*chapter 3*

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The Prophet (peace be upon him) placed a great emphasis on giving each other gifts as it increases love between one another :)



ahh ya .. ALLAH
RAYYAN can you atleast be civil early in the morning .. you just came from masjid.I said sternly

oh my sisy was afraid.i am soooo sorry not i didnt know that even when she is awake she is still in dreamland I was just trying to make you active

seriously rayyan today i want to know what is that thing which gives you this much energy in the morning..

i wouldn't want to give my secret away now would i he said while sitting and munching on his french toast.

hmm fine dont give it than just do me a favour from tomorrow onwards use your energy in something positive like make breakfast for all of us that way i will get to sleep more you will have a way to invest your energy and we all will live in peace and harmony..

This tea is So delicious mmm oh sis did you say anything because i didnt hear it i just saw your hands moving in arbitrary directions.

you are just just... i dont even know the word that even exits as how i want to praise you..

areesha beta come and take this tea to your dad and have you checked on amira has she prayed or is sill sleeping..

coming mom.. i said while going in the direction of kichen not before messing my brothers neat and combed hair..

heyy why did you do that

i ran away before he could return the favour

mom i am going to check on amira i will take the tea afterwords baba has gone straight to his room after coming from prayer. i will take it when he comes

oh ok than check on your baba to and tell him to come otherwise the breakfast will turn cold

hmm going .

skipping my steps on stairs i went to our room to check on amira as i entered the room i saw her on prayer mat her hands raised up,eyes closed and she was constantly murmuring prayers ..

i smiled and thought that how beautifull feeling it is that we possess in every exams and the day of results we pray to ALLAH wholeheartedly because we know that HE IS al MUJEEB the acceptor of prayers. HE is always there for us . and how we pray for an easy exam or the best result ..we know HE is always listening to us and only HE can help us..

seeing amira praying like that i said ALHUMDULILAH.. that we know we have ALLAH whom we can pray and have full trust that HE will listen ..

leaving amira immersed in her prayers i went to see baba ,,

the door was open so i didnt knocked and went inside . the site infront of me left me awestruck.

my father was applying attar ( natural perfume oil without alcohol). to my grand mothers dresses which we bought yesterday..and was packing them neatly.. while having a smile on his face as he did so

my father really was happy how could he not be he is going to meet his mother after a long time.i dont know what the disputes were but ALHUMDULILAH that they are setteled now. may ALLAH bless my father and my grandmother with HIS blessings AMEEN

baba i said going near him and when i saw his face clearly his eye held unshed tears . not having the words to console him or share his joy of going to meet his mother i just hugged my father in a strong embrace and my tears were already on my cheeks by now. he just held me and whispered ALHUMDULILAH ,he knew that i know him well our father daughter connection was very strong frm the begining and now i really felt the guilt that how i was refusing to go . ALHUMDULILAH my moher gave me some sense how i would have hurted him if he would have come to know about my senseless rant.

i lossened my grip and moved a little away to see him and he had a full blown smile by now.which my faced mimcked by seeing his..as he cleaned my tears .. you know baba i can say with full confidence that grandmother is going to like me more than you,,afterall i am her first daughter of his beloved son..

my father laughed at that and said so my dear you are challenging me now. well your baba is a full time winner so i would accept it and see who she loves more

i narrowed my eyes at him and said you know i was expecting that you will say oh yes my dear daughter you are very precious to me and to your dadi as well..

that you are my sweetheart.. i was just kidding ..

i know .. now go your breakfast is ready or your sweetheart daughter will be held responsible for your delay and will get a good lecture in early morning from her sweetheart mother

.and you think your baba will let that happen he said

ofcourse not but lets just say i am going to come early from univesity today and will have to spend rest of the day helping mom. where would i run than

goodpoint he said while kissing my forehead ..

go now baba don't worry i will do the rest i said as i started packing the rest clothes.

my father just nodded and went ..


i waited for my friends in the university garden because i was going to leave for home and than we will meet after a month as tomorrow is our flight,. i had texted them the time and we cordinated to meet here ,

tomorrow is the last day of university and I knew they would be submitting there project which i did before and sir gladly accepted it..

finally ..

here kanwal i waved at them ..

ALLAH meri jaan i will miss you alot how are you and why didn't i see you in the morning before the class.kanwal said while embracing me tightly..

now now Kanwal i really want to go tomorrow .. you are squishing me I said as I released myself from her tight grip..

yes we didn't saw you where were you..aliya asked embracing me

actually i was at the libraray needed to return the books and was taking notes of the holiday assingment, huff they dont go away at university too but ALHUMDULILAH its not so difficult.

we have to still get it
But thats a relief if its easy,.. so tell me daeri hows the packing going and dont tell me you are not going to meet us tomorrow.kanwal said

yar kanwal i can't come tomorrow no matter how much i try ,,its the afternoon flight and you know we have to get ready and leave early to the airport ,,

yes we understand .. so its a goodbye than

i swalloed my tears and said you are acting like i am going for a very long time its just a month it will pass by and no matter how much i get indulged there i will miss you two very much ..

we too dear wee too cant believe we will not be doing the things togehther that we planned

i know ,, i said sadly..

now any advices i said while looking at them

now just dont find your prince charming there we will not accept it till we approve ,

aliya only you would say this at this time i said to which they both laughed

well i was just stating facts it could happen but dont forget we have to do it togehther and he has to live here so we can always be to gether..aliya said

ya ya i would advice you the same dear..

i looked at the time and was half an hour late from which i told mom

kanwal i said looking expectantly

i would say enjoy your vacation miss us everyday and be in contact on wattsapp..

dont forget to read duas for journey..and pray for us and all during journey as the dua is accepted

. it is said that
The Messenger of Allah (SAW) said; Three supplications will not be rejected (by Allah (SWT)), the supplication of the parent for his child, the supplication of the one who is fasting, and the supplication of the traveler. [al-Bayhaqi, at-Tirmidhi - Sahih]

During travel supplication is heard by Allah (SWT) if the trip is for a good reason, but if the trip is for a bad intention or to perform illegal things (making sins) this will not apply to it.


areesha, will surely miss you aliya said ..

i hugged her while saying good bye..

look look now who is being sappy kanwal mused

i smiled and hugged kanwal .. i will miss you both crazies..

fi iman ALLAH they said in unison as i left for the gate,,

how difficult good byes are .. oh ALLAH AHUMDULILAH for beautifull friends..


mum everything is almost packed what is left I said while closing the suitcase

Here these gifts are left .. the names are written just put tham along with their family names

Okay .i did that while my mom went to the kitchen to get water ..

The room was filled with the suitcases,gifts ,clothes and chocolates..

Rayyan was helping dad and amira is wrapping the gifts in the dining room while watching t.v and here I am packing everything labeling the family name on each gift so that we don't mix up ,neatly putting them in the suitcase while listening to nasheeds and mom..

I turned around as I heard the door closed and saw mom coming in with the jug of water and a glass.

jazakALLAH mom I said taking the water and drinking it. In a sunnahh way..

AREESHA I want to advice you somethings and now is the perfect time as every one is busy mom said

So that's why you closed the door

Hmm yes now listen to me beta....IN SHAA ALLAH by tomorrow evening we will be there,

And there will me many relatives you willl be meeting first time no doubt they all are very nice and you will also be meeting many of your cousins both boys and girls of different age group . there will be many gatherings of all of your cousins do take part in those gatherings but in a limit and express your views modestly ,, there is no harm if you talk to any of your cousin but everything can be done in a modest way . I know what I have taught and I have no doubt that you will follow it but everyone need reminders ..

mostly in the evening the young children gather in the garden they talk or play games while the elders enjoy there tea in the fresh air .. and it is quite fun I am not sure if the tradition still goes like this but you have to be prepared. We will be beside you but more specifically it will be you who will be representing us . don't indulge in too much talking with your cousins of your age group of opposite gender maintain a distance and don't be excessively free I know your nature and me and your father are very proud of you but the reason why I am telling you all this is because i know in young age we sometimes fail to distinguish between good and bad and follow what other fellows of your age group are doing ..

but beta your heart always tells you the truth ,, listen to it,

your cousins will be quite friendly with you and is really looking forward to meet you I don't want you to slip in any manner . the main thing is that amira will be following you . so you have to be carefull in your doings you are her big sister your every action will be copied by amira .. if you will go in a modest manner she will too.. no matter how much I teach her you are her mentor as a big sister you must t be careful..

There will be people coming to meet us other than relatives . and many have sons your age be carefull beta . it doesn't take a second to slip.. and remember no matter how much the boy is a player as you all call it nowadays..

Despite of the seriousness of moms wordings I cracked up at this,,

Seeing me like his she smiled and continued as I was saying that no matter how much the boy is a player himself he likes his wife to be modest ..they don't want a wife like them, modesty and shyness are the two jewels for a women without it she doesn't have respect in peoples heart..

And in the end I would say that its ok there is no harm in liking someone but if you do come and tell me than I will tell you wheather he is good or not she said with mischevious glint in her eyes

Momm I chided ..

She laughed and said beta all this what I advised you be mindful of it .. now

come here and give your mother a sweet kiss..

after mom went i pondered over her words there was no doubt in that what she said it was absolutely true

i hope i will increase there respect infront of people and it could only be done with ALLAH's help


ASSALAM O Alaikum wa RAHMATU lahi wa barakatuhu..

Dear readers how are you?

Finally so close to vacations...

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