*chapter 8*

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" Withdraw the heart into
the arena of reflection ....
nothing helps the heart more
.... than that! "

- Ibn Ata' illah al Iskandari


We were all sitting in the garden on the round table all ready to eat the fresh barbeque all the papa's and uncle made, it would have been exciting if the barbeque was of chicken, but I would say luckily it was of goat , the not so good kind of smell which only I was experiencing because according to my analysis
everyone was looking forward to devour it, how would I eat It.. YA ALLAH I KNOW that its not good to say bad to any food but I cant eat it I don't want to please help ....

The plates were served I was sitting beside my mother who kept a pice on my plate seeing my reaction to it she whispered

"Areesha eat it quiely its food i don't want your childish behavior mode on now got it"

"But mummy I cant it it smells ".. I whispered

My mother just looked at me and was going to say something when one of my auntie intrupted "what happen fatima what she wants?"

"Oh nothing you know how are kids these days they don't like anything healthy and areesha here is spoilt in these maters by her father ,no one is having problem in eating and she will to have none right beta"

Hey I am herr biggest daughter how can she say this about me I thought

"Yes" I nodded forcefully

Everyone at the table laughed,

"Beta you will like it. Trust your father", baba said

"Ah hm mm ok "I whispered not quite delighted

Phuphee sensed my uneasiness and said "no worries if she doesn't like it don't force her is ok beta go and order the cook to make it . Or tell me I will order it."

Today at lunch all the uncles decided to have a change and do.barbecue the GUESTS are going to arrive today and all the cooks were.busy preparing for the special dinner..
the cooks usually prepared food on occasions otherwise I.have seen mostly the aunties cooking

"No no phuphee I will eat it "I orated

While all my cousins were giving me amused glances

Umar bhai was quick to add. "I will just order pizza from outside"

I was quiet waiting for my parents to say something .. the idea did made me happy but I had a beautifull mother to answer ,,

"Yes , that's a great idea umar Areesha beta tell him your desired flavour "

"No phuphee I can eally eat it no worries .. please don't trouble yourself."

Great what have I gotten myself into when nobody was having problem in eating why did I had to open my mouth I scolded myself

"Beta its not trouble at all now fast tell umar beta he is waiting for your answer.."uncle spoke

"Common areesha you have been offered a pizza tell him" zari api said

"Apiii orderr it I want a pizza too I don't want to eat the goat" daud orated innocently

"Daud beta" aunty said warningly while suppressing her smile.

"Areesha tell please we will enjoy to.Because of you "daniyal intrupted

I looked at my mom and she smiled , yup that was what I needed to answer

"It will be my treat please"I added.After telling my desired flavour

My father smiled and nodded in affirmation of my demand

"Nonsense beta daughters take treats not give".. phuphee said

Go umar .."

" I would like super supreme" shouted his brother

"me peporroni "said another one

"And I would like a chicken tikka pizza shouted one more voice.". Making all the elders laugh .


While all the cousins were relishing pizza .. hina api spoke

"Areesha should we thank you that because of you we got an awesome treat or umar "

"Thank Areesha I would have never given it otherwise "umar bhai said before I could say anything

My precious slice of pizza didn't like his statement because it fell from my hand but thankfully nobody noticed as all had there eyes on umar bhai

"What do you mean? "my brother said..

"I mean to say that everyone could eat the babeque so there was no use of it
While areesha here he said looking at me was not interested in it so something had to be done"


"You mean to say if there would have been anyother than her you would have done the same" hina api said while smirking for no reason

"You all got pizza right and you have eaten it than what's the matter?" .. enjoy it.!

"Thank you " I said to him

"oh !areesha thank me if it wasn't for me me you were not going to speak up your choice daniyal chided"

Gigling I said "yes thank u too.."

"Well I need something other than thank you, "umar bhai said

By now rayyan went inside talking on his phone otherwise I was sure he would have replied before me.

"Amm yes what?"

"Will you give me "

"Umar you are scaring ,the poor girl .. what is that you want I will give you".hina api said

"No bhabi!" .. "so areesha?" he asked while coaxing his eyebrow at me

"It depends as if I can "

"Yes you can .noww?"

"M yes I will try "

"Say it already "ahmad bhai said

"In return you can make your famous pasta which amira talks about.."

Coomon umar everyone shouted "she is not here to cook"

"I asked from her" he said dismissing them

"Fine.." I said politely

"I am sure by now areesha will never accept any treat from you umar" zari api pointed

"Why will she not? .. my intension is not to disturb her,,"

"I am not disturbing you right areesha" he said softly

"Ahm no not at all"

"Than I will be waiting for it at the dinner "

"WoahWoah! wait Umar not today" hina api scolded

"Why not?"
"There is plenty of time till then "

"Umar so impatient to eat pasta since how many days you have not eaten it " ahmad bhai added jokingly
. "And we will not tolerate anything that Areesha doesn't want to do" he added further sternly

"Umar lovess the pasta So much that he is being selfish"bilal bhai joked

"I am not now please let me be."

"If Areesha doesn't have any problem than why are you all having it "he grunted

"Am you didn't ask her " asad bhai added making everyone laugh.

It was so.hard for me to surpress my laugh seeing his face all red

"Okay okay chill "sana said seeing his reaction

"Areesha dear is it okay for you today". She added

"Yes " I nodded helpless

Of course I.have a problem. I don't want to make it as it's my first time cooking here and I am not a professional cook that it will taste perfect. And if something goes wrong it will be etched forever


I have made pasta uncountable times but it was always in a hurry and I use all the ingredients mixed with desi and italian and Chinese and in the end cheese that to depending upon my mood if I would feel like eating spicy or normal.
Great just great because of his pizza I am in a pasta trouble.


A loud click of fingers brought.me.back from my.thoughts

"What happened?" Rayyan asked.


"You were.completely elsewhere ap Amira joined.

"Hmm I am sorry

"So granny told us to get ready by 8 as the GUESTS will be arriving by then"amira voiced

"Oh yah areesha that reminded me that ur phupee has kept the new dresses in ur wardrobe and the one which ur going to wear is ironed and placed on ur bed." Zari api spoke

"Oh! Okay api thanks."

I don't know if it's a tradition here but from the day I have arrived I am wearing the clothes which either phupee or any other relative would choose for me.
I did enjoyed it but sometimes I do prefer wearing only simple dresses .But seeing there love and adoration I always stop myself from choosing another one.
And there is no doubt all the dresses are beautiful than the other and suitable for the weather
But I would say Amira has been relaxed in this matter as she wears only what she desires and feels comfortable in and everyone has agreed to her demand happily saying she is small.

Yup perks of being small.I thought

I had to make pasta now and than I will have 20 minutes to get ready before the GUESTS arrive .
It wasn't fair the same day he gave treat and same night he wants to eat pasta whyyy.

"Ready areesha" Hina api said peeking through the door.

"Yes api coming"'
The good news is that Hina is going to help me prepare pasta as it has to be a lot now because everyone in the house knew that I am going to prepare pasta today and they all look very excited .

My mother was curious.about this.news and She did.asked how.suddenly I got interested in cooking giving me the idea that she doesn't knows that it's because of Umar.bhai.
zari api had brushed it off saying that everyone one wanted to taste pasta made by me

Seeing my nervousness Hina api assured me that she will help me secretively and doing so she threatened every one saying that no one can come in the kitchen while I prepare it as it will be disturbing for me

"Hey chill why are you nervous
Believe me it will be delicious that everyone will be devouring it till it ends."She winked
Making me smile.

"Api you are giving me hope I haven't made this much quantity before ".

"Just relax princess you will have it under control ."
'After Saying BISMILLAH
we started to prepare it
"So areesha tell me.about your friends". Hina api asked while slicing the vegetables.

"Hmm api Aliya and Kanwal are my two best friends and we have been together since very long even our families are attached and all the families . enjoy the company of each other .
We often have barbecue's in nice weather's and plan long trips on long holidays."I added excitedly

"Hmm that's nice . your families get along well great so there families are big I mean how many siblings they have if you don't me asking."

"Of course not! api. Well Aliya is eldest in her family like me and she has two brothers while Kanwal comes second as she has an elder brother."I voiced while slicing the boiled.chicken

"Intresting so there must be great understanding between you and their siblings too." She inquired

"Yes api.Ur right we all are great friends and enjoy when we all meet "I answered

"Hmm.Good she said while thinking something"
"What happened api?"

"Oh nothing so now tell me what all you put in your pasta I will take care of the measurements as how. Much to put."

"I started telling her my crazy ingredients while enjoying her comments on each of them.."

We kept the pasta in the.oven and with a cup of tea we sat down on the kitchen dinning.
"You know areesha Umar is a very nice person. I know you are a very sweet girl but please don't mind if his doings makes you uncomfortable"

"I.understand api don't worry"

"Thanks dear" she said
and we started to talk about random stuff until hina api voiced

"Areesha you know ?"

"Umar doesn't do anything for anyone unless the person is very special to him. And you


The voice of the oven intrupted her midsentenced.

"Let's see the outcome of our hard work "she said while getting up.

It did looked pretty awesome
we took it out and shifted it into the dishes

"So here goes "hina api twisted the fork inside the pasta and tasted it

"So? " I asked nervously glancing at her

"Areesha it's super amazing "she said exited by giving me thumbs up.

"Really?" I asked delighted

"Yes yes it is.delicious try it "

"No api I am to nervous I can't"

"Okay fine but relax it's awesome" she said consoling me

"Thank you so much api I wouldn't have been able to do it without you.
I didn't even had the slightest idea as how much to add.."

It's true I couldn't have done it without her

"Stop it areesha it was all you I just guided you "she said while winking at me

"Now let's take it outside for others to test it.."

We kept it in front of my grandmother to let her test first as token of respect

She took the first bite while making my heart beat faster by the second.

I was watching her every movement and every expression trying to conclude the result but to no vail as she wasn't even giving a glimpse of it..

She looked up and motioned for me to come towards her .

Taking slow steps I went closer to her .

She took out a gold bracelet and wrapped it on my wrist .

While saying ,
"You know beta although I.am.not a fan of these delicacies you young people eat. But it tasted amazing."

"So it means she passed" Kiran api voiced excitedly.

"With flying colours" she said while patting my cheeks in affection.

Sighing in relief I gave a full blown smile while uttering my regards to her.

"Woah! woah! what's happening here?" daniyal said entering into the hall.

"We are celebrating the success of areesha's cooking." Sana replied while smirking at him

"Wha!! what ?? You have already made the pasta where is it? I want to taste it . "
"It's not always you get lucky enough to eat a cousin made pasta" he added

"Hands off!" dani annie said pushing his hands away from dadi's plate

"Hey!!" He exclaimed

"You.have to wait till dinner as it will be served by than it was only for dadi to taste it now." Hina api said

"That isn't fair." He objected

"What isn't fair?" came a voice of a person because of whom I made pasta,

"They are not letting me taste the pasta" dani exclaimed irritated

"Its done ?" he asked a bit shocked

"Yup it is" huda api said smirking

"And nobody notified me?" he asked in a rough voice

"Umar stop being grumpy "sana said rolling her eyes

"I should have been informed" he said while looking at me

"Umar stop" annie voiced making him glare at her

"You are right bhai we should have been informed and to top it of they said they will serve it during the dinner "dani chided

He is making a big issue of nothing I thought

"I want it now" he said while making himself comfortable on the sofa beside granny and pating a place near him for Danni

"Now ladies where is our pasta "dani said smirking

I didn't like the way he behaved he isn't that important as he behaves

"Go beti bring for him granny" said affectionately looking at him while proving my thoughts wrong

"Urghh!" annie said while heading towards the kitchen

"Go beta you and huda go and get ready as the guests will be arriving soon and I cant wait to see your fathers reaction of meeting amjad after so long "dadi voiced

Nodding me and huda api headed to leave the dinning room but she stopped near umar bhai while slowly saying "sorry you couldn't give your results live but you can always call or send the results through message you know "with that she took my hand and headed out.

"Mum! mum !mommy.babaa !"

"Allah.What's the matter beta" my mom said Panicked.

"Mom baba look dadi gave me this" I said while showing my wrist.

"MA SHAA ALLAH."My father smiled. "So this means.....
he added proudly

"She liked my pasta which I made today "I exclaimed happily

"That's good May Allah bless you "mom said kissing my head.

"Proud of my daughter".baba said adoringly making me feel a bit guilty for taking all the credit

"Actually it wasn't all me huda api helped me to"

"That's good.huda is a very good daughter. "Mom said smiling.

"Areeshaaa reeeesha appppiiii !!! it was the one and only daud .his voices grew louder as he came near.

While my parents chuckled go."beta see what he wants. "
I nodded and headed out.closing there door behind.

"Apiiiii.!"He squealed looking at me "where is Loli api. ?"

Daud has grown very close and comfortable with us especially amira he goes where ever she goes and is mostly with her. they both even had a nickname for each other he calls her loli while she calls him her teddy

"She is taking a mid day nap.buddy"

"Oooooh "he Said sadly.

"It's ok.don't worry come.with me I am going to ready for the GUESTS lets make you a hero !change ur dress and come I'm my room I will.make ur hairstyle. "I beamed

"Really.woah!" give me 10 minutes he said running towards his room. Making me.chuckle at his enthusiasm!.

I wore a long purpule dress with intricate designs all over and heavy lace borders draping the purple shawl around my head and closing the lids of the jewelry box i gave a final look to myself in the mirror

I turned around and woke a very sleepy amira
and after she had freshen up
I asked about her opinion of.how did i looked .

"You look nice api "she said laying down again and waiting for the last moments to get ready in a hurry.


There was a sudden change in the environment as the voices grew loud Indicating the arrival of the new GUESTS .down stairs

All of the girls were sitting in my room hearing the voices we all got up to head down and greet them.

"Chalo chalo I guess they have arrived sana" Said while opening the door to it bedroom.

We all fixed our.shawls and followed sana out of the room..
All were gathered down around meeting and welcoming the new guests

Amira went and stood beside our parents who were meeting them . While i stood behind mom.

"Meet Amira." My father said motioning towards her.

"And amira he is ur uncle amjad and my best buddy"

"Assalam o alikum" amira greeted smiling

"Walaikum ASSALAM"
"Oh !MA SHAA ALLAH the small naughty princess has grown so much "uncle mused loudly while patting amiras head adoringly.

"And guess who is she? "my father said mentioning towards me while I greeted politely

"is it Areesha MA SHAA ALLAH so much grown "he said while patting my head affectionately. "Do you remember me your one and only amju uncle."

"Do you?"he asked

"Amm" I contemplated

"Please Don't say you forgot me we have so many sweet memories.'" Uncle mused

"Don't irritate the pretty girl amjad sahab" came a mortherly voice from behind him.

"Very beautiful you are beta" she said while hugging me " I am ur fozia aunty how are.You.? "

"Alhumdulilah fine aunty and you?"

"Alhumdulilah beta I am in front of you perfectly fit "she said while winking at me making me chuckle.

"Fatima our daughter has grown so much I can't believe it's the same areesha I met last time "aunty voiced looking at me

"Yes Alhumdulilah children grew up so fast. "Mom replied smiling

"Amira naughty princess are you still the same. ?"

"The one and only aunty she said bowing down "Amira said making everyone chuckle .

By now mostly everyone had gone inside to see the dinner arrangements . Leaving our two families alone to catch up except Umar bhai who was chatting with someone

"Amir, ibrahim and reema come here."
Aunty called
"This is my son ibrahim and reema they are twins you were all very small when you met them"

I greeted them which amira and rayyan followed..

"Amir beta" aunty called again

He was the person talking to.Umar bhai.

"This is my eldest son Amir "aunty said smiling while motioning towards us siblings.

"ASSALAM O Alaikum "he said in a grave voice.

"Walaikum ASSALAM "we all replied polietly.

"MA SHAA ALLAH amir has grown to be a gentle man "my father said patting him.

"Do you remember him ?areesha" his.father said

"No "I nodded silently.

"It's okay you were all very small." Uncle said smiling

"You know beta your father and I are known as the troubling twins" uncle orated making my father groan while we all chuckled.

"Apart from the jokes its a pleasure to meet you after this long buddy "I missed you uncle said to my father .

"Mee to Alhumdulilah we met again it has been too long since we lost our touch." My father replied

And the conversation continued untill dinner was set.

"You know it's a special treat for you all today as our areesha cooked for the first time "hina api said while serving

"Really woah that's so super we are lucky than.can't wait to try it." Uncle said.looking at me.

"Btw you remember me hina beta don't you.?" Uncle asked

"Of course uncle I do you were our amju uncle "hina api smiled

" it's great to have a whole family together after so long
I see a glimpse of ur parents in you beta granny said adoringly May Allah give them the highest place in jannah ameen while looking uncle. "

"Ameen "we all replied including uncle.

According to The little information I have come to know about them is that granny and uncles family were really close and my.father and uncle had been best buddies from than and after the disputes when my father left he lost contacts of all and now they met after very long

"Mmm.It's delicious !"aunty said tasting my pasta "Areesha you seem to be a great cook. "

"Thank you aunty but hina api was the one who helped me a lot in it."

"Oh me no I was just giving her company so she wouldn't be bored you.have to take the credit areesha it wasn't me "hina api declared glaring at me

I sense I am in trouble

As the dinner was over I headed towards my room while texting aliya I was so close to bump in someone but thankfully I stopped due to someone's cough.
I looked up to see the new guest who was talking with Umar bhai.
Am what was the name Amir yes
"Sorry "I said backing away

"it's fine no problem "he said smiling.

I was going to go when he voiced

"You made awesome pasta ."

"Thank you I said happily. "

"My pleasure" he said nodding and with that we took our routes to our places.

I changed and got comfy in my bed while waiting for all the girls to come we have started sleeping late to enjoy our selves.chatting and teasing each other

"Areesha you look so.cute" hina api said coming. In

"Api.You came" I stood up and .hugged her
"Thank you so so so much everyone liked it and I was praised so much thank you so much. Api."

It's true everyone praised me a lot although it was Just a pasta nothing special but Alhumdulilah the respect they all have me was immense.

"Oye! no thank yous I didn't do anything it was all you. "

"No api it would have turned out something else if you would've not helped me"

"Areesha stop it who was the one telling me all the ingredients I didn't even add one of it with my will it was all you. "

"Let's stop it . The main thing is it turned out to be amazing" she said accordingly touching my cheecks.

As I remembered what umar bhai 's text on hina apis mobile he wrote a simple message that "he appreciated it." Just that.
After reading it
Hina api was quick to add that he has a different way of praising ..

shortly everyone started to come and we had a really wonderful time teasing and chatting with each other.

Soon it was time for fajr and we all headed to do wudhu and pray. all the house was awake and we knew that no elders sleep after fajr but we were going on exception since few days.

And we usually would wake up at 10 and sleep after fajr.

Before  fajr I prayed 2 nafl to thank ALLAH that he gave me so much of respect and love it was all because of Allah I am not even capable to do a thing properly yet Allah helps me in every matter a thousands and thousands times Alhumdulilah. I made dua and headed towards the light to switch it off.

"Amira I am switching off the light". I warned

"No no stop wait"

"What ?I said wearily"

"Wait please Wait."
"I can't find my flower pillow"

"No I.got it you can off it now."

"Ah Shukar!!I said rolling my eyes".

"Api can I share something with you please"


"But promise first you will not get angry at me ."amira said

I laid down beside her and.nodded at her to continue

"No api say promise. First."

"Acha amira I promise now say what happened" I said combing her hairs with my fingers while laying beside her.

"Api it's about Umar bhai" she said silently.

"What about Him?" I asked giving her curious expressions while my heart was beating fastly.

"Api I don't like that that he is always l looking a t you." She said cautiously looking at me.

"Amira he doesn't."I exclaimed nervous

"Yes api he does, you don't even notice because your always looking somewhere else when he does."

I was out of words..

"And you know what happened today in went in the kitchen to call huda api and there I heard Umar bhai was furious that no one will eat the pasta you made except him and not to put it infront of guests."


"Am areesha that must be due to something. "I tried to reason

"Api why would he say that. ?"

"And you know on that night we went to hills it was rayyan bhai who told me to call you when he saw Umar bhai was standing with you. "

"What!" I whispered shocked.

"Yes api what is it why is he like that?".

"Amira it's nothing you know he has lived all his life abroad so he is a bit different. "I reasoned

"Api are u sure."

"Yes amira I am positive."

"He also listens to.songs. "

"Hmm I told you the cause already and about songs just leave it when "Allah wills"
"He will refrain on it's own accord. "

"Hmm ur right api. "

"I know now don't think about foolish stuffs just relax and enjoy."

"Hmm."she hummed.

"Wesay I am enjoying alot here
Are you to api. ?"

"Yes amira I am now go to sleep I am sleepy. "

Which was a lie my sleep was long gone now.

"Okay api good night" she said while kissing me on the cheeck.

"Good night" I whispered .turning on my side

Amira noticed it and maybe rayyan to what will happen if My parents get a wrong idea. Because I know his habits are different because of his different life style
Yes I am sure it a just because of that
Because he is like that with everyone I assured myself .

Assalam o alikum wa RAHMATU lahi wa barakatuhu

Lovely people how are you?

What are your views please do let me know through your comments.
Dedicated to

Keep smiling and spread them to :-)

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