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Love is not an emotion, it’s your very existence.

~ Rumi

Revealing Umar for the first time ...

Before you proceed......I would like to tell you that...
Your amazing comments will be truly appreciated..Do let me know your thoughts I will be eagerly waiting

Hues of the evening light spreaded throughout the city blessing it with a gleam of violet ,which gradually embraced everything in its mesmerizing cold winds.

Despite of darkness outside ,the house was bright, filled with the echos of merriment .

The kitchen was adorned  with various delicacies ready to be placed for dinner.

The lounge fragrant with the smell of bukhoor as everyone chatted along waiting for Man's to arrive .

I closed my wardrobe upon carefully hanging the dress, my hair hung lose touching my.back as I glowed with happiness standing in front of the dressing mirror.

It felt like I was living a beautiful dream,from which I.never wanted to wake up.

Every thing seemed to radiate a special beam of  joy toplled with peace and the smile never left my lips.

Every moment Was surreal just like an enticing land of happiness

Or maybe a dream  in which you float on a petal of rose midst the cold clouds.between the colourful flowers.enjoying every smile the.nature offers.

Sometimes just a small shower of love is enough for your being to shine out even In the darkest of the nights.

After coming home ,Everyone busied themselves preparing the special dinner 

Daniyal and Asad bhai along with others had taken Umar to hospital directly after lunch to ensure his health..And now everyone just awaited for them.

I brushed my hair observing my glowing reflection in the mirror.

How strange are the surprises of life one day I was burning in fever with no hope to happiness and here now I am a married women standing in front.

I am married

The word itself brings shiver ,the feelings being so different yet at the same time priceless if pondered upon

Keeping the brush at it's place my hands involuntary touched the cheeks where he had passionately kissed showering me with hues of red as I bit my lips shaking the thoughts away with a shy smile decorating my features..

"Soo nothing happened  huh?"my  eyes jerked towards the  door seeing hina and Kiran api standing with a smirk.

Hastily I removed my hands which now clutched the dress in a nervous grip as I saw them enter with huge grins on their faces.

"Ahem I actually believed  that nothing happened" Kiran api accused  mischievous.

"Uh"a small syllable left my lips as  my eyes lowered jumbling my thoughts including words.

"Are you fine darling" she raised her hand to touch my forehead as I flushed with glows of red

"Why wouldn't she be fine after all Mr Umar is here "Hina api chortle as I bit my lip.

I tried my best to defend myself but no words dared to come out

"Why is your right cheek more blushing dear "Hina api wiggled her eyebrows startling me in response

"I uh api please" I whispered glancing in her playful eyes

Chuckling she lovingly pinched my cheeks embracing me in response with lots of Duas.

"We are so happy and excited to have you in the family Areesha "

"Yes truly honoured" Kiran api smiled
"Now, We have someone to tease Umar with " Hina api winked as she sat me down .

"We will get you ready, for your precious hubby is going to arrive soon and as they say you should always look beautiful for your husband "Kiran api feigned adorning my ears with pearl studs  .

"Yeah poor man has only a day with his bride .there will be  curfew for a week"hina api applied the glossy lipstick glaring when I backed away a little

The colour was just to dark.

"Stop !!II huffed when they clipped  a rose pin with teasing giggles

"Believe me you will need a distraction" hina api patted my shoulder as I blinked in horror

"Leave it Hina don't say a word leave it for Umar to do that work" Kiran api smiled innocent

"What has happened to you" I glanced   at them with horror

"Nothing my dear you just entered a new territory today " ,kiran api swept a line of eyeliner giving a dreamy look in return

"I didn't applied this much make up even for my  Nikkah this morning" I backed away when she stepped ahead to apply mascara

"That's fine kiran she looks marvelous as it is "hina api set my veil

"Don't stay long in his room Areesha ,we don't want you tired "she whispered in my ears loud enough for kiran api to hear my head snapped  towards their naughty glances and without wasting a second I sprinted outside the room hearing their chuckle

Ya Allah

"Remember Areesha 12 o clock is the dead line" I heard hina api's voice as I bumped into phuphee In haste.

"Oh my jan Take care" she steadied me with one hand as she held milk in the other.

"You look beautiful" she complimented handing me the filled goblet placed on a glass saucer with an intricate design .

"Umar is in the room go and give it to him" she patted my back  lovingly

"They came ?" I inquired surprised

"Yes beta its been an hour he already had his dinner in the room now just give him this milk so he may rest " she gave a warm smile as I nodded in response.

An hour ?

My hands trembled as my heart palpitated going towards his room.

With shaky, fisted hands I slightly knocked on the door which was slightly agar ,sensing a commotion which probably didn't let my soft knock pass through I opened it more to see a view of granny with two servants standing there.

Confused I glanced at Umar but his blood shed angerd  eyes made me gulp ,that instead of stepping inside I took a reluctant one back.

"You are wearing yourself out Umar you.need to rest "granny touched his shoulder to calm him but he didn't backed out .

"No one touched your things my jan trust me" granny explained tensed

"I know how I keep my things and surely they have been moved" my pulse rose knowing I  was the culprit but seeing his state I kept my mouth shut for good.

"Leave now" Umar huffed sitting on the bed as granny shook her head patting umar's head.

"Areesha why are you standing outside come.in" he looked deadly in my eyes as I blinked

He knew I was here ?

"Um I brought this" I  confidently stated showing the glass as I entered

"Good my dear ,give it to him and have you added saffron" she inquired

"Phuphee did" I answered quietly as she nodded in satisfaction giving a grateful smile  all the while umar's gaze heating  my trembling hands.

Glancing at still stiffened Umar she signed "cool down your husband Areesha"granny ordered leaving the room while closing the door behind

I stood there rooted her words still echoing in my hears

Calm your husband?

"Didn't you hear what granny said ?" Umar narrowed his eyes making me stiff as I missed the  glint of Impishness glowing in his eyes .

Taking a deep breath I placed the tray on side table ,now fidgeting with my fingers to.say the appropriate words 

Maybe if  I wouldn't have been the culprit I could have at least said something till now but knowing I will stammer in response I waited till I gain my confidence

"That's how you will calm me down?"he stood up as I took an involuntary step back

"I uh Umar"I tried to responsed 

"Come here" he ushered as I slowly shook my head in negative making him startled

glaring at my.negative response without a warning his large hands groped mine and he jerked me towards himself.

"Umar"" I yelped steading myself with his shoulders and with just one  tug he closed the distance burying his head in my hears taking a relaxing breath.making me.shudder in response

"That's how you calm your husband Areesha" he whispered as I squirmed making him tighten his hold. With my unsteady beats of heart

"Umar" I shuddered as he hummed

My heart hammered loud enough to be heard in my ears and I had no clue whether to stay or move away.

"I missed you" he slowly tucked away my shawl as it dropped on my shoulders stiffening my stance

"Relax yourself Areesha" he kissed my cheeks moving away, making me blush  till the roots of my hair.

"Look at me" he tilted my chin up as I shyly dared to look at his now softened eyes.

"You don't have any idea how important you are to me" he whispered with intense gaze as his eyes roamed all over my face.

And my heart answered the reply sealing my lips before him.

With a slight smile I averted my gaze away from his eyes  glancing at the wound which clutched his forehead making me tense

"I am fine Areesha" he answered my unasked question.

"Sure ?" I asked uncertain

"Sure!"he  caressed my cheeks with the back of his hand

"So where were we last time" he smirked making my eyes wide.

"Uh Umar milk I I mean it will.become cold" I shyly peaked away trying to back away but he fisted his hands caging me inside and I dared not to look in his eyes

"Umar please you have to drink it's important for your health".I tried once again .

getting no response from him I glanced at his mirthfull eyes ,while his lips supported a teasing smile

"Umar please" I pleaded trembling from head to toe.

With a swift he picked up the glass without letting me go and brought in front of me making me gape

"My hand is injured wife" he handed me the glass

"But your right hand is fine" I reasoned earning his glare.

"But my left hand isn't" he affirmed with a grave voice ,
I licked my chapped lips as I held the glass

"I am waiting ?" He tilted his head pointing at the glass.

Taking a deep breath I clutched the glass with  hard grip afraid my trembling hands will let it go.

"First leave me" I whispered my eyes casted anywhere but him.

"Fine" he sighed irritated and moved away making himself comfortable on the bed while  I bit my lips sitting beside

"Umar ?" I called after a minute of contemplation knowing very well about his sharp gaze ,which refused to waiver from my face as he proudly waited.

I can't do it" I gave the glass back  hearing his grave chuckle.

"What a romantic wife I have been blessed with" he shook his head  with a smile as I looked away.

"Fine" he brought the glass close  as it's cold rim touched my soft lips.

"Drink it" he ordered

"I I no it's for you" I tried to remove it but his hands caged mine on the glass with a challenging look.

His warm hands spreaded chills to my body yet heated my once cold hands as I hesitantly took a sip of saffron honey milk .

"Bas" I moved my lips away seeing his smile as he drank the milk from the same spot flaring my cheeks crimson as he enjoyed my state with his calculating gaze which never wavered.

It was just a small act yet it seemed to deep moulded with love and fragrant with intensity of pure care.

I fiddled with my fingers trying to.console my beating heart as he brushed his hands with mine keeping the now.empty glass on the table..

"Why so shy Mrs Umar I haven't even done anything till now" he whispered close making me.jump

"Umar  you um you should sleep.we will.meet in the.morning." I hastily got.up but he held my wrist halting my steps.

I didn't knew what was happening or what was  I suppose to do I.had so many questions for him to answer, so many talks to.share,but his acts cleared away my memory as it never existed and just like that   I seemed to forgot my every word  that I was suppose to.utter.

There was a flutter of New feelings within which I seemed to.be caged It was all very new failing my brain to react as it should.

And it was all umar's fault!

"Is this the way you will take care of me?" his gentle voice questioned making me recall mummy's words

Turning around I gently disengaged my hand,in order to fluff his pillow,with a small nod I gestured him to lay  down not giving a.hint of his previous spoken words..

With a knowing smirk he smoothly layed down as I covered him with blanket avoiding his intense gaze all the while.

"Thank you"

"Now where is my good.night kiss .?I blinked once,twice and with the third connection of lashes I was finally was able to register his.words.

"It's getting late I have to leave" I murmured but he tugged me closer and I closed my eyes knowing we were very close.

With a gentle kiss on the cheeks he whispered "stay here" and I nodded hesitant silently moving back with a dry throat and  wildly beating heart .

my state was nothing close to normal ,his bold acts always seemed to be surprising,taking my breath away every time he came near.each time leaving me in a daze of what just transpired .

Composing myself i closed the switch   with just hue of golden lamp light  as he clutched my hand in a firm grip bringing close to his heart and I stayed their sitting beside him murmuring all the Duas I knew for his health and within a few span of time his breathing evened .revealing his tiredness

A golden tint shaded his face glowing it with a beautiful hue as the .chilled air roamed around us but his hand enough to supply warmth all over .

Was this a priceless moment where I sat in the shade.Of candle light, studying his every feature with adoration, while my lips murmured thousands of prayers just for him.

Slightly twisting my hand I gently withdrew it tugging  his sharp lock of hair away from the bandaged head.

My heart was unsuccessful to contemplate my feelings midst  love and care.

But it was enough for me to.know that it was exquisite by being embraced by a sudden breeze of peace in his presence.

His closed.eyes blew away just a small cover of his health as.I located slight dark circles with small bags due to.exhaustion.

Wonder where was he all these days ?
What he ate?
Was he given medical attention on time.?
Was he hurt somewhere else?

All my these questions had no.answers and knowing Umar he will never let me know ..

He went through so much just for me.and even after that his eyes held just pure.love

Is this also.a.stage of love ? Where.no matter what you do but the lover just embraces you, no matter how many thorns are there in the journey and gets to it's final destination

Maybe You were the one for me my heart recognized , but it sealed this recognition from my mind to think..

His lips held a tilt almost a smile as I caressed his hairs with my soft hands.

In the moonlight of love for the first time my gaze for him held just love and care with my heart never wanting to move away..

That's how much he was missed ?.My brain questioned while my heart just peaked away in shyness

One thing was sure  ,I wouldn't be able to take his absence now. He had become vital for my happiness and peace .

Slowly I drew near but stopped midway.my.shyness coming in.between as I moved away.

Giving a gentle squeeze to his large hands. I got up arranging the blanket ,blowing few verses on him  with heavy heart I closed the door behind  already missing the warmth of his hands in mine.

What have you done to me !!

Changing my dress I sighed snuggling in the duvet all the while thinking of only one person as a small smile grazed my lips remembering his tender acts.

Even stars outside mesmerized with there deep twinkle.With the smiling moon spreading light to the dark world.

Every day is a.beginning and every night is a course to prepare what is to come.next.

Always just be positive.


Chirps of the early birds mingled around adding a bit.more enthusiasm in the house ,

Curtains were parted , Windows
Open wide ,with fresh flowers displayed in the vase  to spread its floral  fragrance  in order to welcome the awakening morning breeze ..

With that the aroma of breakfast filling everyone's heart with desire.

Everyone was seated around the dining table with their due share of breakfast, as they talked about . Just waiting for Umar to join.
granny didn't wanted him to wait so he was summoned as soon as the breakfast was ready to eat.

A chair scraped beside me as I shyly looked up with a smile knowing who the person was earning glint enough to shower me with flutter of feelings.

"Finally graced us with your presence" dani waved acting as he wasn't there with him since fajr

"I see seats have been.changed now" Asad.bhai smirked at Umar as I lowered my head hiding the blush.

"Hmm" he just hummed considering the elders sitting around,but he wasn't reluctant to smile giving a smiple compliment loud enough  making me shift knowing everyone was present in the room earning some mocking coughs.

"Beta how are you feeling now" baba inquired as.Umar gave a satisfactory answer making them all nod in thankfulness.

He was taken care of no less than a Prince meeting his every demand without a delay as they were all in peace having him.back..

Only his absence thaught everyone that just how much he really meant .

Phuphee has been with him since the early dawn spending as much time with his soon as possible making sure he is comfortable and not in pain

"I am sure your breakfast will taste more delicious today" hina api smiled innocent

"How did you knew ? I must admit you are certainly on point"he answered blunt as I glanced at mummy seeing her share a quiet smile with phuphee

"Shh let them eat quietly no more talks" granny warned silencing them ,as she toppled umar's favorite things in front of him.

Today everything was made of his liking,everyone asking about his comfort after a few seconds ,uncle shah being very careful guarding his actions.

It was suggested to give him breakfast on bed but he denied saying he was fine

"Ms wife not fair!" Umar whispered pouring the freshly squeezed orange juice and keeping it in front of me

My confused expression mingled with his stern once as he once again came near making my eyes wide in horror -as the morsel stuck in my throat.and I hastily looked away  making sure no one saw his stunt

"Areesha what happened" he handed me his glass  with a tilt of lips  as everyone resumed their talks knowing I was okay

"You left me alone at night and without a morning kiss you came  here looking breath taking as ever "I turned crimson as I sipped the Cold juice hiding away.as he resumed his breakfast with a satisfied smile .

After painfully long seconds of deep breaths my heart was relatively coming to it's normal.beat when my hand suddenly was caged under the table in his grip.

His expressions stayed.normal as he.conversed with others while caressing his thumb on my delicate hands .

"What happened Areesha eat beta" phuphee passed.me the dish as I smiled hesitant trying to unbound my hand afraid someone will see.

"Your presence isn't even letting her eat" dani feigned gazing at Umar as elders left after a moment to have their tea.in lounge

"Your mouth opened as soon as they went "Umar raised his eyebrow ignoring his comment.

"Just look at her seems.like you have made her sit on a gun point" he chortled as I shot him an unpleasant glace

"Shut up and for your kind information she is quite comfortable here "Umar retorted

"Sure Areesha?" Asad bhai asked making me nod ,while Umar gave a victorious smile looking at them

"Ahh brother you will see what we have planned just enjoy your bliss while it lasts till today "he sighed content

"Your plans will.not work I will  personally make.sure of that "Umar said confident

"We will see " Asad bhai winked.

"We shall see" Umar.nodded tightening his grip on my hand as I gulped.another morsel with great difficulty getting mischievous glances from the girls.

"Such love" Annie gushed  nearing me  as I bit my lip hiding away my smile

"Wesayyy Areesha where were you yesterday  I mean you didn't came  for dinner , everything alright?" Annie questioned innocently as they sent each other wicked smiles.

"She was busy not at all free for you all now zip your mouths and let us eat "Umar glared making them.chuckle.

"Why aren't you answering Areesha ,was it the exact reason you didn't joined us" yesterday sana proded ,I lowered my gaze in shyness locating umar's smug eyes and it was enough for them to know my answer as they giggled in excitement

And I was done with breakfast before the.start.

Tea was served  and it was decided to have it  in the lounge away from the elders to have a chat just between us.

"Umar how does our  Areesha look" Kiran api pointed at me as I gave her annoyed  look.

They were full charged to tease

"Nice !" He commented holding the cup of tea in  hand  ,taking  a seat  beside me while I sipped my water not meeting his gaze.

"My wife looks hot" he whispered leaning near my ears making me choke as I hastily kept the glass away.seeing the curious glances.thanking they were all busy in a conference call ordering the decorations for the venue.

"Umar!!" I protested silently

" in case you are wondering I don't prefer filter dear wife I like my everything to be genuinely original "he winked .

My cheeks turned beetroot as he sipped  having a satisfied smile on his face.

"As you see the colour of your cheeks now  that's called  original" he smirked as I eyed the whole room to see if anyone was listening.

He had absolutely no stop when he speaks.

"Please don't" I pursed my lips as I cooled the tea for Daud who eyed me curious  not knowing what I was murmuring

"Well I don't like to keep my feelings bound I say what I feel ..you are my wife I can say just anything" he shrugged as I shook my head giving daud now the warm tea

" Stop biting your lips it tempts me" he narrowed his eyes and that was my last straw I would melt in embarrassment if I sat here few more minutes .

A deep chuckle was heard behind as I made my way upstairs.still trying to cool by heated cheeks.

What am I going to do I shuddered

"Areesha beta come here where are you going ?" I heard granny's voice crippling my steps.

Unwillingly but I turned around not at all promt to face anyone, courtesy of my  still flushed cheeks.

I was still getting used to this new relation and hearing some words surely served to play a havoc on my being ,knowing I wasn't accustomed to these types of intense talks ever.

"I am just going in my  room granny" I gave her a sweet smile, but she had.other plans ,dismmsimg my excuse she grasped my hands in her warm ones tugging me towards the lounge I just left,making me panick

"I just came from there ,uh I will join them after sometime" I tried to explain as she shook her head.

"Beta I.want you to go outside with Umar ,have a  walk in the garden the fresh air will do wonders to his health" she elaborated as I kept quiet.knowing she had.decided and it would be rude to back out ,with that  thought I silently followed her ignoring the irregular pace of my heartbeats.

His eyes lit up as he saw us ,and soon it was replaced by a mischievous smirk seeing the lingering affect of his past doings.making me look anywhere but him

"Umar beta go in  the garden  for  fresh air take her with you" granny urged placing my shivering hands in his as he squeezed it with affection holding it with strong  grip with me avoiding an eye contact every way possible.

"You are right granny fresh air is great I am ready to" dani stood up

"Same here" Asad bhai volunteered

"I guess I will join to" hina smiled hoisting herself up as Umar raised his eyebrow in question.

"Quietly take your seats back ,no.one is going with them" granny scolded making them sulk.

"But -

"No buts you all will do as I say !! give them sometime alone ,why are you  stuck with them all the time" she accused as Umar shot them a smug look making them glare.

"There is something known as privacy which you all don't understand isn't it granny" Umar commented

"Granny we don't trust him what if he runs away with her" dani pointed earning her slap at the back of his head.

"Good point!! Now that I think about it ,it's actually a great idea"umar commented making granny chuckle as I gave him a quiet look.

"See him granny! I.don't care I am joining them" he huffed

"Don't act like a typical mother in law Dani let bhai go" Ameera sassed as everyone burst out in laughs surprised by her words.

"Just wait and watch what we have in store "dani fired as Umar shook his head

"We miss them when they are away,so we like to join them everytime" Annie explained 

"That's okay join us" I offered politely but the tightening grip on my hand ,and his piercing glare was enough for me to understand that I just stepped ahead more than I was allowed

"See granny Areesha is ready" they got up

"Come and help us with the preparations ,do you have any idea we have such  less.number of days left and guests will start arriving from today".she huffed making them.groan as Umar pulled me out never loosening his hold on my hand.

Blessed winds of dawn, are  always loaded with a special aura ,containing immense peace in them

Experiencing the sway of  leaves belonging to  wild tall tress  welcoming a new day.along with the awoken birds with their loud.chirps who melodiouly sang enchanting praises, of the beautiful Creator.

Not to forget the far ahead.scenery of mountains covered with hats of snow depicting a freshly made painting on the canvas of.nature.

And a mesmerising fragrance mixed with the perfume of flowers surrounding the inhabitants in their love.

Silently we walked in hush ,hand in hand on the.cold grass which shone with dew drops as if scattered pearls.

We were amidst the cherry tress which were loaded with thousands of pink.flowers ,with small patches of lillies surrounding the boarders ,while roses being in the.centre.

I clutched my shawl closer with the free hand.as the Cold clouds.passed between us caressing it with their cold vapours.

It was no less than a dream of nature which I was actually living,the scenery was far to beautiful to describe it in just mere words


Maybe gazillion of words, will become short to.describe the flutters of nature that passed by from every waving petal of bloomed flower to every welcoming butterfly.

"Join us huh?" Umar mocked sending me glare as he slashed the silence after a pace of few minutes reminding me of my words which he didn't quite accept

"They are family umar" ,I tried to give a reason shifting my pace nervously.

"Sure they are especially very close to you ,why don't you answer one thing ?"he quirked his eyebrows

"W what ?"

"Did you married them or me"? his form serious as he demanded an answer

"You" I Said quietly earning a nod.

"Than my dear wife you will do as I say not what they want "he slowed his pace giving a slight squeeze to my cold hands

thinking of the ways to ensure his good mood stays intact there was one thing I could try ..

"Got it" I gave  thumbs up as his lips broke in a  smile and he shook his head at my doings  slightly bumping his head on the side of my face with a hidden smile I shyed a way

"How are you feeling" I.broke the silence

"Stop asking that question I am fine!  few wounds doesn't mean that I am sick" he.answered clenching his jaw

"Sorry I didn't meant to:-

"Don't be Areesha, that question just irkes me"  he explained softly

With an understanding nod I gave a smile  knowing for a person like Umar it wasn't easy to.be sick as he always liked to.be in charge of everything.

"Where are we going" I broke the silence making him halt.

"This is our stop" he stopped near the small lake with shadows of tress and flowers glimmering on its surface

"Why don't you trust me ?"he inquired facing me

"Of course I do," my words came out without a thought.making him smile.

"Sure? ms.Areesha" he winked inching closer.

"U.u Mar "I backed away as he snaked his hands around my waist caging me

"Where will you run now my dear ? The walk home is long, with small insects you are afraid off" he smirked making me a step more closer hitching my.breath.

His intent gaze bore in mine as his broad form.shadowed.me.from all the world.

My veil partially slipped down ,as my eyes focused his shirt ,shivering from the situation I was really in

"You left me at night"he silently protested

"I had to"My eyes lifted as it roamed all around his features and my heart bloomed with love

He placed his forehead on mine closing his eyes.
"I don't like the distance we still have to maintain."he sighed spreading warmth of love all over.

"Everything happens for the best" I whispered

"Don't be so understanding all the time" he scowled as laughter bubbled inside me

"You are enjoying torturing me aren't you" he glared backing away just a little as I shook my head with pursed lips

"Just wait Areesha darling just wait" he narrowed his eyes in warning making me gulp

"Shouldn't we head back" I asked ignoring the teases in his words

"Why ? I haven't even started yet" he winked making me squirm in order to set free from his arms.

"Try all you want you.can't get out" he challenged as I tried.my.best but sighed in defeat after few.minutes ,his closeness making me more nervous

"Let me go Umar what if someone comes" I tried once again but he just watched me with amused expression.

"I came all the way over here for a reason ..I can locate anyone coming close" he smug replied

"Clever "I voiced mentally scolding my self.

"Is that a compliment dear wife" he closed the  remaining distance as I kept my hands on his chest trying to maintain a  scanty space

"I dont know" I looked away flushed due to close proximity.

"What makes you think I will let you go that easily ,I have been patient enough" he placed a fervent kiss making me clutch his shirt 

"Please" I murmured with closed eyes

"Okay I will let you go if you admit that you missed me yesterday after leaving "

"Umar" I silently protested but shut my mouth feeling his breaths close on my face

"I I missed you I missed you very much" I said in one breath hearing his grave chuckle in my ears.

True love is such an intense emotion of longing that the heart is only at peace near the beloved

Their slightly swaying dress and flutters of beating heart close to each other spreaded.more peace than they imagined

Yet the newly born feelings spreade warmth of happiness around her.

"Really now" he breathed in my ear.

"Yes" I whispered

"Areesha! ,Umar! the elders are  requesting your presence" hina api voiced coming closer as I perked up trying to get away

"Umar api is coming" I mumbled trying  best to uncage myself

"You can leave after a kiss!" he spoke confident as I halted my movements giving him a surprised look.

"Umar she will see us please let.me go "

"No!.only after you give a kiss.
You have been depriving me of it since a long now "

"Umar "

"Areesha are you here ?" Hina api called just a few steps away.

"Umar" I.gave a pleading look but he just tightened his hold.

"Just a simple k-

"Okay!" I.cut.him of my trembling hands met his shoulders as I.hoisted up and closed my eyes giving a small kiss on his cheek shuddering in response and he unbounded his hands as Hina api came in view with daniyal beside her

And he could swear upon anything that it was one of the best moments of his life that he just lived.he felt complete knowing by her sweet gesture he was fully accepted by her heart residing in his most desired place

"Here are you.both I was shouting your names from a long time" she kept her hands on her waist as I never made an eye.contact still in a daze of what I did

Oh my ..

What did I just....

"We wanted to you have a good refreshing walk ,you wanted one right ?"Umar responded earning her glare.

"Looks like you had a great time without me" dani grumbled

"Absolutely amazing" Umar grinned

"Areesha? Everything alright "she raised her eyebrow

"Perfect everything is perfect" Umar answered making her suspicious

"Everything is fine api "I gave a smile

"I see how everything is perfect "daniyal gazed at our bounded hands ,making me separate it with a blush

"She is just sad because you came early to part us isn't it Areesha" he questioned with a smile making api shake her head ,daniyals comment having no affect on him

Chuckling hina api clutched my hands walking towards the house.

"Sometimes in life you do get amazing surprises don't you"Umar inquired aloud

"Yeah but which surprise are you talking about "daniyal inquired..

"Going by your demeanour it seems to be great" he added

"I absolutely loved it " he answered after a second as I hasten my pace when hina api inquired about it - his booming laugh sending chills all over.

And I still couldn't believe what just happened...

It's all his fault I tried to consoled my heart which didn't seemed to beat in a specific pace leaving me breathless.

"No granny it was suppose to be today" they grumbled as she shook her head

"I said I will think about it"She dismissed passing the sliced juicy fruits to Umar.

Everyone was gathered in the hall ,for what I thought that their warnings were only a joke .It wasn't .
They are adamant on their wish that before wedding Umar shouldn't have the permission to see me .While here Umar took a big chunk of Apple sitting comfortably as possible knowing granny wouldn't let it happen.

"No ,ammi it's a tradition they all are right" daniyal's mom chipped in.

"Its a tradition specifically for the onrce who aren't already married ,their Nikkah is already done so why follow it "phuphee answered annoyed.

"A mother's love huh" uncle shah mused

"It's not applicable on them though" granny pointed making them groan

"This isn't fair !/"

"You are only his granny"

"We are supposed to enjoy their wedding our way and I.assure you we want their happiness" they all commented making granny sigh while all the elders supported an amused expression.

Even I had no idea how will I actually feel if get restricted to meet maybe I dont want that ,yes I really don't

,"Fine from tomorrow it will be as you all said but dare you all interrupt in their relation today" granny affirmed as Umars head shot up hearing her.

"Granny??you know I will not follow this old rotten tradition" Umar retorted making them snicker.

"The deal is done bro! ,now just watch" Asad bhai smugly replied

"I am with you brother they did the same with me" Ahmad bhai patted his shoulder as he scowled.

"Beta its a tradition old or new and I had promised them to besides it's only for a week" granny consoled.

I bit my lip sensing umar's gaze on me which seemed more intense than I anticipated.may be he was just gauging my reaction

"Fine" his clipped time made everyone surprised including me

Something told me it was just due to baba sitting there.

"You have no objection" hina api inquired in  astonishment

"It's a week only right ?besides after than she will be always with me "

Umar baba is sitting I mentally scolded not daring to look at baba

"No phone calls nor messages" sana added

"Not even a glimpse of each other" daniyal said

"Not even hearing the other."

"You can't cheat its granny's order."

"I think you all didn't heard what I said before" he frowned

"So after 12 today she is ours" Ameera chirped as Umar smirked .

Why I sense something is fishy !

"I want to take her outside for dinner today" Umar said glancing at all of them making me confuse whether he was asking or telling them

"Sure beta you can go" mummy answered

"Come on time though,the weather is quite unpredictable here" baba hardly gave permission as Umar nodded

"Oye wait!! I have a plan why don't we set up your dinner date" dani chided.as baba left answering an official call

"No thank you" denied

"No.no we have a perfect place and amazing plan" kiran api added

"Come on let us do it "Ameera whined

"Beta trust them" phuphee persuaded hearing their pleas.

"But that's the problem mom I don't trust them"

"Hey!!"they grumbled

"Fine but if I dont like it we will leave " Umar stood up as Hina api pulled me towards the room

After hours of facials,manicure and grooming I sighed laying on the bed.

"My.back hurts" I complained ,earning their grins

"Areesha get up" Kiran api ordered gently pulling me up .

"Everything is almost done now go and take a shower than we will see about make up."

"But I didn't wanted highlights in my hair" I.complained seeing the few number of foils dangling on my head.

"It's just to add a beautiful look darling now go your bath is ready we have added extra rose petals and the rose water is placed in the maroon goblet" she urged me inside as I sighed.

I am going to take a loooong nap when I return I assured myself before proceeding further.

My dress was layed out ,as I now sat on the dressing plush chair with them doing my make up.

Although tired but deep inside I was really excited ,and for the first time I was actually putting an effort to look beautiful for him

"The golden earrings will suit the attire" sana murmured inserting the long adornments in my ear.

"Hmm pull out the hair accessories" hina api murmured making my hairstyle.

"Areesha pout "Kiran api smiled but playfully rolled her eyes when I attempted it.

"You have a lot to learn dear "she kissed my blushed applied cheecks while finishing her task.

"She didn't needed a blush though Kiran Umar was enough for that" Annie.commented bitting into the raw apple n

"Couldn't agree more though darn why I forgot the fact "kiran mused

"Stop"I protested

"Now, Areesha  smile when you see him and actually look into his eyes not on your heels "hina api ignored my comment

"A kiss or two wouldn't be bad but I will advice you to eat first "

"Apiii "I complained as they all laughed

"What !!! The way you look right now Areesha believe me it will blow him away"

"And that's exactly why we are preparing you for what's to come "

"I don't wasn't to listen"I  attempted to close my ears

"Oh you have no choice darling"

"And to give you a little more hint the fragrances of roses coming from you is just enchanting!! ,so ahm be uhm safe you know" Kiran api winked making my toes curl as I shaded my face behind the thick locks of my hair

"Why I have a feeling Umar is not going to let her return befoe.midnight" Annie mused

"From my observation it could take long although don't worry we wouldn't let the elders know take as much time you want" hima api patted my shoulder.

"We will.be back way before" I assured

"Trust me you won't" sana smirked

"Stop teasing me "

"Yeah stop everyone that's enough now go and change Kiran api urged .

"Wait let me blow on her first I am afraid she may catch evil eyes "hina api draperd her fallen shawl and whiffed on me as annie whistled from behind making me blush.

"Didn't knew you will come out as a hoor MA shaa ALLAH "they praised as I politely smiled.

"Now what we advised you before were just random stuffs"

"Just Be yourself"

"Yes  just like the sweet innocent Areesha Umar  is head over heels in love with  " and everything will flow.

"But one genuine advice don't be reluctant while eating believe me it's the worst thing "she tried to brush away my nervousness.

"I remember I did that when I first went out with Ahmad and than I had to wake him up in the midnight because I was hungry and to say the least he wasn't happy ..so my dear don't do it "Kiran api patted my shoulder.while other rolled there eyes

"Make sure to relish the precious moments,don't back out.Or shy away" Kiran api whispered turning me.crimson

Love comes.in different forms in many  distinct categories...

But a pure love has a secret essence of care behind the love filled eyes and unspoken words..

True Love is not about how beautiful you appear it's all about the efforts you made to make the other happy..

In true love the battle is between the hearts not the appearances

The sky is limitless ,so are the stars being countless.engaging the boundaries of the  love in the sparkle of infinity...

The attraction of flowing waves to the moon when it's full and bright...to the helping of sun to the moon to make it shine bright.

There are hidden aspects.of love ...that just couldn't be numbered but known by a.syllable called attraction..

That for the first time in her life she had taken hours to get ready just for him...

It was an effort of a wife for her beloved husband.

They had dropped her at this beautiful cozy resort alike place not very afar from the house  giving her a final touch up they had just left indicating her to step inside the designed gates

Being reluctant yet nervous her heart hammered as the breeze took advantage of her weak state sending chills as it glided through her thin sleeves arising goosebumps .

Her black dress filled with designs of beats fluttered under the sinister sky

Licking her lips she took a calm breath entering through the royal red curtains just inside the ajar gate.

Her heels clicked on the floor as she took hesitant steps towards the backyard of the fully lighted place.

A decently romantic table of two sitters came in view with three lighted candles in the midst of roses and the roof of it draped by the maroon curtains which landed just besides the chairs.depicting a royal chamber of love.

She was visualizing all this from behind the sheer net curtain which seemed to be the only wall between her and Him..But the question was he was no where to be seen,

"Areesha, love come in".a grave voice drummed near her echoing around making her suck in her breath

Clutching her heavy dress in one hand she removed the sheild parting the curtains as she appeared inside forgetting her existence.as Umar stepped ahead from aside making himself appear dressed exquisitely ,looking handsome as ever.

Her breath hitched and so did his as they lost each other in the eyes of their beloved's forgetting the world ...,

Her hair swayed with the light breeze ,as her long ear rings glided sparkling in response ,her dress fitting her perfectly with flows at the end.

She was breathtakingly beautiful!! his gaze roamed all around her making her shiver ..

He noted how finely her dress swayed melodically around her..as the cold whispered sweet notings in her ears blowing her hair in a beautiful manner.

His bold steps echoed as her laboured breaths shallowed making him smirk knowing the affect of his being..

Her innocent eyes refusing to look up giving a glimpse of her finely applied  golden shade,. she parted her Rosey red  lips to calm her nerves not.knowing the havoc she just created in him.

She was his wife,his love,his partner,his life...She was Areesha a girl who had his heart from the time when he didn't even knew the meaning of love...

Standing near her maybe to near that her chilled breaths were to be heard he ever so gently enveloped her cold hands in his warm once giving it a gentle squeeze to make her.comfortable and bringing near his lips where he placed a gentle kiss feeling her visibly shudder all the while staring intently at her face

"Forgive me if my.words lack to describe that just how beautiful you look my sweetheart" he blew away her lock in return making her close her eyes .

"Flawless" he carrsed her soft pale cheeks making them burn in shyness.

"Elegant" he kissed her

"Enchanting" he snaked his arms around her waist as she clutched his shirt near his heart.

"Love you my queen" he rasped in her ears and her eyes flew open ,she gazed in his intense love filled eyes and smiled  blooming her perfect petal shaped lips.

She was in a beautiful mess of feelings which he tend to ignite in her being, in short words she could just tell she felt like she was one of the most luckiest girl in the world knowing him he made her feel like a queen in his presence and she seemed to be floating in the cloud of love his love.

"You touched my heart not by your appearance nor by money..but your sincere heart filled with love and care for others which you seemed to hide so much" she whispered pouring a glimpse of her emotion while he tightened his hold bringing her more closer as her jewelry jingled

" "I am short at words to Convey you the message of my heart , to tell u that just  how much you mean to me  What magic potion have you used on Me Mrs Umar" he inquired mischievous making her blush

"how  graciously I have been captured by you that not even for a second my heart stops to yearn for you nor my mind halts thinking of you ...For me everywhere it's just you"his fingers quested through my long hairs.

"I don't know what to say except how did  I get so lucky" I whispered earning a loving smile.

"I am the lucky one dear wifeI" he kissed my forehead taking me in his embrace

"I am proud that you are my wife a girl who is pure at heart and character.."

"Maybe I was repulsed by your lack of response at first but now knowing your modesty ,just raises up my pride that even in the circumstances I made you went through you didn't losed your guard not even after becoming my fiancè.."

"I appreciate that you didn't do what I said ,maybe than I wouldn't have the same amount of respect towards you."

"I love my beautiful wife more than she could ever imagine" he confessed as I stood their bewildered hearing his words.

Knowing mummy has always been right no matter how the man is he always loves and respects a modest girl with high morals.

Just how beautiful is a gift of Islam to us ...I am ever so grateful to ALLAH who taught us the right ways to lead the life giving me a pure bliss of happiness and respect ..


"Shall we ? Darling"he proded gesturing towards the table earning my shy  nod.

Dark night draped us in its blanket ,trusting on the flickers of lighted candles to engulf us in a romantic atmosphere warming us in this chilled night.

The soft clackers of wood burning a little aside adding a mist of fascination in the already dazed dinner.

Sipping into the cold juice I shyed away from his intense gaze,tinkers of my jewels singing and shining accord.

I gulped away in fright as he neared my side only to flicker another candle to light up my face making me sigh as he took his place back.

Although the dinner looked amazing but in a way kiran api was right ..I lost my appetite as soon as I stepped in ..due to the creative mixture of excitement and nervousness.

That after bitting into a small piece of chicken I hardly chewed it as I kept away my knife just playing with my food with the tip of my fork.

Unexpectedly my head jerked up as my eyes met his seeing a spoon of rice close to my lips ,with his emotion filled he tilted his head in order for me to eat .

Not knowing that how easily I obliged earning a grin in response

"Since you are having a trouble eating let me do the owners" he said as he held another one close to me.

My heart fluttered inside smiling in response to his care filled acts as I took another bite lost in the love potioned eyes of his.

Sometimes just expressions of care are.needed to permanently seal the name in the heart forever to come.

Pink petals fell from the roof due to the heavy wind enveloping them from all sides as they both sat  alone under the roof of love painting just another story on the canvas of true love.....

The special feelings you feel
When you know that your Important.
When You know that you matter to someone..

That were my exact feelings, but if pondered upon..
Shouldn't we all feel like this and even more  afterall we all are important ..
Didn't we matter to our beloved prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)

After having a luxurious dinner Umar suggested we take a little walk to the heights of the green mountain  to have a full view of the lighted city..

My hands were protectivly enveloped by his as he drawed us near the lush green mountains lighted by small string lights to lead the way, even in the darkness of the night.

He clutched my hands tighter as he pulled.me closer saving me from the near fall and smirked seeing the cause of it.

Ofcourse how could I have known? That  we will go towards the mountains and so I wore a pair of  high pencil heels which easily dug to the ground losing my balance.

"You mesmerize me always " he mused holding me closer

"I didn't knew we will go up" I mumbled fidgeting with my fingers as he smiled shaking his head while he gently pinched my cheeck earning an annoyed look.

Chuckling he ordered me to remove the shoes and I did when suddenly I was hoisted up in his arms close to his heart and for a minute I really felt that my heart stopped.

"Wasn't able to do it before ,glad got the chance today" he winked shushing me before my dazed state could utter a word.

"Deep breaths sweetheart deep breaths" he grinned looking at me probably hearing the irregular beats of my heart

"I please put me down "

"Not going to happen "

"Um Umar it's dangerous we could fall "

"I.assure to protect you" he gave a promising look

"I am really uncomfortable "

"Here better?" he pulled me closer that my head connected to his heart hearing it beat with a rhythm.making me.frantic


"Shush Areesha!!"he whispered as I closed my eyes forgetting the words to utter as  I grasped his shirt afraid of the fall and the closeness... also remembering few advices ,which contained his happiness..

She didn't knew just how much he was enjoying the walk having the love of his life close to him...

They both were quiet or maybe spell bound by the special feelings they experienced....either of them reflecting upon it in silence of the humming hearts ...But the silence enough to express their peace and joy for each other speaking through the language of eyes...

With great care he sat down along With me still in the protection of his large arms.

"Umar" I.called silently trying to get up my cheeks ready to explode due to the past events.But he constrained his hands even more making me.panick.

"Your dress will get dirty Areesha stay here" he said in a quiet hush his eyes orating millions of stories....and  all of it starting with the word of affection.

"It's okay no problem" I tried once more but he joined his head with the side of my face taking a deep breath..

"Areesha you smell divine"he mumbled taking another whiff making my heart leap as I felt the prickles of his hairs on my cheeks.

"Umar".I tried once again.

Instead of responding he quietly tilted my face towards the view and  making me  awestruck by the beauty that night hided beneath the dark sky...

"It's its marvelous" I breathed but jerked when he placed his head on my shoulders joining the sides of our faces experiencing the same view.

"I know" his words tickled my skin

"But you look more gorgeous than anything" he tilted his head to place a kiss making me grip his hands ..After a moment I opened my eyes to the same breathtaking view.

It was the canvas of pure bliss...where the night shines throughout the city with various city lights depicting a galaxy under you eyes...upon them were the snowy clouds glided with pride showcasing the hidden pearls within..

In a pace of few glorious moments I felt a warm jacket.covering me and I turned a little to look in his eyes ....seeing the peaks of true love...making me as comfortable as possible.

I gently lay my head upon his heart where his hands caged me in ,while his warm jacket shielded me from the eyes of the world...

It was a place of immense peace and I relished it while thanking ALLAH..

From the ice cold winds I  cocooned in his embrace totally shielded from the outerworld as he just held me their taking the breaths of contentment

It was a love of a husband for his wife..to protect her against all the harshness of the world...

And it was the love of a wife to pray for him under the peaceful shield he provided..

And they both sat there in utter contentment feeling each others heartbeat....enjoying the view of midnight nature...And just being there for one another ..And at that time.nothing mattered..

It was a pure love how could anything even matter.

It was the love allowed by the creator Himself..how could it not be peaceful.

In that moment they both were beyond a term called infinite.

"Umar "

"Hmm "I heard a grave vibration

"Umar ?"I called again

"Yes darling" he rasped withdrawing just a little part of his jacket allowing just him to peek inside and listen to the beauty murmuring his name .

"You are amazing" I murmured swimming inside the emotions of his dark eyes..

He was internally surprised beyond believe to hear her confession but composed himself rather quickly.

"Is that so" he raised his eyebrows in amusement as I shyly nodded

"Took you long enough to realize that "he tilted his head blocking every view away from my sight

But Seeing my expressions he chuckled

"Just kidding darling" he smiled.

"And you know  my  wife she is beyond amazing " he whispered in my ears as his little hairs on the beard prickled my skin making me squirm.

"Your beard is pointy" I complained stretching away as he glared at me for ruining the moment.

"What "I innocently whispered..

"You know what" he narrowed his eyes as I laughed carefree missing the way he looked at me .

"Forgive me Areesha ,for every tear and every trouble I made you went through." ..I placed my hands on his lips making him quiet but jerked it back feeling the tingling sensation..

"We won't look at past" I said trying to dodge his smile from my little action

"You know Areesha, in the past every time.when I  used to get in any  sort of fight or arguments,it always so happened that I easily used to get away without trouble.."

"Whatever troubles were caused around it never dared to touch me ."

"Every one thought I was just very lucky.."he smiled looking at me

"No doubt I had my.mother's prayers.And so did my other siblings."

"But what  I failed to notice was ,that I was protected just a little more due to someone's prayers" he gazed deep into my eyes playing with the beads of my ear rings causing jolts of nervousness swing through me .

"You used to pray for your future husband weren't you?" he asked taking me off guard


"I did peeked into your diary" he admitted making me glare but it was replaced with fright when his hands caressed my lower lips

"I didn't knew I was that lucky !and from that day I vowed that no matter what happens you will be my.bride only mine.".

"Not everyone could be as precious as you.."

All the while I stayed quite ,no words were formed to orate.I just glanced at my hands feeling overwhelmed by his words

"Having you in my arms today my heart is unable to  locate the depths of my happiness."

"You have my heart Areesha all of it forever" he breathed

"Your heart is what I only desire " I murmured seeing various emotions flowing in his eyes..

He had.no words ....

For the first time Mr Umar was actually speechless...by the women of his life 

"Umar I have a guilty confession to make"  I  called after a moment

"What ?"he asked amused.

"I.was the one to touch your stuff "I admitted feeling him stiffen and I tensed closing my eyes for getting a nice long scold..

Great timings Areesha ! What could have been better than to confess in the midnight,alone faraway from home with only him beside.

"My things are your things Areesha ,,my everything belongs to you it doesn't matter" he calmly replied and I visibly sighed in relief

"So you are not mad" I asked for surety

"No "he flicked my.nose wearing a smug expression

"Don't look at me like that "I  silently protested

"What were you doing in my room" he asked with a smile

"I um I who is parisa " I inquired earning a glare.

"Y you said you are not angry"

"You looked inside the box" he.demanded serious making me gulp.

"It was half opened ,so it,.the shine- you know.I don't know what I am saying ."I mumbled scared and he just stared at me  tugging my fallen locks back while gliding his hands through it.

"Are you angry ?" I asked hesitant

"I am not " he breathed in my scent

"There was this special little girl ,who came in my dream once! Whispering a secret of serenity ,  her name.was parisa  it intirgued.me the very second so I named it after something very special to me" he.elaborated making me more confuse

"What was the dream" I proded

"What I told was enough"

"But Umar" I insisted

"Hush."he kept his finger on my lips startling me as I sighed.knowing he won't tell me

"Some secrets are to be known with time" he closed my eyes whispering a noting of love making me hide deeper in his embrace hearing his teasing laugh

"See how near are the clouds around us" he said after a moment making me open my eyes

"They look so Amazing" I chirped trying to come out of the warm embrace seeing the smokes of clouds nearing us.But.Umar tuged me closer saying it's cold.

Mesmerized I watched as they covered us around their small vapours being felt on our skin and soon we were totally enveloped in a mystic yet magical scene

I instinctively glanced at Umar who was already facing me my lips tilted in a small smile enjoying one of the most beautiful moments of my life.

Keeping his hand behind my head he leaned in with hurricane of emotions swirling in those sharp orbs.

The canopy of stars peaked through the clouds surrounding us as.the moon emerged from the clouds marking a history of someone's true love...

As it urged the stars to sparkle a little more and hide them under the shine of happiness knowing the cases of true love has been.becoming rarer by the passing time ....

So they hurried to witness its shine while they were lucky enough to locate it just benath.them.

Your love opened the doors of magical land for me the land of fairies ,love and magic.
I thank Allah that He gave me you and in your arms I find my peace....

"Areesha hurry up uncles are going to arrive from masjid" hina api  orated as.I.gulped knowing we were to late.

We had just arrived ,and as soon as we entered were parted before anyone else could know..

Umar was confident not worried a bit about someone knowing it ..But hina api explained that some guests have already arrived and elders wouldn't appreciate it seeing the time we entered the house.

"She is my wife !!I.Don't care what others may think". He had argued

Although persistent on his actions but finally he went inside as kiran api explained it further

And they hastily pulled me.inside closing the door.

"Don't worry you are safe no.one knew you came now" hina api consoled making me sigh

"Someone said they would come before midnight and look at the.time now it's fajr" kiran api mused making me blush as she pinched my cheeks in adoration going out of the room to answer phuphee

Time just flew..

"Areesha "

"Hmm" I avoided looking at her sensing her calculating gaze upon me

"Where is your lipstick?"hina api asked with a smirk as my head shot up in horror .And I blinked a few times before lowering my gaze.

"It um it was wiped away because of eating "I.breathed playing with my fingers

"Just wipe it full it's  smudged darling" she chuckled and I.burned in embarrassment

"I am glad you had fun now go and fresh up your mummy is going to be.here any minute "she advised patting my cheecks lovingly

"And don't worry your secret is safe with me" she winked going away and I wanted to hide my face on the blanket never wanting to show her.

How did she ? I trailed my frail fingers on my lips flushing in response to the past memory.

Ya Allah I breathed trying to cool my heated cheecks.

Shukar hai all the others aren't here yet

Removing my jewellery I smiled in contentment ,shying away from the past events yet happy in more ways than one

My thoughts were still  concealed by his face.
My lips carrying many things to say.
But my heart willing to wait for a moment awaiting for us.

How magical it seems when I ponder that how our names were written together above so high by the most High..

You were meant to be mine
And I was meant to be yours
Together we were made for each other..I closed my eyes relishing the bliss of true love..

They both apart yet craved for the peace they shared few hours ago.

Umar already restless to see her again,even after a sleepless night her thoughts kept him away from slumber as he tossed and turned thinking of her smiles ,her.beautiful yet innocent talk,her sweet gestures.

How will he spend a week without her presence?

Dreaming of her beautiful eyes he slept after hours, while making sure to pray nawafils of Shukar after fajr.

Who was this girl...so special...that after having her beside.him he made sure to pray  nawafil of thankfulness..every day..

Something was very special about her very special..

Assalam o alikum wa rahmatulahi wa barakatuhu.

You can't believe it how hard was it to write it ...maybe I took a tip or two from a friend :-P

So,uhm how was the romantic chapter,can't believe I just wrote that ..

I wanted to include their mehndi function in it but wasn't able to otherwise it would have been to extra long..

Next is the last chapter ,and yes Amir will be there ;-). And than the epilogue.

I want to thank you all very much for supporting and commenting I love reading them..

This wonderful creation is of my dear friend   AuroraBorealis9            also relating to the events of the next chapter

Thank you so much dear I loved it !

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