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Your acts of kindness are iridescent wings of divine love, which linger and continue to uplift others long after your sharing.

~ Rumi


Sitting in the lounge we all were devouring the oily snacks while watching our childhood pictures on the t.v
And I could, describe everything in one word embarrassing totally,fully,absolutely embarrassing

I wanted to vanish from there .

It could be seen cleary. I was a very chubby baby.

with chubby cheecks round face and not to forget red lipstick on I looked totally funny which my mom and aunts were finding cute.

"Oye! Look look how our camel looked so cute when he was small" ahmad bhai orated referring to asad bhai

"I didn't knew horses could be so handsome when they were young" asad bhai fired back

"Awe our dinosaur buddy came" bilal bhai orated looking a umar

While he grunted

They continued throwing tantrums at each other doubling our laughs on each one until phuphee spoke

"instead of thanking ALLAH that HE made you humain and praising each other what are you guys doing" phiphee mused

"Children these days!" humaira auny added wile shakking her head

" you know when we were small we used to praise eachother and we always use to call eachother beautifull names" another aunty added

"Guys !I think we have been praised enough ,"ahmad bhai said making us all giggle

"Awe sana you look so cute" I said seeing her picure

"Areesha ,are you making fun of me seriously I look like a colourfull ball" she replied making us all giggle

"The family had only one young and handsome boy "daniyal commented looking at his picture

"Someone is soo full of himself" annie spoke

"Dadi !I think they need glasses they cant say that to such a handsome face" dani grunted

"You were looking like a freezed monkey standing there hunched" ahmad bhai said smirking

"I don't !"daniyal grunted

"Oooh !look amir the giraffe standing above mountain" daniyal said

"People I am a humain, ALHUMDULILAH" he replied shortly

"You mean to say we all are ......bilal bhai dramatically paused

"No I didn't say it but its your thoughts" he said smirking

"Awe look areesha you and umar look so cute "huda api intrupted

I was laughing from there tantrums but my head jolted towards the tv after hearing her words.

Indeed it was the picture of us sanding together on the sofa

"awes" were heard around me of aunties

I sighed when the picure changed not knowing there were many more to come

My heart thudded with each changing picture although we were very small but it was still awkward very awkward..

"Awe my cute bringal "annie said looking at kiran api's picture

"Shut up annie" she said while glaring at snickering ahmad bhai

"Where is meee?"Daud chided who was ever so comfortably sitting on my lap

"Am you see there beta you where on the moon looking at them from above" asad bhai mused

"Wha ! what no I want to be there in that picture" he grunted

"You were there look it's you" aunty said showing him the picture of small daniyal

And the kid was satisfied

"Aunty why areesha had a lipstick on every picture" sana amused

"Sana "I warned

"She loved to put lipstick when she was small and whenever she would hear its picture time she would come running to me to put it on "mom replied while I hid my face behind daud embarrassed making everyone laugh.

"Now now don't you dare anything to my princess,She looks like a cute dove" hina api added

"She did looked cute" umar bhai voiced but he wasn't heard in the laughters except by me as he wasn't sitting faraway from where I sat

I sighed seeing No one has heard it,

What's his problem

"Hey !that's me that's me "amira chided pointing at a cute girl on my father's shoulder.

"Awe you look like a small beautiful flower "sana complimented

"Rayyan the hero look at you "amir voiced

"I owe you one thanks for saving me from any funny name" rayyan replied

"Who said your saved mango" daniyal said smirking making rayyan groan

"You looked like a penguin" he mused making us all chuckle

And in the end there was a group photo of all of us where I was sticking my tounge at umar bhai and I could feel him grunting beside me while all were laughing

And like that we all enjoyed our time teasing and commenting on eachother..


I was going towards my room to chat with aliya and kanwal until I heard someone

"Beta can you come here please" aunty humaira said calling me

"Sure aunty" I said going towards her in her room

"Hey mummy" I said looking at my mom who was already seated there smiling at me

"Here beta please where this amd show me if it fits perfectly "aunty said taking out a beautifull royal purple gown with pearls on its neckline and on is sleeve while it was covered with light shimmer all around

"Humaira its beautifull but you didn't need to .....

"No fatima don't intrupt it is for my daughter I called you here because Areesha wouldn't have been comfortable here alone "aunty said while cutting my mom and smiling at me

"Haha okay I will not say anything" mom replied

"Go beta wear it "

"I am m will change and come " I said uncertain

"No you can go to the changing room here me and ur mom wants to see it if it fits perfectly"

"H m okay" I obliged

It was so soft and elegant and it fitted perfectly putting the net shawl around me I took out the the bloutche from my previous one and attached it behind to adjust there but sadly there was no mirror around me to have look at my appearance

I Nervously went outside

"Amazing MA SHAA ALLAH areesha its like it was made for you" aunty complimented

"Am JazakAllah khair aunty"

"Hmm yes it looks good" my mom said smiling while adjusting it a bit frthur

Thank you aunty I said while looking at the dress

No need to beta you are my daughter" she replied adoringly ..."

"Fatima you see due to some misunderstanding and some people how far we went and missed many precious moments of each other s life . 14 years!" aunty said while pining my hairs with a butterfly clip.

"Ur right humaira we have sadly. How we used to be best friends and how we had plannned many things for the future" mom said while having a far away look on her face .

I was literally feeling like a third wheel in their conversation

"Hmm but Alhumdulilah now we are together again we will not miss anything now IN shaa Allah" aunty replied.

"IN shaa Allah "mom said smiling.

With that there was a sudden knock on the door

Aunty hurriedly draped the shawl around me and went to open the door.

"Yes beta what's the matter?"

"Mom I gave my charger to dad can I have it now please"

It was Amir..

"Hmm yes sure come in ".

He came in and was a bit startled to see and us there as his mom didn't inform him about us.
But he looked away immediately uttering his regards politely while he took the charger and went off..

This habit of his bought him more respect in my heart.
He neither stared nor behaved in a way that would make me feel uncomfortable..

"Go now beta call amira
Now its amira's turn send her here" aunty said
While lovingly dropping a kiss on my forehead

I rushed amira out of the room and kept my things on the right places

I really loved the dress more than that I loved her affection and love.

I went and stood near the glass window seeing the garden in front of me
The front view was magnificent filled with greenery and flowers of many kind .
It was spring,
the season of flowers... SubhanAllah how.beautifully ALLAH created everything.it's amazing . I was thinking until a very disturbing thought invaded my mind making me forget the beautiful scenery of nature in front of me for a while
What could be the reason of such a huge dispute?. I pondered That caused us to cut off for 7 years with all and 14 years with humaira aunty..

"Apii" daud said while. Cutting my thoughts

"Yes" I responded turning away from the window

"Apii we are going to play ludo and everyone is calling you down stairs.. "
He said exclaimed excited

" I will.be there in few minutes I replied smiling."

hearing that he nodded and ran off to inform others.

I guess the games have started it's going to.be interesting I thought while heading down.

"Areeeshaa" sana exclaimed while patting a place near her ..

I smiled while heading towards her I sat between her and reema Amir's sister.

"Hey sweety "I said looking at her.

"Hi sweet api" she replied while continuing chatting with amira..

In just a little time I.see that amira and reema has bonded and I was happy to see that..

"Fellows" Hina api said gathering everyone's attention..

"We are ready to defeat you all girls." Ahmad bhai said.

"Oh yah!" Daniyal chided .

" Be Ready to lose" bilal bhai added.

"Oh stop it we will.win I am sure" Kiran api replied rolling her eyes.

"Let's see" dani Said

"Yeah let's see".sana added.

"So.,as its for 4 players we will make 4 groups two.of girls and two of boys and if the two group's of girl's win than you will have to treat us of anything we desire.
And if boys win we wil.do.the same..
Okay !! "

"Yup".everyone cheered.

Hence , we started the game.
We were sitting on the cushions around the dinning with a big ludo spreaded in front of us.

What I have been noticing wasn't good at all.
We were in the middle of the game and everytime when my token came in front of Umar he would not beat it But rather use another one of his to move making me nervous about his doings..

"Oye Areesha !! You have been killing my.token since the start what have I done" asad bhai chided making me laugh..

"Bhai it's not my fault every time ur token automatically come's in front of me".l answered innocently

Basically we were at that point in the game where we had no idea who is going to win!'.

"Kiran apiii byeee "rayyan mused killing her token making her grunt..

"Huda apii that one it's going move it there" I said.

"Apii here !"

"Hey bhaiii" reema.chided scolding her brother amir as he killed her token.

"This isn't fair "

"Stop.nope.This move it.".Umar said while moving his yet another token not killing me again..

I was feeling uncomfortable anyone could notice his ..why is he doing this?

"We are going to winn wuhuu !"dani exclaimed pointless to distract us

"Stop it dani "we exclaimed while we continued to play

The game was at it's end one of the girl's and boy's group had won..

They were constantly teasing us because there group won before the girls.

There was just one group left on either side which would decide the winner.

Only one token out of four was left of ours but at the end moment Umar bhai killed my token making me.internally groan at his uncertain antics .But we didn't lose hope they still had two tokens left

We continued playing while it was one token verses one .. there other token was close.to winning. Anyone could win

it was Amir's turn and again our token could have been killed and it was sure they will win but he moved his other token making everyone shock and we girls.won..

"Oooooh amirrr bhai what did you dooo" daniyal exclaimed sadly.

While we all girls cheered happily..

"Soory dani I got.distracted and I.moved the other one darn!!!" He replied sadly

"No problem at least we were close" Ahmad bhai.consoled..

"Well I.had amaazing time" annie said .

"Yes Mee too "huda api.joined

"Mee.three "I said..

"All in all I.enjoyed too "asad.bhai said.

"Yes we did."all agreed.

"So.girls what treat you all want.."

After taking our.opinion Hina api.spoke."take us to flower festival tomorrow and the hills of the special placee..."

"Finee ahmad bhai agreed ". Making us all cheer. Yet again.

"Thisss issss noooot faair "dani chided

"Shut up" sana smirked while we all snickered making the boys grunt.


"Girls come Here "sana's mom called
While we are were heading towards the garden.

"Coming "sana replied while motioning us towards the sitting lounge.

"What happened aunty. ?"Huda api asked.

"Nothing beta we am want to talk to you and spend some time with you all.".phuphee answered.

"Hmm okay but why.Am I finding this suspicious "Kiran api orated.

"Uff Allah !u all children nowadays ." Granny spoke..

"Acha sorry "..sana.said

I was going to sit with them when phupee.spoke

"Come sit Here beta sit with me."

Obliging I went and sat with her

"Hmm so what's the matter". Zari api started.

"Beta we heard that you all are going to spring festival tomorrow?".humaira aunty asked.

"Yes we are "hina api answered.

"Amm about that....,

"No.!no.we have waited long enough we have to go tomorrow we have too!" Sana
Chided looking at their expressions

"Arey! larki sabr tu karo aj kal key bacho me tu sabar nam ki cheez hi nahi Ha" dadi exclaimed!
(" uff.! Girl be patient there is no such thing found as patience in today's children")

"So,what I am going to say is that I know it's futile to stop you all from going and we have plans to visit some relatives and we can't join you. There are certain precautions we want to.give you girls." Phupee spoke all the while taking my hand in hers .

"What precautions ?" Annie asked cautiously

"Am it's am like I know you all will be safe IN SHAA ALLAH but please stay.close to the boys don't go anywhere alone tag them with you . "

"But why I have visited the festival numerous times with my friends. At that time you didn't said that than why.now?" Sana asked.

"Beta listen the situation is a bit different now although it's undercontrol but you all should be guided before."aunty spoke

"There are some pictures I will show.you if you see anyone of them there tell anyone of the boys and leave immediately ."dadi said slowly

"Your scaring us" kiran api spoke.

"No! no.don't be scared it's just we want you to be alert . .".aunty said.

"But why and who are they...?"I asked

"Let's say that there are certain enemies of our family And it's better to be safe.."phupee answered

"But who?" Sana asked

"This much information is enough for now and don't disscuss it with the boys we have already told them..So.No.one will dare to tell them they don't know that you all know it.
But according to us it's better to tell you.guys and don't worry enjoy fully but stay alert." Phuphee ended.

"Ab kisi Ney unkey agey zuban nahi kholni samaj gaye" dadi said while pointing her finger in our direction.

"Okay."we replied a bit uncertain

"Allah you people are scared be brave Allah is with you read ayat ul kursi before leaving and we will to blow on all so No worries and enjoy the flowers" humaira aunty said smiling.

"Hmm but who are our enemies?".sana asked curious..


"What's going on? . Woah! all the ladies gathered, at one place must be dangerous. "Daniyal mused at the door.

"What's your problem dani "kiran api said rolling her eyes..

"I don't have any Alhumdulilah" he said coolly..

"I heard that you boys lost "humaira aunty asked amused

"No !we didn't it was almost a tie at the last moment we just got distracted by them "bilal bhai replied while blaming it all on us.

"Hey!! Who were the people causing distractions huh?? "Zari api said.

"Now now.stop it children you have grown up . Chalo now get up and head to beds tomorrow is a long day for you. "Phupee said.

"Go and sleep now" dadi ordered


"Areesha "someone called.from.behind me.
I turned around and replied

It was Umar bhai *huffs*

"Here" he.said.giving.me.mobile.

"Amm why are you giving me.ur.mobile?" I asked confused

"It s not.my.mobile it's . I mean i bought it for you and pakistan's SIM is already inside it you didn't have Pakistan's SIM right. ?" He asked

"B but I don't need this" I said stuttering while looking around to see if anyone is coming it wasn't appropriate to stand here alone..

"No you will need it here have it." He pressed

"No I.can't "

"Don't worry I.have talked with your parents and they have no problem" he said while looking at my expressions.

"Really ?" I asked surprised

"Yes! now here..

"Please can you put the SIM in my mobile I am comfortable with my.mobile."

"Areesha! When I am giving you this why can't you just accept it ?"
he said sternly..Making me panick

"Now please! have it.."He ordered

I took it slowly against my will.

"Thank you" I.whispered

"My pleasure" he replied.
"So now can we talk outside.he asked

"No bhai! I.have to go, huda api was calling me. "

"He scrutinized me for a sec and than nooded go"..he said

I turned but stopped when I heard him calling again . I looked at him while huffing

" My name is Umar just Umar" He said intently looking at me

Which made me angry and without replying I went towards my room


I saved all the numbers in my new phone and I.did asked mom.and baba about it and they had no problem with me keeping it. And it was there idea of giving me the local SIM but as Umar bhai had an extra so he suggested that he will give it to me

I was.sitting and.seeing the full moon under the lamp.shade when I my phone beeped.

I opened to.find a message..

Can't wait to see you and go to the flower festival with you.:-).

It's was Umar

My.hand stilled on the phone, while my.heart thudded inside ..
What is this? I thought.

Is it his outgoing behavior

He is friendly with all cousins.but what should I think. I closed my.mobile and continued my.stare at the moon while his message not leaving my mind even once..

ASSALAM O Alaikum wa RAHMATU lahi wa barakatuhu

How was the chapter I hope you liked it .
Umar's behavior and doings?

I would love to know ur thoughts

Keep smiling and takecare :-)

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