

Are you even in your senses?

Disturbed by the inner questions I looked at Umar who was delicately taking out the large flowers from the exquisite golden basket

"Umar " I gingerly called

"I asked your mother Areesha ,!relax" he voiced still busy in the task while I blinked surprisingly at his answer.

Am I readable or he can read minds?

Getting rid of the unwanted thoughts I was content knowing mummy is aware.

"What are you doing.?"I asked with curiosity.

Placing a huge red flower in my hand he kept a small candle in the midriff of the petal and than lighted it with a burning fire all the while concentrating on his task in between the few alerting sneak peaks making me gulp

The already bloomed petals shined with the candle as it wore a beautiful veil of light .

"Let it go " Umar  gestured towards the lake with a slight tilt

And with that I crouched a little and placed the glowing flower into the lake padding the waves to take it further with a small pleasant sigh a smile decorated my face seeing it float making the scene magical. I didn't realized his gaze on me until I finally came out of trance to glance at him.

"Um it looks beautiful" I said

"Hmm it does now" he nodded with small grin  as he handed me other flowers while just watching my  expedition as I  Set  them away with my soft hands one by one beautifying the lake with each .

No matter how much my brain denied but my heart believed that this Umar was different and its his hidden side not the fake one ...

"Starting from today just a few days left for our relation to take its real route bringing us to our real destination."He murmured setting the last flower free.

"And I want you to remember this day forever"his grave yet gentle voice closed the boundaries of doubts which still lingered in the haze.

Maybe it will be memorable

"Areesha your understanding and acceptance towards this relation has moulded me in many ways you don't know yet."His gazed locked ahead on the red illuminating flower which just a few seconds ago resided in my hands.as he gave a glimpse of his locked feelings

His every word was supported by the warmth of emotions making it more intensive and profound

"Your pure heart has attracted and purified mine with its endearing fragrance."He added with a brief pause contemplated by His own confessions.

Listening to his words I was in my own conflict ,whether how to respond ,in the calm and charming atmosphere with looming flowers and serene fragrance his words played havoc with my feelings

"Areesha" he glanced in my shy eyes

"Hmm" I tried to a give a small smile bitting my lower lip

"Your smile has satisfied me to the extent that I want to whisk you right now to the masjid for the Nikkah !"he smirked mischievously as I abruptly looked ahead hearing his chuckle.

He didn't seemed like the Umar I knew ,he looked distinct yet same . illusioned yet changed nonetheless still carrying the auro of intimidation

"Give me your heart Areesha " his grave voice boomed against my drumming heart.

" will you ?" he kept his hand close to mine on the cold surface of boundary holding the lake


"Umar I "


The atmosphere grew more intense as he waited for my answer making my toes curl

"I don't know what to say" I blurted in a blink making him shake his head while looking down

"I asked a pretty simple question Areesha!" !he gave a pointed look

It's not that simple

"Answer me Areesha come on" he encouraged coming closer his heavy locks shining in the dark

How can I tell you Umar that my own  heart is betraying me, making me clutch it tightly with every cord

My once unfazed heart is drown is the sensation of your passionate words.

Stop playing with my hear Mr Umar before I lose it in the sea of your impetuous words

"I am still waiting for your answer ?"he broke the silence with a serious tone

"It will be yours after Nikkah"
I whispered not meeting his gaze while internally i fainted at my own words as the beads of sweat covered my adjoined hands.

"Promise" came his voice and I could easily sense a smile in his words

"Promise" I nodded hiding my smile expertly as the flowers loomed around the lake spreading its enchanting fragrance all around, the air roamed free sliding the coloured lights while the hidden moon shone just above us covering the whole area in its enchanting embrace..

"Woah !Woah !Woah look here this scene is marvelous" dani's voice boomed through the whole backyard.

"He never learns" Umar grumbled throwing a murderous glare at him

"I come in peace !I come in peace" he raised his hands seeing Umar.

"We impatiently waited for half an hour so we can join you here" Asad bhai defended coming behind.

"Yeah !!!the allowed time was over but still I insisted them to give you extra minutes but they missed you both " Hina api added cheekily making my cheeks burn.

"Aren't you all the worst cousins!"Umar grouched

"Tsk tsk we are the best cousins Umar alwayss on time" Annie beamed

"No one needed your attendance" Umar scoffed

"Haye ALLAH don't be mad at us Areesha's mom sent us" she defended

"Ahmad learn something kiran api pointed at the lake ..see this is how you come up with romantic ideas" she added making me startled

"Nah you are already enough smitten by me" bhai boasted making us laugh

"Haye Areesha can I say your much lucky I never in my whole wide world could even think Umar could do all this" Annie said ostensibly

"Stop!" Umar grunted as she snickered

"How are you Areesha ? Not seeing you thr whole day distressed my heart and I only ate two plates of biryani" Dani fake sniffled taking a seat beside me

"Sit somewhere else" Umar ordered while he stuck his tongue at him making space for Hina api to sit.

"Congratulations meri jan" hina gave me a side hug with a gentle squeeze

"Thank you api" I responded with a small smile.

"Can't wait for you to join us ,and don't forget that..." she pointed knowingly making me nod.

"What?" they all shouted curious

"It's a girl secret" hina api shrugged

"I promise not to tell any girl now tenme" dani exclaimed.making Hina api roll her eyes

"Leave this we have aloot of planning and preparation to do which reminds me where is our other bride "

"Sana is trapped between aunties they won't leave her" Dani laughed.

"Yeah laugh away you must be happy that I am leaving" sana accused taking a seat.

"Oh yes my poor suffering being will suffer no more" dani feigned.

"Don't cry I am still stuck with you for few more months" she bumped her should with him.

"How is waqas sana?"Umar inquired mischievously.

"He is handsome" she shrugged making everyone chuckle

"Already charmed huh?" kiran api winked

" she must be didn't I tell you she was acting differently at our last visit she looked like she was is love" Umar smirked snatching my smile as I met sana's gaze which was shocked as mine

"Like you can read eyes" she snorted.composing herself

"I can read hers can't I" Umar looked at me making me shift

"Of course Of course" hina api smirked

"Seeing to much love I also want a girl" dani whined

"I knew from the very first day Dani will be the one to shine our family's name in the whole world" Asad said sarcastically .

The laughs and teasing continued until granny ordered us to come inside

"One more thing" Umar tugged the end of my shawl halting my steps as I got up to leave with the rest

" I don't know yet why that day still looks afar yet it's very near."He murmured coming close

" BUT.Thank you for coming precious" he whispered slowly making me silently gulp as I stood there rooted to the ground calming my heart while making sure no one saw.my cheeks supporting every warmth in the cold surrounding

"Why are you still standing there Areesha come" Umar shouted catching everyone's attention .

Clever !!!

"I am coming" I faintly whispered running inside.

Her shyness was even more enchanting ,

She unknowingly held the key to his locked heart,and doorway to his emotion filled world which came into existence by her presence.

She could unlock the door of his feelings he never knew existed in him.

She had the power to make him do things he never thought he could even imagine .

She has expertly locked the forbidden side in him which disgusted even him now.

Once you have a taste of purity ,non other things tempts you no matter how beautiful it May be .

Because real beauty lies in purity and haya which he found being in her presence

And like all others he was afraid deep down to lose the key to all his treasures ,it was only one in the world and it was her.

Trays filled with all kinds of mouth watering sweet delicacies were decorated in magnificent trays filled with flower petals at sides in order to enhance the charm.

Placing her delicate hand on my veild head granny prayed few verses blowing them on me and Umar before sweetening our taste buds with traditional sweets,doing the same practise on sana and waqas bhai, who had personally come to deliver the gifts for her with a smile on  her face she blushed at something waqas bhai whispered.

And my heart was content seeing her smile with blooming glow which refused to leave her ..

Many greetings followed by prayers were showered on us . I refused to see my father for I knew one look and I will lose my self control which I am practicing .I have just few weeks left to be with him ,.The realization itself was painful and scary and sometimes unbelievable to adjust but I was trying .every girl goes through this and I will to IN SHAA ALLAH.. though it seemed really hard.

After dinner everyone once again gathered together with  cups of green tea in hand as they celebrated  and planned for the upcoming events ..

The whole vast hall was filled with laughters and talks,followed by contentment of many hearts.

I was seated on the single sofa near the group where all the young sat.Umar was no where to be seen after dinner as he was busy with His own stuff but he promised to be here in a while.

"Areesha" Amir offered a tray filled with soft chocolate cupcakes as I shook my head in denial knowing I already had to much sweet courtesy of granny and others.

"Such a sudden decision, I did not see that coming !"Amir took a seat beside.His gaze not meeting mine nor reaching the enthusiasm like others

When I talk to each of the cousins and answer there queries how can I not answer him wouldn't it be impolite ?we  all are a big family afterall,I hope Umar understands.

"Every decision is already made above we just walk along the road.sometimes surprised to see a turn which a few time ago never seemed to exist" I answered politely.

"But if you are happy with  that turn of life .you don't find it sudden you feel as you have lived your whole life waiting and wanting for it" his sudden words striked at my own leaving me spell bound

"And Sometimes in that sudden turn is where your life revolves,not being prepared for it doesn't mean you can't survive it .Many times it is to show you the meaning of life "unpredictable" yet keeping your faith firm will surely make you achieve the success bound for you may it be through anyone ".I smiled not knowing the reason behind our such deep talks enclosed inside the shield of words.

"You are right Areesha ,but admit it not all turns brings smiles " he smiled gazing at me

"At first Maybe not Amir but with time you enrich in those values in return which gives you many moments to cherish ."

"Your words hold impressive powers" he chuckled with a light shake of his head.But when he gazed again his eyes held not the twinkle I thought I would see. I sipped my tea breaking the awkward trance

"So you will leave your university?"he inquired not looking pleased

"Yes" I nodded in affirmative.

"What about your studies Areesha,?Your whole year !"he asked concerned.

"I will start from the beginningI" I sighed internally dejected seeing my hard work waste and my friends afar.

"And uncle is okay with that" he frowned.

"Everything happens for the best Amir" I assured .

"You should apply for your certificates than so you don't miss the new session anywhere !"

"Yeah I will talk to baba"

"No that's fine I know many people who work there I will do it for you so you may get them as soon as possible" he offered

And I thought why this human is such a gentleman..

"You two look cute together "Eshal gushed so loud that everyone sitting close shifted there attention as I frowned at her illogical remarks.

Thank Allah the elders are sitting a little far

"Don't take Umar bhai easy just because he is your friend think.before you talk" dani pointed making her glare at him

"Uh she was just joking Dani right Eshal?" Hina api covered

"I was just stating a fact" came her confident reply

"What is going on here?"Umar inquired sensing a comotion as he came near hina api.

"Nothing special Umar I just said the way Amir and Areesha are sitting and talking together they look cute what's a big deal in it see there understanding am I wrong" she pointed at me hitching my breath as his angry gaze landed towards me .

"Don't assume on your own accord eshal!" He gritted making everyone alarmed.

"Yar now would you be angry with me. Let's go for a walk I was waiting for you besides where were you in the evening no one informed me when I asked" she tugged Umar towards the entrance leaving me in confused emotions..

"Areesha come" Umar ordered with a slight gesture of his hand .

"And should I send a invitation to you dani" he rolled his eyes as everyone leaped towards the door thankfull for the breakage of the sudden tension.

There was clear warning glare through Eshal as Umar waited for me to walk beside him

And he thought,

How could he leave the person who carries his heart,ever so softly . her mildness filled glow attracts him in infinite ways and just like that his sudden temper flew in the air like grains of sand in the cool breeze.

But the question was how much longer would the ego be caged by a person who didn't even knew the way to confine it between the locks.nor he held the undiscovered key..

Assalam o alikum wa rahmatulahi wa barakatuhu.

Hope you all are doing well,!

What are your thoughts regarding the chapter?.
I really appreciate and thank you all for your amazing comments they truly make me happy may it be through comments or a private message they mean a lot .:-)

The next update would take a little while due to some reasons but IN shaa ALLAH not long..

Take care of your self :-)

ALLAH Hafez.

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