*Chapter 5*

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Tender words we spoke to one another are sealed in the secret vaults of heaven and one day like rain, they will fall to earth and grow green all over the world.



"Soo dashing .."

"mm soo hot"

"Truly handsome"

Ameera ,mused having a dreamy look while gazing ahead

.. me and rayyan asked in unison

"Totally admirable sigh . "

"AMIRA !!"rayyan said in a warning tone .

She scoffed

"this shows your thoughts I was just referring to the hot chocolate bun in the food trolley which is going to be in my plate very soon.. ",she smirked

making me and rayyan groan over her childish behavior..

I am not a fan of the airoplane food,, and i cant eat much during travelling in the air, so here my best brother in the whole wide world for now was helping me to clear my food tray..

As for amira she was so generous that she gave half the food back to the air hostess telling she cant eat this because she doesn't like it..

and rayyan was reffering that she is not with us ..

I was waiting for the tea as my head was heavy due to lack of sleep ..
we slept quite late yesterday and were up early for preparations

I would like a black coffee.. amira said

Rayyan looked at me and I nodded

"Two tea please.."

"Amira are you sure you will be able to drink black coffee?" I inquired because she hasn't tried it ever

"Yes I am sure ".. she said with full confidence while handing me my tea..

As I was adding milk and sugar in th tea there was a loud sound of

"ewww I hate this thing yuck."

"Amira lower your volume you are not at home .. and I warned you not to take it.. "I said

"Oh poor poor girl drink two cups more..api how confidently she said she wanted it.. ".. rayyan mocked.

"Shut up rayyan.". amira said.

"Api please my tounge tastes so bitter please give me your tea"

"No way ..you should have used your mind"

"Api please ok than just give that sugar packet.. "

I sighed "amira I have added the packets in it take this tea I don't feel like drinking it any more,"

"Wise choice api wise choice .. otherwise you wouldn't have been able to digest it as amira had her eyes on it. "Rayyan mused making me chuckle while amira made an extra loud slurping sound  drinking her tea..

"Passengers kindly un buckle your seat belts and hear to our useless rant until we land thank you"..rayyan said while seeing the crew taking their place for the announcement that we are soon going to land

Amira giggled

"Rayyan if they hear you they will surely throw you out of the plane.". I warned.

"They cant even dare to" he scoffed while putting on the ear buds so that he couldn't hear the air hostess instruction..

Rayyan had always disliked hearing them I don't even know what has the poor crew done to him ..

"Areesha give me the mirror and your baba comb and lipgloss to me" mom and amira chided

The last minute grooming everyone does before the landing of the plane is very exciting to see.

I adjusted my hijab and did a little touch up to the face as to look less sleepy and tired

there were some indescribable feelings which were on their full force inside Making me giddy, nervous and so on,,

I was going to meet all after soo long

YA ALLAH how it will be..

I am excited

I am nervous


Soon we were waiting for our luggage near the luggage carousel..only two bags were left

it was quite cold over here compared to dubai which had a warmer wheather.

my mom had our cardigans with her but i didnt want to wear it as it will ruin my dress..

we are heading out uff now i am feeling nauseous..


haye ALLAH . is it just me i thought while glancing at amira who was walking ahead quite confidently while rayyan was beside my father and i was stuck to my mother

A chill blanket of air struck me making me shiver lightly

i am telling you to wear this my mom orated glaring at me

"no  i am fine",,i said looking ahead seeing my father has quiken his pace ..

"ASSALAM O ALIKUM" ....there was chorus of greetings

and i dont even know who were the people hugging my father..

the unkown uncles patted my head and praised me

and two unknown aunties hugged me kissed me and praised me alot

i dont even know how i controlled my laughter after seeing amiras face .. she was constantly wiping the place where they had kissed

"MA SHAA ALLAH fatima your daughters are beautifull .."

one of the aunties said..

"ALHUMDULILAH"..  mom replied

"so how was the journey .. its been so long i can't believe that you are in front of our eyes "

"MAY ALLAH SAVE you from evil eyes such a nice family.."

"bhai jaan.. mother is waiting for you at home and your favourite sister gulnaz is very impatient to meet you",,

they kept on kissing and praising till the car.. it was lovely yet too much to handle ..

i hid behind rayyan as i didn't wanted to sit near those aunties..

as we setteled in the car and it roared to life ..

The view was amazing
the sparkly lights of the different resturants..the zooming traffic .. it was like the vehicles were disappearing after some distance because of the fog..

all of my family was talking while i had my head stuck on the window viewing the marvellouus creation of ALLAH .. they must be thinking i slept while i was enjoying he beautifull view of ALLAH s creation.

all the people looked like they are heading home as it was becoming dark ..

the children hands filled with balloons and colourfull bags ..

I don't even know how to express it
It was beautiful

The sky was veiled by clouds
The strong breeze roaming around

The beautiful view of murree was passing by
All its people working ,cars honking and the birds high up in the sky.

The trees were steadfast but the leaves rattled.
They made noise as on the road they cluttered

The high mountains with natural beauty
Standing in line giving their duty..

The grassy lands.
On it the flower bands..

The wooden houses.
On it the cloud bounces..

Was all this not a reminder of a beautiful favour
Making us ponder and thanking the creator..
Who made.This and who made us.
There is only one answer as we all know.Allah made this and He made us


As we started heading upward towards the hill near to the house

one look down and it took my breath away everything looked like shinning stars and quite far i was scared but more in awe..

the giddy feeling came again as we entered the first gate the path ahead was lit with different lightings on either side of the road.. and the beauifull house came into view ..it was very huge and it looked more beauifull than i remember in my faint memories..

the house was lit with neumerous lights and covered with light fog at a quite high height from the ground,,

i wonder who had courage to make a house this high..i was brought back from my thoughs from the honking of the cars near the house to recieve us ,, they honked till we reached the front gate of the house .. it was quie noisy bu a warm welcome i really liked it .. it made me feel special..

as soon as the car stopped the doors were opened by the servants which i dont even knew will also be there oh well it will be relaxing no chores.. ahh a month of blissfull vacation

still in my thoughts i was suddenly hugged very tightly by someone to while i lightly returened the favour

When did the door opened

"oh myy oh myy MA SHAA ALLAH you are beautifull you are looking amazing how are you i was waiting for soo long to meet you finally you are here i am not bothering you right but i am so excited..".said the girl ,,

she looked as my age fellow probably a year younger or older than me not more than that,,

she was absolutely stunning with her greenish eyes long lashes creamy skin and cheerfull attitude..

"lovely to meet you" i said polietly while coming out of the car..

yes she hugged me in the car,..

"my name is sana your age fellow and the most sweetest cousin"

"no doubt in that" i praised

"HAYE you are to sweet" she exclaimed pinching my cheeks making me blush without reason..

"ALLAH  you are blushing "..she chided

"sana beta move let me meet my princess after soo long" a lady said coming near
And engulfing me in another strong hug..

Sana you go inside see the preparations

"MA shaa ALLAH areesha you have grown to be a beautifull lady come come my child she ushered me towards the house where my parents were .. your dadi is eagerly waiting to meet you sweetheart"

i was walkig beside her as soon as i spotted rayyan i tugged his hand and captured it .while walking with him

i was going to say him something when amira came beside me and sticked to my side.. where is the lioness i said looking at her

oh look she said when i looked ahead my dadi and many people with her in the doorway.. suddenly there were flowers everywhere ,, the rose petals it truly felt amazing walking between the flying roses and it didnt seized for even a moment .. it truly gave a special feeling ,

my dad was embraced my my dadi she had such adoration in her eyes .. she hugged him tightly and kept chanting sorry again and agian making me confuse for her apology .. she kissed him after retreating from the hug and embraced my mother and kissed her on her eyes and forehead..

when she saw us three together she came towards us and embraced us one by one while praising and praying ..

she contionously kept repeating that how precious we three are to her and how she missed us.all very much

many of the people met us ,

and slowly the cousin party came in view as i entered the house nervously while sticking to rayyan

again the flowers came onto view but this time the whole plate was spinkled on me and rayyan by sana and some others

We started metting one by one ..male cousins with a simple greeting

while a hug and a kiss from ladies..i even met baby zakriya who started crying as soon as i said hello to him.. ughh why he had to embarace me.. while rayyan was chuckling shamelessly beside me.

"hi dear i am hina .. MA SHAA ALLAH you are truly a beauty ."

"JazakAllah you are way beautiful" I said

Awe Areesha ur to sweet dear.

"And you have growned to be a handsome young manand" she said while praising rayyan .

.everyone was instructed to go inside and honestly i was very tired ,,

soon the crowd shifted and
my phupee came into view she embraced me with such affection that i got dizzy,

"my flower my child how are you .. MA SHAA ALLAH so happy to see you" ..

"you remember me right your gulnaz phuphee.."

"amm yes i said a bit uncertain .."

"lovely" she kissed me ..she had an immense affecion in her eyes that i felt comfortable in her company,

"come inside .. lets go there" she said pointing towards the hall

amm phuphee just a minute i have to message

"ok dear ok .. SANAA" she shouted .. stay with her and bring her inside ,, i will just see the last minute preparation of food,

i had to message my friends that i reached safely,,

i stopped rayyan to stay with me as i typed .. i heard someone greeting my siblings but i was to busy typing to concentrate on the words suddenly a grave voice came from the front "ASSALAM O ALIKUM"

"WALIKUM ASALAM" I ,responded while still typing

i heard someone clear there throat ..

i looked up and there was another cousin i guess not sure..

"how are you ?"he asked


soon we were heading in when rayyan asked me that who was he because whoever came told his name and brief intro with it

but whoever he was he didnt said his name nor his intro like we would have known him..

"i dont know rayyan i dont remember" i said

it was my mind playingg or was it true that from the corner of my eyes i saw him halt in his steps after my answer ..

probably my mind playing . i am too tired,,

we headed towards the dining room while chatting with sana she is going to be a cool company i feel it.

first child show them there room dadi said while softly kissing my hand..

the house was huge i really wanted to explore but was too tired and just wanted to take a shower and sleep ..

we were heading upstairs and all the cousins either infront o us or behind..

it was really nice to meet you .. i have heard alot about you from humaira phuphee and I think she was wrong because your more nice one of the cousin said

"behave" came a voice from behind before I could even reply

he just stuck his tounge out at the person behind me..

"beta this is your room" phuphee said while opening the door of a very beautifull room it was just beside my parents room..

i looked at my mom .. who understood my unsaid words..

"Gulnaz baji.. she doesnt sleep alone amira and areesha will share a room".

"oh thats ok no problem beta stay as you are comfortable .. but than wait a minute "

she hurridely went inside the room and brought something in the beautifull bag ..

"ahh jus just flowers and some decorating stuff hina forgot to take  out of the room "she said while handing the bag to that unknown person who didnt introduce himself..

no one was here now everyone was waiting down even mom and dad went inside the room to get fresh for dinner amira had went inide as soon as phuphee came outside with the bag ..

i also went inside after listening to phuphee..

after me and amira were freshed up ..

we thought we could just lay down for a bit so we were laying on the bed while talking about todays events.

"api i dont think i have been kissed and hugged so much other than today in my whole 17 years of existence" ..amira said

chuckling i replied "same dear same and my arm is hurting too"

a loud knock was heard on the door

i took my shawl wraped it around before opening the door

"beta come lets go down everyone is waiting ."

"phuphee amira is almost asleep and i dont feel like eating "

"beta no way i will wake amira you should eat and sleep love"

"its better if they dont let them take rest otherwise they will get sick" mom said while she had two glases of milk in her hand ..

"amm ok but than drink this milk "

"yes beta your dadi has ordered and there is pure saffron in it . you will get energy "mom said while coming inside phuphee following her suit..

they both sat on the bed ..

amira was almost dozed but mom ushered her to sit and drink the milk..

"your childen look very pampered fatima,", phuphee said

"yes baji you are right salman likes it this way "

" my umar is the most pampered in our house.."she said lovingly

"yes i met him MA SHAA ALLAH he has grown into a fine young man ."

"lets go now take rest beta and if you want anything call me.. "phuphee said while leaving

"goodnight " i said

i was going to close the door when i heard

"MOM HERE YOU SAID YOU WANTED THESE.. the un introduced peron said

"yes yes areesha beta wait a minute "

"there was a bowl of dried flowers in her hand she kept it on the dressing able and said its for fragrance."

i smiled while nodding and said "JAZAKALLAH phuphee."

the person was looking at me intently making me uncomfortable

puphee noticed and said

"you two haven't me yet "

"areesha don't you remember him" she asked

"am m no phuphee i don't" i said looking confused

"obviously its been so long and you were little back than "

"this is umar my smallest son" .she said

while he smiled.

"ah am nice to meet you umar bhai". i smiled

he coughed

while phuphee interjected

"sleep beta you must be tired i want to talk alot to you .. sweet dreams my love ALLAH HAFIZ "

"ALLAH HAFIZ" i said confused as to what happened ...


Lovely readers..

Do you like the family?

And how about Amira do you like her?

Let me know by ur lovely comments

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