*Chapter 45*

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If you want the moon , Do not hide from the night,  If you want a rose , Do not run away from the thorns, If you want to love , Do not hide from yourself .

~ Rumi

Words made up of common alphabets when are shaped,mould  and designed by a certain specific person who adjoin them with a flavour of heartfelt desire enclave in your heart without a second thought

Such is the case with nano, her words are potion of certain magical powers, whose ingredients are far to common yet  unreachable.
Mixed with,affection,politeness,love and softness with deep twinkle of
eyes placed on her face an adoring smile makes you forget for a pace of time that there could even exist any difficulty that we can't face

Blessed are such people with the special blessings of words by the ONE whose affection in words no one could compete.

Not a single tear fell from my once  ocean filled eyes as soon as she started speaking and I lost myself drinking the soothing potion of her words .afterwards taking me into a deep slumber of peaceful sleep.

Many tales with few advices and a memory of words she had displayed in her cute accent between them a certain being my favorite

"You know Areesha what your baba said when was saved from the first heart attack.she had paused filling  curiosity into my being.

"What nano?" I had asked sitting near the hot stove made up of  wooden logs instilling in them a supporting fire.

"He said I was sure nothing will happen to me ! You know why ?" Your baba asked us all she smiled placing the bread  on the pan.

"What he said ?" I urged her with few gestures of my hand

"He said ALLAH has given me two daughters and my intention is to fulfill all their rights by bringing them up with best of  manners,giving them high education and marrying them in a good house and I believe in MY RAB that He will fulfill my intentions in the  best of ways and that was my dua ever since He has blessed me with two rehmats "nano had finished off with a smile resting my heart on the peaceful claim.

"Than have patience my daughter your baba's intentions will save him " she had consoled

Praying in her peace filled house I felt more than hopefull knowing Allah always takes the best decision.
But we are humans who requires constant reminders.

And even if someone is to be taken from your life ALLAH instills enough courage and sabr for you to endure while raising your ranks and replacing it with His irreplaceable blessings

"My daughter is awake?" nano lighted the lamp not disturbing the calm atmosphere by the fluorescent lights.

"Yes" I smiled moving closer to her inviting embrace.

"Every difficulty turns into infinite happiness when you not only pray but believe to" she kissed my forehead placing a peeked strand of hair behind my ear as I listened to her soft hums of advices at the emerging dusk filled with cold breeze and warm lights.

"Your fulfillment of prayers do not depend on how much you pray but on how much you really believe "she continued while  caressing my cheecks ,

"If your believe is strong with unwavering faith than only one dua is enough to change everything for Allah it's nothing that's impossible but He tests us sometimes to bring us closer to Him ,or sometimes to teach us the secret of finding the true happiness which is by believing and asking HIm.and sometimes to raise our ranks to its highest peaks" she whispered the last words with a genuine smile as I peeked at her still in her embrace

Truly Allah has blessed Nano with something that's is rare and precious...

"JazakaAllah khair nano I love you" I kissed her hands than her cheeks making her chuckle.

"Waiyakki my precious and for the I love you part keep it safe for someone else" she winked making me blush as i lowered my self trying best of hide my face .

"Umar is here to take you Areesha , he is having dinner with your uncle which we had forced him .i have no idea when that boy had his last proper  meal all I have seen him is run around" nano shook her head as my inner scolded me of my lack of concern regarding his vital matters especially in this situation making me feel guilty and helpless at the same time .

"Fresh up and come outside I don't really want you to leave as it's turning sinister  by every minute but Umar insists" she patted my cheeks leaving the room as I hastily changed my dress to the one nano layed out

wonder how she had my size.?

Shielding my hairs  with a green chiffon veil I clicked open the door thinking twice about my next move.

"Come Areesha why are you standing there ?"nano summoned me with her calm gesture

I peeked out seeing Umar perched on a comfortable seat conversing with  uncle  with a burning fire in front to defend the near by occupants against the chill.

"Areesha is here Umar but think again beta the weather is not suitable for you to drive "nano convinced.as his gaze interacted with mine while the breeze played with my heavy cloack making it caress my cheeks with its soft threads .

He coughed looking away as I turned my attention to the warming fire.

She didn't even knew how much green suited her pale complexion and how much her glowing face filled emerged in that colour..

In the dark weather of snow around she stood out as the noor giving a refreshing light to its inhabitants around

"No we will have to leave now ,thank you for your immense hospitality". He smiled genuinely

Is the operation over ? Or is still ongoing

"Your are my son Umar don't ever thank me again" uncle scolded hugging him

"Ready Areesha?" He asked gesturing me towards the door

"How is baba" I directed my first question stepping towards him.

"I will give you the details in the car let's go" he tilted his head towards the jeep making me panick.

"Your baba will be perfectly fine" nano assured while she  recited many Duas blowing it on us as they bid us  farewell.

"Apiiii" Daud squeaked throwing his arms arms around my neck taking me by surprise as I opened the door

"Daud sweetheart you came to. But where were you?"I questioned looking at his fluffy outfit in which he was peacefully snuggled .

"I was with waqas bhai" he chirped with a shudder of cold.

"And his driving is scary" he hid his face in the crook of my.neck  pointing at Umar while I suppressed a smile seeing umar's narrowed eyes

"No one invited you,remember who tagged along"  he rolled his eyes igniting the engine.

"Plus this was your last ride with me" he grouched making it hard for me to differentiate the kid between the two.

"He is just a small kid" I sighed

"Come in front" he padded the heater a little more to warm the dark jeep making it sure it reaches daud .

My lips grazed a small smile at his little gesture as I slipped in the front seat with Daud hugging close.

"How is baba Umar" I urged as he passed through the dark alleys in order to get to the main road.

"The operation went well !"He emphasized with a smile making me freeze with an unknown emotion of happiness mixed with anger.

"And you are telling me now ! You knew how worried I was you couldn't even call and inform and you are telling me now. When I asked you Umar why?

"Were you even planning to tell me ?"I asked with a slight rage annoyed by His lack of response while he silently drove with blank expression.

"I called you Areesha ,but your nano told me that you are asleep and I knew how exhausted you have been in past few days so I advised her not to inform you plus uncle wasn't shifted to a ward yet so there were still high chances of danger and I didn't wanted you to have false hope" he kept his gaze at front not even once looking here.

"And I  still wasn't sure about anything when you inquired in the house I just got a message from Asad that uncle is fine" he finished monotonous

"Alhumdulilah" I whispered over and over again internally relishing the sweet news which still seemed a surprise to me

But a wave of relief instilled within me taking me to the heights of happiness and joys


"How easily you always assume me wrong not even trying to take it to the positive side" he complained with an unknown emotion gazing straight ahead with hard clutched stirring wheel.

He wasn't wrong this time it was me after all what he did for my family and me ,depriving himself of any comfort just assuring ours by all means and what I just did

"I   I am sorry Umar I didn't :

"I think even if something happened to me one day you will still blame that as my fau :

"Umar please" I interrupted  abruptly.

"Don't say such things" I whispered after a moment

"Why?" What is it to you if someo

"Please Umar" I ceased his words with my soft plea after which no words were exchanged just the zooming sounds of cars and soft snores of Daud kept us occupied in the same world of almost similar imaginations...


"Baba" I whispered sitting beside him on the chair clutching his large hands in my small palms.

His state looked so vulnerable cladded in the blue hospital gown with an attached E.C.G machine ,tons of tubes and a scary oxygen mask he almost looked unrecognizable in his weak form.

Oh baba please be the same again

Only one or maximum two persons were allowed in the room ,since everyone had already got the privilege to meet him due to us being late I was left alone at the end to meet for as long as I want.
And I was informed that he asked about me many times since he woke up .

Reciting all the verses of shifa I gently blew on him with small caresses on his hand believing in my Lord that my baba will be okay.

"My daughter is here "he opened his eyes with the lightest motion giving a hint of his strained state.

A lump formed in my throat as a whisper of merriment escaped my lips with a watery smile Alhumdulilah I murmured

"Baba" I called afraid of any illusion

"Areesha,my child" his hazed voice perked up my ears

"I am here baba ho w how are you feeling ?" I stammered

"Your baba is fine Areesha" he smiled weekly as he could barely keep his eyes open .

"Please get well for your daughter baba please I can't see you like that" I sobbed with my head hung low.

"Areesha no crying my precious daughter" he patted my head with His weak hands as I held them giving it a gentle kiss with that  I saw him going into slumber due to the medicinal affect.

Alhumdulilah,no doubt in true believe lies the fulfillment of all the hopes and dreams...


"It's been a week and it feels all the faded colours of the house has returned seeing baba healthy  at home .

I was laying on baba's arm not even moving from the most precious spot for hours.as he narrated me different stories and filled my being with His soothing voice

"Chalo gi again you father and daughter are chilling" mom huffed keeping her hands on her waist.

"Don't cast an evil eye on us" baba mocked making me giggle as mummy glared hiding her smile

"Areesha get up and fresh your self" mom ordered.

"Mummy please few minutes" I whined

"Leave us alone we have a lot of catching up to do so tell me Areesha what your mother did to you all in my absence."

"Ask what your absence did to her ,it felt like Areesha had turned into a four year old" mom feigned.

"Mummy" I chided

"Well princesses never grow they just bloom" baba winked.

"This! this is the reason of them being spoiled teach her to be courageous and bold in tough situations" mummy objected

"My daughter is perfect in her own ways don't worry Areesha your mummy is just jealous" baba grinned

"Ya Allah have reham on this old lady "

"Ameen" baba chuckled as mummy gave the special look

"Babaaa" Ameera squealed through the burst door jumping on the bed followed by Rayyan and Umar

"Ameera be a human" mom scolded as I abruptly sat up setting my shawl

"Ameera you could have knocked the door" I glared seeing her sheepish smile.

"Come on Umar beta how are you doing?" baba patted a seat beside him and soon almost everyone joined together in the room.

Every thing was discussed with little banters here and there and in the heart of the talks it was Umar who was mentioned and praised profusely not only by granny but each one including baba .And to say the least I wasn't irritated because he really did deserved it although he was denying but deep down everyone knew the truth.

Even eshal was welcomed by baba

"Oh and one more thing uncle guess the person who was emotionally strong in the whole cordiaI giving everyone courag"e Dani piped as I shot him the look.

"My all children are very strong I know yet there is a doll in the family who is a little sensitive but not weak" baba covered in such a beautiful manner that I was saved from the embarrassment I thought I could face.

"Uncle you are smart" dani chided making everyone laugh.

"Seeing the Condition I would say uncle drag Umar to Dubai your daughter can't live without you" he grinned.

"She is not leaving me soon we will find a solution when time will come" baba answered affectionately but I could see the way granny and phuphee stiffened at his words but I was surprised to see the same look on mummy's face to.

"Amir beta welcome" baba greeted as he entered the room

"It's good to see you healthy uncle" he lightly embraced baba.

A small smile was on my face seeing them ,involuntary my eyes drifted to Umar whose eyes bore into mine faltering my smile.

Where everything was almost going pleasant there was another thing which wasn't .

It was Umar who was perpetually, ignoring me since a week, now and my  feelings confoundly weren't even close to good.

Since I have never approached him I literally had no idea how to clear it I knew it was the affect of those words, that I uttered without thinking while on the other side he had been doing so much.

I tried once or twice to talk but wasn't successful.

Silently gauging his mood I wished to aim at the right time.And seeing him going out of baba's room was the perfect time

"Umar can we please talk" I stood behind the railing of the staircase studying his each move.

Listening to me he steadily turned his broad frame giving me hope and shudder at an equal pace.

"I have important things to handle" his lips orated monotonous leaving me startled as I blinked twice to understand that he denied

Ya Allah I huffed with exasperation.

How am I going to sort this out now ?

Sipping the hot tea to compensate with the brimming cold we all cousins sat around the intricately decorated guest lounge chatting and laughing.

"This is delicious Areesha try the cake" Hina api kept a golden glassed plate with  dripping hot chocolate cake

No matter how tempted I was to try it there was a certain voice which wasn't stopping from a past hour now making me uneasy

Despite of being engrossed in the talks with api and others her voice still held the shrill to distract me

"I thought I would never get to spend time with you Umar finally I am enjoying with you now " eshal candid for umpteenth time

"I am having a splendid time to" Umar spoke gazing into my dark orbs

"Umar do you remember the nights our whole group played guitar and sang songs on terrace" eshal chirped making me agitate for no reason.

"Yeah I do" he nodded taking a sip of his brewing hot coffee.

"Yar those were the days "she sighed

"Many times we even sneaked out just to visit the nearby carnival" she giggled making Umar chuckle as they both lived the memories which looked least appealing to me

They both seemed to be in there own world involuntary my fists clenched as I looked elsewhere when she kept her manicured hand on umar's shoulder

"You look like a history major going by your discussion of memories" dani chortle making her frown.

"No she hates history" Umar answer amusedly.

"You remember" she exclaimed high fiying him.

"of course  I do eshal" he shook his head

I didn't knew why! why her name and her being wasn't settling inside me and him being so joyful to her  did strange things to my heart.

"She looks retarded" Dani whispered

,Ameera kept a hand on her mouth from erupting giggle as hina api nudged dani with a glare

"Let's change the topic I am bored hearing just one thing" dani interrupted her another talks.

"Your cousin is annoying Umar" she flipped her hair

"He is extraordinary" Umar answered devouring the chocolate cake .

"Before calling me annoying next time please have a good look in the mirror" dani fired striding away as Asad bhai covered his snicker with an odd cough

Umar frowned at his retreating back excusing eshal for his childish behavior

"Today you promise to take me for dinner Umar" she charmed with her long lashes.

"Let's all go" Hina api interrupted

"Sure"  Umar shrugged throwing a smile towards her and that was the last straw I.needed to make an excuse  liberating myself from the caged surrounding

What Areesha wasn't aware of was that her every move was monitored and deeply examined by Umar .
The way her eyes held coldness at eshals talks ,the way her hands clenched and especially the uneasy shifts she did to avert her self from them

She is just  to innocent

He was enjoying a little to much his heart resting at a good pace seeing that maybe he did mattered to her after all .

Her direct accusations in the car had clenched his feelings a little to brutally ,and  amount can measure the anger  he had  felt at her smile  towards Amir.

Apart from that he gave her a full weak to come to him and mend there bond with her soft words but she hardly tried once or twice that to not the way he expected.And now he will go by His way

But the truth was no amount of any other beings presence satisfied his heart ,while just a small potion of her emotion filled eyes replenished his every hollow with her wise beauty

Maybe if she would  even just say his name he will forgive her because not talking to her was driving him to the heights  of craziness

While sometimes it's necessary to measure the importance of one's presence in others life  by drawing up the spreaded wings

It's not easy to ignore you Miss Areesha

My veil elapsed in the air as I layed on my bed with a soft thud while the noicy tinkers of the bracelets mingled with another ,jiggling on my every move .

My mind was already in chaos because of umar's mood but the show I saw  of her  just few seconds ago was to much

What is he to Eshal?

Why she looks like she loves him ,?

Will he return to the way he was before?

But The changed Umar was far better .

My eyes bored into the ceiling of the room as his words played into my ears.

If this was the new game of destiny than I pray that it leads me to the person who is truly mine  without the maze of betraying emotions..

A soft knock on my door diverted my attention ,Rayyan peeked inside informing me about mummy's call.

"Areesha beta listen and understand me carefully before getting to conclusions" mummy warned

sensing the seriousness in her mood I slowly stood up striding towards baba sitting close by

"You are scaring us Fatima" baba chuckled patting my hairs.

Analyzing our faces for few moments she sighed with a smile.

"Areesha beta your Nikkah and rukhsati will take place in a months time" she declared accelerating my heart beat with swirling emotions.As I looked into her excitement filled eyes .

"It is the best decision beta ,I want you to start your new life as soon as possible."She added when there was no response.

Does that means I will not be going with them to my home ?
What about my
My studies?
My room,?
My friends,?
And just like that she will leave with me  others on by own without my siblings or baba...
And to say the least ,was I even prepared to handle this relation .

I peeked my head ever so slowly meeting baba's gaze.

"Who confirmed it Fatima ?only Nikkah will take place now and I don't want to repeat the same discussion again" he said sternly.

"Salman sahab your mother ,and I did" mom answered

"She will  and only  will complete her studies first" baba said with a grave voice

"Areesha go to your room I have to talk to your baba !",mummy opened the door.
I  gingerly kissed baba's cheeks leaving the room.

Red hue covered my cheeks spreading warmth of anger as I gazed them laughing coming up  elegant marble staircase just adjacent to my room

"You look tensed everything alright" Amir's questioning voice halted my steps

"Uh no I am perfectly fine" I plastered a smile diverting my attention

"Congratulations on your engagement" he spoke softly eyeing the ring.

"Thank you" I lowered my head with a small sigh.

"Areesha Are you sure you are  happy?" his  question took me by surprise as I saw curiosity mixed with anger laced behind his calculating gaze

"Of course I am "I silently nodded

"Meet eshal Amir !!"umar's voice interrupted as he stood in front  expertly hiding me behind giving me a view of his tensed broad shoulders and disheveled hair.

"Yes I met her the other day" Amir nodded formally greeting her again.engrossing in a new talk while I skipped from behind

What does he think of himself!I thought banging into hina api

"Ouch sorry" I uttered as she held my shoulders to balance me

"What is going on between you two" Hina api placed her hand on her hips eyeing me suspiciously

"Nothing" I shook my head

"Don't lie I haven't seen you both talk since few days now" she arched her eyebrow

"We almost never talk" I shrugged

"Umarr!" Hina api voiced loud gaining his attention

"What are you doing api ?"I panicked

"No clear it now whatever it is" she ordered

"I have to go with Areesha now will catch you later" Umar purposely added in front of them loud enough for us to hear.

"Api I will come later" I turned hastily

"You are not leaving" she clutched my hands tugging me towards the silent backyard instructing Umar to follow.

"Now whatever is it I want you both to settle it before it reaches out and becomes a gossip" she pointed

All the while Umar just gazed at me without a word as api went on about many things guiding us to handle

"Please don't close the door" I pleaded as Hina api approached the door

Smirking  at me she shut the with a soft click.


After a minute of killing silence when no words were exchanged I peeked through my lashes to see him standing at the same spot with crossed arms ,raising his eyebrow as soon as he caught my stare.

Taking a deep breath.I knew it was time to apologize for my mistake although I was angry at him for the reasons my heart seized to believe

"I am sorry Umar !I didn't meant to accuse you that day I was emotionally disturbed ,and I said without thinking.
I can't really thank you enough for..

"Bas love" he held his hand making me stare at his sparkling orbs..

"Did my ignoring affected you  dearest" he claimed titling his head

"N no" I denied a little to abruptly clutching the end of my shawl.

"Your eyes tells a story of its own and I have been living through a belief that ..
Eyes are a gateaway for the deep feelings hidden behind the soul of the heart" his husky voice alerted my mind as I averted my eyes in an opposite direction.

His craving soul was drinking it's fill from her polite words ,his heart blooming with her shyness ,and his eyes satisfied from seeing his beloved

"If you may please excuse me can I go to eshal now ?",he inquired cunningly with a serious face

My eyes shot up giving an incredulous look

If he likes her presence so very much than he shouldn't leave  her for even a second. !!!.

Without a word I opted for the door as he easily blocked by path.going the exact way I step up May it be either left or right.

"Umar please" I said sternly tired of his unamusing game

Laughter bubbled through His throat as he threw his heart back with a short laugh.

"Not affected by my ignoring eh?"he teased making my toes curl.

"I was kidding Areesha  my time, my heart, my words and my each valuable possession is just yours princess "

"Now I demand for a genuine smile which you are so protective off" he winked

"Please" he added making my lips move upwards despite of my control and my eyes fixed on the designed floor

"Don't stop your smile as it lits my world Areesha "

"It's been 15 minutes should I be worried" hina apis voice made me jump while Umar chuckled seeing my startled state.

"One more thing don't forget about my demands against Amir" he warned
Yeah I thought what was missing..

Assalam o alikum wa rahmatulahi wa barakatuhu.

A long chapter,how was it do let me know your response through your precious comments and votes they are truly and inspiringly motivating..

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The light I followed an amazing book I have been reading do try it out if you are looking for a good read

JazakaAllah khair.

Allah hafiz
Take care,

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