*Chapter 1*

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"Honesty will guide you to goodness, and goodness will invite you to heaven."

You are master of what you say until you utter it, once you deliver it, you are its captive. Preserve your tongue as you do your gold and money. One word could bring disgrace and the termination of a bliss."


''Areesha get up beta (child)..
Only half an hour till fajr ends. get up now ''Mon withdrew my blanket exposing me to the chills offered by the current atmosphere 

"just 5 minutes, i promise! "i pulled up my pale pink blanket closer ,snuggling closer to its soft furs 

.''No, get up right now or i am going to sprinkle water on you''. i slightly peaked to confirm if her threat  was real  and indeed she had a water filled glass in hand 

sighing i sleepily got up to perform wudhu earning  her smile a a kiss on forehead 

An atmosphere of peace engulfed me as soon as I started praying. The beauty of the fajr is truly indescribable, yes its difficult to get up but the serene environment and peace you feel while performing it is amazing..

i was helping mom in the kitchen when we heard a loud bang and an even a louder salam(greeting) ,yes my brother was home,wonder from where does he gets the energy from this early ! and why i didn't hear my father's voice praising him for his deed 

''What's for breakfast I am starved'' were his words as he entered  kitchen smiling my way 

"you just ate a whole shop last night ,how come you are hungry already ?"my small sister teased rayyan earning a scowl 

''don't start in the morning you two''mom  warned placing their breakfast on the table .

Amira and rayyan busied themselves setting the table  while I went to call my father for breakfast.

A sudden pleasant change was apparent in my fathers attitude which I have been noticing since a week now but couldn't put a finger on the cause..
Finally while sitting on the table before starting my breakfast I decided to voice my thoughts..

"Baba is their any news for us ,you seem quite happy ?"my eager self couldn't control more 

''You will know soon enough'' he chuckled at my observation 

it peeked rayyan's and ameera's interest who started persuading dad to tell them the reason,it wasn't everyday baba had this huge smile on his face 

My mom had a smile on her face.which let me to the conclusion that whatever it was. It had to be very special.
And now me and my siblings were making all sorts of wild guesses to which my father was only nodding his head in negative or was giving us a bore look..
Finally after many random and foolish guesses we gave up..
''You will get to know as soon as you will return home after collage''. My mom said to which we all huffed loudly.

''That's not fair dad please we are curious''. Rayyan insisted

''Kids don't you think your mother looks very pretty today my father said changing the topic.''.to which my mother shook her head while smiling but the next sentence which my father said made that smile turn into a scowl..
''OH NO !no! actually I am not wearing my glasses yes that's the case..Your Mom looks the same.. of course i mean more beautiful what were you thinking '' he added after seeing the looks on moms face. making us all laugh..

I murmured Alhumdulilah silently while seeing all the happy faces of the people so close to my heart..
A family is truly a beautiful blessing of Allah..

In few minutes every one was rushing to get going to their respective destinations..
There were string of horns outside warning me and my sister that if we took a little more time we will be on our own..we rushed outside while smiling sheepishly at my father and brother as we got into the car..

As I reached my university and rushed into my class which I gladly was on the time.I spotted my friend and took a seat beside her
while greeting her and that's how a very intriguing and boring lecture on financial statements begun..

After the class

We were sitting in the university cafe
While discussing about the project which we had to submit tomorrow.
Aliya and kanwal were my best friends since high school.. We were always together and they were amazing friends.
I mentally laugh when I think of the efforts and crazy planning we did to get into the same university. Which were now a part of an amazing memory..
''What do you think will sir accept our project like this'' I asked them..
As what happened was sir paired the whole class himself this time ..and I was paired with a boy or brother ramish as I put it..I was not comfortable working with him as it was my first project with a guy..so we both decided we will do it separately anf present it to him without telling the sir before as we knew what he will say in his grave voice
''Young lads it's ok I understand your point.but you have to learn to talk and work together formally so I would suggest you both come to library in the afternoon I will be there so you can work on the project together while I will do my work...''
Which we didn't wanted to so we decided we will tell him in the end..who wants to spend 2 hours doing a project in front of your sir..definitely not me..

''I guess he would accept it he is quite generous you know Aliya said..''

''I hope so''..

''Don't worry if he doesn't just tell him your parents don't allow''..was Kanwal s reply.

''Ok so girls lets make plans about the spring break..we will make it a memorable one as there will be no exams after spring at last holidays without tension.''
''Yayyy ''we cheered on the table

''So tell me Kanwal any news about our soon to be brother in law''. I asked raising my eyebrow.

''Ah am yes ..well he is going to be back this winter and ah the wedding dates will be decided than''.she said while blushing.

''Look Aressha we have a tomato in front.. a site of Kanwal blushing is purely a miracle.''.

''Oh yes yes Kanwal I didn't knew that you blushed so much remind me to tell your hubby how his Kanwal changes in mere mention of his name..''

''Stop it you too..don't worry your times are not very far I will return your favours ..''

''ya ya you can return it but let us enjoy seeing your tomato cheeks till than.''.Aliya said.Making us laugh

it was sure a sight to see kanwal blushing ..

Having the afternoon tea we were all seated around our parents watching them with curiosity and excitement anticipating for them to tell the good news..

''Areesha how many holidays are you having asked my father..''

''Am baba around 28 days I guess..''
I replied confused as to what it had to do with my holidays..

''And you two'' he asked rayyan and Amira..
''Dad for a month of course we just finished our exams''..whoops!.whoops'' they chanted..

''Hmm ok ready for the news''..he asked

''Daddy we are ready since morning please say it''..rayyan said.

''Ok so kids start packing your stuffs as we will be going for a family vacation to muree.. after a long time''.
He said while excitement evident in his eyes

Mom smiled ..
While my siblings were literally dancing might I add quite foolishly..
I was staring at them trying to wrap my mind to news of what I just heard

''Aren't you happy Areesha mom asked sensing my uneasiness..''

''No no I am just shocked ..''
''Will there be all the relatives just like old times.''

''Yes beta Alhumdulilah'' my father said in a very cheery mood..

''Now you all start packing as we will be leaving in four days..''

''Four days but but isn't it too soon'' I said while earning a glare from my mother..
''What I meant is packing and shopping
Requires time so I trailed off...''

''Everything will happen on time if we start from today''

Hmmm.I said while thinking why i am not thrilled as my family is about the vacation is it because I am going after a long time or that I will miss my friends..conflicted in my thoughts I went to my room deciding to take a little nap so that I can think properly otherwise it will just turn into an unwanted head ache..


All my family was running around busy in different chores and making the lists of things needed to be bought for travelling from gifts to normal things needed for the vacation..

I headed towards the kitchen .seeing my mom busy in cooking while narrating the things to be bought for the travel while Amira writing it down..

''That's it now go take out the dresses you want to pack than I will see'' mom said to Amira as I sat on the kitchen table..
''Oh Areesha beta you came I was missing my child now please cut these cucumbers and tomatoes for the salad'' she instructed.. 

''of course you were missing me because of work.''.I chided making her  chuckle.

''mom amm can i ask you something please don't get angry ..but i really don't want go there i don't know why but i just dont feel like going cant i stay here i am big enough right i can takecare of myself ..''

she turned swiftly making me scared .analysing me for few seconds she sighned And said ''Areesha beta you know you cant stay here alone ... have i ever premitted you to say at your friends house?''

''no'' .. i said which came out as a whisper

''than how could you even think of this absurd idea..and see how happy your father is he is going to meet his brothers and sisters after a long time he is really looking forward to it.. we have to see his happiness tell me don't you want your father to be happy. have you thought how it will affect his mood when he hears that you are not willing to go. he really wants all of us to be happy and enjoy this vacation.. look at the bright side beta aren't you looking forward to meet your cousins especially your kiran api ,asad bhai ,sana,ahmad bhai and their children.. they are really looking forward to meet you .''

''yes you are right i am sorry mom i understand i am little excited now as you have put it that way .. but i have this not so pleasing feeling actually i think i am quite nervous to meet them after a long time ''.
''what's there to be nervous all of them are same yes grown up a bit but they all are really loving. dont worry have trust in ALLAH everything will be fine and just look at the positive side and plan to enjoy the vacation don't fret yourself over silly things. now hand me that bowl from top shelf and than get ready we will leave for shopping after lunch.''

ok fine..may be it's  just really me
and it will turn out to be a wonderfull vacation i assured my self..... or so i thought

and now i also have to tell kanwal and aliya about it and listen to their tantrums of how I will be leaving them and that how unfair it is .. but i have no control over it..I thought


As I finished praying my isha salah mom called me saying that it's my phupes ( father's sister) call and she wants to talk to me.. despite of my protest she just handed me the phone and left for kitchen.

''Assalam o alikum phupee''

''Walaikum asalam my sweet daughter how are you?''

''Alhumdulilah I am fine phophee how are you ?''

''I am fine my pretty daughter its been soo long since I have heard your voice .. hearing your voice soothed my heart I am looking forward to see you and meet you dear .''

''Mee too phuphee ''

''Thats great my  daughter , and let me tell you someone is looking quite forward to meet you ''

Not understanding whom she meant I said

''Phophee I am too looking forward to meet you all and especially baby zakriya..''

Zakriya was the child of my phuphees first son and my cousin hina api ...

''Ahhh yes yes beta zakriya will love to meet you.. ''

I saw my mom coming from the kitchen and hurriedly handed the phone to mum and said

''Nice talking to you phopee mom wants to talk to you ALLAH hafiz.''

And ran to my room...

Assalam o alaikum ..

This is the first chapter of the story I would really appreciate your opinions ..

This is dedicated to a very dear friend and a sister. shaikhahussain.😘

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