*chapter 2*

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Everyone has been made for some particular work, and the desire for that work has been put in every heart.~rumi


''Assalam o alikum daisies .how are you ?''I said while sitting and handing my friends their favorite drinks.

''Walaikum ASSALAM '' they replied watching me curiously

''rosey why a sudden change in the mood and the treat''. Asked Aliya eyeing the drinks to which Kanwal nodded

''You guys  are behaving  like as if I don't give you guys  treats  or call you beautiful names..I am hurt .'''

''Ya you do that but one at a time a treat with compliments i would say whatever it is Spill it buttercup.''.Kanwal said

''Huffs,'' why you have to know me so well..''

''Fine ! Fine! no need to raise your eyebrows actually I have an announcement to make and so I was buttering you two so you can know I still love you. "

"We knew it ..now tell"

"My parents have planned a trip to murre this spring and I came to knew about it  just yesterday and so I will not be able to be a part of the amazing plans we made.."I said  to them slowly

"WHATT!!"  .they said

"Yes I sighed.."

"But Why?" Kanwal asked

"It's a long story lets just say there were some disputes from past 7 years which have been resolved.And now we will be visiting them like old times and my father is really excited to meet his family after so long."

"Oh ok am well no problem its it's just for a month right so no problem be cool and enjoy ..we all are always together so no issues.".Kanwal said

"Yes Areesha that's actually awesome
If I had been in your place I would have been  squealing by  this time.". Aliya voiced

"I smiled while looking at them truly you both are a wonderful treasure in my life.."I will miss you both though ..
And sorry again for the plans I will not be able to be a part of ..it was really a sudden decision so I couldn't do anything.."

"Ya ya we understand be happy women don't be sappy  now you are making me emotional ..I don't want my kohl to smear on my face by my tears.".Aliya voiced .

While we  giggled

"Don't worry dear your kohl wouldn't dare come out of your eyes you are scary enough"..Kanwal mused.

While Shaking my head at both of them
I will miss them a lot I thought..

"And honestly I was thinking I would have to suffer from your tantrums..
Phew! a relief". I stated

While They just scoffed at my statement

We  three have been very close  friends Since high school and  have never been apart  for more than a week ..it's the first time we are parting for a month..so its a little hard. But its only a month vacation  aliya is right I am being sappy now I thought

"Now you bringal finish your drink fast I need your help in shopping." 

"Ok cucumber in 2 minutes".Aliya replied

"What about you? Kanwal tomato."

"I have finished it already now stop calling vegetable names you vegetable obsessed people.  if anyone heard us they will surely think we have a mental issue.."

"Ok mam !your wish "

"On serious note Areesha how are you feeling I mean are you excited."Kanwal asked

"Well You see there are times in which we are not able to conclude as to are  we happy or not..
Sometimes I get quite excited while the other time  I don't  even want to go..
So it's quite messed up you know.."

"Common now you girls it's only a vacation stop making big deal out of it."
"What will happen if your husband lives at the opposite side  of the world and  You will have to leave us. What will you do than? . be strong..!"

"Say good or be quiet Aliya"..I said
"And dont you remember our scheme that how we will make our husband the best buddies and will only marry if they live here.."

"Oh yes how can you forget Aliya don't you see 1 task has been gained as my future hubby lives here "Kanwal mused..

"You ladies lets just go..I was only trying to  prepare your mind that anything can happen in life we have to be strong enough to face it.".Aliya said

"I know but let's just hope for the best..now let's go.."

While going shopping the best thing is to take your friends with you..reasons as

1) It will take more time than required

2) You will have amazing time making a fool of yourself without noicing

3) You will have expert advices for choosing .. you wont be stuck in choosing situation

4) best of all You will make amazing memories..

As we three headed to mall I took out the list mom gave me and handed over to kanwal as to lead us to the destination its better to ask the shopaholic friend for it if you are in a hurry because she will know the each and every corner of the mall ..

"How come your mom entrusted you with all the list of things.".aliya said

"Should I take that as an insult or a complement "I asked her to which she just shrugged

She was right moms are never satisfied with our shoppings unitll she doesn't give her taste

"Aliya by taking your question as a COMPLIMENT i would like to inform  you that  we don't have much time only three days left and yet the packing has to be done so mummy just distributed the chores to all the family I am just getting gifts for children dresses and some basic things for me and Amira.. "

"Others my mom will takcare of..amira couldn't come as tomorrow is her last exam and than there will only be one day 2 days left so I will have to do it for her."

They both hummed in unison..

"But will amira be okay to fact you are shopping for her.you know as small sisters like to do it themselves." Kanwal asked

"Yes deari you are right but she doesn't have time now because of exams and to be honest no matter how much she shop for herself but she ends up liking my things and sometimes taking them to."

"Yes you are right.small siblings are fascinated by our choice".aliya said

"look here it's  the children section." Kanwal said .and we headed there to  shop,explore and make awesome memories..


"Assalam o alikum mom "..i said as I entered the house with all the shopping bags and slumped on the nearest couch who said shopping was fun my feet are killing me..

"Walaikum asalam how was the shopping dear have you bought everything in the list"

"Mummy honestly just by looking at my current horrible state you think I would have missed something.."

She chuckled while opening up the bags and seeing the things we bought ..

"Hmm thank you beta now get up and see the clothes I have selected for you to pack "

"Mom they are fine just pack them all I want to do is pray isha and sleep now "

"Don't you dare sleep now .we will have to pack some stuff today. We don't have much time left."

I groaned "mum"

"Don't mum me now get up and help me.."

"You know it's the right saying we daughters are our fathers princess and mothers maid.."

"You know why We do this
Because we want our daughters to be the queen of her husband's heart  And no husband likes a lazy wife who can only shop or make pasta and excuses believe me beta"

I dramatically gasped
"Mom are you indirectly saying that I am spoilt and lazy.."

"No beta how could I I was just telling you the disadvantages of not helping me.."

But that means the same.

"Will you fold this clothes now or just  continue to argue"

"Hmm the second option sounds tempting though.."

And her glare was all I needed to shut up and fold the clothes..

"Amira beta what is so amusing in areesha's mobile that  you are so  engrossed in it giggling instead of having your dinner "mom asked..

"Hehe !oh this one is cute"
"Allah Api this one is beautiful"
.".sorry Mom I am just  seeing api's pictures which she and her friends took today with crazy hats.. Hehehe oh lovely.."

Hearing that my mom shooted me a glare which I immediately understood as to what it was referring .

"AREESHA how many times do  I have tell you.."

.before my mom could say anything further  I intruped her by saying
"Mom relax we just went to the ladies trial room section and outside those rooms are big mirrors which we  took as an advantage to took pictures ..promise there were no boys or mens I know I wouldn't do anything to attract attention in public intentionally.."

My mom hated it  when we or any other girls took pictures doing different gestures in public or doing different poses..
She was right it does attract  unnecessary attention.so  she taught us never to do it.

"I could look the steam that was coming out of your mother I am proud that you blowed it away"..my father said making us giggle ..While my mother just smiled..

"Why are you eating again I am sure you ate outside while shopping  with your friends" rayyan said while stealing my dessert..

"Heyy give me that back.And yes I did eat outside and was so full that I suggested my friends that we should walk a little .that walk did proved good and now I am hungry again..
Now give me that back..you don't need more sugar as you are already high on the fact that tomorrow is your last exam.."

"I need more sugar to maintain my charms  of sweetness.."

"You are not sweet dear brother.."

"Ask the girls in my collage" he said while smirking..

"Ya! api my friends ask me of him all the time" Amira said.

"Oh ya see my charms are so working and I am sure the girl who fainted that day was affected by my charms.."

"Please clarify Amira" I said.

"Actually api my friends say that they all want a brother like him.who can be a perfect bodyguard.."
"And the girl who fainted was because of the effect of vaccine..it had some reaction ..but she was fine after drinking he milk of magnesia which was also sweet.."

We both laughed while rayyan grumbled..

By now mom and dad was busy conversing with eachother otherwise I was sure mom would have given rayyan her sweet lecture  as  how to impress the girls ofcourse

Entering my room I saw many piles of clothes and scattered things on the bed which I was sure is  amira's doing  to choose her clothes
and the fact tomorrow's her exam I will have to clean it before the princess returns to sleep on the mess she created..
Sighing I started gathering the clothes and jewelry and kept them on there respective places.. all the while thinking what a vacation it would turn out to be will meeting all the cousins after a long time will 'be exiting or  boring..
Will it be thrilling or not
Will I be comfortable with them or will stick to my mom through out.
All those aunties and relatives will be a good company or  like the people describe the  desi aunties to be.
Will my grandmother be happy to see me after this long or will be annoyed of the fact I have not even spoken to her in these years and I really don't remember her face clearly .
.but the fact that many of my relatives are coming from abroad
Gives me a little relief that there will not be many typical aunties..
And not to forget phupee I have spoken to her and she is looking forward to meet us .so there would be  a little less awkwardness. As I sort of know her ..I looked at the clean room infront of me and
smiled it felt like a piece of cake doing it while cleaning it immersed in the thoughts..
So many questions I have in my mind
But oh Allah I pray to you please give me respect by your mercy..I don't really know the people I am going to meet but I want respect from them for me and my family..Ameen
I prayed my night duas and went  into a peaceful slumber..


Areesha is heading near for a adventurous vacation.
she seems quite relaxed now doesn't she ;-)

Let me know your views through comments..

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