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Moonlight floods the whole sky from horizon to horizon;...
How much it can fill your room depends on its windows.....

AMIRA this is the last warning get up or else i will call someone to wake you .

when phuphee, came to wake us for fajr she told us to get ready and come down for breakfast after praying .

she gave me a traditional frock to wear saying that she has designed it herself and i should wear it today

.It was a beautiful pink frock with delicate ,intricate designed borders.

She gave Amira to but she declined politely saying that she can't wear heavy clothes especially early morning but she would wear it at night

And here i was getiing ready while waking amira who seems to have forgotten what phuphee said and is currently in her dream land
and slept directly after fajr without listening to my plea that we have to go down in 5 minutes and seeing the time we were late

it seems nobody sleeps after fajr . as quite a hustle and bustle was there downstairs and the voices could be heard till here .

it's going to be a long day i thought while combing my hair

This is the last to last warning amira. get up . i said while threatning her but she didn't even budge

i was going to take off her blanket but a knock on the door distracted me from doing so..

yarrr amira i told you see there is someone outside now common we are late on the very first day i orated while going towards the door..

hearing my words she jolted up and ran towards the bathroom ..

ASSALAM O ALIKUM there was chorus of greetings ..by a group of cousins. standing outside as i opened the door.

walaikum asalam i replied smiling please come in,

i hope we are not disturbing you we taught you might need any help or, maybe you would be nervous to go down alone so here we are at your service

jazakALLAH thats really sweet of you

i was really nervous I admitted

.Amira will be ready in just 5 minutes than we will head down

ya its ok no problem you look beautifull pink really suits you

thanks you all look beyond amazing.

your hair are beautifull.

they are very soft and i really like the brown colour,,

MA SHAA ALLAH you are purely a beauty

you all are complementing too much its you who look stunning I said truthfully

No really you look very pretty..I am sure
Dadi is going be very happy she was constantly talking about you last night. Someone said

Which made me very happy

yesterday you all were tired so we didn't get the time to meet properly

so you remember our names from yesterday or should we introduce ourselves properly they mused

amm ya re introduction will be nice i do remember the names but kind of mixedup between all ..but i clearly remember you sana i said pointing at her

she squealed and hugged me i am so proud of you

hey not fair we are jealous now let us remind her again sana move..and areesha dear don't you dare forget us now one of them said

sure i will try i said sheepishly ..

so i am ANNIE 23 years old

me is saba 22

and i am zari 25 and the wife of bilal you know umar right

am yes i met bhai last night i said confidentely.

ahh yes bilal is the big brother of umar and asad is the bigest hina is asad's wife who is nursing baby zakriya otherwise she was more excited to come here she said exciteDly

making us all chuckle ..

tell me did you slept well as its quite cold over here asked zari api

yes ALHUMDULILAH i slept well ,, waking for fajr was quite a task but felt amazing after praying i really like cold weather ..

you like cold than you will love uk . zari api said

not knowing what to say in return i just smiled .

soon amira was out and was ready to go..
Oh look our doll is already.. how are you princess..Saba said.

She bowed in return and replied thanks your highness the princess is at your service.And quite sleepy I must add.

making us giggle a her antics .

soon we all were headed towads the dining room

giggling at something while steping down from stairs .. but when the dining came in view

i gulped seeing soo many people and all looking this way how will i even eat infront of them i thought

come sit beta what happened my father asked..

it is than i realized i was standing frozen watching them all .

.how embaracing,

with tinted cheeks i went and sat on the empty chair beside my father

SHE must have been scared seeing so many huge people poor girl don't worry beta beside your father we all are very loving and caring . uncle said in mock attitude

while all laughed

MA SHAA ALLAH look at her.. you look beautifull beta the dress suits you very much .. come sit we were all waiting for you beta BISMILLAH start here take this, dont be shy sweetheart feel at home.. sanas mom said

JAZALLAH i said while taking it from her,..

AREESHA is a very shy girl fatima what did you do .. amira and rayyan are pretty confident phuphee said while eyeing amira who was eating from my grand mothers hand that to her favourite chocolate bun..

while rayyan was no less with his loud banter with the cousins

oh ALLAH i don't understand am i embarcing my siblings with my calm self or they are by their outward behaviour..

my daughter was always like this gulnaz .. my father said proudly.making me smile

SHE IS A GEM BHAI phuphe said in return ,, making me flustered my her remarks

MAY ALLAH SAVE HER FROM EVIL EYES ,, dadi said lovingly ..

to which all replied ameen .. honestly these people praise alot ,,

i dont know if i am blushing or not but my cheeks are burning alot

after breakfast we all the young ones were sitting outside in the garden

AREESHA you have become quite famous in a day,, what did you do.. here i am trying from past 27 years with no luck said ahmad bhai in l i offence

ahmad bhai was married to kiran api and was a dad of cute princess sonia ..i recognized them instantly as they were a beautifull part of my childhood and they visited us in dubai at times..and in the family he was known as king of sarcasm and laughter..

you are embarcing me now bhai.. i said.

cool people doesn't need to put effort bhai saba said..

and by having areesha in our team we all will have an upper hand than all fellows mused anny

dreaam girls just dream i have heard you all are quite great in dreaming you will never have upper hand than us boys in any of the games ..daniel a 20 year old cousin said proudly

we have to be aware dani some people can be quite lucky for the group .. umar bhai said

can we know the name of the person you are refering to umar hina bhabhi said. while smirking

i was just warning dani to calm his horses thats all .was his calm reply,.

so when will the games start i am soo excited to win.. sana said , making me chuckle

well i will be the refree in all the games and will be with the winning team amira announced loudly.

hey that's not fair ..daniel said

'everything is fair if you have a brother and sister in opposite teams' ..

its me who have to live with them you know and I will not take any chances.. she orated

fine we will need an honest refree amira you are given that position .. umar bhai declared

yayy.. she cheered making us all girls groan . as hard it is to admit but amira would have been a great support to girls i thought.

we will go sight seeing after 3 days as per dadis order .. because till than all will settle to the new environment and there is chances of one new family joining us not sure when and who they are but according to news they are a very close family friend..hina api said finishing her speech

who they are we don't have any cousin left..umar bhai asked confused

some family friends not sure why are we worried we will see when they come..

Now ladies and gentlemens let me announce the teams so the games shall begin from today

one team of boys and the other of girls .

. we will pair up when it will be required ok

so in boys team there is ASAd

ooo hubbys name first good going ,, sana said making us all chuckle

shutup , as i was saying hina api started again boys team will include

all boys ofcourse daniel said intrupting her yet again again

if anyone speaks again they will be out of the games she said glaring .

And making us all giggle



as for my princessess

hey no fair daniel shouted

leave it dani mens dont care in such matters let her continue otherwise i see your future in the .........

fine bhai he huffed..

so in the girls teamm..
Anny, zari,saba

kiran, AREESHA,

someone coughed.

who is it hina api asked while glaring,..

no one spoke..

oh oh it was umar bhai hina api amira said smiling

she was going to reply when a servant came wih the glass of fresh mango crush and lowered it infront of me

making me confused as there was only one glass in it what about others.. i thought

beta take it someone sent it for you..

take it areesha. ahmad bhai said

who i asked while taking it

i am not supposed to tell ' he answered' which caught everyones attention

who sent that khan baba ahmad bhai asked ..

beta i can't tell

areesha dont drink it is it one of your pranks asked zari api looking at the boys

no no he sent it with affection khan baba interjected

making my hands tremble ,,

khan baba if its from elders than ok but if its not please take it back rayyan said sternly

making everyone serious ,,

no no it was from daud he wanted to surprise her and he was shy isn't it ,,. umar bhai said looking at daud. to which the 8 year old nodded

aweeees were heard from all the girls..

i sighned and said thank you daud i love it..

to which he cheerfully replied

daud you like her it doesn't mean you can cheat ok buddy ahmad bhai said to which hinna api rolled her eyes

seriously ahmad what a 10 year old do for cheating ..she said

api they all are just afraid they will loose

as if daniel scoffed..

don't worry dani you know girls often voice what they are afraid of..

and the banter continued ,, untill we were called inside for tea..

AS we were headed inside i took my time so that everyone may leave i wanted to take my time while going inside all those stares always makes me uncomfortable i can't really handle being the centre of attraction in the morning it's only me who knows how i conrolled myself not do anything stupid or trip in my heavy frock..

AREESHA why are you in he last come fast .. sana shouted

i will in few minutes please ..

ok fine we will wait then everyone stopped..

no no go ahead i am coming

as i was going to enter inside someone came beside me and started walking side by side .i suddenly looked to see it was

umar bhai..i said loud

hmm what happened its just me

am n nothing

areesha what's your major

bussiness studies i said looking ahead while walking

hmm intresting he said while nodding.

the university in which you study has co education

hm yes bhai i said unsurely as why its the matter for him

i didnt now what to do either to slow my pace or to walk fast why did i have to take fresh air .. now mr mind take all the fresh air uf

Do you have a license there

no but i am going to apply for it soon

hmm good he replied still walking by my side not even bothering that how uncomfortable i am

i knew it was not appropriate and if by chance my mother sees it she will fume.. so i did what my mind could think at that moment..

bhai i want to join the girls ..i said and fast walked to join them without hearing his reply..

i was sitting and sipping my tea quietly beside dadi ..

you kids have decided your teams are you all comfortable with eachother asked sana's mom

yes yes we have and all sound pretty chalenging it will be an amazing vacation filled with games..hina api said ..

Don't worry dadi we boys will make you proud asad bhai said..

we will see about that sana replied..

it reminds me of our youth days phuphee said while seeing those two argue

amazing days it ws baji..

yes and all the time you used to cheat in ludo how can we forget .. baba said to phuphee playfully

you were the one bhai .. you used to move your hand so fast that the o new positions after yur tokens were always shifted turn..phuphee declared

making everyone laugh..

I was really happy seeing them all content and peaceful.and no doubt I was enjoying .

I hope it remains like this always.

Little did she know that a storm Of emotions was waiting ahead for her

Assalam o alikum
Beautiful readers.thanks for your support.

Ramadan is very near I pray that all of you gain maximum rewards. AMEEN

I will not update in Ramadan
IN shaa Allah on eid.

Please pray as much as you can and earn rewards.

Remember every one in your beautiful duas.


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