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Disappearing from the material world, we reappear in the world of love.

~ Rumi

Promise me ,my ari and be strong no one should have the power to bring tears in those beautiful eyes of yours .I will always be there for you somewhere."

"And my every prayer to have you in jannah will surely be fulfilled I know because I trust Him" he gazed at the sky while my shoulders shook which unending sobs.

"Areesha please leave for your Umar " he desperately pleaded

"come With me Umar I I can't leave you here" I tugged cloth covering his arm . my throat clogging with unending tears,seeing his longing gaze on my eyes

Life plays a weired role when they finally want to be together with each string of heart attached.when they finally realize the value of true love that is sacrifice for others happiness..yet now they are being apart .

They both looked at each other with longing ,their dreams shattering inside their heart.

One beloved seeing the other with only one prayer that may ALLAH keep her forever happy.
While the other with tears making dua with every breath to keep him safe and to bless them with a rightfull bond.

No one wanting to be apart ,
But fate has other plans.

After endless orders,demands and pleads Umar had no choice but to make her swear upon her father's life which stilled her heartbeat for a second but Umar didn't back out.because for him her life ,her respect was above everything combined.
wonder what could they do if they get to capture her the thought itself was enough for umar to.be a thick shelter around her caging her safe .

And how could she not leave now after what he said to her with complain In her eyes mixed with denial she turned around with a broken form but not before taking a promise for his return.

Every step away from him felt like a mile paving the way with her fallen tears she was made her way far away from him so far away.

But maybe it was to late hearing the commotion behind her she stilled, before she could turn around Umar shoved her inside the car closing the door shutting every way to him.

"Sorry" was all dani could mumble with a heavy voice speeding away with a flash as the shots of guns covered every inch of left behind areas.snatching the surviving.control on Areesha as she looked back to find nothing but smoke midst trees.

You promised was all she whispered before darkness consumed her.

Although his ways were wrong,his temper was high,he still learned for her he still changed for her.

His expressiveness caused them to apart miles and miles away.But his care and sacrifice tells a story itself.

It wasn't lust,it wasn't just love it was more than that.

Lust can't transform a person,but he changed and learned the right ways using the ladder of prayers asking the one in whose hands Is Everything

I thought to give a little recap because it has been a month.

Stretched sky encompassing the land of many people ,abided inside which are numerous beings, each facing a different kind of trial.
Everyone trying to overcome there own kind tribulations.
Each one being patient in its own difficult way.

The abode covering that particular household was the same yet It depicted completely different scenerio.

The hearts were in denial.,
The mind exhausted with sorrow,.
The eyes brimmed ,with unending tears
And the lips were in constant prayers for the one who never thought he could get so lucky to be remembered in every dua the heart whispered

Silence was everywhere ,an haunting one which leaves you neither scared nor sad.

A silence which is big enough to consume the happiness of many hearts

A.silence which gradually leaves you hollow.

Such was the crucial pace .Areesha surfing through.

Spreading my hands beneath the high heavens I prayed to ALLAH for the one without which life seemed to be stuck.

Who had become vital for the  contentment of heart.
I prayed to ALLAH for his safety and return .my eyes poured out tears wetting my hand with unending sobs.

Three agonizing days passed by with us living on a string of hope clutched with the hands of faith.

But no news of him reached our awaiting hearts.

The life of this house seems to be sucked away since that frightening night

One night all it took to wipe away smiles and peace replacing it with longings and sadness.

"Ya Allah please bring him back safe please" I whispered in the gloomy atmosphere of the grieving heart.

Wiping away my tears I stood up placing the prayer mat at its rightful place.And with a light I sat on the window pane trying to relief myself from the gripping reality .

"And remember that  in any difficulty I will not be beside but  always be infront of you fighting till the last breath so it may never  reach you" 

His promising words echoed around reminding me one of his many pledges which bought many more tears as I layed my head back on the wall seeing the darkening sky with intense  emotions.

"Make sure to never hide your sparkle beneath that painful water which I despise to see in your eyes,I have longed to indulge in that mesmerizing land and finally when  that day is coming closer don't spoil them with your tears"

His each words replayed a thousand times while my heart shattered a million times and my tears were like cascading waterfall which didn't seized .

Everything in the house was a constant reminder of him.

Every dark night was beginning to scare me warning me of more damage .

I still remember that hollow night I layed unconscious for hours not.believing the depths of reality ,not knowing that the house was almost decorated ,the parents were seated happy waiting for our arrival with sweets in their hands.

Mummy had forgiven him already and not a word was said to baba but what they didn't knew was that they were to late.

On waking up at the gloomy morning  I was informed that  all the man's  had immediately  gone to the site and still hasn't returned and after hours when they did returned it was with dejected stance e ,

Many people now we're in search including the police everyday the man at the house leave at dawn returning only after midnight .

Granny isn't stable at all she just cries holding his picture kissing it every chance she gets..while she never let's me out of her site .
These past days I have become to attached to her ,I sleep in her room while she narrates me all of his childhood stories with a shimmer of hope in her eyes.And never let's me leave saying that she sees his love in me .

I don't know I just don't....at what step of life I am standing each step breaks me more .

Where are you Umar please be safe and return to us.

There is just one uncertainty that I am not being able to interrogate no matter how many times I indulge to answer it


if we were not meant to be than why I have a hollow feeling inside me

I have always prayed that my heart be only touched by the person who is meant to be my husband.

I didn't wanted any broken relations,I just wanted.One but pure.

Than why everything seems so jumbled when I.have tried from the very first day to just walk on the right path..

I don't know what to do ya ALLAH please guide me through this

Weather we are for each other or not but why the hearts are falling astray in the seclusion of unreadable feelings.

For its only you who know my inner wishes and desires please help me through this turmoil of life.for it seems to.Be uncontrollable for a weak person like me .

" Maybe You will Only  believe in my love when I will be no more" his enraging words startled my senses while I hid my face breaking down under the dark rays of sun passing through the dark clouds making my room.more.sinister with only.a painfully beating heart being a source of life..

Now where are you when I need you to.comeback
Granny sat on the prayer mat with white cryatal tasbeeh  perpetually rotating  in  her hands., while her lips constantly whispered dhikr.

To anyone it would seem like she is praying in peace pouring her all concentration.But only the grievous heart new the reality,that just how much this old lady craved to see her beloved grand son.

No one can  go to the depths of pain she felt nor anyone could compensate it with anything. the fear of losing him was the most crucial thing to think about .Umar's detachment was the main reason of her weakening health.

The old lady was deprived of peace ,her eyes held.no sparkle.her form just grew weaker  With each  passing day.

She loved him far to much to grasp the cord of harsh reality..

He was her Prince which she hasn't seen for quite some days now.

How could she cope up with her life when after her husband it was that little boy which brought joy to her lonely heart.No one ever understood the secret bond they shared .He was the one person, who from very young, age took care of her loneliness,while others just cared physically.

He was the one who would deny to play with others just to be with her and give her company so she may not feel alone while others enjoyed there own childhood it was him who used to sacrifice his every playtime for his granny giving her priority over all the others.

How could she forget the time.when once he left his most favorite toy just to bring his granny her special flowers .

And how could anyone point he was to pampered ,when it was his every right to be ..because he did what no once else realized.

Most importantly how could she deny his wish to be with Areesha, when it was the only one thing he has ever asked her .

Her house was just to empty without him.

"Please granny have  your medicine" hina held the small tray with a fresh glass of water  her eyes pleading her to eat

"Send Areesha " her reply came without an emotion

"Okay I will granny but please have this before" Hina urged which finally led her to give in

"Don't worry ami ( mother) Umar will.be back  I know  my.son will.be.alright" .gulnaaz  squeezed her shoulders.With shadows of hidden tears only she knew how hard it was to be hopeful amidst the.dark reality of his lost son,.But.for her weakening, mother she had to be strong after all, having faith In ALLAH is the most important part of a person's life, which she.believed with whole heart ,but as.humains,.we all are tend to be weak somewhere

"I.want to see Areesha where is she today ."came.her  response,as everyone failed to.notice that just how much Areesha had became.important to her because she was his love and seeing her has become a remedy to her restless heart


They all sat together In worry under the bright roof of lit chandelier,every smile dimmed,each heart hopeful yet frightened.

No amount of worldly light was able to fill the darkening pace of painfully running time .

Where was the person for whom every lips whispered prayer of return.

"The police has no reports yet their maximum corporation is with us in searching him" Asad rubbed his temples exhausted.in  tension.

It was the love that  big brother's contained for his small one and it could easily be seen in the physical changes they were going through.

"What did the private investigators reported" uncle shah urged his eyes bloodshed.With lack of sleep ,his heart yearning to embrace his son.

"No news "daniyal whispered with his head hung low.maybe between many banters they didn't  notice that Umar was his closest friend out of all.and he surely missed him with every breath taken

"The drawback is that staff of that restaurant isn't ready to co corporate they aren't giving a single clue" Rayyan frowned.

"Have you insured them that giving information will cause them no harm Areesha's" dad inquired

The place Umar now held in his heart was no less than a son or even more .He was the saviour of his daughter without which he couldn't live.

Areesha was his life ,and he knew now no one could be a better son in law for him than Umar.

Even in his prayers now Umar resided

"From.money to.every possible request we have done it but they just won't budge" Asad sighed and with that the hall quitened with gloom.

What else could they speak ,from day to night they have been searching everywhere but no clue was found

Where could Umar really be could he even be alive ..that was the most difficult question everyone was to afraid to  voice it

No agencie was left free but it's said right sometimes.money isn't enough to achieve anything prayers are vital which shah was persistent to try without any delay.

Brothers were in a turmoil to lose there baby brother,while cousins  in a conflict to lose a precious friend.

That was a crucial scenario being faced by the shah family.


"Areesha api" Ameera sat beside me with a Platter of freshly cooked food.The lights were almost non existent with a shadow of lamp I sat on my bed in an embrace of restless sleep

"I am not hungry Ameera.". I murmured with closed eyes.

" you miss bhai?" She inquired placing the tray on  side table.

My eyes opened on their accord while her question replayed with loud echos in my tired mind.

Do I miss.him.,?

The revelations of the question brought chills around me as I hastily detached myself.From the dangerous question.

"Leave me alone Ameera !"

"But I miss you.
Api you have changed so much ,you don't talk ,you don't smile where is my big sister who always had a warm.smile.on.her face.I really pray for bhai that he may come back soon and I know.He will  but please be the Areesha you were."

"Ameera I am the same please give me some time alone "

"Sometimes I hate him ".she murmured as she placed her head in my embrace conflicting me.

"Why do you hate him" .

"Because of him you changed"

"I didn't changed Ameera".I caressed her hairs.

"You did ,he stole my api." her words echoed as she clutched me harder as if afraid of a big storm that could shatter me into pieces.

"Ameera you were sent here for a reason".Rayyan.voiced striding inside the room.

His eyes didn't met mine as I sat making place for him.

And that was enough hint for me to know that there isn't any news

With quieten stance he sat near me placing the tray on his lap he brought a spoon of rice near my lips and without a word his eyes were enough for me respect his actions

"Maybe he wasn't  as I assumed it the truth is I am in forever depth of him for saving my sisters life" Rayyan said quietly as my gaze met his and the stopped tears rolled out

And it was without a doubt true as they were my father's enemy not umar's they were to attack me not him.

"You respected my decisions being a good daughter,and a mother's prayer is enough for her child's destiny Areesha beta don't worry I know you will be showered with happiness and love in your life" mummy sat near me embracing me with her tenderness

"Bhai will come back right mummy" Ameera asked.

"All our prayers are with him beta "

"How can he not return his Areesha is waiting for him" phuphee orated standing near the door.

"Exactly and I am sure he wouldn't want to see you in this state Areesha" hina api scolded as they rounded near my bed.

"We all are trying to be brave and are desperately waiting for his return Areesha help us in that we can't do it alone" hina api took me out of mummys.embrace placing her hands on my cheecks.

"He will be back I just know" she assured as phuphee cleansed her tears patting my head.

No amount of tears can change your destiny but prayers can even if they are just a murmur from a true heart...

"Someone is here to see you Areesha" sana knocked on the door.

"Who?" all inquired.

"A little boy" she said

"It would be the dauds friend " Rayyan said

"I am coming" I mumbled getting out of the bed.

Sana stayed away  afraid that maybe her wistfulness is the cause of their longings although she had tried her best to never desire him after his engagement with Areesha.,but still her heart was frightened from her past longings.

She was beyond happy with waqas and now couldn't even imagine her life without him..

It was the reason she was able to understand Areesha's feelings.

Her prayers to unite them today were whiffed with full heart to high above the heavens .

She just hopes it's not to late..

And sometimes hope is another word for destruction.

"Assalam o alikum" a familiar boy smiled as I descended from the last stair his hand holding a bouquet of infinite red roses.

"Walalikum Asalam" I gazed confounded

"You don't remember me ?" the boy dimpled.

"I am sorry" I replied after a session of.brief thinking

Who is he ?

"No problem api here these are for you congratulations on your wedding" he chirped placing the bouquet gently on the table.

My bewildered eyes roamed through the valleys of roses, perfectly fitted together and embraced with ribbons.But his said.words.bought chills when I.remembered the date today

It was supposed to be....

"Where is Umar bhai ?"he voiced breaking my trance.

"I I  have seen you..
You are the same boy .We met on flower festival "I contemplated

"Finally! I am glad you remembered,your husband told me to deliver these on the day of your marriage" he smiled while my perched lips held.no words.

"He is a very nice person ,you know I.go to school now he helped my whole family"he proudly informed increasing the beats of my suffering heart .

"I know  what you must be thinking  ,
that day when he shouted I was obviously sad but I have learnt not to name any  relations on my own "

" and after few days  he came back and let's just say my Allah answered all my prayers" he happily sighed while I gulped my tears as my hands clutched the pillar.

"Where is he ?and why do you look sad."he eyed concerned

"He isn't home.at the moment" I replied heavily trying to give a small smile

"Oh so that's why you are sad" he smiled mischievous. as I averted my eyes.

"No worries I will visit some other day once again congratulations and thank you for everything you did " he beamed while my heart ticked with painful beats.as I saw him leave untill I could see him no more.

But I didn't do anything my mind questioned.

An attached card brimmed my curiosity,

After eyeing it for a few minutes  I slowly slided down beside the glass table  opening the closed card which was lighted with sparkling hearts beaming at the centre.

"214 flowers for the apart days I went through to attain you ,these are just the once you knew there are many  uncountable days before that you could never imagine...
These are the flowers which were personally.grown by me just for you.
Each one of it carries a different form of love to embrace you in their warm fragrance
It's the most special day today in my life ,that my beloved is beside me for eternity of love.

Today you can't deny my love ask your heart I am sure it will take my side.;-)

Yours and only yours Umar

Love you Areesha....My Areesha .

My breath hitched as I detached my hand from the flowers moving them far far away from my reach and ran towards my room,

With the card still clutched in my hands..

where was her fault when all her life she tried to separate herself from unlawful acts.anyone in her place would be same or worse .She was left alone just a day before her Nikkah and by the person who always claimed to love her who changed his many acts for her and most importantly he didn't think of his life for even a second when it came to her safety..How could she not like him

out of all the members only Daniyal was the witness of her shatter which held silent screams of patience.standing behind the railings of the above portion he gulped his own emotions remembering his friend as.With each passing day the puzzle was getting solved and the sad news was it wasn't close to their expectations.

How he wished he was in his place .He shouldn't have promised him maybe just maybe the two loved ones wouldn't have been suffering.
After knowing umar's love for Areesha and all his efforts he doesn't deserve sadness..

They deserve to be together.

With feared heart and restless state my trembling hands clutched the knob of his door,behind which lied his belongings and a remaining scent of his presence.

Never knew I would come here willingly

But some past memories and those words in that card played a huge role

After consoling my heart it was the only place I could go.

Ever so slowly with pounding heart I opened umar's door and stepped inside with ragged breaths my fingers left the knob .

An alarming jolt passed through my.body  as the click of the  door thrashed the silence.and the door closed caging me inside his left residence .

The echo of my shoes clicked high as I took baby steps towards his table with my eyes fixed on my smiling picture adjusted on the heart of his wall .n

Is love this powerful to give away anything in return of others well being?my mind questioned.

A true love is capable of fighting the world alone for his beloved my heart answered.

I wavered my gaze away cleansing my tears and strided towards his table to find the thing I came here for.

" do you know dear Areesha our Nikkah certificate has been arrived
Now, just awaiting for your cherished hands to give your treasured heart to me"his said  words  Circled around me

"I will not marry him even if he is the last person on the earth."

Sometimes your own said words could be the killer of your happiness.

Elders have said right weigh your words before you speak.

"Forgive me ya  Allah " I murmured  as I abruptly sat on the chair my spinning head illusioning my vision.

With few deep breaths I composed myself and tried to take a glimpse of the said nikkah papers on his table.

I didn't knew why I came or why I wanted to see it but my heart won every battle of reasons with mind bringing me here .

"I love you" Areesha my.hands stilled as his words echoed around.

Detaching myself from illusions I opened his drawers ,one by one to reach my goal.

Sweat covered my forehead in such a chilly weather when at last my eyes landed on my search.

There layed ahead of me in the main drawer were the papers which were enough to change my world.

Gulping the heaviness with extremely shaky hands I took out the papers and unknowingly caressed the area where the sign was supposed to be sealed.

A shiny object blurred my vision as it's sparkle enhanced the dark room.

With curiosity my hands reached towards the object as I picked up the half opened box.

After a minute of contemplation I revealed the hidden sparkle and with a gasp leaving my mouth , the voice of thunder scared my already frightened stance causing me to to drop the precious object.

But how could it be possible

What is this

My vision was blurred with tears of uncertainty ,my heart racing at full speed while my gaze locked at the stones encrusted glass label .

"Parisa " the name  shined with full volume shocking my.being more with every  passing minute.

With a trembling figure I stood up stepping away from it and ran away not realizing the wait of situation.and not wanting to think about the possibilities.which already seemed to die with passing days.

What have you done to.me.Umar.

I bumped into granny while she held my shoulders in worry seeing my forlorn state.

"What happened my dear?" She cleared the beats of sweat grazing my palms and forehead with her soft shawl.

I was spellbound I wanted to explain her but my confused state didn't allowed me to do so.as the.memories of that dream which I experienced way back haunted my present mind.

"It's okay beta leave it come inside" she fussed making me sit on her king size bed.

"I.was waiting for you since morning where were you my dear"

My shaky fingers clutched the presented glass of water ,my mind still processing the possible meanings of the sudden experience.

"Come my daughter lay your head on my lap I will recite verses and don't you worry your granny is here for you "she kissed my cheeks as I lay my head on her comforting embrace.

Seconds turned into minutes and minutes into hours but I stayed still trying to solve the puzzle not paying any attention to the person's entering the room .my head was still resting on her lap as she constantly caressed my forehead. while talking to someone

"Areesha" dani sat beside ,I glanced up trying to come.back to reality.

"Yes" I mumbled not having the power to sit up straight.while grannys talk with phuphee clearly being heard .

"Promise me one thing" his firm eyes proving his seriousness


"You ,you will wait for Umar no matter how long it takes.I know he will return just ,..
Just promise me you will wait for him and not bow your head against anyone's demands" he heaved with plea in his desperate eyes.

"Why are you talking like that dani"

"I need a promise" he dismissed

"I promise" I whispered but was startled to see a drop of tear at the corner of his eyes.


"I accept "my words echoed around the.room with  a whisper of my consent.

Many months passed by  with no news of Umar ,my every prayer ,every whisper,every wish now is stored somewhere that seemed beyond my reach .

Everyone changes And with time moulds many decisions.

Such is the case here ,where I accepted the elders order crushing my every hope and every wish.

I did try to explain my desire ,I tried my best to convince ,them but I wasn't able to and being a good daughter, I had to accept there decision,with that crushing my path back.

Don't know where in life I made a mistake that it whirled my emotions breaking my heart in million pieces with my heart shattering my every wish.

"Mubarak my precious" mummy embraced me with teary eyes,while my eyes held no emotions to play in front .my lips void of smile and my heart deprived of happiness

My veild head hung low where every elder placed their hands blessing me with there wishes except granny she refused.....because she was still In denial that Umar has gone forever. .And on that my marriage with Amir today was the biggest blow which she was unable to.stop although she did tried.

I was seated in the room with few elders including Amir's parents .

"Love you beta you made me proud today thank you for accepting our wish.I know you will receive every happiness you deserve and I believe you will not give them a chance to complain" baba kissed my forehead as I nodded with a heavy heart my eyes ready to unleash the blocked river

"Areesha welcome to the family beta" humaira aunty hugged me tight with my heavy jewellery clicking with every move.

"Now this is your new life Areesha beta accept it with open arms I know you will not let us down,and know that parents always think the best for their child" mummy whispered vacating the room leaving me alone .

I heaved a heavy breath gulping the soreness as my eyes roamed around Amir's room.my hands clutched tight with a fear of unknown.

"Areesha" Amir voiced striding close until he was infront of me while ,my eyes refused to meet his

"I can't believe this is all true" he smiled.His gaze roaming all around me

"Give me your hand Areesha" he took out a shiny box from inside his coat pocket.but I stood there rooted on my place with my quickened heartbeat and lowered gaze.

"Areesha ?"he spoke concerned as I slowly moved my trembling hands infront of him.

His alarming silence made me gaze up and when I did there was nothing less than a storm in those jet black eyes.

Confused by his sudden frown I  glanced at my hand only to get startled at my doings their  was umar's ring shining brightly at its rightful place.

"I I am sorry" I whispered biting my lip to stop the sudden tears.

"You should have removed it ,he is no where in your life and should never be" his serious tone slashed my nursing heart which was still recovering from a deep shatter.

Before he could remove the ring himself a sudden knock interrupted his doings.

"Amir all are calling you downstairs" hina api orated eyeing me with saddened eyes.

"Remove it " giving me a last look he strode towards the door easing the space for me to breath.

"Please give her some time Amir" I heard apis whisper before the door clicked closed and with a thud I sat on the bed with flowing tears and a bleeding heart.

Is this my destiny

Areesha just promise me you will pray for me every night before going to sleep,life and death are in Allah's hands what's written cannot be undone .But it's my wish will you fulfill it for me "

My cheeks burned with tears as I moved back and forth hiccuping

What has happened?and why it happened .

Umar why did you left  ..

You promised.where do I belong now .

Or maybe the place I belong now is a cage I willingly stepped in with no way out..

Many new relations being the bars I could never get out of .my tears flew in accord as I cried not being able to accept my destiny


A hazy weather greeted me as I stepped out of a beautiful house ,accompanied by a mesmerizing view ahead,of encompassing nature.

"Where am i ?" I thought gazing at the beautiful scene

I glanced all around the naturally decorated gardens with bloomed flowers of all shapes and sizes their fragrance perfuming the airy weather blessing it with a artistic nature.

A small giggle intruded my thoughts alarming my senses  at a specific site.Where a man stood behind a swing gently gliding  it with a little girl upon it.only her brown wavy hairs be seen

My hair blew with the frantic air as I gradually walked ahead nearing them with a confounded look plastered across.

My sea green knee length frock danced around ,eyes sinking with deep curiosity as I heard her sweet voice.

"Daddy higherrr."

Standing behind them my heartbeat rose as I  decided to call the person IN front

Sudden heavy clouds surrounded us as I took my last step making him turn around courtesy of the  noise made by the crushed leaf.

"Umar?" I whispered baffled .as my heart stilled In shock.

"My Areesha" he whispered back with deep intensity his eyes boring in mine as he smiled while haze of clouds shaded us beneath them.

He was same with dark eyes dominating aura ,and a confident stance.

"Where were you?" I inquired keeping my tears at bay.,as I controlled my screaming emotions

"I.never went away" his.eyes bore in mine

"Why are you joking ?"I gulped away the tears in anger

"Do you think it was easy to live without you ,?"

"Did you not think about us even.for a second"
"You you betrayed my trust ,
You promised me Umar " I cried with painful tears as I pointed at him with accusations.

My heart sinking knowing the reality that took place.

"You said you love me than why you left look what happened "I shouted the small girl forgotten on the swinging chair.

"I still love you" he came closer .

"Where was this love when ...I looked away not having the courage to deliver the painful words.

"Why do you worry Areesha I am here now"

"Come back to us than" I wiped my tears with the back of my hand with a twinkle of hope.

"Now only you can come to me Areesha ,here see this is our house" he pointed at beautiful mansion
" I will wait for you."his grave voice soothing yet crushing my heart.synonymously.

"What are you saying ?"I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Will you not.Come with me ,?".I asked surprised to a.person who claims to still love me

"Daddyy why is Mummy crying ?"the girl jumped from the swing standing in front gazing at me with concern

"Parisa?" I murmured baffled eyeing the small girl it felt like a blow of chilll surrounded me as I tried to connect the feelings.

I bent down with a quiver of lips.as traced my hands on her soft milky cheeks.while she stood there with a cute smile

"Parisa loves you mummy" she suddenly embraced me tight her small beats of heart completing my inner longing.

Her small frame perfectly hiding under my shade .while Umar just gazed at us with a smile.

"Mummy has to go parisa we will wait for her "

"But why?" her voice wavered as she spoke still in my embrace.

"Because she lives very far away" his longed voice caged me from all sides as I stood up when he carried her away leaving me with tears.

"You are leaving me Umar do I not reside in your heart anymore" I whimpered

With a free hand he wiped away my every tear while parisa hid   in his embrace eyeing the situation

"Don't cry love "

"You are not just in my heart or mind or thoughts ...You are in my prayers and my soul..
The heart stops..
The mind halts.
The thoughts ends..
But soul lives and will live
PRAYERS will remain touching the sky making you mine in jannah.."

"Don't you ever cry I will always be there somewhere I promise."He assured with a nod his hands still warming my cold chee

"Your Umar loves you" he whispered close to my ears.

"Come on parisa say bye" he kissed her soft cheeks instilling a longed feeling as they disappeared under the white clouds with me shouting them to stop.

With a gasp I was awaken from a dream which now seemed nothing less than a night mare

It was just a dream reality knocked at my state reminding me that I am a bride someone else's bride.

I glanced at my Mehndi covered hands with the white bridal dress still adoring my body.yet my.heart longed for something else.

Cleansing my already dried tears I pushed my head away from headboard slowly striding towards the glass gallery with heavy trinkets.making melodic voice creating a headache in return.

I pushed open both the doors with my delicate hands.And gazed up  at the night sky filled shiny stars and a bright moon.

Such bright they are yet so  far away from reach I thought.when my.gaze landed on the most sparkling star which was furthest away from the rest.

"Where are you Umar?"

Why after everything you left me alone,

I can't do anything for you now.i wasn't able to wait more ,i don't know if I betrayed your trust but I can't disrespect my parents I am sorry ,forgive me

after today I give you away in the most blessed place I whisper  my every prayer for you in the hands of almighty.I prayed with pouring tears on my cheeks.

And if you ever come.back know that I waited for you until I could

My heart will remember your every word.it will never forget your tender acts.

Life has a weird way of showing what was never yours.

May be  your love was just like that star in my life ..

Which shines the most yet is furthest away beyond anyone's reach.

Your love was that sparkle for me whose shine was never mine ..

It was a sparkle....

A sparkle of love.


Weather he is alive or not but in our hearts he will always be the same Umar who was loved by many....

Assalam o alikum wa rahmatulahi wa barakatuhu

The tongue of the pen cannot express
the mystery of love
The description of longing is beyond
.... the limits of writing. "

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