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He makes from a drop a pearl
.... shining bright,
And from this seed, like a cypress
in height.

Not an atom of knowledge from His
.... is concealed,

For the hidden to Him ... is the same
.... as revealed. "

- Shaykh Sa'adi Shirazi <3

Just like the  delicate petals of a pink rose, who ever so slowly wilt one by one losing their charm and floral fragrance,she perished inside each day.

Ever wondered what true love really is..
It's beyond the compassion of words,it's mystical in its own unique way.

But be warned should be the people looking for that sort of love,because there is just a thread between the two paths.of love and lust..

Every affection, has its own methods to express itself.But true love is hidden behind the petal of care.

When deep care of beloved seeps through your heart,  know that the journey you have steped in requires sacrifices.for the smiles,and laughter of your loved one.

True love is a kind of treasure that automatically attracts your lover and no it doesn't require any specific task to love it just happens .

You are defenceless, in front of it ,but it takes you to the heights where every thing has its own peculiar, redolence

The scent of rose you inhale would acquire a sweet fragrance but the rose given by your beloved will fragrant your whole being with their love not just by its aroma.

And that's why they say true love starts after Nikkah,because a true lover may express his love before in many ways but first will find the way to make you his forever.

Now it depends upon his beloved how.much time it claims to accept the attraction of it.

Areesha may have never expressed herself,but the hidden care Umar always did was appreciated by her heart.

She may have her limits but her heart dreamt of the limitless fairytales every girl brew.

But now as her petals of hope dried up ,so did she and with that her dreams.

It's said right never underestimate someone's love .You may kindly pass it away but shall never think low because sometimes it's that same love you crave for and it gets too late.

We can never judge the depths of a lover,so never say a thing which in return could capture your own happiness.

Now when her flower like fragile form needed a shower of love to bloom and a  sparkle again ,that person wasn't their itself long gone was the shower of affection..

Such is a state of a true lover

The dimly falling life, before her eyes shading her away from the world ,could be returned but the question was

Will it return ?

Areesha lay in high fever unconscious, from the world around her but her heart still praying for a miracle.

Granny sat beside her blowing on her precious daughter and trying to lessen the fever with cold wipes but to no vail.

Everyone especially her parents had  been so tensed but now they have decided to just give her an hour before they take her to the emergency ward.

But little did they know that no doctor has the medicine which can cure the longing heart but only ALLAH can and if your intentions are pure than miracles do.happen everyday.


"Yes my daughter  open your eyes for your granny ".She glided her hands through her wet forehead.Her form shivering with cold.

"Come.back" she had murmured which made granny more emotional and weak seeing the state a young girl was going through.

Sailing on the boat of emotions the only thought Areesha  pondered upon was that why this boat gets attached to the shore which was just a mere standby of support..

And than there was no response from her for hours to come.


"oh Allah" I gasped as my eyes flew open and with a bolt I sat up heaving  recklessly

"Areesha calm down my child "granny kissed my forehead to soothe my disturbed form  laying me down again with care.But my  body was to rigid to compose even in that state my eyes fixed at the ceiling afraid to face the reality

"G granny  he he went away I don't please" I chocked on my words rambling nonsense.Still terrified from the dream I lived.

Such is the breaking of a beloved when it's loved with full heart and then left alone all alone in the serenity of darkness supported by the light of  special words.

I eyed my whole room,to.see if it was just mine not Amir's.

I intently looked  at my cold and pale hands seeing no traces of Mehndi.

But it felt so real

"Areesha unstrain your self and calm down beta look at me "., granny tilted my chin while I was still in a haze of a nightmare I glided through.

"I I don't want to marry anyone" I.explained my.breaths laboured scared anytime Amir will come to.claim me as his bride.

"Areesha beta look at your granny" she insisted but I kept on glancing at things to assure myself that it was only a dream.

Giving up on words with  her soft hands she pulled me towards her chest caressing my frightened form

"It will be alright ,sweetheart be  strong."She consoled as my breaths slowly turned normal with droopy eyes



"Oh my Allah granny"

"Grannyyyy" I heard squeals  which jerked me out of my sleep as I backed away from her embrace to scrutinize the person.

"Alhumdulilah Areesha you are awake."hina api exclaimed as I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion my head spinning with heaviness

"Hina she was asleep" granny scolded as api gave her a sheepish smile calming her breathless form

"Granny all your frown will vanish away  when you will hear the news" api teard up

"Remember we all were wondering where are all the mens since morning right" she emphasized as granny slowly nodded

"They are with Umar granny he is alive Alhumdulilah our Umar is alive" she choked my heart stilled as I heard her emotional voice.freezing my limbs to the core

fearfull that she will change her words tardily I glanced up  in her eyes to know the truth.

"He is alive Areesha your Umar is fine" she pursed her lips to.control her tears

Still in a haze I gazed in grannys eyes ,and after seeing her assuring smile   I.leaped in her embrace and we cried holding each other still not.believing in the miracle.thanking Allah with every breath taken.

A call of a beloved is very strong ,it goes straight to another heart informing him about others longing.

Seeing the whole scenario it is no doubt that her prayers were pure and firm  bringing him.back to her even when there was no hope left

They say love is blind ,but in reality  true love has the eyes which no one else has.It blinds the person to give  the pure sight of love..

Everyone now sat around me with smiles but still a layer of uncertainty screening them .untill they see him with their own eyes.no heart could rest in peace.

"Where is he?" I asked softly not having the energy to speak aloud.

"At Mrs raufs house we all are going just waiting for the car "mummy spoke kissing my forehead as she tugged away my limp hairs.

"Alhumdulilah you woke up to Areesha you scared us so much look at you how weak you have been" Annie sat beside me as mummy hugged me closer kissing me every chance she gets but my mind only had one thing in focus "him"

"Do you really think it's him" Kiran api asked doubtfull

"It feels like a dream.I will.not be able to.believe it untill i see my son  with my very  own eyes" phuphee answered "I can't believe they all went without informing ."

"I hope umar is alright,I am scared" she emphasized as Hina patted her shoulder giving her courage

No one knew how to react weather be happy or to contain it untill they actually meet him

Every one was going through a string of uncertainty it was just hard to believe that it wasn't a dream

"Umar is there" Asad called me himself just a few seconds ago" Hina api said.

"Areesha you better stay at home ,you are not well I promise we will bring him home" she said with a mischievous glint.as I gave her an unpleasant look

"I.will definitely  go" I.affirmed making them chuckle .But I was in no mood of merriment untill I see him with my own eyes.

And I couldn't wait for that to happen.

Oh heart be still !

But why couldn't he come here ? My heart questioned.

Is he alright.

"The drivers are here" granny called from outside as she was in ecstasy after the news.

"You all go me and Areesha will come" she urged,
At first they denied but seeing her glare everyone including Mummy left  .

"Come on get up Areesha change fast I am waiting here" she handed me a velvety blue dress as she helped me up due to my slight dizzy state but my happiness ,was far to much decreasing the fever which was severe just a few hours ago.

"But I wanted to be the first to go there" I complained silently

"Why do you think I held back Areesha for you my dear, I know seeing you he will forget his every pain and will be the Umar he is.But if he sees you in this state beta he will get more worried and and I know his health isn't very good ""she pursed her lips patting my cheecks.

"He can see everyone but he can't you  sick I know him his wounds have to heal and you will be his healer."

" I want you to fresh up and look beautiful as you are. Go now.Don't waste time I am waiting here."she implored

"What happened to his health granny" I asked panicked

"Nothing much you question to much Areesha if you don't come in time I will leave " she threatened as I hurried up closing the door behind me

"Don't lock it dear you are still.not well" granny warned .But her heart assured that nothing will happen to her because the remedy to her ailment has already started showing the affect .

And it was non another than her beloved son.

"Granny the zip won't close" I whispered agitated because it being the reason for us getting late.

"Turn around beta" she chuckled seeing my uneasiness but I had no choice and the main goal was to reach him.

Granny hastily blow dried my hair as I hid my dark circles.with a concealer and enhanced my tired eyes with a khol lastly wrapping around the veil as the dress waved with my every move.

"MA shaa ALLAH" granny whispered "May Allah save you from all evil eyes" she blowed on me as I held her hands taking her out.

"Wait let me bring my one thing" she disappeared. As I descended down to wait in the lounge

My steps halted as I gazed at front to see Amir entering the house

,how.are you" he smiled catching my gaze

I took a step back my breaths laboured ,reminding me of the nightmare I suffered through.

"F f fine."I whispered with a dry throat

"I wanted to apologize for that day Areesha I shouldn't have judged based on one girl's opinion, but my Allah knows I never willed.anything bad for you or.him.I just wanted, to tell You the truth which it wasn't, I am really sorry" he said softly while I  glanced at sides to locate granny

"It's.okay" I nodded quietly

"Are you alright ?"he took a step ahead alarming my sense while I deliberately nodded in response

"Than why are you shivering?"   his eyebrows furrowed

"Amir beta you are here Alhumdulilah I thought you left already" granny came beside.

"May Allah bless you beta thank you so much for all your help I wish you ever happiness "she prayed as I gazed at her confused.

"It was my duty granny" he smiled as he bowed his head in front  and she patted with love.

"I have to leave its important but I promise to visit as soon Umar comes home "

"Go safe beta I will wait for you "

"Good bye Areesha take care and congratulations" he whispered gazing  in my eyes as I whispered a thank you granny hurrying us to the car


Proceeding out of the jeep my dress jamed to the door making me halt. as if destiny wanted me to.never reach him.huffing I got distracted in releasing it  untill granny entered the house.

Finally with a sigh I closed the door gazing at the mansion in front it was there farm house in which they attended their guest and without a doubt it was beautiful.

Calming my heartbeat I took baby steps towards the house excited yet nervous to see him .
My eyes already being filled with tears of happiness.

Opening the large wooden gate I stepped inside the house  yet it seemed faraway acknowledging the huge flowered lawn I still had to cross.

"Areesha  darling" hina api waved her eyes relieved.

My feelings were a whirlwind, of emotions my heart, was to.happy to.contain its merriment and my lips were decorated ,with a permanent smile, since the news.But somewhere in depths  I was still scared but seeing everyone happy I  pushed my thoughts  away

With a smile I was about to step in when api politely squeezed my shoulders telling me to have a walk with her

"Why ?"I questioned as my lighted face fused in a jinx

"Uh there are already so many people with him let's wait a little" she requested her eyes telling another story

"What happened api ?"

"Areesha yar uh you see.:

"Apiii "Daud squealed from.behind.

"Daud" I chirped as he hugged me

"You know you can't go up api Umar bhai said he doesn't wants to.see you" he innocently spoke  my smile slipped away as my soul shook at his words while I controlled my heart beats assuring myself of him.being a child

"Daud go inside when did he said that".api scolded.

"He said it to you that's why you came here  I am not lying" he finished while I gazed her in question.

"Areesha it's not like that listen to me okay .He he just needs some space give it to him I know he will call you himself.dear" she spoke softly . flabbergasted I stayed immobile a wave of shock passed through me ,my ears not ready to accept the words I just heard

"He  said he doesn't wants see me" I asked broken a feeling of nausea surfing through me not being able to believe it

"No Areesha he just he just needs a little time that's it ".tears stung my eyes as I gripped the pillar .dizzy due to my already weak health.

When everyone including a child can go to meet him why can't I.

Does he needs space only from me.

"Areesha!!" hina api panicked steadying my swaying from.

"Come inside tranquilize yourself don't worry I I will talk to him wait sit here" she gently sat me on a plush.sofa.

"Wait a second I will bring something for you to drink.Don't move" she ordered terrified running inside the kitchen.

I gripped the leather of the sofa not believing what I just heard as the chorus of loud laughters boomed from the room above.

In anger I shot up harshly wiping the tears away I closed my eyes taking a deep breath and I ran ...

Giving no mercy to my aching heels I just ran  to the fields which were vast around the house ending just confront of the huge mountains

My dress flew due to  chilled air ,with nothing warm to cover me I blocked everything except my rupturing feelings.

My tears fell free as I kept running going far far away with layers of mockery and betrayal laughing  in front

Maybe he changed his mind.

Hastily climbing up the enormous green mountain I sat with a thud out of breath clenching my dress and crying with a crush of every cord of my heart

Hiccuping due to tears I inhaled the cold air shivering in response and after a pace of painful breakdown I huddled my self close  trembling from the cold .warm tears heating up my numb limbs.

Sometimes a week is a long time for someone to change and  its enough to find other and easy to leave the past.My mind reasoned.

But Umar couldn't do this my heart defended

In the battle of mind and heart I lost myself hiding my face I cried for something I didn't even imagine could happen.

My thoughts were flying on its accord of the given destination.while my heart was attached to heart of my destination...

Sometimes I think why this life is difficult and has its loopholes at unknown places..my heart gave the answer that the difficult tests are for beautiful destinations.

Hours passed by ,sun ready to set away blessing the world with darkness, yet I sat there alone snuggled with my chin on  kness,

one by one i kept crushing my the dreams with my own hands.as my gaze was stilled on the natural waterfall far ahead

My stomach churned with pain ,as my fever peeked with every passing minute.

But as they some unexpected reactions scatter you more physically and emotionally than any other ailment .

Such was the case here my feelings were stuck,my body blocking every sense of chill which was enough to.freeze a person

With altering of  sky from blue to violet,
from the group's of birds pacing through time to reach home ,

From the stillness of flowers to rest.and  slowing of the streams to help the ducks I experienced ways of nature flowing right before my eyes,but not a single thing enough to bring joy to the crumbling heart.

We shouldn't expect so much from just one person some times breaking of it.hurts more than the unreachable goals.

Not only life but a person's feelings  are unpredictable to.

You were the one for me my heart recognized  but it sealed this recognition from my mind to think..

Hearing a grevious rustling of grass.My body frisked as I glanced back and sighed to see dani standing there with a smile,

Without a word  I turned away returning to my previous spot.

"Sooo,.someone is enjoying the view" he drawled sitting beside  as I remained quiet .

"Everyone is looking for you ,it's been long since you are out. But I was sure you would be here don't ask why though"

"But for next time take my advice run a little more further this is to.near he huffed  as I glared at him with slight haze of tears.

"What I am right" .When you are angry let the world know it" he puffed as I ignored him.

"How is he?."my curvy voice asked silently

"He had hurt you so.badly yet you are asking of him ? "He smirked earning yet another glare.

"Okay okay well.What should I say ,the person who sacred the life out of us Is doing better Alhumdulilah
He has a heavily bandaged head
And a slight twisted wrist with a bandage on hand a few minor cuts" he finished .I closed my eyes feeling the pain.as I bit my wobbly lips trying to control my tears infront of him.

"Sometimes it's better to.take.out your anger and share your feelings with someone ,don't stay to.bottled up .it will finish you one day from.inside.
Try to.communicate your sorrow with someone don't stay silent enduring all the pain it will hurt more ."

Seeing my partying lips he shook his head.
"Don't deny it I know Areesha is a girl just like that."

"If you want to bang his head for stopping you do so" he said with such determination that an unforseen chuckle broke out of me.

"What I am serious.don't cry it hurts to see someone in pain,,"his voice low as he looked at me with concern

Shams tabrizmi once said "Just as clay needs to go through intense heat to become strong, Love can only be perfected in Pain." He gave a small smile

"I don't love him" I sniffed making him chuckle.

"But he does" ,my heart leaped at his words but I showed no reaction.

"Maybe you are wrong" I pursed my lips

"Mr daniyal shah is never wrong when it comes to love and his best friend ,he grinned

"Any message for him" he wiggled his eyebrows.suddenly changing the topic

"Tell him Areesha said she hates him" I declared in anger

"That's like my girl.And do scold him after you meet him and let the whole house know that" he adviced

"I am not joking it would be epic to see him being scolded by you ."

"Shut up "

"I.Don't know  what  reasons he had for stopping you but you.best believe I will stand with you while you teach him a lesson."he boasted

"Since when you all man's are here "

"Since fajr"

"And you didn't bother to tell us you know how everyone was so tensed" I accused

"I have reasons calm down you are scaring me".he backed away as I hid a smile

"Actually we had to see if he needs serious medical attention,and after that we needed our time with each other ,besides everyone was asleep so we thought to spend time with him and ask questions. you see what happened when you all came we were kicked out of the room."

"You were there since morning" I shrugged

"You mean to say that it's justified that I was kicked out" he gasped.

"Hmm" I nodded earning his glare.

"Does he  does he needs serious medical attention".I whispered after a moment

"He will after seeing you" he joked

"I am serious dani."

"Alhumdulilah Mr rauf already did more than we imagined he is in safe zone."his assuring words calmed me.a little

"Alhumdulilah" I whispered under my breath.

"Your ring" he opened his hands.

"Where did you found it" I glanced at the shining object which just a few hours ago I threw away in anger

"Let's  Just say I was not plucking flowers" he smiled sheepishly

"Wear it" I looked away ignoring his words.

"You know he is the same Umar with same anger and bossy attitude what would you do when he will ask about this you are lucky i found it he wouldn't have been pleased."

"You are on his side ?"

"Nah always on your side though I missed him ."

"Here" he kept the ring on the grown flower beside us And with a sigh I hid it under the heart of my palm.

"Let's go come on "

"You go Dani I will come "

"It's getting dark and there is one more thing you need to know" he got up "

"What ,?" I asked strained

"Tomorrow is your Nikkah!" my ears perked up as I peeked at him

"This isn't a time to joke."

"I am.not joking come and you will.know" he smirked running away.

"How?" I asked getting up as well trying to catch up with him.

"Catch me first" he chortled. As I ran behind him.

"You are a traitor" I glanced at him from above  as he smugly smiled from down

He was sitting with me from half an hour but no he didn't said a word I huffed taking of my heels to walk easily.

Who knew I would be climbing mountains rather than meeting him..But deep down it still hurted because everyone met him expect me and he himself was the reason for not granting me the permission

"Come fast yar you are to slow" dani complained breaking my chain of thoughts as I threw a thin  fallen  branch his way making him laugh.

"Better luck next time miss warrior" he chirped as I got down.

The whole house was lit with everyone busy doing something .

Huge trays filled with sweets were layed around the main dining ,.confused by seeing everything with baby steps I  entered the glass doors afraid of mummy's scold.

"Areesha beta"I jumped as  phuphee took me in for a tight hug which was followed by granny and others.

"Let the girl breath" dani exclaimed .making them laugh.

"Come inside and we will explain to you.I hope Daniyal kept the secret" granny glared as he made an innocent look.

While the boys at the background sang a wedding song earning a hit from granny.

"Sit here darling" hina api smiled as I sat on a velvety red modern sofa .While I saw nano opening different boxes with her glasses on.as she gave me a flying kiss making me smile

"What's going on".I was more irritated than happy that everyone knew that I didn't met him yet they acted like it's not a big deal.

The floor now shined with  sparkles of dresses which was being layed out.

Phuphee signaled mummy to explain as I waited for their explanation.

"Areesha beta ,we have decided to do your Nikkah tomorrow as it's the blessed day of Friday and what better way to welcome happiness once again."

"I know it's so sudden beta but trust us we know what's best "granny patted my head.

After an hour of their sweet talk I came to know.that tomorrow after jummah prayer my Nikkah will be done at the big masjid located near by.it will be a simple Nikkah and the other functions will take place after a week or two as Umar heals completely
Everyone would be staying in this house tonight after bringing there already selected clothes.

As for my dress ,no I wouldn't be wearing the dress which was selected for me.before nano has an excusite gown for me which I would only see tomorrow.

Although it was a simple Nikkah but all my cousins were  adamnt to decorate the house .

Which they already started to as I could smell the fragrance of fresh roses reaching me.

"So it's a yes from your side " phuphee smiled as I nodded slowly deep inside still in a turmoil

With immense affection and love they gave me many prayers and everyone left giving me space expect nano as she ordered to close the door for privacy.

"My daughter everything has a the best time don't worry over your uncertain feelings for it Wil bring you only dismay.be glad and thank ALLAH for your destiny will be sealed on such a special day."

"And you.know why I am so glad ?
Because my daughter will seal her vows from my home and believe me beta my millions of wishes and prayers are with you ,for I love you as my own daughter."she kissed my cheeks and like every time her words left me dumbstruck and in awe.

"I don't know what I have done in life to have your prayers nano but thank you so much for everything your words means a lot to me" I smiled as she wiped away my tears.

But sometimes there are feelings of sorrow that never leaves your way no matter how much you try..

Moonlight bathed me under its shade glowing my cheeks with faint hue of white noor.

It was late night ,when I sat outside under the brightly lit sky containing bouquets of stars decorating the universe.

I had deliberately avoided everyone and know sneaked out knowing everyone is asleep

I glided back and forth sitting on a large swing chair where the cool breeze of midnight swayed my dress along with my losely tied veil.I closed my eyes playing with a certain ring on my finger.
Many scenarios being played in front of me with heaps of unanswered questions.

Tomorrow is actually my Nikkah ,and here I am restless and awake while all the world is asleep.

Maybe I would have been more at peace if I would have met him his refusal to do so still boiled my blood and gifted me many uncertainties snatching my sleep away.

To me it felt that he still hasn't returned,as not a whisper of his voice was heard

My eyes landed upon his room where light was still on.But it was to high to reach

I sighed resting  my.head back and swinging smoothly.

Even now my heart denied his harsh words while my mind gave many reasons ..And just how much I was looking forward to meet the person I thought I lost

"To much thinking makes a person old" dani 's voice jerked me out.As he gave my swing a light push 

"Dani!!" I chided earning his laugh

"Sorry didn't meant to scare you" he sat in front

"Why are you up so late?" I questioned,

"I could ask you the same ?"he raised his eyebrow

"I wasn't sleepy."

"Hayee..the.nights spend in the thoughts of lover what a privilege that man is getting..
I am shocked" he mused

"Who said I was thinking of him" I denied with a small frown.

"Really now ?
well ,I just came to give you umar's reply."He smirked

My head shot towards him as I waited for him to speak further

"What reply" I.asked hastily.

"I told him that you hate him" he replied smoothly and I nodded in affirmative giving him a satisfactory nod because I was still to angry at his stunt.

"And this was his reply" he handed me the rose .

I blinked twice seeing the bloomed flower not getting his strategy.

"You can give it back to him" I whispered looking away  annoyed of his behavior.

How could he be sweet after the killing words he said.

"I don't want to see Areesha in my room "I still remember dauds words and for a kid he never lies or exaggerates he just states the truth as it is.

"Areesha you have five minutes to be alone outside I am coming again to check,it's to late you need to rest" he  said going inside seeing that I needed space.

Why is he talking like Umar ?

I gulped away my tears ,as I caressed the soft petals of the rose, which dani had kept beside me but remembering his doings again the petals were crushed in my palms as I threw them away in anger.

With that I silently got up leaving the rocking swing and crushed petals behind which still fragrant the air around ,a beloved's touch enough for it to bloom all night.

What Areesha missed was a shadow against the high Windows of second floor ,which belonged to non other than him.
Every reaction of her was studied by him deeply yet she was unaware of his hidden eyes and to say the least it was non other than him who had ordered dani to warn her to be inside.

He couldn't risk such a precious being out alone ,although it was to safe but if seen by his perspective
He was even jealous, of the night stars which enhanced her beauty by twinkling above her openly while he couldn't even have her in front

He didn't knew she was suffering with high fever along with that  It was night and it dark but his heart had still  leaped seeing her paled face ,forgetting his own dangerous injuries, and deep cuts.

That's how we locate true love when a heart is enough to know the condition of another,forgetting their own illness.

My heart sees your face through
a hundred walls;
it breathes your scent from
a hundred leagues

I won't forget the rose of Your union " .....

- Fariduddin Attar.

"You till up ?"Rayyan sauntered inside my guest bedroom

"Hmm" I hummed taking out the night dress.

"Why are you resembling a pineapple" I  looked at his uneven hair.trying to dodge his calculating gaze on my bloodshed eyes

What was he doing.awake ?

"Very funny" he made a face jumping on the bed

"How are you doing?"

"Fine why?"

"Like I.Don't know it.?"

"Are you happy about tomorrow?"

"I am content Rayyan "I assured



"I did ask him why did he do that "

"Ray you shouldn't have ,at least not today when all met him after going through so much."

"I wasn't able to digest it I mean what was the meaning behind it "he frowned

"What did he say than ?"I asked cautiously sitting beside him

"He was silent at first but when he did started mom came and than guess by yourself she didn't let him answer and I was adviced to go out "

"Oh" I pursed my lip


"Think again"

"I have done that a lot Rayyan thank you for caring so much you are a best friend and a brother everyone desires I just got lucky to have you as my little brother" I smiled giving him a hug.

"And you are a sister that cannot be compared" he smiled

I knew he cared but hearing those words from him sent an overwhelming feeling through my heart which just a few seconds ago was mourning In seclusion

"So tomorrow you are officially going to leave our family."

"I am not going to leave ray it's just another relation I will.be bound to .
To me you will always remain as important as you are now "


" Promise "I nodded

"Can I say one thing?"

"Yeah "

"You are suffocating me women" he breathed as I hit him getting out of his embrace

"Hatts off for ruining the moment."I spoke annoyed making him grin

"What me it's all your fault"

"How is it my fault?"

"I don't know but it is "he shrugged

"Go to sleep."

"You go out"

"But it's my room "

"It's a guest bedroom you can swap" he shrugged

"Go away Ray" I pushed him out.

"Do you both have any manners it's not home" mom glared standing at the threshold with medicines In her hand

"She started it" Rayyan smugly replied making me gape at him.

Ignoring his comment mummy handed me the tablets after checking my fever

"You missed your evening doze?" she glared

"What will you do after marriage
Grow up please show me I am a mother  of two sensible children "she adrresed us in disapproval.

"You are lucky to have us mum be proud for their are many to pray for children like us" he boasted as she playfully slapped his head making him groan.

"I will come in few minutes to check . you better be sleeping Areesha you have made me worried again look at your pale face "she sighed as I hugged her mumbling words of assurance.

"Don't you dare hug me after making me so upset "she scolded

"Why do you worry mum fever would be dreading being near her" Rayyan snickered making me glare as mummy kissed me  laying me down and sat beside me carressing my.forehead.

"Rayyan beta sleep know my child" she said as he kissed her cheeks and patted my forehead in adoration before going away as I smiled

"Rayyan" I called

"What ,? He gazed back holding the door.

"You are the best brother" I smiled

"That I am" he boasted with a grin

"Your granny wanted to come here but I refused seeing her tiredness"mummy orated.as the door closed

"It seems like she forgot me after meeting him" I voiced my thoughts shifting my head to her lap.

"No beta she loves you meri jan she was just to tired so I  said her to stay with Umar  he may need anything and I will check up on you "

"Why he doesn't wants to meet me" I whispered the dangerous question hardly, letting go of my self respect.

"Sleep Areesha" mummy closed my lids keeping her hand on and I drifted to slumber with fatigue and many unanswered questions....

" "Areesha beta get up" I heard mummy feeling a kiss on my forehead.

What have I done to receive such a sweet gesture I thought in sleep forgetting it was one of the most important days in my life.

"Areesha" my cheeks were being carssed

"Mummy promise 5 minutes"I  mumbled hearing more than one chuckle

"It's already 9oclock beta get up" she mumbled kissing my cheeks.

Why am I being waken up so sweetly?

Either I have done something majorly wrong or its a dream..

Mummy can be sweet at times but waking me up with a kiss ...err I have mostly read that in books

"My son is waiting for his bride beta" I heard phuphees voice with a hand taking the quilt of my face

My eyes shot open as my.brain processed everything  I jerked and sat up on my bed seeing three pair of amused eyes gauging my reaction,

"Today is a big day" nano completed her tasbeeh blowing on me as she held my cheeks affectionately ,I glanced at mummy to see her wiping away her tears.

"Mummy" I whispered cleaning her tears

"Fatima it's a day of happiness be happy" nano squeezed her shoulder

I hid in her embrace trying to hide my welled up eyes.

"I will take care of her Fatima why do you worry she is more beloved to me now" phuphee smiled.cleaning the corner of her eyes.

"What are you all doing we don't have time ?" Hina api gasped as they all came in with a glare.

"Areesha cover your head Dani is outside and he will jump inside any minute" Kiran api instructed.

"And why are you all making her cry it's a big day for her she needs to be happy plus we have so much to do come up get up" Annie. scolded.

"Good morning miss bride oh my God look at you all women's not even.one ready"dani fake gasped

"Our groom is almost ready" he smirked my heart skipped a beat hearing his words

"Areesha you are late" he tsked

"Don't worry her we know how much you all are dressed up "sana shook her head

"Don't look at me of course I look like a gardener have been up since four in the morning  "he grumbled

"Well I just came to check upon you all and  take my  advice if you don't want your bride to cry than please keep her away from all the mom's they will ruin her makeup making her cry"

"Batameez" phuphee chuckled

"Just a few minutes ago they were up giving Umar huge lectures" he sighed running away as he saw his mom approaching  with a glare as I giggled

And With that everyone looked at me and shooed every elder away

"Wow...Areesha gorgeous MA shaa ALLAH".Hina api gasped circling around me to have a  complete look

"Wait till the others see You yar you can't even believe what a  sight you are ! come here, look in the mirror" she tugged me towards the oval gold mirror.

Fidgeting with my fingers I took a deep breath ,my eyes meeting my reflection and a small smile grazed my lips.

"I wonder what would you look on your wedding day when in simplicity you are standing out as a queen ,umar's queen" she winked making me blush.

The icey blue floor length gown fitted me perfectly at the curves ,enhancing a glow to my pale colour.the net sleeves with intricate design encased with   shiny stones all around snugly fitted my arms  beautifying the elegant  floor length gown.

The stones at the rims made a melodic sound when I swayed a step .

The light colour reflective upon my glowing face making me feel special

All in all the dress was more beautiful than I  could ever imagine

My face was enhanced by just light make up with no jewellery on ..

With great care I was taken into the main room to set my veil as Nikkah was going to start in few minutes

My slight shiny eyes peeked inside the large room a gasp leaving my lips to see how beautifully they all decorated it with fresh flowers and shimmery ribbons

No wonder everyone was awake since fajr.

"I will set my daughter's veil go now I will call you when it's settled" nano fussed closing the door.

My elegant heels clicked through the floor as nano sat me on a velvety red sofa,designed with a royal enclave

"May Allah save my daughter from all the evil eyes "she prayed looking at me with adoration

With a beautiful smile  she brought a large golden box undoing the ribbons she revealed a beautiful net veil.

"This veil my sweetheart was the gift I specially made for your wedding ,and what special time it would be than to wear it now ."

She carefully took it out which left me in awe seeing it's elegance and shine

I have seen many beautiful once but this one was something I was looking at for the first time ,

"It's made up of pure silver threads and the stones are real "she stepped ahead in order to place it but I refused hearing its details.

"Nano it's to much I I can't take that" I denied hearing her words.

"Shush a daughter never denies a mother"

"Nano your Duas are the priceless gifts which I  couldn't ever repay "

She ignored me as she placed it on my head pinning it securely .reciting Bismillah

I was astonished to grasp to the fact of it's making no wonder it's so shiny and beautiful

"Your look in it has put me in a thought that weather Allah has sent a hoor in our house "she gently caressed my cheeks giving me a kiss as I   lifted my lowered  gaze

"Thank you so much nano but really it's to much" I said as she denied kissing my forehead.

"Ma shaa ALLAH my princess" phuphee smiled taking in my appearance.as they all entered

"Umar  is going to faint seeing the epitome of a beautiful wife " Kiran api joked praising me

"You look stunning simply stunning" Annie sighed as I blushed between there compliments .

"Wait let me blow on her first than you can all take pictures or whatever you want to do" phuphee fused blowing on me the perfect verses praising me more than I deserved.

With a faraway look mummy stood at the door with a smile and a twinkle of tear shining through her eyes.

"May Allah bless you with ever happiness" she whispered gazing in my eyes.

After a royal treatment of care and compliments I excused myself to pray before they arrive .

And with my hands beneath the heavens I prayed .

Today is the day when I will embark on a new journey of life with Umar .please ya wadud bless this marriage and the people relating to it and make our couple a blessed one who hand in hand will touch the grounds of jannah entering it with your mercy.

Make me a pious and loving wife to him and make him a caring and loving husband for me and have mercy upon us to be thank full to you in all circumstances and bow down to you together..

Shade us beneath the bless shade of your fazal and surround ours and every one's life with Happiness and peace oh the most loving one in your hands I place my destiny and with firm believe I pray to you for a pious and loving spouse for every girl who wants to be blessed under the beautiful seal of Nikkah .

Accept my Duas Ameen I prayed ending it with darood sharief..

A shade of an apprehensive feeling engulfed me from all sides as I saw the Nikkah papers kept on the front table filled with fresh flowers supporting glowing shades.

With the mention of his name  my heart gripped an irregular speed making me realize the situation I was living.

It was really happening my mind concluded sweating my palms.

The intensity of the situation dawned upon me as I closed my eyes ready to give away my self in the embrace of a person who had caged me in the illusion of his care.


"Qubool hai" I whispered with lowered gaze as granny squeezed my hands in adoration handing me the pen to mark my destiny.

It wasn't just any pen ,it was a special one with a feather of real peacock decorating above it's nib.

With shivering hands I gripped it ,and ever so slowly concealed my destiny with the person who has been the occupant of my Duas I ask with every whisper.

May Allah bless every girl with a best spouse I prayed Confining my destiny

A chorus of excited squeals followed by many congratulatory prayers filled the room as my eyes lifted to see baba,who with a faint smile stood with great stability his eyes showing the unshed tears he was so strongly trying to control.

"Mubarak my child" granny kissed my cheeks over and over again her excitement warming my heart.

"May never any confliction even pass through your way and you find every happiness with your husband for eternity" she prayed as i blinked my tears away.
With that I was
hugged by all with many prayers and kisses.
And finally I stood in front of baba my tears already free from the cage as I hugged him .

"No my daughter,bas" baba whispered patting my head with heaps of adoration .
"May Allah bless you Areesha you are a daughter that only a lucky man can have and I can't thank my Allah enough to have such a precious gift in a form of a daughter you are my little princess and would ever be."

"Love you baba" I hiccuped.
"My daughter grew so early" he wiped away a tear supporting a strong smile
"Make me proud Areesha today you have officially left your baba's nest fly safe beta you have  wings of your own now "

"Your Duas are my only wings baba "

"My every prayer is for you" he smiled as he pointed towards mummy who stood beside baba trying to wipe away her unstoppable tears.

"This is the lady who used to scold you and here she is crying the most now" baba joked making us chuckle as I hid in her loving embrace knowing that my abode now will reside very far away from her.

"I don't know what good deed I did In my life to be blessed with a daughter like
I know you will be a great wife but know that now your happiness and respect lies in the love of your husband Areesha take care of his happiness  and Allah will bless you with.infinte success .now you are under his protection beta make sure that your love for him stands no limit .He loves you a lot Areesha treasure it don't ever take it for granted "she patted my cheeks wiping away my tears.

"Come on now let us meet" Annie grumbled making them laugh.

I was made to sit on my previous place as they all gathered around me with teasing talks here and there.

"Welcome to the family "The boys cheered entering inside the room indicating the Nikkah has been officially sealed.

"Now Umar is all yours Areesha take good care of our baby brother" Asad bhai mused.coming inside.as my heart gripped speed knowing they all have returned

"No he is the one who should take care of her" hina api feigned.

"Ameeeeen" they cheered making me blush.

"My lady welcome to the family" dani jumped inside the room handing me a white rose.

"Um dani white rose isn't given for welcoming "sana spoke.

"White rose is a symbol of a beginning" he sang making us chuckle

"Wesay you have dangerous plans for my innocent brother" Dani complimented my attire with a mischievous look.

"Innocent and Umar please,and have a grip dani the next thing we know that you are running away with granny behind you with shoes in her hand."  Annie chortled

"Where is Umar daniyal, ?phuphee asked diverting the teases.

"He just went up ,to his room" he gazed hesitant .flabbergasted my heart stopped hearing his words ,as I lowered my eyes even more clutching my hands not believing his actions

What has happened to him ?
Did he really didn't wanted to meet me
Not even on this day ?

Was he even happy for this Nikkah these heart breaking questions roamed my head as I bit my lip hard enough to draw  blood.

"He didn't come" I whispered to my self as I hastily wiped away any trace of tear at the corner of my eyes.while throat burned with its soreness

"He must.have gotten tired" phuphee whispered giving me,a small smile

While my heart pained at his.actions.

Tired enough.to leave his bride alone

It seemed like just in a second my happiness was snatched away

Why does it hurts so much....so much.

I got up.balancing my heavy dress to.go inside my room ,I.was afraid I will break down any moment in front of them and I.didn't wanted to spoil there happiness.

So what if I am not happy the least I can do is protect there's

"I.Will come in few minutes" I.tried to smile trying my best to.not let my.voice crack.

"Take her upstairs".I heard phuphess order but I.was not.going to.back out now it was enough insult for me that he even refused to see me why would I ever go to.him when he is the one to order against it

"Areesha,Areesha wait "hina api turned me around holding my hands when I refused to stop.

"Where are you going ?"

"Don't you want to Meet him ?"she smiled softly

"He is the one who doesn't wants to meet me "I answered gulping the soreness of tears

"No.Areesha "she started.but I knew it would be another fake story so I turned around leaving towards my room

"Arey !!!! Areesha wait wait please
Your mother in law's order will you refuse it on very first day "she emphasized as I slowly looked away .

"Let's go" my voice came as a ragged breath as Hina api gave a full blown smile squeezing my shoulders

There goes my self respect I thought following her lead with scared steps.

My slow steps got heavier with passing seconds as we drew adjacent to the second floor.

Laughters echoing through the dinning room roared high making me yet more nervous

"Go open the door" Hina api slightly impelled me towards the centre.

"Are you sure this is the room" I eyed  the length of the double door which seemed  high to belong to a room

"It's a hall Areesha Umar is laying there probably watching t.v for relaxation" she shrugged as I gulped the bitterness away.

"Go" she kept my hand on the door handle leaving me stranded on the empty hallway.

For minutes I just stood there contemplating on my feelings..

He is there the person I have been waiting for
The person who has been desperately in my.prayers.
The person who is now my husband and the person who doesn't even wants to see me .

Where is the Umar who who ..I heaved a longing breath but I had to see if he is really alright.if he isn't more.injured than I have been told.that that may be he is the same Umar

With shaky breath I closed my eyes and   ripped open the door  to it's full capacity.

An embrace of red petals crowned me from all sides dropping on me like a bloomed shower taking me on the flight of it's fragrance.

Confused I opened my eyes and glanced up to look at the person standing in front .

There he was.....in front seeing me with such deep intensity that for a minute my soul shook giving me a slight tremble.

He was still the same with intimidating form as he stood with full confidence like a man on a  mission

We stood in silence just gazing at each other with feelings unable to.be expressed out.

I just gazed ahead  utterly spellbound looking at his broad form who seemed to be stuck as me

I.had so many complaints ,so many questions,so.much anger but without taking his eyes off as he slowly opened his large arms
I forgot everything that existed I have missed the person far to much to let some.grudges.come in the way.

My high heels clicked the plush  marble floor.and I ran to just one person forgetting the decorated surroundings my eyes only on him.

And  with a soft thump I hid.in his.embrace breaking down.completely his large frame securely and tightly holding me to himself .as I sobbed with every tear that  was left in me afraid to know that it could be a dream.

He just held me close,without moving an inch as if afraid I will.break like a fragile glass if set free.

"Waited years for you" he breathed

"I've.missed you more than I have ever missed anyone ever" he whispered when a sudden warm.drop graced my cheeks informing me that it was of someone who still loves me as his hands got tighter around me .

That's how true love meets by  attracting the beloved and melting it in the love of it's pure nature and than moulding it to.A form only known by a true lover.
Many minutes passed by but he didn't let me go as I still cried in his arms.He rocked us.both back.and forth on his heals while placing his chin on my forehead.as I heard a blissfull sigh

"You are my peace ,my home Areesha" a few more drops graced my cheeks as I hiccuped

Sobering up a little my hands reached to feel his beating heart as I whispered the words.which were crushing me.inside since yesterday.

"I Hate you ,I.Hate you Umar I.Hate you so much" I chocked  while a sudden rumble of.vibration sent shiver down me as he lightly chuckled

"I love you to'sweetheart" he rasped in my ear making me.shudder as I held up my head moving away, his bandaged hand banishing my every tear as he studied every inch of my face.

"But I hate you" I whispered again with a teary glare

"Mrs Umar you don't have a choice now" he smugly replied carsseing my cheecks raising the beats of my hearts.

He couldn't believe she was in his arms it was dream ....a dream he worked very hard for.

How I missed his voice ,the care in his eyes and adoration in his smile.

"Why?" I questioned studying the depths of his eyes.
He very well.knew the answer of my unexplained question.
His eyes never wavered from my face his hands softly grazing my cheeks as he opened his lips to give an answer

We both lost somewhere beyond the world

" Areesha do you think it was easy for me to wait a whole day after knowing you are just few seconds away

Do you think it was my wish to ignore the love of my life and come upstairs to  agonizingly wait for your appearance"

"It wasn't Areesha it was killing me it killed me with every string attached"he heaved with an intimidating aura as I backed away a little

"Every second seemed like a lifetime and you Mrs Umar took extra long to make me suffer "he complained as a small smile graced my lips which glowed my face and my heart synonymously

"But do you think I.could have controlled myself from taking you in my arms Areesha "

"After all this I wanted you in my arms close to my heart I didn't wanted any distance"

"Would that 3kilometers long distance glance have been enough"he questioned

"No it wouldn't have and didn't I promise Areesha that next time whenever I will approach you it  will be through right means and you know I never back out on promises "his intense gaze bore into mine as he still held me close to him.

"But I Still hate you" I murmured

"You left me you made me swear I.Hate you for doing that if next time you even try to do it I.Will not leave you".I complained making him smile

"I love your innocence " he tucked away my loosened hair.

"It looks like a fairy has descended in my arms you look stunning Areesha more beautiful than my words could ever describe you" he smiled as the rose colour feasted on my cheeks making me lower my gaze.

"You are my fairy" he pinched my nose to annoy me  when my gaze landed on his forehead and my smile slipped away.

"H how you got that ? How are you feeling ?you are highly injured and they said you're fine "my tearfull eyes glanced at the scars apart from bandages he supported

"It's nothing Areesha trust me" he assured

"The cut seems so big" I caressed the bandaged forehead with watery eyes.

"It isn't Areesha relax" he kissed my hands pulling me once more in his.embrace  my head landing on his beating heart and with every beat I thanked ALLAH for uniting us and saving him.

"Throughout the lighted blinks of the world it's only your sparkle I tend to look and in that little sparkle of joy in your eyes resides my happiness and peace ."
He kissed my blushing cheek as I hid in his embrace forgetting the world that exists.as my world would now revolve around him just as the world spins ever so slowly attracting the moon and the sun with all the different kind of attractions there existed.

"But where were you all this time? "  I shuddered as he nuzzled my neck hitching my breath

"Let's leave it for another time and enjoy this moment" he suddenly picked me up

"Umar !!"my eyes widened as I clutched him tight.

"Yes love" he twirled me around making me.giggle yet my hold tightened on him.as I pleaded him to stop.for he wasn't well himself

Slowly he descended me on the sofa with great care

"That wasn't fair "

"Everything is fair.now".He winked making me look away .

My eyes roamed all around the heavenly decorated hall as the fairy lights crusted the roof,with elegant ribbons decorating the way and the floor filled with flowers enhancing golden floor.

"Wow they all worked so hard for it" I whispered gazing at the table in front which was no less  with blue and pink combination ,silver stands and a beautifully lit chandelier in the midst.

And than I realized why every one was so calm about me not meeting him

How truly loyal they are to me

Umar 's eyes were just on her twinkling eyes and curved lips he still thought it's a dream ,to have her beside him was the biggest desire which he ever had and worked for.

Finally when he had felt her in his arms ,when he had held her soft milky hands in his his heart has relaxed .

Her little complains has only boosted up his love for her.

He felt truly lucky to have her as his wife ,he knew now in his lifetime he would be saved from many self created calamities knowing she will be his perfect guide .

He was out of words seeing her today ,even his heart couldn't describe her beauty .Her innocent eyes,her Rosey lips and her shy form she was finally his queen giving him a title of the king.

After many prayers and struggles she was finally his only and only his


"They sure did" Umar suddenly whispered close as I jumped a little goosebumps arising  all over 

"You scared me" I accused with a whisper

His eyes danced in mirth as he sat beside me engaging my hands in his making me gulp

"We didn't.wished each other" he reminded as he embraced close.

"Mubarak ho" his grave voice sent butterflies in my stomach

"I love you Areesha my Areesha" his intense gaze bore in mine as he leaned it creating a havoc in my heart.

A sudden knock jolted us away as I hastily stood.backing away from him seeing a.look of pure annoyance.shading his.features

"We dressed up for a reason here can't take pictures without the main league open the door already" daniyal said as phuphess scold from downstairs  vibrated around as she ordered him to leave us alone .

"Daniyal get lost" Umar growled striding towards me as my eyes grew wider at his plastered smirk.

"Come on its.not just me we all are waiting 'Outside let's have lunch together" dani implored.making Umar sigh.

"We were supposed to have lunch alone" he pointed holding my waist as I trembled.

"But we miss you he added and it's been 2 hours"  Umar closed his eyes .

"2 hours" I gasped

"Time flies when you are with me" he steadily brought me closer making me gulp as I tried to create a little distance but to no vail

"Areesha apii we want pictures" Ameera whined as he sighed clenching his jaw

"It's okay stay calm" I patted his arms while inside frightened from his anger filled eyes

"Promise to finish it later.And not a glimpse of our moments  should be shared with anyone no matter how much they insist..Just tell them to ask me if they trouble to much " he pointed  making me.clutch my hands tighter as he moved away making me.sigh.

"Adjust yourself," he helped setting up the veil all the while with  mischievous smile on his face 

"Why are you trembling Mrs Umar" he brought his lips towards my ears.making my throat dry.

"All your fault" I pushed him away trying to compose nmyself as he threw his head back and laughed and I smiled gazing at him

And the door was opened as everyone came in with squeals

"We.are sorry to intrude but the wait was killing us "

"We wanted to see you both together."they justified seeing umar's expressions

"Like we were running away" Umar rolled his eyes in annoyance making them smirk

"There there Umar the revenge of disturbing you is on" daniyal chortled

"Next time you will see just what will I do" Umar challenged

"Ohooooo just see the groom" hina api winked

"if now you have already destroyed there moment bring them down we want to see them to "granny shouted making everyone laugh.

"Perks of being loved by all" Asad bhai patted umar's shoulder making him shove it away.

"We.want all the details" hina api smiled.

"Astagferullah api" Annie scolded

"What it's normal Kiran api "shrugged as I remembered umar's wordings

"Nothing happened" I replied innocently not looking at them

"Areesha!" Hina api glared

"Don't trouble her" sana glared as she complimented me.in many forms than one.

"We will see" hina api winked.

MA shaa ALLAH granny whispered seeing them both together as they descended down the stairs hand in hand.

She had longed to live this moment and now when the beautiful reality is playing infront of her she is just out of the world seeing the twinkle in umar's eyes and the way he held her hand with care to not let go forever.IN shaa ALLAH

She dried off her tear seeing the same phase in everyone's eyes.

After every  difficulty there is ease

"Look at him granny yesterday he was like he had no aim in this world and today he seems.Like he has all the world under his palm" Asad bhai mused

"Why not his wife is with him now why wouldn't he be happy.
My Areesha is a precious girl as it is "granny praised

"Hayeee what will happen when this precious bond will be banned to meet after a day "daniyal faked a tear as Umar raised his eyebrows.

"Yes dear brother you just have a day and than you will Only meet Areesha on the day of your marriage"

"Like I will let that happen" he threatened.

"Remember I promised to take my revenge on your.wedding" dani supprted an evil laugh

He opened his mouth when I whispered lightly

"Umar baba is sitting" I warned knowing he will just say anything

"We Wil see about that" he.muttered tightening his hold on my hands under the table as everyone after a long time ate  content with happiness.

Joining the pieces of puzzle and getting  the complete joy at the end to see how beautiful the mere pieces created a thing..
It's just like our broken pieces is to be attach to something worth looking and someone worth being..

It's true love when you mould yourself for your beloved as Umar learned to make her comfortable learning and changing his many ways and the best thing is that he asked help from His creator and with that many ways of betterment were unfolded in front of him

It wasn't just the sparkle of love ..not it wasn't
It was a sparkle of true love
that enhances your being to shine out in the heart of your beloved.
Which is sacred like the shell who protects the precious pearl inside.
It's a feeling that is enough to make the whole world beautiful.

It's something worth to live for a true love is far from common love its a love that is enough for both the world's not just one.

She was a treasure no doubt ,for her purity lies in a fact that after thousands of prayers and millions of request in front of the Lord.she was given to him moulding him completely for what he was before.

And umar vowed to cherish her till his last breath..

Today his feelings seemed to be unexplainable he still couldn't believe she was his..

He could talk to as much he likes..
He could embrace her the longer he wants.

Truly Allah's boundaries are perfect knowing the pure joy of it after Nikkah,

For he knew he is the first one to.be close to her ,to touch her and to mark his name in her heart...What more of a blessing it would be in this world to have a pure and innocent spouse beside you for a lifetime..

Their fates were sealed and hearts content they peeked at each other forgetting the existence of world as their eyes showered praises of merriment yet there lips thanking the one and only lord.

Speaking the same language is not as powerful as speaking the language of the heart.

~ Rumi

Assalam o alikum wa rahmatulahi wa barakatuhu

How are you all doing?'

Did I make it up for making you cry ?

So after the last quite intense chapter how was this ,who all are happy and what are your.views on the new couple please let me know .

As for Amir you will see what happens just one or two chapters left I can't believe it's going to.be over.

But who is ready for some fun on their mehndi with these types of cousins ;-) its going to be thrilling.

All your messages for Umar through dms and comments were really appreciated thank you so much for such warm words.

Soo did you like the reunion ?

Do vote and comment I will be eagerly waiting..plus this chapter contains more than 10,000 words woah I need to rest now phew.!

Enjoy :-) and take care.

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