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Last night
I lost my grip on reality
and welcomed insanity.

Love saw me and said,
I showed up.
Wipe you tears
and be silent.

I said, O Love
I am frightened,but it's not you.

Love said to me,
there is nothing that is not me.
be silent.

I will whisper secrets in your ear
just nod yes
and be silent.

~ Rumi

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The breeze at dawn followed the rhythm of the saddened hearts,as it gently and ever so slowly rustled the fallen leaf away from its abode..,it's abide now resided somewhere far,or.belonged nowhere.

Thinking with a calm mind, Umar realized eshal could be the one behind all that gossips not Amir. Although his hate towards him didn't decreased a bit but the little he knew of Amir was that he wouldn't act so low just to get her away from him for he had many chances to manipulate her mind, before there engagement yet he didn't. Amir wasn't just that kind of a person that he believed

And for Eshal there will be an exclusive lesson by him.

Umar took a long sigh of longing swallowing a painful moment .caresses of gentle wind blowing his anterior hairs failing to touch the wound deep within the heart..

The past night was the longest and the most afflicting one in his history.But he had been wise enough to knock at the door which he believed will always open .

Yes,he had spent the night in masjid without a blink of sleep he has asked to the One who had granted his desire before, yet he failed to be cautious walking on the path his ego revealed.

He had asked for forgiveness of her every fallen tear,her every silence shatter throughout the night he had asked for just one person .
A girl through which ALLAH has guided him in many forms,a girl who resided in his heart since a very young age ,most importantly a girl who has now become vital for his beating heart

Somewhere he still was stunned at the circumstances that took place couple of hours ago.

He had pondered infinite times and had experienced the immense guilt regarding his behavior towards her.
How did he became so blind,that he failed to notice , just how much pain his words and actions could have been causing her ,yet he still wondered about her patience .how could she have so much sabr.she could have shouted at him ,created a scene right than and there.But what she did was only to ask him regarding his doings..

She just questioned.him and he ...what he did! with a ragged breath he closed his eyes recalling his shouts and words his heart throbbing at her wavering tone and cascading tears.

How he hated to witness tears in her eyes yet he was the one to cause it.

But than her patience and tenderness is the one which attracts him more.

How would he live if she wouldn't be there with him in his every step.

He had loved her from the depths of his soul,that without her he would be no one.

Your Umar can't live without you Areesha

Maybe ALLAH just loves her to much that a person was moulded in several ways for her and each bad habit of his was diminishing with every passing day..ego was left and after all this he had learned where to make use of it.

As he recited the last few verses of surah Rahman believing in the creator of love.with the last set of dua he took of towards a journey unknown to him yet known by his heart.

ALLAH has amazing plans it's only us who loses hope.

Amir kicked a rock tumbling it down the cliff.heaving a breath he sat down gazing at the lush green mountains, thinking of the consequences his talk has brought them.

He shouldn't have left Areesha alone wonder what would be umar's behavior towards her ,

But whatever, he said it wasn't a lie ,he had no intention to interrupt in her privacy nor he wanted to spoil anything yes he liked her and still does, but it wasn't in his nature to knit fake tales to destroy a relationship.her happiness was all that mattered to him nothing else.

Deep down there was still a brewing questioned that why?why she couldn't be his after all he has done to comfort her why someone would be crowned by her presence.
The only girl he ever liked is someone he cannot get .

His hopelessness was more for a fact that he had seen an emotion in her eyes for Umar ,he had felt her feelings as she defended him.He had experienced her behavior when he accused him...all these signs point towards one thing maybe he was to late.

But who knows ,a sincere heart is all it requires to be blessed with something worth waiting for.or Many times sabr not only takes you to height of success in this world but hereafter to.

What he desires could be presented to him in the most beautiful of ways and that to without asking...

It just requires a firm believe ...And a little patience


Keeping my hand on the cold pane I witnessed yet another rejection of the flourist who was supposed to be decorating the house with his fragrant flowers.

A painful tear escaped between the lashes who had worked tirelessly throughout the night ,without a blink of sleep.

how could have sleep bothered me anyways, when my heart and mind refused to work accord.

I knew almost everyone knew something is wrong by now , their expressions revealed the true story

Only a day was left only a day away my heart whispered.

Baba will be arriving soon,what will happen after, what should I do.?

A sudden click of the door jolted me out of my stance

"Areesha beta may I come in" phuphee inquired with uncertainty supporting her every feature

"Of course phuphee please come In" I got up from the window rear adjusting my shawl.

Taking my hand in her's she tugged me towards the bed and sat beside caressing my cheeks with an emotion of waved longing.

"You probably know why I am here beta, I am extremely sorry for what tasneem did no one was expecting her to stoop so low but she will get her lesson"she gently fondled my slight swollen cheek.

"It's okay phuphee please don't apologize it wasn't your fault at all" I gave a weak smile.

"Thank you my daughter" she kissed the same spot with warm tenderness

"Beta I don't know what will happen when your father gets here and I can't accuse Fatima she is a mother and for her daughter she has full right to complain."

"believe me Areesha I was beyond happy and will undoubtedly be lucky to have a daughter in law like you" she paused giving me a watery smile

"I always wondered and made Umar realize that certainly there is a good deed he has done in his life to have you ,I know I am saying something that I thought I wouldn't but you need to know that we all adore you my son loves you" she sniffled tugging my lose tendril back which came lose in the process of me cleaning her tears

"I know it phuphee you all love me" I confessed .

"Me and your granny has tried convincing your mother but she is firm on her decision."

"Areesha here seated before you isn't your phuphee nor your future mother in law it's a helpless and desperate mother who can't see his son in depression and sadness beta I join my hands in front please...

"Phuphee !!!"I hastily seperated her adjoined hands hugging her close as she cried in my embrace making.me break down as well.

"He hasn't returned home "she hitched In between her sob's.as I closed my eyes praying with depths of my heart.

I knew he wasn't home it was due to him my.night was spent in worry and fright

"Talk to your mother beta " she sniffed holding my face in her hands with a glimmer of hope and trust

"I will " I whispered cleaning her tears.As she kissed my forehead embracing me with love.

"Stay blessed my child may every happiness this world contains be showered on you for your mother is very lucky to have a daughter like you."

"You have lightened the burden of a mother's heart blessing her with ease and I believe ALLAH will fill your life with the best" she prayed with deepest of emotions playing through her words.

For what Areesha didn't knew was that how afraid gulnaz really was thinking being deeply offended by her insult, she may never except her son..But it was Areesha for she had a sincere and soft heart which could be melted through any mild words

"Areesha come with me for a minute" Annie tugged me out of the house.

"Where are you taking me annie I.complained with a tired voice.

"Just trust me" she hushed taking me towards the garden deep into the bushes.

The grass grew dense as we penetrated more making it a little difficult to walk.


"Areesha" a grave yet strained voice cut me off ,as I gazed at the direction halting in front of him.

I swallowed the sudden lump formed due to bounding of more emotions than one

His facial features clearly showing the fatigue the long night has caused him.while he scrutinized my each and every feature like we have met after eternity .I lowered my gaze when no words came out trying to eradicate the sad reality some circumstances have caused us.

"Please resolve whatever it is, we all want to.see you both together...Areesha no one can do anything if you two agree please clear it all out we all are with you we will do anything to unite you both ..And I mean anything" Annie emphasized squeezing my shoulder.As I stood there with lowered gaze

"I will be sitting all the way over there away from hearing reach ,normally no one comes here but I will warn if anyone does"she orated eyeing Umar who stood firm with a tired stance searching my eyes for answers.

"Umar resolve it " she pleaded with one last glance she ran giving us the required privacy.

"You didn't slept last night did you ?he questioned with a tilt of his head.while I remained quite recalling his doings of past night tears instantly surcharging my eyes.

"I know I I did wrong,I shouldn't have acted that way I shouldn't have" he raved his hand through his tussleed hairs as he swallowed.

"I I don't know what happened to me .in my life I have never been insecure about anything but when it comes to you each person who tries to approach you seems like an enemy."

"Areesha forgive your Umar"

My heart beat fastened which each of his confessions ,my mind reminding of the damage which was already done.I couldn't comprehend that why his every word was affecting me in many ways than one screaming at my heart to accept it

"I don't have any relation with anyone except you I just love you.just you.it's only you who reside in my heart "He bit his lip as I glanced at him or particularly the spot which yesterday contained a mark to my destruction

But I knew just how much difficult it was for a man like Umar to confess such deep things.

"I would never give someone the place which already belongs to you and will for eternity" he spoke taking a step ahead while I just stood there hearing him concede the hidden feelings.

"Between me and Eshal it was nothing that you believed ,that Mark wasn't hers. Areesha it was of some random small girl who was dared by her which is the reason I took ehals name" .He breathed trying to catch my teary eyes.

" say something don't be quite Areesha I please" he sighed .
While his every act, his every shout, echoed around me ,my insult due to Eshal and his favour towards her..But in all those yesterday night having the major role, when he disappeared leaving me in heaps, of anxiety..

Where could he go?
Will he be fine ?every question nagged my heart instilling my breath with every rustle of a car nearby.

Even after controlling my emotions from each and everyone I couldn't hide my anger from him

"where were you last night ?" I asked taking him off guard as he gazed confused

"why did you leave the house ?"I spoke after a second

"do you know how afraid I was ! Do you even realize how harsh the weather is anything could have happened" I scolded by now unleashing the caged tears.my heart still scared of many things but his absence lAst night had affected me in more ways than one.

"You were worried ?"

"Ofcourse I was ,whatever happened was it wise to leave the house at that hour I I was I" .I looked away when no words of mine were able to.confess the frightened state I went through just because of him.

"I don't know whatever good in this world I have done to listen such words from you."a small smile enhanced his features.

"Areesha do you trust me ? "

"I do" I whispered wiping the tears with back of my hand .

"Than stop crying,i don't want to see those in your eyes never ,it's a punishment itself."

"Whatever happens Umar don't take any step that will hurt your mother or granny.You don't recognize the heights of their love for you..
You can't know it's depth so please consider them before doing something."

"We both have families who have brought us up to this stage .with immeasurable pain,and love "

"We can't comprehend there love for us and we shouldn't ever break it."

"I wouldn't nor would you."

"My love for you also isn't just a game of months or days it has been purely planted at a very young age and it can only grow"he looked deadly in my eyes

"You will not cause them pain or I will be the one to leave you."I challenged.

"You cannot leave me you can't and you wouldn't ,"

"You get angry so abruptly.It scares me.umar"

"It can affect our relation in the future as well please try to let go of it" I pleaded with hope in my glistening eyes .

"Don't let your ego ruin things in the future Umar ,you see what it has caused.patience is the solution to every problem."

"I will try" he breathed looking away.

,"remember Umar with the patient there is Allah and if He is with you than there is everything."

"Do you forgive me?" he asked slowly earning a small nod.

"Than I just need your approval I will take care of the rest "

"No Umar don't talk to anyone now things will mess up even more "

"Than will you ?"

"I will talk to mummy Umar although she isn't ready to hear me ,know that if she disagrees. I I can't promise my loyalty for I could never go against my parents demands never" I said seeing the break of hope in his sharp eyes.

"I know what I did was wrong but lossing you !! No that can't happen" he shook his head in denial.

"I have reached here after a lot of struggle and I can do anything ahead to reach you "

"Areesha there is no Umar without you..trust Your heart and embrace my love for I have my life in those heart of yours and in your smiles my happiness abides .just don't lose hope "

"I am sorry for everything I did to hurt "you he whispered In the end

His words caged me from the sides taking me in their fragrance.

A drop of tear was supported by the fallen leaf...only in depths of love could be found the answer of that lone droplet...
As it wasn't lone it had two tears mixed to make one.
Two hearts cracked without a .noise.

The Umar I have seen is bold and strong enough to handle any war..yet in the war of hearts how could he lose ,my contradicting state didn't allow me look at him .For I couldn't see him.break.I just couldn't ..

Because for me he is and will ever remain strong .

Afflictively seated in my room I was planning different ways to convince my mother especially after having a brief talk with him my heart was adamant on taking his side while my.brain refuse to work accord.

She had been highly infuriated at the situation not listening to the word I said in his defense last night.But maybe she would be a little calm now.

I hope so

"Close the door Rayyan" ,I heard her voice as Ameera sat beside me squeezing my shoulder with a sad look.

I glanced up at her standing form with Rayyan beside giving a murderous look.

"Why didn't you tell me?" He questioned with a glare

"There was nothing to tell "

"When will you learn Areesha be polite but not that much to let people walk over you ,a third person has the tendency to raise her hand on you yet you say nothing happened "Rayyan frowned as I looked away.

" maybe I made a.wrong choice I think it's better to take a decision before your life get destructive in future"

"Mummy no I have explained you the real situation yesterday night you can't break the relation on such a small issue" I gazed in fright

"Is this a small issue Areesha "

"You haven't listened what Umar has to say."

"I don't need to "

"Mummy api is right .And you know Umar bhai takes care of her so.much listen to them" Ameera sided

"You are way to small to intrude in these matters" Rayyan scolded.

"I am big enough to differentiate between right and wrong" she fired.

"Stop it" mom glared.

"Mummy he he was just stressed,he has never done that before"

"Why don't you open a stress release foundation ,where any one could come and shout " Rayyan sat with huf

"Rayyan you weren't there it wasn't that much mummy just came on a wrong time."

"Areesha I know what I am doing ,how dare he shouted at you never in these years your baba talked that way with me ,what will happen after marriage?."

"I didn't knew I was this wrong while deciding she kept her hand on her forehead."

Never in my life I thought a day will come where I will defend him ,yet here I was trying the every possibility.

"You weren't wrong mummy he is a good person "

"Stop defending him" Rayyan scolded

"I am saying the truth "

"Stop lying Areesha and didn't I told you before mom that Amir is better" Rayyan said making me gasp.

"Rayyan stop !!"

"I will not Amir is way better than Umar" he challenged.

"She doesn't want Amir bhai " Amira glared before I could speak.

"Don't you realize it isn't easy to move on.She obliged to your demands how can you snatch it away when api has finally accepted him and Umar bhai is the best person for api "Ameera explained.

"Don't try to act big you don't know anything" Rayyan huffed as I sat with dripping tears conflicted to explain my feelings

"Rayyan and Ameera leave the room Now!!" mummy ordered ,they tried to protest but seeing her glare left quietly

"Mummy please consider my words and don't tell to baba" I grasped her warm hands with a pleading expression as the evening made it s way dimming the light in the room.

"I am a mother Areesha you don't even realize how my blood is boiling at the moment ,how dare he behaved so menacingly at you."She frowned

"How will I live in peace knowing that you are so far away and with that person."

"Mummy he isn't bad in fact he takes care of all a lot "

"Did gulnaz came to you ,they all see his feelings what about yours Areesha "

"Mummy it was my mistake as well and he he didn't meant to he won't do it again."I tried to assure

"What's the guarantee that he won't there is some self respect in a person do you have it in you why are you defending him" .

"It isn't about self respect mummy its about understanding to form a relation and in it nothing matters.
I am not defending him mummy its you who have thought me to be steadfast and face the situations rather than to run away.
I wasn't ready to accept this relation but when I did it was from my heart and soul mummy how can you say me to let go "

"Sacrificing every time isn't easy beta and you are not a plastic doll for them to turn You around the way they want.How much longer will you be patient."she replied concerned with worry lines marking her forehead

"Besides I have many good proposals for you it isn't our compulsion to give you to them"

"But I don't want any other proposals ,I don't want to like anyone else."I replied abruptly

"Nonsense ,I know what's better for you Areesha I won't be satisfied giving you to him especially knowing that you won't stand up for yourself."

"But it's you who taught me if we let go and be patient Allah himself stands with us."

"What are you trying to say Areesha do you disagree with my decision"she glared

"I cannot ever disagree with you mummy but I don't want this to end do you remember the time when baba was ill it was from than his respect bloomed in my heart."

"It wasn't a financial issue for us mummy ,but what he did was worth a praise.He sacrificed his every comfort to see us in ease."

"He used to stay with baba throughout the night and after just taking a nap of hardly 4 hours
..And he was the one to arrange so many specialists together .Mummy it takes a lot of courage to sacrifice your comfort for others and he did in fact he went in every possibility to make baba fine.
And even now he takes care of his every medicine and still is approaching many specialists for check up.
He has massive respect for you all and that's what is unique"

"Whoever respects you will surely have a space in my heart and he did that mummy he takes care of your comfort everywhere "

"You are distracting me Areesha enough I will do as I please "

"But I don't want this relation to break mummy it took me long enough to embrace it "I sighed with desperation

and will take an eternity to move on

"Your words are concerning me beta but as a mother I will do the best for you and from all that I have thaught you I know you will oblige" she unbounded her hands from my grip leaving me in a pool of helplessness

"Please mummy listen to me "I called.

"Enough Areesha and I believe you won't disappoint me in front of everyone "

" okay I will agree to whatever you will decide but promise me mummy you will think about my wish before deciding anything."

Studying me for a brief second she left without a backward glance breaking my every hope


Enclaved in an surrounding of sadness ,Hina and Kiran api pushed me out of my seclusion ordering me to sit in the lounge with them.

They were all planing so they may have the say in the situation which they weren't allowed to just yet.

"We are going to pick up sana come with us" Dani offered.

"No dani next time IN shaa ALLAH" I denied

Sana had gone with waqas yesterday after attending the function ,because just few days were left of him being here and she wanted to be there for him as they will be for months apart till the wedding .

"Annie bring Areesha while you come" Dani smiled leaving me in preception as he went outside .

IN all the matters this was confirmed that he knew about everything,the sparkling glint in his eyes was missing and the at mischievous smile to.

"Areesha beta" I heard baba's voice.,I turned around abruptly to encounter him striding forward supporting a heart warming smile.

"When did you came baba" I hesitantly embraced , realizing by his demeanour he doesn't know until now

"Just few minutes ago beta ,we were having lunch when I heard your voice ,so I came here to personally to make sure you are alright ,i don't know my heart seemed to be unsatisfied since night ?"he said as I lowered my gaze hiding the affect of his words.

"Everything is fine uncle you don't worry and enjoy your lunch" Annie added cheerfully.

"Yeah baba please continue your meal and rest you must be tired."

"That's fine ,but are you going somewhere ?"he furrowed his eyebrows.

"Yeah to Mrs raufs house ,sana is there so ...I trailed of gauging his reaction

"Oh okay go but come back soon my heart is still uneasy I don't know just be back early" he patted my and Annie's head as we nodded in response.

I layed my head on the back seat closing my eyes in exhaustion.That same lush tress,mesmerizing mountains and once enchanting view depicted sadness as they covered me around consoling for the upcoming disaster.

My heart pumped restless warning me of many things yet my mind tried closing away from all those whispers around.

Just how much more would I have to endure to reach my destination.

How many.more hurdles to cross ,how.Many more tears to shed I am shattering already.

Phuphees words,mummys demands ,umar's s reaction,and my heart they all worked in accord playing with my sanity.

Wonder where will the situation turn

Will baba really break the relation.How just how could I explain my feelings to anyone when in my own heart I am afraid to whisper it.

"Welcome bro" danis voice slashed the silence breaking me out of my trance ,confused I gazed ahead when my eyes locked with Umar who already seemed to be way ahead to read my unspoken words.

Dani stepped out of the seized car giving the keys to Umar ,who strode ahead without breaking the eye contact

"Sit in front" Areesha I shuddered when the sudden wind blew across as Dani stood outside holding the open door.And without a word I obliged knowing there was no point in arguing.

Calmness engulfed me sheltering me in the embrace of unknown peace knowing he is sitting beside it was a mysterious feeling yet I felt safe and content .

No words were exchanged in the car ride with anyone just a few glances which he sneaked delivering thousands of unspeakable messages.

My shawl feigned with rustled air as I kept my head on the window closing my unrested eyes as th exhaustion took over me taking me.into fervent slumber .


"Areesha beta why are you so quiet?" nano.asked placing the tray of freshly squeezed juice .

"Yeah Areesha everything fine or is It because Umar is sitting in front" sana commented mischievous

"No ,sana don't disturb my daughter "nano smiled while I tried to present a forced smile.

"We will leave now its getting late" Umar stood giving us a hint which I obliged getting up as well.

"Although I want you all to stay I can't insist because I know there will be so much pending preparations for you all to do" nano placed her hands on umar's lowered head in affection .

"You came after so long and just for a while no worries after marriage I know my son will bring you here often" she winked making me wince realizing the current scenario.

"Me and sana will come with waqas bhai I have somewhere to be with her" Annie suggested making dani nod.

"Where is waqas now ?"Umar frowned

"He has gone with his friends for a short hunt,he will be coming soon though"sana replied

What is she up to .I glanced at her earning an assuring nod in answer .

But aren't we here to pick up sana?

"We are waiting outside" Umar looked at me going out of the unlocked gate.

"Why your colour is so dim today where is that light in your eyes Areesha,trust me you will be happy with him" nano assured not knowing the real reason.

" where there is care relies love Areesha and no matter what form it takes to protect you it's essence can't be denied one day or other you realize the hidden facts "she whispered

"Keep me in your Duas" I said slowly embracing her .I wanted to explain the phase I was going through I wanted to share many things but neither time nor circumstances allowed me to do so.

"You are in my every prayer that I whisper to the Most Merciful one ,With Him only relies the keys of the treasures hidden in both the world's."

"In every difficulty just trust Him and be patient you will find your answers and peace to.May it rely with anyone" She emphasized as I controlled my tears finding solace in her enchanting words and loving embrace .

"Allah hafiz" I whispered as she kissed my cheeks blowing on me the recited verses.

"May Allah keep you safe" she prayed as I left the house .

Thick forest tress huddled on either sides leaving space for cars to zoom between them gracing the visitors with an art of naturen

"Umar stop at the restaurant near the forest" dani ,said

"It's getting late dani we should probably get home" Umar dismissed

"I am sure Your Areesha hasn't eaten anything nor have you and whatever the situation will be at home you need to prepare for it before."

"If both you talk it out and confront them I am sure no will say anything and besides we all are with you but make a plan and discuss everything before."He said seriously

"Dani it's already dark .Mummy wouldn't be pleased "I added

"We will co ordinate with sana and Annie and will reach at the same time she wouldn't know"

"No please we have to go home" I said

"Yes this one!! turn here ,left" Dani chided as Umar stopped the car at his instructions

"Umar ! Please I shook my head "lightly which now throbbed with full force

"Areesha dani is right come out" he instructed

But before I could say anything my door was opened making me step out of the car.

"There is only one family I don't think it's a good idea to eat here all the others are men" Umar frowned

"No,we will take the corner seat no one has a the access to clearly see there ."

It was small cozy cafeteria situated, at a dangerous place where there was nothing but tall, wild trees around .And just their small wooden, shop in which they prepared food outside in the huge pans almost a handful people only

There wasn't much crowd plus it was very dark which seemed to frighten me more.

"Let's go home Umar" I whispered from aside as Dani went to order

"After you eat" he gestured me towards the table taking a seat opposite

"Does it hurt" he whispered

He brought his hands closer towards the slight red cheeks ,his eyes carrying emotions of pain with storm.

"No" I replied confident knowing he will never break the rules or my pride and just at an inch distance his fists coiled as he retracted his hands making me sigh.

"Apply something!"he gazed concerned

"It doesn't hurt Umar" I shook my head with a slight motion

"I will take revenge!!"

"And that's the Umar I don't want" I said looking at him.

"Leave them don't run after the storm it will strike twice next time maybe snatching the remains of understanding we have."

"You will see" he shook his head

"I don't want to see nor hear about them ,they are gone just let them: ,

"You know the food is so fresh here I admit it isn't fancy or stuff but the foood oh my its divine they hunt fresh from the forest "dani returned interrupting our conversation unintentionally

"Does that mean there are wild animals here" I spoke frightened making him chuckle

"Yeah there are "dani smirked

"They have an electric line around don't worry "Umar consoled

"Why did you ruin my plan?" dani whined making me smile.

"See this was the thing I was talking about keep smiling" he orated as waiter kept the steaming food IN front.

"Here start "Umar sliced the hot bread for it to get warm and not burn my hand

A genuine smile decorated my features going by his care on such scanty matters.

Maybe it's said right that sometimes little things makes a huge difference .

"It's really hot may I get the same privilege to" dani smirked catching the moment

"Eat quietly" umar's firm reply made him smile mischievous.

"On the other hand I will be on the second table you can discuss anything you want and please save your relation" dani spoke serious taking the tray to his decided.table

I cluthced the shawl tightly around myself looking at the sides as Umar glanced at me .

"We will leave as soon as you finish eating and the rest we will discuss on the way don't worry just few more minutes" he encouraged making me sigh

"Why aren't you eating?"he raised his eyebrow

"I am not hungry."

"It wouldn't look good if I start to feed you with my own hands besides the people here will kill us "he joked as I hastily took a bite earning a satisfactory nod.

"I thought about your words and you are right we Wil do nothing that would go against our parents respect but we will stand together for ourselves" Umar said startling me

"Areesha living a life without you isn't an option for me .You have been engraved in my heart and it could never be erased." He cleared gauging my reaction

"And if they deny "trying to ignore the havoc his words has been causing

"Than I will go till the depths to make you mine ,in my life I wouldn't let you go ever and if I don't remain-

"Umar please don't" I shook losing my appetite.

"You care yet you don't show it" he softly spoke.

"I have genuine reasons" I replied.

"And will you be able to live without me ?"he furrowed his eyebrow

The answer to it was silence as sometimes silence is the most eloquent reply.

"The way you made me change and the way you wrapped me in your innocent advices just makes me proud to know that I love you
A girl who is worth everything and more "

"Don't say more Umar I am not as you describe I have my own downfalls which you don't see and it wasn't me it was you all along ,."

"A person cannot change another it's in himself, and all these habbits were in you already it just needed your attention."

"You are to soft Areesha to delicate "

"I am not "I denied making him chuckle

" Areesha tell me one thing why you stay so reluctant and hidden away from me if you don't have any objection to marry me "

"I want our relation to stay pure Umar, I don't want to regret my doings when I look back in future.
I don't want to stand before ALLAH knowing that I displeased him when I could have easily control my actions."

"And from the moment I started praying I have prayed for a pure relation which is filled with His blessings and it can only be formed when we stay as we are required to before marriage" my seagreen dress flowing with the snowy wind while I explained with deep concern

"We can never be perfect but can control our certain actions which isn't hard".

"Promise me Umar no matter how long it takes a day a month a year you will approach me the right way ,your some acts are very bold just some Umar please." my requesting gaze met his as he fidgeted and after a moment sighed

"I promise you that I will do it in the right way" he smiled thanking Allah from the depths of heart that it was she who has captured his heart.

And for the first time in he lowered his gaze not wanting to make her uncomfortable if he was going to do it than why not start from the very second .

And how could not there relation be blessed when they both will mould their actions according to Allah's wishes.

They could lack in many things but why not try maybe just one pure act is enough if you do it to solely please Allah

Sometimes that's how certain persons come in each others life one to perfect other's ways and the other to make her reach the higher ranks in front of Allah.

He sipped the water looking at the side when something caught his attention.

"Oh God !!!"

" is everything alright.?"

"Areesha you will have to leave with dani hurry up" umar's alert stance confused me as he ushered dani towards us catching his attention with a light flicker of fingers

The small place grew darker by the second as fog covered the once bright lights giving chills as I looked around to find just trees. And handfull people in the restaurant

"What happened Umar ?"I inquired still in a haze but was cut of by Dani.

"I saw them" was his only panicked response.

"Who ?" I asked but was payed no attention to which resulted in more panic than necessary

"Listen to me carefully dani take Areesha with you and turn to the nearest city possible the crowded the better ,go before the restaurant gets empty.And don't stop for anything "Umar explained with a serious expression taking us ofgurard,as his gaze flicked to sides

"We are not going anywhere without you" I frowned without knowing the cause of his sudden demand

"Areesha keep quite don't intrude untill I say so" Umar glared making me gulp

"What about you ? I will never leave you alone here" dani chided in a low voice as he sat down in front of Umar

"Don't be a fool Dani you know they will follow us we don't have any weapon I will take care of them untill you both leave" he ordered in a dangerous voice as his hands clenched in a fist

Weapon?ya Allah

"How will you come than I can't go without you" Dani whispered shouted

"Daniayl" Umar gritted making me alarmed at his expression but what he was saying was nowhere close to sanity

"Are you listening to me Daniyal? We are in no match for them right now and Areesha is most important to take care of I can't risk her because I know they came well prepared."Umar heaved a heavy breath the wooden table mysteriously turning to ice with the cold atmosphere

But listening to his words frightened me to the core as I looked around In bewilderment and shock.

"I won't leave Umar I won't" I whispered mustering enough courage keeping my tears at bay

"You will have to Areesha for me" umar's voice softened as his eyes held emotions which could be read by any sensual person

"Take her with you ,run to the car and don't look back no matter what happens I will stop them untill I can and I am sure you will be long gone by then "

"B but "

" Areesha's life is most essential for me right now , just promise me you will safely take her away don't you dare turn back no matter what happens promise me daniyal I want your word".He swallowed eyeing him with deep determination

"You have my word" Dani whispered his head hung low.As I gaped at him

"What are you two saying this can't happen Umar please come with us we will run who are they ? And they have weapons please come" I heaved with blurry eyes.

"We don't have a choice Areesha and I can't risk you" Umar shook his head

"You have a choice please Umar I I won't leave without you "I said with wavering voice n

"Why don't you both run I will hold th me back" dani said with great determination

"It's no time to be a hero Daniel think wisely "

"Quit your foolish ideas we don't have time for nonsense ,you are no match for them ,you gave your word Dani leave now "Umar demanded with a glare.

"After dropping Areesha I will come back but remember you aren't playing fair" dani swolled.

"Actually wait you go and start the car I will send Areesha if you both will leave together they might get suspicious just go" Umar urged

"Please" dani pleaded but seeing umar's firm stance with one last look he left with defeated stance his form desperate for any miracle

Tears were all over my face as I never wavered my glance away from him .

Where has the circumstances brought us how can I leave him just how ...even

"I won't leave Umar you do whatever you want to" I sniffled

"Areesha remember your Umar loves you and will always be there for you why a 're you scared please listen to me ,we don't know what they will do if God forbid they attack before "

"I can't Umar please" I whispered in a broken stance. every ounce of energy flowing away from my body

"For me Areesha one last time listen to me" he cleansed my tears with a piece of tissue his eyes pleading with an emotion for first time

"I can't see you crying please" he whispered leaning ahead.

"But you can leave me alone" I argued

"Areesha just promise me you will pray for me every night before going to sleep,life and death are in Allah's hands what's written cannot be undone .But it's my wish will you fulfill it for me "

"Umar" I cried

"Promise me ,my ari and be strong no one should have the power to bring tears in those beautiful eyes of yours .I will always be there for you somewhere."

"And my every prayer to have you in jannah will surely be fulfilled I know because I trust Him" he gazed at the sky while my shoulders shook which unending sobs.

"Areesha please leave for your Umar " he desperately pleaded

"come With me Umar I I can't leave you here" I tugged cloth covering his arm . my throat clogging with unending tears,seeing his longing gaze on my eyes

Life plays a weired role when they finally want to be together with each string of heart attached.when they finally realize the value of true love that is sacrifice for others happiness..yet now they are being apart .

They both looked at each other with longing ,their dreams shattering inside their heart.

One beloved seeing the other with only one prayer that may ALLAH keep her forever happy.
While the other with tears making dua with every breath to keep him safe and to bless them with a rightfull bond.

No one wanting to be apart ,
But fate has other plans.

After endless orders,demands and pleads Umar had no choice but to make her swear upon her father's life which stilled her heartbeat for a second but Umar didn't back out.because for him her life ,her respect was above everything combined.
wonder what could they do if they get to capture her the thought itself was enough for umar to.be a thick shelter around her caging her safe .

And how could she not leave now after what he said to her with complain In her eyes mixed with denial she turned around with a broken form but not before taking a promise for his return.

Every step away from him felt like a mile paving the way with her fallen tears she was made her way far away from him so far away.

But maybe it was to late hearing the commotion behind her she stilled, before she could turn around Umar shoved her inside the car closing the door shutting every way to him.

"Sorry" was all dani could mumble with a heavy voice speeding away with a flash as the shots of guns covered every inch of left behind areas.snatching the surviving.control on Areesha as she looked back to find nothing but smoke midst trees.

You promised was all she whispered before darkness consumed her.

Although his ways were wrong,his temper was high,he still learned for her he still changed for her.

His expressiveness caused them to apart miles and miles away.But his care and sacrifice tells a story itself.

It wasn't lust,it wasn't just love it was more than that.

Lust can't transform a person,but he changed and learned the right ways using the ladder of prayers asking the one in whose hands Is Everything..

Will they ever unite in this world or their fate has been sealed in jannah .

only if he had used patience or she would have given him a chance before maybe just maybe the story would have been different than .But the truth is nothing can change fate except dua.

And today he not only respected her honour but saved her in many different forms.

And it's a lesson itself we can't judge a person for sometimes his one act can lead him to jannah ..

And we shouldn't doubt on a person saying we.wouldn't marry him if he would be the last person on earth because sometimes that becomes the only person you really want to live with but it gets to late..

How will they survive without each other is the only question that has many heartbreaking answers.

A sacrifice it requires to walk on the bridge of love.

But only a love that flows from the depths of heart could be enough to give away your life to protect the beloved

A girl who never knew the harsh realities the world hided.
IN her own bubble she dreamt of her life.

A man who didn't knew the soft ways to reach the heart.
In his own ways he expressed his dreams.

He changed for her letting go of his many ways.
She changed her dreams for him letting go of her many prayers.

Now when.both wanted to flow together in the rainbow of true love it was snatched away so far away from there reach.
Could they reach it in the life or it's only saved for after life.

A storm it was a harsh one ,which shackled there dreams making them apart.

How will the life go on when the beginning of it was the other end......

How often we use an example of candle as a subject for hope and sacrifice while forgetting that it burns ,melts and finishes itself to give light to others which is not at all easy to do..

Assalam o alikum wa rahmatulahi wa barakatuhu.

Many hearts I know are broken right now but remember it's life and happiness and sadness are a part of it and besides everything has a lesson in itself.

What do you think will happen could they be for each other or Areesha has someone else in her destiny.

May it be any relation it demands sacrifices and who truly love each other they give it without a blink.

May be it's time for Amir now or maybe not .

Although I will try my best to not make you wait much longer for the next update but no promises will try :-)


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