*chapter 4*

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Volume 8, Book 73, Number 10:

Narrated Abu Sufyan:

That Heraclius sent for him and said, "What did he, i.e. the Prophet order you?" I replied, "He orders us to offer prayers; to give alms; to be chaste; and to keep good relations with our relatives.


EVERYONE was rushing here and there for the last minute preparations early morning

ALHUMDULILAH mostly everything was done yesterday night , just a few common things were left..

i emerged from my room to handover the last bag to my father who was keeping it outside in the trunck of the vehicle with the help of rayyan .

and now there were only 2 hours left to get ready and leave for the airport ,

i was quite excited by now and so hurriedly went to pray shrook so after that i can get ready..

i was blow drying my wet hair,,while having a giddy feeling inside me and silently praying that the trip may go well and whatever the disputes were not to be brought up again .

pinning my royal green scarf around my head i gave a final look to myself in the mirror

..I was wearing a cream white and green gown. It was descent yet elegant some bracelets And a cluth in my hand .

Alhumdulilah I was ready.

i was keeping my belongings on its place as I heard my mom's voice

I hurriedly closed everything and locked the door..


She called again.

"have you locked the doors" my mom said while zipping her purse close.

"Yes mom I have lets go" ..

"MA SHAA ALLAH you look beautifull"
"you look more beautiful mom" I replied

"is my lipstick alright? " she asked

"yup perfect mum"

"ok Common now everybody is already in the car and I don't think they are pleased with us" she said while locking the front door
we reached the airport and were now seated at the waiting area after boarding

.and this was what I had to be a part of in the waiting lounge,

"Give that bag this instant amira,," rayyan spoke sternly

"No I will not.. I want to carry it!" ..

"Amirra I am not in the mood of bikring give it NOW.".

"What happened to you two,, seriously who fights over a trolley bag..are you both in your right mind's"..i asked as I looked at them baffeled

"And amira let rayyan carry it.. who being a girl wants to carry it if she has an option "..i added

"NO api you don't know there are some of my precious things inside it and the way reyyyan carries it I am sure he will destroy them..."

"hey! my things are there too and you can't even lift the bag you will break my things,,"rayyan said

"well who told you both to share a trolley bag in first place" I said,,

"baba said it .. I and rayyan had some important stuff but didn't have space left in our suitcases and when we told this to baba after listening to what our important things are.. he said we could share a bag and put that important junk inside it,", amira said while looking at our parents who were busy talking ..away from the heedless arguing

"And may I know what those important stuff are ?"
..rayyan you first

"Well, My playstation .. my favourie jogging boots,my CDS and my roller skates." He said

"Rayyan you are not a kid .. why you need all that stuff when you will be with your cousins.."I orated

"I don't even know my cousins exactly how they are now boring or intresting and I don't want to get bored so I didn't wanted to take any chances and besides how can I trust you and amira to give me company as no matter where girls are they always have a tendency to bond with each other even at the mall or any other place "..

"You and your own logics.."I sighed

"And amira may I know your jun.... I mean important stuffs."

"Oh api there is my jewelery box wih all my favourite bracelets ,my hair rollers , my two favourite diaries , my cute little bunny rabbit bear and my lucky heels.",

"Lucky heels???"

"Oh yes api they are the only heels I havent fallen in" ,,

"Api her things are absurd" .. rayyan said..

"And what are your thingsss they are more.."

"At least mine are more sensible than yours. "

"Api say something !"amira said while huffing.

"AMM I don't even know why baba allowed you two for an extra bag and that to After  listening to your suffs.."

"And amira give it to rayyan please I don't want you fallen on the halfway of the airoplane stairs,"

"Heyy!"she chided

"Oh yesss..give amira sis"

"That's not fair api.."

"Amira please". I said

"Well ok but I want all my things in one piece .".

"Ya ya whatever "was rayyans reply .. as we heard the announcement ......



"Have you kept those flowers in there room and where are the flower plates have you completed it" mom asked the servant .

to which he silently nodded in negative

"you have not done it till now go now we dont have time hurry fast "

"beta have you taken out all the new things for them.. i have told samreen to keep all the neccessary things in their room" said my grandmother.

Granny was ecastic to meet her son and his children after many years,, everyone was busy in work to receive the honoured guests,, running here and there to do the preparations to welcome them ,,

we have been here from uk since a week now. all the other relatives came before us . and now everyone is  waiting for the most awaited and royal family as i will like to put it ..

they couldnt come before because of the exams.. ugggh i hate them. because of them now i had to wait a week more to see her and meet her,, it wasn't fair to me..

here i was quite impatiently waiting to meet HER..  As i have already waited long enough

she has been always in my dreams, in my thoughts, in my goals to acheive..

she has captured me from many years how i have no idea .

she is my love from a very small age..and now she will be my bride and my life partner.

how she looks now, how much has she changed . does she remember me as i do
is she eager to meet me as i am ,, what she thinks of me,theses all questions keeps swirling in my mind..

in all these thoughts i remembered a very beautifull memeory of my childhood

i was going out to play football with my cousins when i saw a little girl silently crying on the terrace stairs . i went near her to see it was none other than areesha i went close to her putting my hands on her shoulder i bent down and asked

"what happened Areesha"

she looked up and after analysing me for few seconds she started in her quivering voice "m m y mo m is not giving me my bangles sh e is saying tha i will r ruin them sniffs because its for eid and i cant have i it before and i r really like its jingly s sounds"

"oo so thats why you are crying"

"y yes sniffles"

"its ok dont cry come with me i will give you bangles"

"really you will she said with a sparkle of hope in her eyes"

"yes common lets go" i said taking her hand which she pushed away

i went to my moms room and took out her new red bangles set and offered her

"Wow they are vey beauifull and sparkly but i can't wear these they are to big" she said waving her small hands in all possible directions to prove her point

"its ok you can wear it when you become my wife " I said

"really bai they will fit than "she asked innocently

"yes they will but you will have to marry me only than i will give you these" I said

"you will not give me if i won't marry you?" she asked confused

"no reesha only when you will marry me"

"but i have to ask my parents"she spoke

"your parents will say nothing to you when you grow big you can do anything"I spoke


"yes sachii so you will marry me when you grow?"I asked

"hm am you said i can do anything when i grow up"

"yes" I nodded

"than i dont need to marry you i will buy lots of bangles for my self own my own i will not need these" . she said and ran away before i could convince her furthur..

she was a smart girl i could say .

this memory always brings a smile on my face .. i dont think she would remember it as she was quite small when it happened..

sigh how many agonizing hours more..

when will i hold her hand ..

all these things were making me go crazy

my whole family knows that i like her it couldn't remain hidden for a long and i am quite comfortable with it except of there teasing.. but i know they will help me

she will be quite lucky as she will be the smallest daughter in law of the family and a bride of the most cared and loved child.. there is no doubt in the fact that she will be treated like a princess..

uff how much more will i have to wait to make her mine...

"ahaa here is some romeo waiting for her juliet in the most miserable state. came" hina bhabis voice..

"bhabhi" i groaned "why would I think of her I have more important stuff to do."

I hate to express my feelings its enough for them to know that I like her not more than that

"oh MR romeo get ready they will be here in a hour or so.".ASAD bhai said joining his wife.

"you two are the most evil couple i tell you where is my baby zakriya poor him.. how cruel parents he has.."

"romeo dear he is the most luckiest son to have a father like me and seeing your state i am thinking to keep him away from his cousins as he grows up,, what will i do if my son turns a romeo like you.."

"stop it.. do you want me to remind me of your time.."i said while bhabhi smirked.

"shut up and go change we dont want to scare the poor girl now do we.."

"oh i look great i know it you just want to change the topic,.."I smirked

"say a word again and i will not help you,",he threatened

"i dont need your help grand mother knows it now and she is beyond happy. for your information" ..

"umar just go .. i know you are sulking because you couldnt go to recieve them a the airport.."

i scoffed "as if i will meet her at home"

"haha the romeo and his current scnerio "he laughed

"take your husband away ".. i told to bhabhi who was decorating the tray.

"UMAR beta the servant has taken out your dress go and change".. came moms voice.

"go lover boy your call just came.". bilal bhai sad coming into the private lounge..

There are many relatives here so we had to have this lounge for family meeing and for privacy..

"bhai stop it" i said sternly..

"what is happening dont tell me you are teasing my beloved child" dadi (grand mother) said while coming in

"yes dadi see them"

"oh i will you just go my hero get ready .. they will be coming in 30 mintues."She orated


"MA SHAA ALLAH my prince you look amazing ..may ALLAH protect you from evil eyes" mom said while blowing on me,

i was complimented and praised by everyone on the my way to the entrance as they will be reaching in 5 or less minutes..

"i see you have put alot of effort in grooming". Asad said with a smirk

"For a particular someone ofcourse",, hina bhaibhi said joinng..

"you look amazing umar" came my cousin AHAMADS voice..

"thanks" i said smiling ..

"you look different ,, you haven't dressed like this since you came"..sana my cousin said.

"i think its my choice..and thanks", i said

before she could reply my dadi and all the ohers came with plates of rose petals to shower on them..

my dadi came near me and kissed my forehead while praising me..

and suddenly loud chorus of greetings were heard..

my mind went frenzy and my heart thudded to meet the most awaited girl in my life....

first entered her father and mother .. dadi embraced uncle ,, and this session was taking too long

my patience was running out,

i moved a little forward to peak outside but thanks to the relatives i couldn't see anything just the flowers in the air and swarm of people.

uuggh where is she ..

she came right ofcourse she has to,, she couldnt live there alone can she. these absurd ideas were roaming in my mind but as soon as i looked ahead ...

there she entered while clutching her brothers hand ..

my world stilled there ,,,

there was the girl standing for whom i have waited so long

her glimpse was enough for my feelings to go haywire..

i was just staring at her while smiling not caring what will happen if anyone sees me..

she was here

my childhood love...

in the middle of the flying rose petals

the princess was finally here.

standing there scared of many peple embracing her and complementing her..

her innocense stopped me from staring at her for too long.

she was delicate and even more reserved then before,,

she has beauifull manners ..she didnt shook hands nor greeted any of the males cousins very freely.. she looked quite hesitant while standing there..

my mother embraced her while kissing her many times and blowing on her,,

i was impatiently waiting for everyone to finally meet her and move so i will have more time to talk to her,,

seeing the circumstances i think the wait will be long..

finally my DADi told everyone to move as they must be tired ..

my bhabhi eyed me while smirking..she came near and said go umar greet her everyone is moving inside .

i took that chance and started moving near her all the while my mind cloudy and my hear filled with happiness..

darnn why she has to cling to her brother,.

well i dont have a choice..

"ASSALAM O ALIKUM Rayyan"   i said embracing her brother..which he gladly returned.

"how are you buddy? .. you have grown.."I said looking at him

"i am fine and yes i have been hearing the same sentence since i got here"he answered

i laughed at that ..

"hi amira how are you .?."

"i am fine bhai how are you?" she said fastly

"i am fine. " I responded

she seems quite talkative..

finally i turned to HER

"ASSALAM O ALIKUM" I said softly

"walaikum asalam" she said not even looking at me .

i cleared my throat to get her attention which worked because she looked at me

"how are you, ?"

"i am fine,",was her monotous reply

she didnt even asked how was i ..

before i could say anything furthur .. her mom came and embraced me

as now seeing i dont have any chance to talk to her i headed towards the dining where everyone was gathered ..

i was listening to their conversation behind me..

rayyan asked something very intresting and i was looking forward to her reply

but my steps halted when she replied .

i turned back for a second not beliving what i heard ..

but she was busy conversing..

quite annoyed i stormed ahead ..

ASSALAM O Alaikum.

They finally met ..what was that at the end.? What she said .?

I hope you liked the chapter

There trip has finally started

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