*Chapter 48*

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Your body is away from me
but there is a window open
from my heart to yours.
From this window, like the moon
I keep sending news secretly.

~ Rumi

Dense mist surrounded the terrace coverting the heavy clouds descending and spreading over the house ,enveloping me admist it's play as I squinted my eyes through them to have a scanty view of the twinkling stars high so high above the sky.

My shawl twirled with mist absorbing the light freckles of the water droplets

Terrace seemed to be the only place where I could enjoy solace for some duration ,preparations of the upcoming Nikkah ,constant trials of heavy dresses, illuminating jewels,with teasing talks didn't for once had piety on my being the overwhelming feeling had captured me from every side reminding me of the reality ,shaking me out of the daze.

Pondering upon it I was perpetually being deprived of my confidence by each passing day with nervousnes on full swing .It was all real I was really going to be his bride why it still looks So unrealistic?.my heart always questioned

I had no issue regarding it but my heart still drummed harshly whenever it realizes the sudden reality.,making me want to run yet stay at same time .trapped in the chaotic feelings my mind begged for fresh air while my heart ached for privacy which lead me to sneak on the terrace granny concealing my secret.

Just few more days my mind calculated,making me shift at my own place even the cold breeze brought sweats, but somewhere without any doubt there was hidden smile which was a pleasure of someone's changed acts


I breathed with a small sigh my peeked strands shadowing my eyes hiding the emotions of sanctuary knowing very well about granny's loyalty to reveal my hideout to him.

Whirling around my eyes clashed with His sharp ones sending a chill observing sudden coldness which for a moment was replaced by a twinkle.

"I have been meaning to talk to you" his authoritative stance demanded with ,arms crossed demeanour confusingly serious .

with gaze on my feet I bit my lip with an unforseen chortle

"Do I look like a joker ?"Umar asked crossly while my chuckle erupted with new energy as I once again dared to look up.

I would have flinched or even have escaped due to his intimidating vibes which threatened with a dare.But dani's chicken dance behind him moulded the atmosphere completely blessing it with ease.

He frowned gazing at me not a feeling of merriment passed his features hinting me of something serious but the euphoria attack was on its peak when a certain someone didn't seized his doings.

Sensing something behind he twisted his head curtly catching the culprit with a hard gaze.

"I hearby came to chaperone" he declared with a raised hand as he stilled at the spot

"Dani leave" Umar glared without a look of apprehsiom or amusement .

"I wish I could but you see I.can't leave her alone with you it isn't permissible nor your monster could be risked."dani dared an answer

"We are not alone " Umar dismissed him without humour making me ponder on his behavior

Did I do something?

"Are there jinns than" dani joked but his words had an opposite affect on me as I hastily stepped towards them gazing around me with a frightened look

Wonder how I was alone few minutes ago

Seeing me beside him Umar hid his smile while his eyes showed mirth

"I I wasn't afraid" I weakly defended seeing dani's grin altering into a smirk.

"Sure but we never asked..by the way I.can lie to than Umar is a Dracula "he laughed at his own words

"If you wAnt your teeths than leave " Umar warned

"I am sure you won't fight infront of your Princess" he wiggled his eyebrows making my face heat.

Without a word Umar left leaving us stunned at his behavior.

"What happened?"we both asked looking at each other.

"He is your fiancé you should know" Dani said hotily.

"Well he is your brother "

"Come down this instant" we heard his order

"Moody" Dani grumbled making me chuckle.

"What if we don't" he shouted as I stopped him for saying further.

"Don't trigger him Dani he seems to be in a bad mood "I contemplated

"The good wife vibes huh?" He teased earning an annoyed look.

But in the depths of the depths there was a niggling feeling concerned about his behavior.


"Get readyyyyy" Ameera squealed barging in the room.While sana and I stared surprised at her sudden enthusiasm.

"She has lost all her senses" Rayyan approved joining behind

"Excuse me for your kind information I have more sense than you "Ameera fired .

"Nonsense dear sister nonsense" he remarked.

"She has the right to celebrate" Hina api approached patting Rayyan back.

"What happened?" we asked curious

"Knew it you would be the last person to know about it" Ameera sighed shaking her head.

"Tell us already" sana demanded.

"If you two would have left the premises of this fine room "

"And the cup of tea 's"Rayyan added.

"You both would have known" Hina api finished making us frown.

We both blinked in confusion seeing the three of them standing gracing us a disapproving look.

"Please tell us" I inquired politely making them sigh.

"Well someone called us for dinner and invited us for camping including a bonfire night with stay under the constellations of stars, admist the mountains and snow" Ameera exclaimed morphing an excitement inside us

"Really ?"

"Oh yes" Hina api forced out the cup of tea's from our hands hinting us to get ready.

" waqas bhai 's family is that someone though" Rayyan grinned making sana blush..And I smiled getting a hint of the trip

Distances trigger a heart of a lover to escape the cage of longing and get a reflection of his beloved from eyes of his very own ..


Large luxurious tents enveloped the area shadowed by the high green mountains with scanty waterfall splashing into the lake.

Cold breeze swirling their flaps each one decorated with different string light to add a melodious hint to the already mesmerizing view.

It was made a camping spot,hundreds of people visiting to relax and enjoy every other day,.

Our area was situated little at a distance from others due to the huge demand of a large family.nonetheless the area looked evergreen and enchanting with its natural beauty..even the tents were beyond my expectations decorated with string lights and velvet designs.gathered all around giving a huge room for a fireplace in the middle.

Clouds being closest to the natural life some even peeking in open tents involving everyone with their play.
The whole arena around depicted nothing less than a heaven from sparkling fresh flowers to chirps of the adorable birds.even the view down the hill was spellbinding seeing the valleys of different flowers ,with sweet fragrance enriched in everyone.

How beautiful is the creator of this magnificent creations...

It was an adventure of life I had always been looking forward to .With ever green nature beautified by colourful flowers and made sacred with hues of cold wind..

I stood beside nano frequently taking a peak towards Umar who seemed to be lost in conversation with boys at some point raising his hands or directing at a particular direction.his confident form adding a little more essence to his intimidation while his sharp gaze filled in authority with heaps of anger.not once did he looked my way.nor he tried to talk after the morning incident.even the car ride was as silent ......,after a monotonous
demand to sit with him no more words were conveyed.Or may be it could have been if Eshal wouldn't have came along .

His silence was affecting me in more ways than one.my heart seemed to be restless ,while my mind demanded answers.

My shawl danced around with the air my floral dress methodically flowing with its beats as I tried hard to resolve my inner battle.

"It's permissible to clear any misunderstandings before they take a toll on you" nano's sudden voice made me jump .I hastily glanced at her embarrassed of my act.

In a way I was immensely grateful to meet nano after a long time ,we had chatted over her famous cuisine as she advised me with her wise teachings and now after a good hour we had come out to explore the nature.

"It's not wrong to take a first step and mend the relation before the bonds get bound by the sacred seal."nano adviced.

there was no Pont in lying

"I don't know what happened "I bit my lip anticipating to get a clue.

"Than ask him Areesha" she smiled.

"Just how many days left for Nikkah beta resolve it before, but make sure to take Daud with you " she added

"How did you knew,?"

"If you are my daughter than he is my son,"she gave a pointed look .

"On the other He would have been beside you not all the way there" Hina api winked making me glance at her in horror.

"Nothing to hide from me darling" api feigned

"Apii It's nothing that sort" I flushed under her challenging gaze

"I am sure you will think of something" she patted my shoulder as I once again glanced at his way only to find him with Eshal..

Suiting inside the cozy tent I thought of the ways to approach him a task I have never done before .

I huffed standing on the plush Arabian carpet which enhanced the interior with a comfortable fluffy mattress added with infinite cushions and pillows.
designed with an ancient side table lighted by exquisite lamp with golden lights attached to the strings .

I gazed at Daud comfortably laying on the mattress exploring his toy,while I bit my lip thinking of a certain someone who I was hesitant to approach.

To marvel the bonfire night ,every one was strictly advised to rest for the evening to have a good experience of the whole night under the brightly lit sky of full moon.And that was the case which left me to confide in privacy of my temporary abode .

I could just go to nano and ask her to speak I pondered .But that could infuriate the situation I shook my head.my hairs flowing all over

Or my heart should leArn not to fret over the situation so I could have some sleep .But that seemed impossible to because my heart has always overpowered the brain.

If only he would be soft and tender there would have been no problem at all.I breathed irritated

What should I do I carelessly layed on the mattress with my hairs sprawled all over

Kiya hai I threw the nearby cushion with an annoyed expression receiving a surprise look from Daud.

"Areesha ?"..I nearly jumped upon hearing his voice.His shadow clearly imprinted on the curtained wall

Steadily Infolding the shawl around my head I freed the tangled zip of a clothed door stepping outside shivering at the sudden impact of cold.

"Yes" I glanced at his calculating eyes.

"Where is Rayyan?" he questioned without sparing a glance .

"He is with Ameera" my.voice low as I gazed at my golden shoes which complimented by navy blue frock with thick lacy borders

"No one is with you?"he raised his eyebrow

"Daud is !"

"This isn't a very safe place to be alone" he accused

"Everyone is around" I defended my eyes instinctively roaming around all the tents.

"And what security does it gives you ,the door doesn't even have a lock " he raved his hand through his tussled hair releasing an irritated breath.

"I can't leave you alone here" he muttered with hard gaze.And it was obvious I couldn't invite him inside

"Are you angry with me Umar?" I blurted without giving my words a proper thought .

Giving a brief glance he dodged the question "Are you sleepy?"

"No".I answered truthfully.

"Come outside than I am not leaving you alone !"

"No ,we are fine here"

"We aren't going far just beside the hill hurry up" he ordered .

And maybe this would be the time

"Daud is he also awake"

"Bring him to I am waiting" he grimly nodded .

"I am here to Areesha hurry" Annie waved

"You can baby sit Daud" Umar said making her frown.

"Excuse Me,"she chided

"In a way I am saying that we want to go alone" he rolled his eyes as she nodded in understanding.

"Go than my child May Allah grace you with the colours of the world" she faked while Umar gave a bore expression

"Join us Annie " I whispered near her.

"I wasn't going Areesha ,I just came to take water "she waved her hand with a wink

With the rhythm of its tune my floral dress swayed in the air .my hand clutched by Daud's small once as we neared the hill getting a glimpse of a small stream flowing with mini overlapping waves.

Nature no matter how you describe it couldn't be justified with any expanation..It can only be praised with few moral words emitting beauty.

Because the place I stood was marveled in such a beautiful way that only a glimpse of it was enough to make a person halt .such was the grassy mountain with rows of all kinds of flowers enveloped by smoky clouds and chilled haze.the sky hidden ,the land concealed .And the mountains mystic.

No words were exchanged as we walked side by side with an acknowledging distance between. his hands were clasped at his back ,hair styled by the air.But no matter how chilly it was his inner anger wasn't cooled

We sat at the peak entertained by a small splashy stream all the way down as I clutched my shawl closer shuddering with cold.

Daud confidently stood up and sat on umar's lap placing his small arms around nuzzling close to his neck to find warmth as I abruptly looked aside to hold my chuckle seeing the morphed expression on umar's face.

"You can laugh audibly , trying to conceal emotions doesn't hide anything" came a grave voice.

"I am not laughing" I pursed my lips glancing side ways.seeing Daud completely concealed sealed under his thick jacket.

A heavy silence again was descended no one spoke he because of his issuers and me because of hesitance. I grazed my hands on the cool grass caressing the tips of nearby flowers my instincts warning me of a certain gaze halting my hand

"Nowadays your acquaintances with Amir is seemed to be rising may I know why?"his question slashed the silence rising the beats of my once steady heart.

So this was the reason. I mentally relaxed and here I was thinking what grave mistake could I have done to experience his sore mood

"No you are taking it wrong- Amir had well known contacts in the administration of my university- and he was just helping me regarding my documents and baba knows it" I explained but his stone gaze never softened making n confuse.

"Your all responsibilities are mine Areesha May it be of any regard can I know why you didn't even for once let me know about it .you could have discussed it with me !"

"Umar I-

"Don't Areesha you could have come to me you are my fiancè not his and if you think I am being narrow minded know that it's only and only Amir from whom I have warned you to stop talking did I say not to talk to any other cousin?"

"Tell me ?"

"No Umar but it was just..

"I was quiet regarding your studies because I have decided
there is absolute no need for withdrawal I don't want your hard work to go in vain , we would visit there near your exams, so you can clear them while preparation of it will be my responsibility ."

I didn't knew what startled me the most his care and acknowledgement Or a fluttered feeling in depths of my heart

"That was my reason of not touching this subject .I do care about your future you just don't trust me with it" he incredulously spoke.

The words he spoke held the emotions of a man whose self restraint to practice patience was slipping of with every realization that she didn't trusted him

"Thank you" I murmured not knowing the ways to express my relief.

"Areesha I don't want to see him near you.nor do I want you to have any kind of friendly relationship with him.Where there is necessary for family I will take the lead or it should be just formal from your side its the last warning next time there will serious consequences ."

She was more afraid of his ego hidden behind his anger toppled with frustration.because it has crushes houses of house in just a blink in just a jinx

I stayed quite the whole while listening to his pent up anger.in a way consoling myself he is just frustrated.

"I am sure you got it !"he eyed with a serious expression .

"Are you fighting with my api I will tell to uncle" Daud gazed up but his glare was enough for the poor child to hide in again.even I was scared because his mood was nowhere close to normal

"I didn't meant to offend you" I mumbled after a minute of silence.

"I know you ! But acknowledge my wishes for it is an assurance of your acceptance" he orated slowly.my response being a small nod.

"Sorry" I murmured not desiring to prolong the tension

"Areesha I am sorry for being turbulent than necessary I didn't meant to hitch your breath please breath normally" he titled his head reading through my eyes.

"That's not funny" I averted my gaze seeing him smirk.

"It's hilarious" he playfully remarked

" how many days left to become Mrs Umar ?"he quirked his eyebrow making my heartbeat rise.

Going by your anger I will be surprised if I would be alive by than I mumbled under my breath.


"'mm nothing" I shook my head .But his posture showed he heard it.

Great Areesha you could have used a Mic

"My anger is just for your love Areesha ,the day your love becomes mine I promise to let go of unnecessary frustration".his feverent voice echoed around

"A smile of someone special seems to be missing perhaps can you find it miss Areesha?" he played with a mischievous hint in his eyes after a long silence

I shook my head in negative

"Now who fights sitting at such a marvelous place might I add with such an handsome person" he boasted.

"Poor kid you scare him every time.He is going to complain to aunty". I dodged the topic

"He is currently sleeping on me,what kind of treatment his highness wants more" he rolled his eyes .instinctively Daud stirred in his sleep nuzzling close mumbling something under his breath.

"Dear my beloved grace me with your smile for the garden of my heart awaits to bloom a mile" .He softly conveyed heating my cheeks

"Tell me I am not a good poet" he grinned making my face support an involuntary smile.

The twinkle in his eyes shined with its full force as he saw her smile which was just for him..

"Lucky you such a husband you will get who can even write poetry on his beloved wife"

"Umar!!" I mumbled embarrassed seeing his concealed actions which never was shown before.

Their shared smiles were increasing yet was love to but it has been a natural fact that poetries on beloved are mostly written by the ones who are meant not to be and yet always to be ...It's a mixed conclusion winner the one whose help does the creator HIMSELF..

"Areesha be honest would you change your decision if you get a chance?"

I frowned at his words "fate walks you to it doesn't let's you decide "

"Don't play with me !"

"Umarrrr" Eshal squealed from behind making us turn our heads.

"You are here and we all were waiting for you" she placed her hands on her hips her hair lose.

"Why you all are up so early ?" He asked.Annoyed.

"here I came to spend some time with my best friend and you always seem to leave me alone not fair Mr Umar not fair "she huffed.

"I have shared my fair time to show you around" Umar fired making her roll her eyes.

"But I always want you beside me after all it's only because of you I came here "

Her words,her talks have always made me uncomfortable from the very first day.yet it's a coincidence that not even.once we shared a long talk.Or even a small friendly one.

"Give us few minutes" Umar demanded

"What do you mean Umar let's go everyone is calling,and especially you Areesha aunty doesn't look pleased" she casually orated making my breath hitch.

"Let's go" I hastily got up

"Why are you scared when I am here?calm yourself no one will say anything."He assured picking Daud up.

"Hmm" I hummed quickening my pace.

Seeing Umar murmur such sweet things to her as he eased for her the path removing some pointy rocks to ease her way made her glance at her with pure hatred and tears ...Areesha had stolen Umar from her. Eshal thought whirling around

"No heels this time Areesha ?"he joked looking at my feet reminding me of my one time naivety.But my annoyed look just made him chuckle.

"don't forget to answer my question I will be waiting" he murmured close as we approached near them a surprise look plastered on all of their faces .

Now! I wouldn't change it for even a thousand chances

Connecting with the ladies I deflected any eye contact which could make me confound more than I already am.

No one said anything they all just had a secretive smile on their faces which resulted in more nervousness

"You could have invited us" Ameera nudged.

"You were asleep" I whispered back

"I could have woken up" she quipped

"So this is your elder daughter" an aunty directed cutting our conversation

"Yes she is the one getting married" mummy approved

"MA shaa ALLAH she is beautiful May her destiny be good too" she prayed earning a polite smile.

"She is some old friend who happened to see us here "Kiran api answered seeing my confused expression.

"See just how little time daughter's have in our home she will leave to in few months "

"In two weeks actually after a week of Nikkah the date is fixed for ruksati" phuphee spoke making my heart skip a beat

"Oh I thought it will be after some duration it's good though..But beta let me tell you a golden rule don't spoil your husband doing his every work you will
Suffer , make him do equal work she" emphasized making us laugh.

"She is going to marry my son what are you teaching her" phuphee playfully glared.

"I am right gulnaz otherwise it becomes a curse for them to even place a glass in the kitchen" she huffed

"Aunty looks like you had a pretty tough experience" hina api laughed.

"You are so right beta that's why I advice every girl don't make him dependent on you in the end it will Only make you suffer."

"I say make him do equal work. if you cook make him wash dishes" she humped making us fall in a fits of giggles

"The boys are busy making barbecue otherwise I am sure they would have nice comebacks."Annie whispered

"You are spoiling the girls" sana's mum spoke

"I am just warning them" aunty defended

"But each of her acts will earn her a reward and love will enrich more between them" nano wisely spoke.

"I agree" phuphee added

"Don't listen to them beta learn from me" aunty winked making us laugh while nano shook her head .

"The amount of work wife does increases her importance and his love for her so it's a good thing if she does her husband's chores not till the neck of burden but the basic things" phuphee ended the conversation

"You will remember this aunt one day I tell you" she jested playfully

I was getting ready for the bonfire night which I was really looking forward to closing the turquoise bracelet I secretively smiled wearing a certain ring

Embracing myself with a thick shawl I gazed in the mirror remembering his certain words..

Your sparkling eyes are enough for me to hold the power against your heart which I know is meant to be just mine.

"Apiiii save us" Reema squealed followed by Ameera as they jumped inside the tent startling me .

"What's the matter" I asked panicked seeing them pant holding there knees.

Seeing my face they glanced at each other before bursting into a bouts of laughter.

" what's wrong.?"I questioned keeping the hairbrush in my bag. avoiding eye contact afraid they might see my inner battle of feelings

"Umar bhai its him! save us api" Ameera pleaded

"Yes bhai, is after us and he has warned he will get us really bad" Reema added

"Umar is after you?" I asked surprised "What did you do?"

"You see bhai always gets to prank us really bad so we and Dani decided to get him back ,I uh kind of stole a romantic poem ,and together we wrote a lovely letter.And um I uh well I went and gave it to bhai saying you gave it and it's very personal" she smiled sheepishly boiling my blood

"why?" I glared.
"And whose poem you stole" I heaved.

"Uh save us and I will tell you..

"Continue with your story first what happened next.?" I frowned

"Oh yes and we kind of said you want an instant reply he asked for half an hour and we eagerly waited .."

"you know he gave a small gift and a letter back in the said time and now it's with Dani he said he will open up admists all the cousins and there came the warning so we came here."Reema orated making a guilty face

I was literally shocked seeing there strategy ,not knowing should I be ready to face the embarrassment of the year or should I scold them senseless

"I an not saving you both get the letter back" I folded my hands.

"Okay okay take us safely to Dani and we will return "Ameera affirmed.

"Promise me" I raised my finger

"Come on api trust us" Reema chided.

"Can't believe you all would do that" .I shook my head afraid of the embarrassment

Similarity between cousins and siblings reside in the fact that they all love to embarrass you

"Ameera my shawl will fall" I scolded seeing her grip while they scrutinized the area to see Umar.

"Why do pranks when you can't handle the aftermath."

They both were stuck to either of my side making it a huge struggle to walk.

"Ladies and gentlemen come this way" Dani's voice boomed loud attracting attention as he sat in the middle of the circle.

"You said you will stop Him go and bring the letter" I ordered them

"I love you sis really do promise! but we can't do that it's something we worked really hard for we can't just let go of the golden opportunity" they ran leaving me dumbstruck

Ya Allah

"I heard you pranked Umar" Asad bhai smirked

"So proud of you" Ahmad bhai added.while Umar sat with a deep frown and I was on verge of tremor knowing Umar he could write anything.

"Was the letter for Areesha" Annie wiggled her eyebrows

"Of course who else he would write for but but I couldn't have done it without my two partners so let's see and read it together "

"Dani" I voiced making him smirk

"No Areesha I can't see your innocent face I will have to give up which I can't" he dramatically sniffed making me sigh

"Areesha come here leave them" Umar ushered

"Hmm the envelope says to open the gift first.He held the box passing over to Reema and Ameera "you open that meanwhile I will open the letter."

"Is it the first time for you Umar didn't see that coming huh? " sana joked

he silently shrugged sitting beside me when I refused to move

"What you wrote "I whispered scared seeing them opening .

"What could I have written as an answer to a beautiful poem" he argued making me purse my lips to embrace the worst

And the eager faces of everyone gave more chills than the actual tension

"The count down begins on three" Dani exclaimed ....

And the box was ripped open likewise the letter but what came next was most unexpected ...they screamed horrified jumping away from the horrendous bugs which flew out on them with a letter saying think before you prank.

Even I stood up scared of the species which now crawled all over but the faces Reema and Ameera had were horrible

Dani didn't scream he just stood up abruptly now with an annoyed look gazing at Umar whose laughter echoed around

"Umarr take them away" I whispered nearing him .

"Sure sweetheart"he saluted with a huge grin making me glare

"Pranksters of the year did you forget the fact it was Areesha who you all were talking about and it's a joke itself to know that she will give you a letter herself to pass it "he shook his head

"Besides we have other ways" he said smugly

"Don't lie we don't have other ways" I hastily corrected as he winked at me

Ya Allah..bless him with immense hidayat

Except Dani the boys were in heaps of laughter while the girls gathered at the corner Ameera and Reema in Rayyan and ibrahim's embrace practically scared for life.

"The video came out amazing though" Umar chortled.

"Isn't camping the best place to get as many bugs you like .Now you learn your lesson never mess with me "..He declared with a smug look.

They still looked horrified of the aftermath as I went towards Ameera wiping her sweat and assuring there is no bug on them .

"Reema and Ameera look at your hands bug!!!" Rayyan exclaimed making them scream.

"Rayyan" I scolded.

"He is horrible" Ameera mumbled checking her gown again and again

"That wasn't wise Umar" I glanced at him still trying to console them.

"What they did wasn't wise either never should they intrude in my privacy" he added serious

"And they thought I would run after them" he scoffed.

"Oh Umar you have always been the hero" Eshal laughed earning a strange glance from everyone

"Please can you all take these things out of here if you want us alive" Hina api chided as they were still huddled around the corner.

"Where is the super women" Asad bhai mused earning a deathly glare .

"Let's move the poor species away boys the girls are to rude to welcome them" Ahmad bhai laughed.

"I will get you back" Dani warned huffing in defeat.

"Can't wait" came umar's reply as he shot a sweet smile my way before catching a lizard by the tail and moving towards the girls.

"Haye ALLAH Umar" Hina api scolded while they all squealed.

"Areesha Stop Your Man "Annie exclaimed shutting her eyes in horror.

"Use your girls power" Asad bhai snickered.

"Umar let it be" Eshal placed her hands on his biceps as he shook his head contracting his hand away from hers.

"AREEEESHAAA"Annie screeched when Umar inched a little more closer

"Umar please" I pleaded in the middle of boy's grave laughters.

"Only for her" he backed away letting it go.

"Wash your hands" I murmured making a face.

"I can't hold your hand than why are you making me wash" he tilted his head mumbling slowly.

"Umar go" I pursed my lips still gazing at his hands heat creeping on my neck.as he grinned moving away.

"We are so going to take revenge on your wedding day" Hina api huffed as we all sat together once again

"Yeah just wait" Dani mumbled washing his hands

"Thanks for the heads up" Umar smirked making them groan.

"Just whyyyy he has to have uper hand" Dani chided

And the little fight continued till the elders joined. no one giving a hint of what comprised behind them.

The moon bathed us under it's lights,the stars designing the night sky as we all gathered around the fire after praying isha and having dinner.

Every one was calm ,talk between the elders growing smoothly granny advising to pack for home early in the morning as all the preparations are at stake.

She wasn't even ready to come but on everyone's insistence she gave in her heart still residing with many things relating to the wedding.

After running around and having fun everyone was enjoying the calm warmth at the winter night.

Dani and Umar laughing at something ,while Asad bhai facing them with annoyed look.

In the evening there seemed to be a huge grudge between the two but now they are talking like nothing happened such is the friendship of boys ,while on the other hand Reema and Ameera still were shaken staying close to mummy as Rayyan made fun of them earning a smack from mummy.

"Sana surprised to finally see you" I gasped making her blush.

"I I was busy".

"With whom!" Annie smirked

"With my husband" she replied bluntly making us chuckle.

"Don't try to tease me" she added brushing her shoulders.

She was happily content beyond her imaginations she never knew someone so amazing would be written in her destiny..His every word comes out as a praise while his eyes gives her an assurity of true love..
It's said right a true love is powerful enough to replace any feeling,any crush,any love for its fragrance hides everything and surely it starts after Nikkah ,it wasn't easy for her to move on at first but as soon as she was showered with the fragrance of true love her heart moulded on it accord.

"Amir beta why don't you settle down now see how your mom is worried" mummy said

Amir had joined in late after spending time with His side of cousins which had come to meet him from afar

"IN shaa ALLAH aunty I will".He responded with a short glance at me .

"If you have any girl in mind tell me I will do anything to make her marry you" Dani boasted

"Sure boss you will be the first one to know than."

"So we expect a good news soon" mummy gave a pointed look.

"Aunty I am just waiting for the right moment "he affirmed

"This is what he says every time" aunty ridiculed.

"Amir it's necessary now" phuphee said.

"Why are you all spoiling such a wonderful night on this topic besides the girl I want isn't that far so don't worry"

"Oh myyyyyyyyy God bhai you already chosed and we are unaware".Reema gasped

"Let's change the topic we don't want to disturb him" Umar interrupted with a serious tone.

"Aunty Umar has changed what is in this air to mould him as such" Eshal complained

"There is love isn't it" Dani inquired melancholy.

"It's more than that" he answered monotonous.

The fire blazed the cold air as they fought together giving us warmth and cold my eyes met his as white hue enveloped us in its shade therefore was a flicker of such an emotion in his eyes that my heart for the first time rested in utter peace accepting the fact of being his.

Areesha gazed up at the sky smiling at the sparkling stars not knowing that the deep twinkle residing in her beautiful eyes due to a certain person could also be replaced by tears for him...

But what she thought and felt was just a beginning..

Not to forget there is also a meaningful quote explaining it could be a beginning to an end..

Assalam o alikum wa rahmatulahi wa barakatuhu..

So,my beautiful, lovely readers how was the chapter please do comment and vote .It's a peak time to vote for team Umar or Amir .

On the other had it has been a loooong update to make it up for the delay..

Take care until next time IN shaa ALLAH.

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