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In the midst of conflict, be friendly and harmonious. If they rip apart your clothes, sew the pieces back together again.

~ Rumi

*Warning* a quite long chapter,so if you have a pending work I advice you to do that before.:b.

And please do comment and vote ! :-)

Glow of the lighted chandelier covered us around, its golden shade,brightening the moments  of our  shared laughter  ..

"Three days ,72 hours and 20 minutes till you finally become "Mine"...yours Umar 😎

My hands trembled as I read  the message with prominent red glow covering my cheeks, I hid my smile  trying to escape any eye contact with the person sitting not very far from me .

"So as I was saying" granny begun the discussion for which we were accumulated together after breakfast.

"We will keep the Nikkah simple,  it should be sacred only between us..And than for the main functions we will  invite everyone and it will be a grand function what do you say salman and shah.?" Granny peered

"It's delightful as it is" uncle shah encouraged.

"Yeah I agree to" baba nodded

"Umar what do you say ?"granny inquired with a smile.

"Hmm it's suitable" he added seriously while his eyes turned mischievous when he caught my glance .

Embarrassed I bit my lip starting a slight conversation with Hina api.

"After a week will be mehndi than!"phuphee orated going through the details of the cards which were ready to send

"And after a day or two we will plan rukhsati".She added

"Yes in the mean time we will get some time to prepare for the next function" mummy approved.

The reason there were no quirky remarks or teases was because of the fact every one's father were present with an addition of granny's warning to intrude.!
Seeing Dani giving us knowing glances was the proof that he is using every ounce of self control not to blurt something.

"Areesha my dear your any wish regarding the decorations and venues will be granted "granny softly pinched my cheeks with adoration.while I gave my consent with a small negative nod.

"I will be happy with your choice" I murmured.

"Stay blessed" she patted my head while I received numerous glares from  the cousins.

Was I suppose to say something else

"Granny we will decide the theme" dani chipped.

"No ,its settled I will decide  It for my beloved  children" she dismissed making him huff.

"Let them do it" phuphee chuckled considering their frowning  faces

"They will have every right to comment on their own weddings as for my loves   I will  decide"she objected closing the topic.

"We can at least plan for their Nikkah right?"Annie interrupted

"AS I Said it will be just simple" granny affirmed as they huffed a little to loud making everyone chuckle.

"How are you so calm ,it's regarding your wedding decorations we are talking about" hina api questioned Umar.

"I know she will make everything exquisite" Umar grinned gazing at granny

"See my son trusts me" granny said adoringly.

"It's only him you see always" Annie complained.

"He is my Prince" granny's eye glistened as she looked at Umar

And it has always been a surprise to see the bond they both shared...unique in its own way.

"Yeah we know your only grand son" dani feigned

"You see Areesha they fight with me all the time for him knowing that I love them all equally"granny patted my cheeks making me smile.

"And now she is the one you will love the most" Annie complained faking a sniffle

"I adore the girls who listen to their elders and Areesha has a very high place in my heart due to it and the fact she will be my umar's bride has blossomed the love many folds "she answered as I lowered my gaze fiddling with my fingers.

Listening such words from a very strict mother her father's heart swelled with pride and with a deep twinkle he gazed at his daughter who was a guest of few days under his shade.

"Mother we all man's will go for our one day tour and will be leaving today evening" uncle shah spoke.

"Where to ?and today we have to attend a function of umar's friend  remember they invited us ?"phuphee said.

"You all May go we are not retreating today" other uncle intruded.

"They are your well known friends dad" Umar added.

"We have already booked our site for a day we are.not backing out "

"And you all are going alone?" mummy inquired

"Of course we need a day to ourself " baba smiled making granny shake her head .

"Let them go and from tomorrow we won't be leaving the house to many preparations to handle" granny affirmed as all the uncle's and baba left to get ready.

"They also had  to plan for  today !and they complain their children have picked our habits" phuphee sighed .as we giggled

"See what I mean ...the end of man's freedom after marriage" Asad bhai mused

"Umar s freedom is departing muahahahaha" Dani laughed dramatically

"Just look at her do you think it will affect his ways" Annie turned his face towards me

"Don't disturb them" granny scolded "they both are perfect for each other as it is "

"Areesha if he disturbs you come to me" dani boasted showing his fake muscles

"Will be thrilled to see those muscles when Umar.bhai.comes in the scene" Annie joked.

"I refuse to answer and granny A little  fun is necessary at the Nikkah" dani chided

"Your mouths has opened as soon as your father's left and I said no so it is a no " she denied

"The simplicity you are describing sounds like a death anniversary" eshal joked but her words  were like bullets which striked direct at my heart .

Everyone stared at her dumbfounded at her sudden words..

"Allah khayr girl watch your words" granny scolded.

"You shouldn't have said that" Umar said

"Come on out of all Umar you know I joke around it's my habit "she shrugged sitting close to him an wounded her hand with his as I abruptly looked away her closeness piercing my view.

Umar unbounded the hands giving an unpleasant look,

And why their friendship seems to get more unaffordable with each passing day..

"Gulnaz!!" granny gave a warning look slowly standing up and leaving the hall.

"Eshal beta you shouldn't have said that" phuphee politely warned.

"Sorry aunty you know I didn't meant to spoil the atmosphere" she sweetly chirped ,

Amir's calculating gaze made me avert my eyes away from her

A meaningful silence shaded everyone..with mummy eyeing eshal with a suspicious look

"Excuse me" Eshal attempted a call leaving the room.

"Bismillah dani is in the room and it's quiet "hina api tried to eradicate the sudden tension..

"I keep my mouth shut only because she is your friend" dani argued.

"She is only here for few more days" came umar's reply

Few days or many mannerisms are vital!! My heart orated


"Areesha wait "I heard a umar's voice , halting me from going inside the room

"Yes ?"I retreated slowly meeting his gaze still annoyed of eshla's doing

"I wanted  a favour" he impishly spoke

Umar and favour?

"What ,?" I suspiciously asked.

"Wear a red dress today!".He  smiled


."I want our dresses to compliment each other like we are for each other" he raved his hand through His gelled hairs

"Will you now ?for me !"he raised his eyebrows studying my expressions

" um Okay "I.nodded with a faint whisper as he stepped ahead erupting goosebumps all over.

" our Nikkah certificate has been arrived
Now, just awaiting for your cherished hands to give your treasured heart to me" ..He whispered glowing my face with sprinkles of red..

"Areesha You are happy right ?"he voiced  serious with a uncertain expression.


"I am happy Umar" I confirmed with a smile placing a deep twinkling in his relieved eyes.

"I have to go "I said after a minute of silence.


"Hmm" I nodded stepping away

"Umar !"!I pursed my lips trying to dodge his frame.

"It will be your fault if anyone sees us "I warned quietly

"I am ready to be the culprit if you ...

"Ya Allah Umar" I chided with a glare.

"Your glares look  fascinating" he smirked

"This isn't right Umar "I tried to explain with a request .understanding my point he moved away giving me enough space to leave..

"Only three days Areesha only three" he gave a knowing look leaving the side. with flutters of feelings exploring my heart making me calm yet nervous synonymsly


"My buttercuppp" kanwal squealed from  behind the camera making me laugh.

"No,our bride to be" Aliya corrected with a wink gifting a Rosey colour on my cheeks.Which I knew will be imprinted till I end the call.

"Someone just went for engagement and now couldn't live without him huh?"Aliya tsked.

"My baby has grown so much!! Remember make us proud take care of your in laws and hubby.".

"And one more thing learn to make round rotis" kanwal added.

"Stop!" I pursed my lips halting their rants.

"We talk after this long and this is what I get." I spoke annoyed

"Congratulations to our favorite bride" they cheered as I grasped my head with a huff

"Yar we are so happy and really want to join the wedding" Aliya whined

"Yeah ,by the way where is ahm your hubby dear" kanwal chirped

"We aren't married yet" I glared.

"Yet!!! baby yet and Look at your face glowing huh?MA shaa ALLAH  Ma shaa ALLAH "kanwal smiled .

"Coming on serious note how are you and your feelings.?"they inquired getting closer to the screen in excitement

"I don't know I feel nervous actually beyond nervous and happy to "

"Why are you nervous love ,he is the same person who loves you a lot didn't I say that he is yours" aliya smirked making me laugh

"Yes you did!"I smiled innocently

"So ahm about dress do see the zip before though you never know it May jam" kanwal giggled.

"Kanwal "I kept my hand on the screen an attempt to shut her mouth while Aliya shamelessly laughed behind her.

"You two are very bad" I complained making a serious face

"That's the reason we are your friends.Allah knew we would need guidance" they exclaimed..

"You will come back right ari "kanwal inquired getting emotional.

"For exams I will" I assured making them squeal..

"I.cried so much hearing you may never come but I prayed in every tahajjud and Alhumdulilah atleast we will meet once a year" Aliya commented

"I miss you both especially as the time is drawing near I remember our each and every plan  for each other's wedding" I murmured gulping my tears.but they flew free when I saw kanwal crying in Aliya s embrace.And the atmosphere grew intense each of recalling our many dreams..

"You both !!! Should I bring two fiders for my small small babies" Aliya joked earning a punch.

"You hit like a baby" she shrugged

"Shut up" kanwal fired

"That's like a good girl.Now if anyone cries I will name them oh wait another idea I will inform your brothers bwahaha they will teach you"

"You are evil Aliya."

"Your pictures were so epic MA shaa ALLAH you both just look like you are made for each other " Kanwal sniffled as I dried my tears.

"You are going  to some function right do send us pictures and please instead of 3 kilometers distance keep it 2 cm while taking pictures" Aliya advised

"I am not good at that stuff" I admitted earning there glares

"So ,tell us how things altered?" and our talk continued till it was time to get ready ..

Either far or near true friends are never apart they reside in your every prayer,every laugh and in every memory..

Life may take many turns ,distancing you from your beloved ones but real love comes around in many disguises..And embraces you passionately one way or other.


"I can't believe this!!" Umar huffed striding back and forth while all the ladies sat hearing his tantrums.

"Yar Umar it's uncle's decision we can't do anything" Hina api tried to explain

"No this is not fair to me" he shot and phuphee held her head tired of explaining.

It's been an hour since we were caged inside grannys room while Umar was all puffed up because according to him  its his friends engagement and many friends from his social circle would be present and he wants us to make an exclusive entry which requires me going alone with him in his car and others following behind but baba refused it as soon as mummy asked which in return infuriated him

"Okay how about you take Daud along with you this way you would be almost exclusive" Hina api gave a hopeful expression

"Yeah !very well and what impression would it make when a freaking kid comes out of my car along with my fiancè" he fired  making us gulp.

"Umar how about we all go together in a car that way no one would point out " granny  suggested..

"It's about my reputation" he sighed closing his sharp eyes as he took a deep irritated breath.

"I say don't go Umar leave it besides   your Nikkah is so near and  many preparations are left I don't have a good  feeling" granny spoke.

"No granny it's important for us to go !!and I want to take her alone" he directed glancing at me

"I am not leaving like this" he asserted bestowing a dangerous look.

"Woah Woah why the temperature is 49°.here who is fuming" dani entered closing the door ...

"Someone's hot in the roooom" he mused wiggling his eyebrows ..

"Don't disturb him Dani" granny spoke

"You know I could hear his voice from outside and if I get just a little close to this mood a flying shoes is already on the way talk about unfair" he looked at granny making her chuckle as  little tension was eased

"Areesha as it's umar's friends engagement,he will be busy with them so I came here to inform  You that we will go together okay "he smiled satisfied ending his theory..as I slightly shook my head indicating him to leave.

"I am not in a mood to joke if you can help than do so don't make it more complicated" came umar's voice .

"You are always in a serious mood" he complained as mummy entered the room.

"Aunty I want Areesha to go with me it's important "Umar glanced.With a serious expression

"Yeah Fatima let them go alone  and besides we all are going "phuphee said.

"Salman isn't ready to agree I don't know what to do ?"mummy answered.

"If I can't take her alone no one will go" he declared sitting beside granny.

"Beta this isn't a big issue understand your elders" mummy advised with an amused expression.

,"Listen to us Umar" phuphee sighed

After a minute of painful silence he stood up looking at me "can you come outside for a minute." He voiced confidently

"Of course go beta listen to him" granny ordered as he left the room closing the door with a small thud.

Oh no me no way will I leave when his mood is nothing close to normal

"Areesha my son will only listen to you go and advice him " phuphee spoke making mom chuckle.as she permitted me with her eyes.

"I am Here " Umar called from behind as he stood against the window facing the hallway. his one foot along the metal railing

"Why are you so short tempered" I complained earning a glare.

Be  careful Areesha watch your words.

"I I mean it's okay baba is right elders know the best" I consoled earning another glare.

"It's about my reputation Areesha ,will it suit if I take you with a whole baraat of family it looks so cheap!"

"No it doesn't.".I denied earning yet another glare from him.

"Umar something is wrong in your eyes" I spoke serious

"And what may that be" he folded his arms

"They keep glaring at me" I commented playfully with a risk to my life.

"They won't glare if you speak on my behalf" he hid his smile.

"By the way what were you murmuring?" he questioned curious.

"Uh nothing?"

His intent gaze and my soft ones ,that's how the battle was lost and i uttered truthfully which was to hid.

"I was reciting ya wadudo (The loving one) so your anger may subsidize."I murmured not looking at him .as Umar chuckled at my innocent approach making me shift at my own pace.

"Are you sure Areesha you didn't blow the same words on me in childhood that chained me to your love" he chuckled.

"That's not true"  I gave an annoyed look earning a mischievous smile.

"Or I can do the same  so you may cage in the flower of my love" he quircked his eyebrow making me squirm.

"Tell me how many times should a person recite ?"

"Umar" I chided as he smiled which my face mirrored a second later

And the peeking sun covered them in its golden glow already frightened of what tomorrow may bring...what's felt from the heart is always the truth ,circulating in others talk could just bring doom..

Or maybe it was the last smile they shared ....

"Umar please don't argue more with them "I requested making him sigh..

"We will see "he spoke as I heard sana's voice

"Yeah your highness leave someone awaits for your presence"he said sarcastically

"No one can just leave us for sometime" as I gradually left hearing his grumble satisfied about his mood.

The scanty talk between them was enough for him to let go of the argument and focus on other things.

How her ways effects him so much his stubborn mind argued..

her words are like soothing smooth petals of rose , each of her word was felt in his heart,her each whisper circulating his mind a thousand times..

Such was the power of her smile on him,

But how much stronger will she be against his ego was a real point to ponder on because it was ruled by His mind shutting the heart completely.

"Umar" eshal chirped .
He glanced at her from his bed where a number of different ties were layed for selection.

"What are you doing?"

"It's pretty obvious" he replied with a smile .

And for his smile she could burn a thousand hearts..

"Oh getting ready for saifs function huh?to be honest I am really excited for our friends reunion" she sat on his bed to get a clear view of his face.

"Yeah me to" he briskly nodded picking up the ivory coloured tie to match his dark suit.

"Eshal open the door don't close it when you come inside" he demanded still eyeing the piece of tie in his hand


"This doesn't look permissible" he spoke giving her a meaningful look and a shock wave passed her features.

"I was right you changed so much" she stared at him .

"Learning to distinguish between right and wrong isn't called Changed rather its called intelligence" he pointed as he went and opened the door himself when he saw no movement of hers.

"Officially they all will meet Areesha today "she gulped the sudden soreness.

"Yeah they would but unfortunately not as I planned" he shook his head remembering his futile plan

"Why what happened?I.was looking forward for the grand entrance"

"It can't happen.now !!" He left the details.

"Let me guess Areesha wouldn't have agreed..to be honest Umar does she even like you I mean who refuses his fiancé on such an important event "

"It isn't her fault eshal and I have warned you before take her name with respect "

"All you see is her Umar ,not seeing the actual scenario that she doesn't trusts you" she argued.

Getting no reply from him she smirked taking the advantage of the moment

"As your friend Umar I can't let you live under the blind fold".

"She doesn't trust you a bit I have never seen her alone with you ."

"Uncle didn't permitted" Umar corrected

"Yeah and she couldn't talk to her father..for if she liked you or loved you she would have asked her father herself and going by the scenarios I have seen he wouldn't have denied her."

"But alas!! Why would she do that when she is the one who doesn't care about your reputation and feelings."

"Eshal are you done!!"Umar frowned

"Umar I care about you that's why I am telling you leave her she wouldn't care about your feelings rather crush it every chance she gets like now !!"She pestered

"Eshall!I will leave if you wouldn't."he said sternly making her burn in jealousy

"Blindfolded you are in her love while she doesn't trusts you a bit...if she did you would have been going with her as you wished."she stood up

"Why do I feel it's you who changed eshal,why are you so negative about her?"Umar inquired suspicious while her words rang in his ears contaminating his mind.

"I wouldn't have been negative if I would have seen love or care in her for you!!leave it  you will not understand..but when you see saif with her fiancè" and others you will know what I mean" she patted his shoulder

"Eshal don't" Umar warned removing her hands.

"You know what let's leave the topic so what if Areesha isn't going with you I will" she smiled admists fake tears.

"Tell me which colour should I wear "she asked excited igniting a storm in his mind ..while he moved away as an answer to her irrelevant question

Afterall he was a man with untamed ego and anger how much could he prolong the fight against his mind...sometimes the heart needs to shut overpowering others words and that's what becomes  poisonous


Placing the ring at its rightful place I smiled glancing at my hands.as it shined with the golden hue of the setting sun.

No matter how much you run from your destiny fate has its own ways to embrace you in it's hold..

Going by some months he was the person I almost detested.yet my heart is  cheerful and bloomed  being with him.

Now ,when there are just few days left ,I am realizing just how much I truly want to be with him under the rightfull shade of Nikkah.Or maybe any girl will be looking forward to her groom when there would be just a handful of hours left..It was a circulation of nature. Which no one can deny attraction was there in his changed ways and that was the Umar I truly liked.

Maybe for her it was her first step but reality has its own ways to make you realize the real destination of your thoughts

My shiny bracelets adored by hands with there simple design and melodic voice..As I swept pass the hallway in by red heavy dress .in order to meet phuphee

Something about the family tradition she was talking about..?

"Areesha wait" Amir's voice whirled me around as he stepped ahead stopping a few inches away.

I have been trying to avoid him since few days now but it's hard of course with all of the cousins interacting freely  some time  it's quite difficult not to answer anyone admist all.

"Amir I am in a hurry" I hastily orated my eyes roaming every inch to locate Umar.

"Have I done anything wrong" he caustically spoke,his suit adding a intimidation to his personality

"N no why would you think th at Amir" I smiled scared.

"Can I speak to you for few moments please" he requested with hands inside his pockets.

"N now I am in a hurry" I breathed bitting my lip due to my frightened state.

"Areesha I have kept the box in your room" hina api instructed from downstairs as she held the milk bottle in hand for her baby.

I nodded from above looking down the railings,the hallway was almost empty with Daud entering and departing the main door.Or someone passing by rarely.

"It won't take long" he insisted as I shook my head in negative whispering a "sorry" I turned around when his next sentence made me halt.

"What?"I frowned

"I said leave Umar" he repeated confident

"Amir !" I incredulously voiced

"Have you looked at your self ?,why do you look so scared Areesha" he inquired tenderly

"I am not scared Amir" I denied abruptly

"I am sure he must have said something "

"No he didn't" I shook my head

"You were forced Areesha ,you don't have to sacrifice your wishes for him" he added after a second

"How can you say that Amir that's not true "I paled at his sudden words

"I know you Areesha ,why are you indulging in something you don't want"

"He isn't even sincere with you" he muttered

"He is sincere Amir please don't day anything" I warned politely

"Don't you see his and eshals closeness ,any one in a right mind could locate what's in between "he scolded

"There is nothing that sort" I defended

"Didn't you see what took place in the morning ?"he challenged

"She approached him Umar didn't" I corrected shifting against my heavy dress

"Why didn't he oppose then" he challenged

"He did"

"He didn't Areesha...he didn't"his voice dangerously low 

"Amir I believe him "

"No you are just marrying him for your family's sake"

"That's wrong"

"Eshal told me ! She told me many things about his past which just concludes he isn't sincere and I would not let you jump in a well."He affirmed

"Eshal is lying Amir "

"She is the closest person of his childhood will she lie about his friend and his affairs "he  demanded

"She could and what's past its past ..a person should be judged on his present" I breathed as beads of sweat accumulated on my hands

"Don't sacrifice so much for others that one day you lose yourself!.He isn't sincere with you nor does he trust you.." He politely explained

"I assure you Areesha I will be with you if you take any step don't hesitate or fear.think about yourself its a matter of your lifetime." His eyes desperate as he revealed of what he was told

I stiffened at his spoken words ,my mouth sealed with the loss of words.

"I care about you Areesha and certainly wouldn't want anything bad come your way."

"His friendship with her will ruin your life ,and it will only be you bearing it's afteraffects."

"Amir please no more" I breathed as my ears refused to listen against his character

"Umar will ruin your life Areesha !!yet because he doesn't love you and I am warning he will leave you one day for another" and with a loud thud Amir staggered back as my breath hitched seeing the amount of blood ozzing out due to umar's deadly punch.

"Umar stop" I panicked as he stepped ahead blocking my view

"Stop feeding her mind with nonsense" he gritted as he gripped his collar both of them looking deadly in each other's eyes

"And you stop bossing her around" Amir warned making me gasp

"Umar please" I called scared of his next move.

"Oh no!! Umar leave Amir" Hina api ordered seeing the sudden scenario.

"Don't come near her ever again!!"Umar warned with A glare as Asad bhai pulled him back

"You are no one to stop me "Amir flared grasping his collar with equal force making me shocked

"Umar leave him at once " Asad bhai scolded trying to push him back

He grasped umar's hand trying to losen his grip while they stood like rock against each other

Ya Allah

"Amir please leave" I requested looking at him as he looked at me than again at Umar and  left his  collar getting out of his grip With Asad bhai following Amir all the way outside the house to keep enclose the sudden matter

I breathed in relief my eyes glistening with frightened tears as my heavy jewellery making my nerves numb.

"Umar" I caustically called but his bloodshed eyes and a look of betrayal was enough for my heart to drop.

"I doubted you from start but now I am sure you are not sincere to him Areesha not once did you defended your fiancé" eshal spat but earning a warning glare from Hina api she left.

"That's not the case Umar don't listen to others "  Hina api said.as she placed her hands on my shoulder .

My head hung low with dropped shoulders I was scared of the upcoming storm because his eyes held no security of believing me

"Umar you know it's not my fault" I whispered

He searched my eyes for his surety but his way of eyeing was assuring me of the fact that he doesn't believe me.

"You still don't trust me nor have you accepted me am I right!!"!his jaw clenched as he inquired with a statement

"Enough Umar don't speak to her like that" hina api scolded

"Let us speak alone" Umar ordered respectively

"That's not the truth Umar I did defended you and I don't know  what happened his words surprised me so much that I was startled "I gazed with teary eyes.

"Excuses"..He shook his head with a fake smile clenching my heart.

"You are not listening to me "I hiccuped helpless

"Than what's the truth that you know he likes you and were listening to his negative words despite of knowing it irritates me to even see you with him" he bellowed as Hina api shushed him

"Umar I -

"Save it Areesha" he held his hand

"You have many to take care of you why do you worry if I am not there."

"Yar Umar please calm down I know I shouldn't intrude but see her" hina api requested

"Umar listen to me please and  it isn't Amir's fault either it was Eshal she fed him lies" I tried to convey the truth

"I don't believe this" he shook his head with clenched jaws

"I am disappointed of your such cheap approach" he gritted making my heart drop as he left me alone with tears and guilt.

"Areesha don't cry please" hina api hugged as I sobbed in her embrace ..

"He will come to you himself ,don't take it to heart..man's are like this please my dear stop crying" she cleansed my tears assuring me of many possibilities.while her face  morphed  sadness.

only it was his heart who knew how difficult it was to see her in tears..And just how hurtful was it to leave her there

But the layer of betrayal and mockery was far to heavy for him to ignore.

He didn't cared a bit of what others say about him..

But it was her silence on Amir's claim which rebuked him.

It was her calmness which provoked him.

She was amongst the person's he cared most in the world

He would have killed the person,if he said something about Areesha ..

His hurt was the cause of his emerging ego which could cover every feeling as it is..And mixed with anger he didn't knew it could bring only doom.

Not knowing that for the first time she did defended him,and it was startled state for which her words were sealed she didn't saw that coming and who better than him could know that how she really was...but everyone says right for a successful relation ego should be the first thing to move aside..

After the satisfaction of his heart it was laughed upon with disrespect when she stood there listening to Amir

He wasn't worthy of many things he knew but respect and loyalty was essential for him to live,as his life was now only hers..

His fists clenched as he remembered again the same scenario ,showing him his place in her heart and with that he let his ego overcome any of the saying his heart could utter in her defense.

"Eshal get ready we will be leaving together" he said making her smile with success.

"I am ready Umar ."

"But Umar are you sure you want this marriage after all this ,you saw with your own eyes now that how she isn't sincere with you.".She sympathized

"I didn't give you permission to intrude in my personal matters" he pointed leaving no room for argument.

He knew this act will hurt Areesha but his mind seized to think why?


With heavy dress complimented by high heels and ponderous dupatta I was exhausted before the start.May be it was due to something else definitely that was the reason which my heart was deliberately trying to ignore ,before my tears could make it's way out.

Many times I feel it was a mistake to come here as Umar is no where to be seen but seeing everyone near me I assure myself that at least they are enjoying.

It's a good sign baba isn't here and will not be here till tomorrow because I knew by seeing my face he would have been.quick to know something was off..
My emotions can.be hid from the world but not from my baba he understands me completely

Hina api hasn't left my side since we came ,and we have made sure no one gets to know anything.. it was an advantage that except Asad bhai everyone had been gone with uncle's to drop them and when they came it was already late.

"Areesha try this please you will love it" Hina api placed a scrumptious desert in front ,I denied shaking my head words still caged somewhere deep within which I knew will come only after tears.It was better not to speak.

A chorus of laughter attracted our attention ,there he was standing beside Eshal with a confident stance adhering a big smile.

And it was been an hour since our arrival ,which he didn't payed even a glimpse of attention.All I did was to meet endless number of aunties introduced as his bride to me where he was no where near

"Let's join Umar" Hina api requested bringing forth her hand .

"No api I am fine" I whispered fiddling with my ring adored finger.

"Yar Areesha come here" sana called waving her hand which I politely denied making her frown.

"Get up now please come with me" she whined pulling my hand and taking me towards a group of girls.

"Beautiful,gorgeous,princess" were the kind remarks of many  yet It didn't even played a tiny roll to boost up my confidence because what I felt was far from beautiful..

From the corner of my eyes I could see him chatting and roaming around with eshal strictly by his side.And I knew he was aware of our presence yet It seemed we didn't even knew each other.

Which reminded me of the harsh reality that took place few hours ago when he had smoothly ignored my presence opening the car door for eshal to leave with him,and it had hurt more than his words could.As I kept standing seeing the car zoom in front of me.

It felt as if he had killed my self respect giving her the forbidden attention.

I didn't wished to come after that but for the sake of family's respect I sacrificed mines.

"Areesha you can go with Umar to meet his friends that's not a problem okay" mummy smiled thinking that I must have denied him for which he is so far away.

"Yeah" I replied with a dry throat as I saw mummy supporting a deep frown at Eshal's acts.

"She is to close and I don't prefer these kinds of things" she mumbled

"Uh no mummy actually they all are friends together and she has been with Umar since long that's why" I tried to.cover smoothly not giving a hint of  the distressed feeling I was suffering from seeing her so close to him..

"Come on Areesha" hina api tugged me with her before mummy could ask furthur.

"Areesha Umar is learning please don't mind his.behavior I will knock some sense into him   "Asad bhai assured offering a kind smile.

"I will personally scold him" Hina api puffed taking me closer to  meet new members.

He could swear that she looked more beautiful than anyone .

Red colour really does  compliments her Rosey cheeks and pale skin. If spoken honestly it was quite  hard to keep his eyes off her.Which he had to because of current circumstances.

Her shy eyes never met his nor did he went towards her ,,while his heart complimented her in thousand different ways.

It was better to keep her away from the main league,or was it his inner possessiveness speaking..

He sipped his drink forcefully prying his eyes away from his life....But making sure she is away from certain people .

The horizons of his heart called her repeatedly she was aware of his love yet unaware of its depths...

For him she was the most beautiful girl his eyes ever laid on.

"Hina bhabi its always a pleasure to meet you" a friend of Asad bhai greeted earning a polite nod from her.

"Is this the new member of your family" a girl squealed and I was hugged rather strongly on api's affirmation.

"Be careful she isn't a doll" umar's sudden approach stiffened my stance and  ,she steeped back with a sheepish smile.

"She looks like one" she commented eyeing him mischievous.while I refused to glance at him or his partner.

He remembers to come here afterall and that to with Eshal!

"Let's go over there Umar" eshal tugged

"I will come with Areesha" he answered as my eyes locked with his a severe chill ran down my spine seeing the intensity in them but not a single emotion seemed to be readable in those dark eyes.

"Yeah go Areesha meet saif and all "Asad bhai encouraged with a nod ,

"People evacuate the place please an influential  entrance is being made" one of his friend exclaimed spotting us moving closer .

"Took you long enough" other complained.

"This is your bride Umar ?"a girl inquired with a bright smile.

"Yes she is the one "he supported a smile with a slight gesture of hands towards me ,his eyes raking towards the small crowd as his stood beside me

"She is gorgeous Umar where were you hiding her? she joked giving me a gentle hug

"Ma shaa ALLAH lucky you huh?"

"How are you dear we have been pestering him since long to let us meet you and being the stubborn person he is he didn't budge till he desired."

"You all were scattered around, I was waiting for you all to gather so she could meet you all at once"  Umar replied earning  a rather loud ooohs

"Learn from him "a girl eyed his fiancè

"What ?how to find a beautiful and innocent girl "he answered innocently earning a punch.

hey"I am Adila" the girl offered a handshake

"Nice to meet you" I offered a kind smile.as every member of the group greeted in a really respectful way.
And he was just there to give a brief introduction of everyone not even a smile gracing my way.

"From which mountains of fairy land did you stole her "a person commented as he shot him a serious look  morphed with dangerous expressions.And not a word was said further

A few more formal and friendly talks were exchanged when it was time to take pictures,.

And to say the least he had a decent company of friends

"We will go together" he pointed towards the stage passing me a fancy envelope,

I nodded hearing his instructions still in a hope that just few words could resolve the entire matter.

"Umar come on yar ,we were supposed to go together to wish them" eshal whined with a sore expression eyeing the envelope in my hands.

His silence on her claim ,made me alert of the consequence that could happen and my self respect was something I couldn't take a risk on so before he could utter a word with shaky hands I returned the envelope

"Areesha you sit here I will call you when it's necessary" Umar ordered in a low voice ,and I saw in his serious demand no emotions of calm.blatantly I turned around stepping away from him.although his ways were hurtful but dry words stinged more.
the voice of his footsteps going far away was the proof he didn't cared

They both presented a gift together as they  sat on either side of the  couple

And my inside wondered just how much could I take more ...seeing him with her every side of my heart shattered with pain.But I stayed silent for the sake of many .

Was it his good luck or just a coincidence that his acts were shadowed from others,as they were in their own little gatherings enjoying the function.

I wasn't alone each member of the family showered me with care and love yet why admist all I fell completely isolated.

Even after receiving many compliments didn't I feel beautiful..

I shadowed myself to clear a sudden sting in my eyes .

They both do compliment each other my mind whispered seeing them together..

But my insides lost every power when he offered a piece of sweet which Eshal graciously accepted bringing her mouth closer.

Seeing him tending her clenched my heart as the  rays of betrayal and mockery pierced my view.

I bit my lip to stop a sudden whimper which pleaded for freedom and quietly made my way away from him .

I preferred killer silence instead of going towards him and demanding answers

My throat clogged up with a sudden lump as I tried to stay strong blinking away every tear that tried to escape.

"Hina api" I croaked forcefully.

"Yes?" she excused someone making her way towards me

"Please can we go home" I pleaded

"Why what happened?"

"I don't feel well just please " I requested in a desperate voice

,"Areesha okay okay don't worry I I will okay let's go we will inform them after reaching" she assured taking my hand.And leading me out.

"The car is already outside so we don't need to wait" she assured pointing at the white jeep.

Just to assure my heart I glanced back again with a hope of inevitable

I just saw breaks of our relation nothing else and joints of theirs as they stood close to each other taking a memorable picture

My decision was wrong very wrong my.mind scolded to the shattered heart.

It hurted me because he broke my trust.
It hurted because I stayed pure and sincere towards my future spouse not deserving this.
It pained because I saw my family's heartbroken faces.
It pierced because he showed me the importance of me in his life.
It shattered me because he played with my untouched heart with brutality that it didn't seized to bleed.

And most of all I knew granny wouldn't utter or hear a word against him and my father's relation with her could be in a risk.

"Areesha freeze" Umar  positioned In front while my eyes refuse to meet his..

"Listen to him Areesha I will be inside and we can leave after this" Hina api patted my shoulder  leaving me alone beside him

The sky  darkened covering every inch of light atop of  the mountains in the faraway view..while the house was lit with bright colours and here we stood on the grass outside the hall with lamps around illuminating my dress yet my heart seemed dull..

"You have  to come with me" he ordered. I shook my head in negative giving him my response.

"I want you to meet someone don't create a scene Areesha and follow me" his jaw clenched making my throat clog.

,"Please let me leave" I whispered mustering a great force .

"Won't you stay with me" his voice softened melting the ice and  moulding my heart in his favour.

My heavy lids lifted as I stared in his deep eyes ,my lips opened to give my consent when it landed on something that shook me to the core and my eyes froze seeing the big patch of lips on his cheeks.

"Umar" I breadth not believing my eyes.

"What?" he stared confused when a sudden realization donned on him he rubbed his stubble muttering "eshal" with a sore face.

And her name was enough to make me cringe away from him,it felt like the sudden harsh wind has brutally whirled me leaving me feeble and breathless

Seeing my reaction Umar opened his lips but my words came out faster

"Who is Eshal to you Umar ?" my sudden question left him off guard as he closed his eyes with clenched jaw.

"Stay where your place is Areesha I hate girls who intrude in such matters  accusing a person for something" he glared with a pointed finger

"I hate you Umar" I whimpered in a shattered state while his head shot up with ignited fire in his eyes.

Without a word I ran away from the threshold of the backyard to the awaiting car ..

"Areesha stop" I heard his voice but my rugged feelings heeded no attention to him or the surroundings nor I wanted to wait for anyone .without a word I blindly sat inside the awaiting car.


Commencing the large wooden doors of an empty house I hastened my steps  towards the safe confines of my bedroom to pour out my emotions in seclusion..
As the seconds ticked by it  got more arduous to handle my bottled up feelings which were a result of his doings.

"AREESHA LISTEN TO ME First" !!umar's voice echoed in the house as I froze with fright  involuntarily my advanced foot  retreating away from the initiated stairs.

Clicks of his footsteps made me turn as the beads on my heavy dress beamed under the light..illuminating my tear stricken face which made him halt at his dissipate pace .

His eyes held numerous emotions with dominating anger ,while mine were just  filled with the tears with locked emotions

"Stop crying" he commanded swallowing his adam's apple  a great number of emotions swirling in his darkened eyes.
Without paying a heed to his words I turned around when he stepped ahead blocking my way. my tired eyes meeting his.

"Before leaving can you repeat your last words for me Areesha?"he questioned dangerously slow .

"You betrayed by trust Umar" I mumbled in a broken stance.

"The last words ?"he ordered again his voice devoid of any emotion.

"Why did you not listen to me ?"I accused gulping the salty pearls.

"Don't dodge my question answer me!" he stepped ahead as I backed away .the clicks of the shoes being the only voice apart from his.deep breaths.

"After all that what do you expect?" I hitched with my head hung low while my lips sealed to say the exact words.the atmosphere around grew intense l

"Say it !" He ordered

"I can't" I breathed tightly closing my  eyes when another batch of fresh tears covered my Rosey cheeks.

"Stop crying Areesha please "he looked deadly in  eyes as my breath hitched

"You shouldn't have said that not after knowing my feelings"..He shook his head with uncertainty.

"Even after the way you behaved ?"I inquired with slight enraging voice.

"YES!!Even after that!"he fired..making me step back

"I can't imagine my life without having you beside me and I wasn't able to digest the fact you still haven't accepted me it was just to much" he raged with gritted teeths as his eyes went bloodshed his chest raising with angry breaths.

"And that wasn't the truth Umar it wasn't "I silently conveyed.As his eyes searched mine .

"I WAS HURT ,JEALOUS ,COMPLEXED,WORRIED AND AFRAID to lose You" he shouted making me flinch.

His words  moved my heart solving many questions,and understanding his every doing except one ,with enough courage I didn't backed out to ask the most painful question

"And that Mark on your cheeks is that also included in them "I bit.my lips looking away from him..


"UMAR !"mom's angred filled voice stiifened my stance as our heads shot up at the door where she stood with phuphee and granny..!!
And he took a step back realizing the situation.

"I can't believe this !are you our same Umar ,how could you talk to my daughter like that "mom scolded seeing my tear stricken face as phuphee cleansed them with her hands with a frightened look plastered across her.

"What happened beta tell me" she consoled holding my shoulders.As Umar stood there with His eyes lowered and clenched fists.

"I will tell you what happened !" Tasneem aunties voice startled us all as she made her way downstairs.

Was she at home ?

"Your daughter over here was accusing Umar has an affair with my daughter" she spat

"That's not the truth aunty please stay away from our family matters" Umar said sternly.

"It's not just your matter when my daughter is involved, she accused my daughter with such fowl words "

"Tasneem watch your words" granny warned.

"Ask her did she not do that" she came near me as Umar stepped ahead but seeing moms look he stayed unmoved conveying thousands of  unspeakable messages .

"I didn't said anything wrong I said confidently in a slow .
When a sudden sting blurred my vision,twisting my pointy heels as it snatched my balance harshly landing me down ..

"Tasneem!!" phuphee shouted

"How dare you!!!" Came umar's murderous voice while a sharp pain intensified in my feet and sudden tears burned my vision .

Everything was a blur in those few minutes I didn't knew who was shouting,who was screaming and how did I now sat on the sofa with granny beside me caressing my cheeks with  a glass of water in hand.

"Areesha Are you alright" Umar sat down near my injured feet as he examined  the slight red cheeks.His eyes filled with concern.

I lowered my gaze ,having no energy to orate the words I wanted to say.
It all happened so quick that I was still in the remains of what took place.

I didn't knew where tasneem aunty vanished or how she disappeared.in that moment I was just lost..

"Areesha beta drink this " granny fussed  as phuphee removed my shoes.analysing a small twist with a broken nail

With a cold wet cloth mummy cleansed my stinging cheeks making me flinch as all the three of them now we're gathered around me ,

Phuphee kissed my forehead frequently apologizing of someone's doings.while Umar stood infornt clenching and unclenching is hands with  desperate eyes.

"Seeing today's scenario I have decided gul naz I I can't give my daughter to you  ,I am sorry but this relation can't go on. she caressed my checks with teary eyes. My head shot up and a gasp left grannys mouth.

"You can't do this to us" Umar started as phuphee shushed him with a silent plea.

"No Fatima beta things happen we ,we will talk this all out .
I apologize on umar's behalf  but this can't happen "granny spoke hastily

Neither of us even dreamt that the situation will mould into such a disaster.

"But this can't happen now !"Umar argued

"Fatima mom is right don't take a haste decision we please we will sit and talk about this matter and I I promise to accept your every condition" phuphee assured with frightened eyes

"If today he wouldn't have shouted at her tasneem wouldn't have had the liberty to raise her voice at her let alone raise her hand .a daughter's or wifes self respect is connected with the way you treat her "

"And you all saw how  afraid  she looked when we came in and ..His behavior with another girl I , I will talk to salman as soon as he gets home tomorrow mummy "pursed her lips controlling her tears.

"For her daughter a mother can fight a world and how could you expect me to leave her seeing his behavior"

No one's mind  was ready to accept the sudden decision ..the shocked state could be seen from the pale faces which everyone  supported

"Mummy please don't "  I breathed with stinging eyes as the tears burned my cheecks.

"You stay quiet" mom glared.As I glanced at Umar who still looked in a dazed state his intent eyes boring in mine with uncertainty and helplessness.

"But I can't live without your daughter aunty" he orated not breaking his eye contact with me . both of us  crumbling inside little by little.

His confession in front of them for the first time did made them surprised but mummy was fast to cover

"My decision is firm" mom said ignoring the talks or pleas of anyone .

And my mind blocked out  grannys advice  phuphees requests and the last sentence which Umar uttered I just sat their not believing what just comprised.

I knew if mummy said it it was an end with no beginning...

Maybe it was true we were never meant to be ...But than why it hurts so much...so much

And Just like that ego has been the cause of  death of many relations leaving the people with broken dreams and longings...

No body expected the sudden storm let alone the destruction...they both fought there own feelings and desires controlling several emotions and having faith on miracles which they seemed to forget that they rarely take place.

If only she could have listened to him following her heart.she wished.

If only he could have not let his ego over power he thought.

Assalam o alikum wa rahmatulahi wa barakatuhu..

I warned you it's a long long chapter..And now for the views..

Lovely readers what are your thoughts about them and the current situation..

Do you think they have a chance ,?.

On the other hand I know this update took long but the other will take time as well because I will be traveling please remember me in your prayers.

Just 2 or three main chapters left the and a totall of maybe 5 chapters..story is very close to its end ,should probably start writing my ending speech :D.

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