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Don't hold the hand that you will let go, Don't let go the hand that you will hold. Instead of being a rose to fake loves. Be the thorn for real ones.

~ Rumi


Admiring the beautifull weather outside my heart jumped in excitement.
We will be heading to flower festival today and by looking, at the breezy weather I am sure we all will have a splendid time.!

During breakfast there was an exciting news that they have booked a coach for all of us so we wouldn't have to travel in different cars that means I will be free to sit with anyone and would not be insisted to sit with umar bhai..

Which reminds me of his message I wasn't able to sleep well after that thinking of its different meanings but in the end my mind had advised me to leave the matter but on the other side my heart kept warning me...

I guess my heart was right because in the morning phuphee had come to give me a new marvelous frock with elegant flowered boarders and not to forget the rose gold ear rings and a beautifull flower bracelet,,

Phuphee had praised me that  the dress complimented me but what made my heart stuck was when I heard her mumbling something about "how umar's choice is always wonderfull"

Why? what's so special of him why everyone treats him like a king?

over here what he says goes ...

Granny especially takes care of his choices everywhere in almost everything

But why me ?he can't just shove his choices on me that mobile , ice cream,the car ride and now this dress why? I thought

But  I  think I should get rid of these disturbing thoughts and look ahead for a positive day I reasoned in my head


"Knock knock"

"Areeeshaa I know its you I told you to come directly you don't need to knock every time you come here" sana exclaimed from inside

"I feel comfortable this way sana' I said going in while smiling

"Wow look at you MA SHAA ALLAH' .. sana said taking in my appearance

"ThIs dress is marvelous and special too." She said looking at me

"Why special" I asked instantly

"Because your wearing it" she said blankly

"Ammm"I fidget in my place

"HAHAHA!! you get nervous so easily darling I was just playing around lets go" she said opening the door

"sanaaa" I chided while she just winked a me

"Where is your hero" I asked

"My hero is sleeping in his buggy" she said adoringly.

"That's why he is not here with you as most of the time he loves to stick with you" I said smiling

"Yes my baby prince" sana orated lovingly.

Baby zaki is sanas hero he has become so attached to her that he prefers to stay with her all the time
The only time he is not around her is the time when he is sleeping.

"DO YOU PEOPLE WANT TO GO!!!" Someone shouted from down

"It must be the boys" hina api said hurriedly closing ,the door of her room and moving towards us.


"UFF !! these boys what they have to do nothing they get ready in 2 minutes" kiran api huffed while joining us .

"So true api rayyan approximately takes 5 minues to get ready" I said as we headed down

"Woah! gentlements we are being praised "., dani said while fixing his shades.

"What can we do we are cool like that" rayyan boasted.

They all were wearing sunglasses despite of no sun on being asked they said it makes them look intimidating and cooler

"Now whose getting late" zari api said tauntingly seeing that they are sitting calmly

"Am we are just waiting for umar he went to attend an important call" Amir said

"Oh!" Hina api said

"Amir bro what a look! to impress girls there huh!" Ahmad bhai asked mockingly

"Bhai I should ask you that" he said quirking his eyebrows and pointing at his appearance amused

"I have already impressed someone" he said winking at kiran api making her go deep red

"While you my brother are in that process" he said smirking

"Oh common if some...

"Hina bhabhi can I talk to you for a sec came umar bhai's voice cutting Amir in the middle

"Sure" she said going out with him .

"Today many girls are going to faint because of us" dani spoke from where he sat overlapping one leg with the other

"Astaghferullah!" Ameera and reema said at the same time

"Don't give us that look !just see how many girls will be after us" Rayyan said wiggling his eyebrows

"And bro there will be roses no need to stress out about that we can easily present  to anyone we like" daniyal boasted

"Bhai do remember that the girls at the flower festival come's wearing high heals I wouldn't want you both to be bruised " amira orated making us all laugh

"Don't underestimate our looks amira not everyone is blessed to have cousins like us " dani spoke

"Bismillah" I think we should start a day with good thoughts reema ended

"We are being honest you would'nt be able to find cool people like us " rayyan said

We continued chatting until I felt someone very close to me

I looked up to see non other than umar

"I am glad my choices suits you" he said slowly making me shocked at his boldness

"Areesha come lets go" sana said pulling me towards her.

"Sana your hero is awake" hina api said handing zaki to her who instantly jumped on her

"Areesha come here with me" hina api said taking me into the bus.

She guided me near the window seat at the second row in the bus

"Api please send sana here"I said when I saw that huda api going out again

IN the bus mostly, all of them had taken there seats well not before fighting for the window seats

Looks like Ahmad bhai was going to drive I thought when I saw bhai taking the driver seat

suddenly umar bhai hoped in and sat beside me in a swift move and that to with full confidence

He didn't even asked for permission I reasoned in my head

"Hey" he said looking at me

"Am m please if you don't mind can sana sit here" I asked unsure

"No she will sit at the back and I am not moving from here " he responded stubbornly

"Wesay bhi jaga nahi hai aur" he said proudly ( and besides there is no place else where)

I stayed silent

"Areesha is there a problem" he asked raising his eyebrow


"It would be nice if you would share it rather than staying silent" he prodded

"THere is no problem" I assured him



Amir wasn't coming in the bus as one car was important to take so he will come in that

"Api you can come here and sit" rayyan sat pointing at his seat

I sighned relief until hina api interrupted

"Rayaan what happened she is fine here and besides I am sitting direct at the back we are going to play a game here so she needs to sit here and besides you and dani had planned other things on the way "

"Yeah bu-...,

"No buts rayyan your sis is fine here" hina api said sternly

"Areesha please your going to sit here infront of us right "she asked

"Okay api".. I nodded having no choice

"How much long is your semester?" umar bhai said cutting the silence after a while

"About 4 months "

"And your degree how long will it take?"

"Its of 3 years and than internship " I responded

"You could have opted for a shorter degree you know?"he said

Kia masla hai (what's your problem) I voiced in my head

"I was interested in what I am doing" I reasoned politely

"Areesha don't you remember our memories from child hood "he said.changing the topic

"No I don't" I answered

"Not even one" he insisted

"No"I said while looking at him..

There was a feeling inside me indicating me of something which was nothing less than a storm yet I chose to ignore

"You don't seem very open nor talkative" he said

"I do talk"

"Not much I haven't seen you taking part in our conversations "he reasoned

"Am I amm talk less infront of many people" I answered honestly

"Is that so" he said raising his eyebrow to which I only nodded in response

"That's a good habit" he said thoughtfully

"How do you than intract with ur fellow boys in the university I am sure you have to as its co ed"he asked curious

It was bit out of the way question making me hard to answer

"I don't need to intract much but when its needed its not that tough"

"I am sure there are project partners with whom you have no choice but to oblige"

"Our professor there are very considerate regarding this matter so they mostly give us the choice of chossing the partner"

"I see that's actually pretty good"he nodded

By the time I was sure no one was able to understand our conversation due to the great commotion in the bus thanks to the rest of the cousins

I jerked at the side when his shoulder touched mine making me alarmed

I looked at him to find him in neutral expressions

"It was by mistake" he said getting a hint by my expressions

"But it wasnt something that made you react that way "he added making my blood boil


Thankfully than all of them started a game not giving us the time to intract much and the long long ride ended peacefully

Standing at the entrance of the flower festival I was amazed to see the beauty and elegance of the different flowers arranged it different unique ways attracting more attention with its sparte appearance and beautifull un identical yet defined colours

Further moving towards them the splendid fragrance filled around us indicating the welcoming gift from flowers ..i was amazed"

The view presented to us by nature was magnifiecient SUBHANALLAH

So which of the favours of your lord would you deny![ 55:13]

This was the ayat circulating in my mind seeing the flowers which indicated the presence of a beautifulll intricate designer ALLAH the most mercifull.

There were sculptured fountains of different orchids and lilies,
pathways of many different kinds of rosses,
Mini shops with flower bands and flower crowns scattered all around it was all marvelous

"Areesha look over there peacocks made of flowers come on lets go there"Hina api said
Excited I went with her towards it

It looked beautifull the feathers of the beautifull bird lined with amazing different coloured flowers..

"You all stand I will take a picure" umar bhai said while motioning us to go stand beside it

"Yeah! come on" hina api said

"No api I will take picures of you all"

"Areeshaa come here" kiran api dragged me fromm behind to stand in the middle of them

"Amira and reema" join us zari api called

"Okay ready!" he asked


"No wait ! dani what are you doing" hina api exclaimed

"Nothing just trying to ride the peacock "he said innocently

"Please we just entered we don't want to be kicked out just yet" reema said

and wih great difficulty finally the picure was taken

"Wow" I heard Amir's voice
making me turn my face to that direction

I was awestruck the view was fantaboulous!

There was a lake surrounded by the beautifull red roses all aorund and the small flowered huts beside it for people to relax and enjoy the magnifiecent view

"Sana , all api's please lets go there" I said pointing at the direction

"Woah!!" It's beautiful sana complimented

"Rayyan buddy I am going to book that place for your wedding" dani said

"Yeah! sure do that while I 'll book that dolphin area for ur child's first birthday " rayyan said smirking

"You both are having dangerous, plans remind me to warn ,their mothers to keep an eye on them" Amir said jokingly to ahmad bhai

"So true man so true" ahmad bhai said answering

"I am damn sure they have also decided their children names from now" Asad bhai added

"Oh! please stop it and Amir your will be married first" rayaan said smirking

"IN SHAA ALLAH" daniyal joined

"Amir than lets select a place for your wedding what would you prefer outsoor or indoor wedding" umar asked

"Umar you first buddy than I will" amir said challenging

"I will choose soon don't worry" Umar said

"Looks like we have a future groom ready" Asad bhai smirked

"Please let's go naa" reema chided interrupting

"Yeah please you can continue to plan all your weddings at that place " Amira added.
we all snickered while they grunted
And With that we went towards it

On our way to the lake we bought popcorns and some other snacks to munch on while sitting there and admiring the view

The lake was beyond beautifull surrounded by full bloomed red roses with slightly overlapping waves showcasing it as a scene of some magical place .

There were just roses around it

Which made ponder!

The rose represents love

It's bright attractive colour calls for it and it's thorns warns of the difficulties that comes in a way to capture it ...
There could be many lessons taken from it

It teaches nobody is perfect everyone has flaws.

It shows it's not easy to attain it as thorns are there to protect it..

It acquires attraction blooming the love between people

It's shows nothing lasts forever.As the flower wilts.

Even if you crush it ,the flower gives only fragrance which is it's character which in return shows how character has influence on our personality..

I was so lost trying to understand the hidden lessons in those marvelous creation that I snapped out of it when something dropped on me
I looked on my shawl to find a popcorn..
I turned back to find all engrossed in their talks....
I continued my imagining until

Again I was hit by three popcorns ( yes I counted)!

I angrily looked .back in order to catch the culprit who interrupted my thoughts.

But found none!

I had my own box of popcorn and whoever playing will have to .pay! I reasoned in my head

I was alert and whoever the person was no doubt he was dheet..( obstinate)

There was a rain of popcorn on me and without looking back I took a hand full and instantly fired back..
But the minute I turned I regretted it..
There stood a confused looking Amir with some pieces of popcorn stuck in his hair..I

Booming laughter was heard behind Amir which belonged non other than my evil brother

"Rayyan!! "I warned

"Soo so rry I I I ts hilarious" he said in between his laughs gathering attention of everyone and adding them in his laughter..

"Am it was a mistake" I said to Amir apologetically

"It's absolutely fine" he replied smiling and than turning towards the laughing rayyan and daniyal and dumping his empty pack on their heads..

"Hey!! "They chided..

"Yay" amira and remma exclaimed encouraging Amir..

"What goes around comes around" kiran api said proudly..

I guess I wasn't the only one they were disturbing..

"Finish your snacks and let's move to another area than" Umar spoke ruining our moment..

I had no idea he was sitting there seeing all this usually I am alert but I guess I was to engrossed in my thoughts

We hurriedly finished our stuffs and were ready to explore some more..

Hearing and seeing different flowers in the virtual places at one side and exploring and viewing its different kinds is totally a bliss!'.

So many soo many varieties of flowers SubhanAllah!..
Standing there with elegance.showcasing their beauty in an intricate way..

Lotus ! I love that flower blooming in the water giving it a breathtaking view.!'.I voiced in my head looking at them

Just in front of the small lotus lake was a small shop from which you can buy and and place it in the lake to float it..

"Let's do it!" zari api said looking at our excitement..

"Choose your flowers people " Asad bhai told

"Bhai that full pink one" amira pointed

"I want one too.just like that" reema joined.

"Api! api" daud said said clutching my hand to gain my attention.

"Please can we both do it together. Amira api has become busy now "he pouted

"Of course dear let's do it "I said giving an encouraging squeeze to his small hands.

I guess ever since reema came amira is very excited to explore with reema because she rarely gets her age mate..And now daud was feeling left out..

I had eye on the lotus having baby pink petals with dark pink on its tips and was just waiting for everyone to choose so that I can get it easily already the shop was to crowded because of us..

"Daud we will take that.".I said pointing at that flower.

"It's looks good" he said excitement evident in his eyes..

"Take it "daud insisted forcing me towards the shop

"Wait let them take first !"I said signalling towards sana and Kiran api who were busy choosing there ones

"Okay" he nodded understanding..

"Areesha you haven't taken yours?" yet Asad bhai said

"No bhai I will just take after them"I said politely

"You haven't taken it either ?"I asked

"I am not a fan of these things." He responded shrugging

"Okay.." , I nodded smiling

"Areesha Here take this one or tell me which would you prefer I will bring it" Amir said while coming towards Daud and handing him one

"Oh shukriya bhai jan" ( thank you dear brother) daud responded happily

"No problem buddy So areesha should i? he asked softly

"Amm" ( I had no idea what to say)

"Ye ley un sahab ney bola apkey ley"
(Take this that man has said it's for you)
The man said pointing at umar..

It was beautiful pink lotus with its leaf pad but it wasn't the one I had my eye on..

"Areesha don't tell me you won't take it" Umar bhai said .seeing my hesitation while coming towards me huffing

"Give it to her "he ordered the man..

I took it from him but my heart still stuck on the one I had my eye on

"Areesha you got it too!"
"here I had bought this for you but it's okay we will float it together "sana said

"Let's go daud" I said taking his one hand in mine and walking towards the pond..

"On three "hina api said while we all surrounded the lake with flowers in our hands.

1 , 2.
And three

And with take we let go all our flowers in the wavy pond resided within it was small fishes...

The view was so attractive and scenic with submerging pink blossomed lotus 's that my lips constantly praised Allah for creating so many beautiful things in this world for us to experience and enjoy Alhumdulilah..

"Api my flower is at the most front" daud said exclaimed pointing at the pond

"Yes sweety it is "I replied kissing his cute cheecks

"Listen Areesha come over here" Hina api called.

"Yes api." I obliged going towards her while taking daud with me

"Areesha go there at that shops with Umar they are selling beautiful flower made things.."she said

"Api we all will go together" I reasoned not wanting to go

"No ! We all are busy here exploring .! And you have already done that while we were choosing flowers. Go there with umar yar! " Hina api insisted

"Api but-

"No buts! enjoy yourself okay take daud too now go ! see he is waiting for you".api said pointing towards him while he was engrossed in his phone.

"Okay going api "I said taking daud hands in mine

"Shabash !"

Before I could reach beside him he already was looking at me while pocketing his mobile..

"Let's go "he said mentioning me towards the shop..

"Areesha what Amir was saying ?" he asked with neutral expressions.

"Mm nothing just a about the lotus "I said slowly

"Hmm "

"Do you not enjoy my company areesha?" he asked a sudden question


"Ammm that's not the case " I answered

"Than why don't you speak to me freely and why do you hesitate from everything I do ? " he asked while moving his hands to emphasize his point

Not this again!

"I told you i am just reserved in some matters " I answered politely

"What's there to be? I had a lot of friends and all those girls were bold I think in today's world .All girls have to be" he spoke

I thought in the bus he said it's good

"I have been like this from the beginning and Alhumdulilah my this attitude had bought me nothing but respect"I answered slowly

"You need to be more open in uk you.have to meet several people and the environment around there prefers a bit bold girl."He said looking at me

"Where is rayyan ?"I asked changing the topic

"You didn't answer me." He reasoned

"I don't live there and I don't plan to either so I..-

"Okay let's leave it so here see this!" he said cutting me in and showing different flower bands

"Am no not this" I said looking them

"You have to take something don't say no on everything !"he spoke in authoritative voice.

"But I -,

"Apii I want that baloon" daud said pointing at the man approaching near us

"Okay let's get you ur balloon" I responded

"Yay" he cheered

"Which colour?"

"Blue" he jumped

"Bhai that one" I said pointing at the blue one

"Ye ley ( take this)" the man said giving him the balloon.

I could feel Umar bhai looking at me in all our exchange..

"Here "I said giving the man money but before he could take it

Umar bhai gave him
"It's okay you don't need to pay"

"But I would have loved to" I said seeing dauds excitement..

"see that gajrey" ( flower bracelet made up of fresh flowers) he said before I could say anything..

"Bhai am ...
Before I could say further I remembered what I said although I wasn't afraid but I didn't wanted to create any fuss..

He glared at me .But before he could utter anything the little boy seller interrupted in between making the situation worse..

"Yah see they are beautiful you can take it for ur sister.."

I guess he had heard me calling him bhai.

Stupid person GET LOST..!" He shouted loudly

AFTER saying he stormed towards the entrance leaving me alone and flabbergasted at his.behavior while daud hugged me afraid

"I a a am soory "I said to the little boy please don't mind

"Nai baji its okay.."

"What happened here?" amir asked coming and standing beside me.while reema and amira behind him

"Bhaiya Umar bhaiya shouted at this boy and left ".daud blurted before I could say anything

"Why?" He asked looking at me

"N n no reason. "

Respecting my response and not prodding further he nodded . While turning to that little boy seller..

" how are you handsome " he asked shuffling his hair
making him smile.

"Fine bhaiya!
would you like to buy these" he answered

"Ahh yess how can I resist something if the someone special is offering "he winked at the boy making him bloom with happiness.

"Amira and reema you can choose any from there."amir said pointed at the small wooden trolley

"And please pack these all Amir" said pointing at the stick adorned with flower bands..

"Why so many " I asked not controlling by curiosity..

"I thought we can buy these for all aunts and mom" they will be delighted..He answered

"Nice thought" I said praising him.

"Did you get yours?" he asked..

"I don't want it "

"Why ?"he. asked taking the packed flower bands from that boy..

"I want to go please let's go.."

My mood was ruined I didn't know what to do next..

"Wait baji here this is the most special one take this" the boy said bringing a beautiful band made up of many kinds of special flowers..

"Woah !this is amazing! Where were you hiding this huh? "Amir asked in a joke manner..

"Actually bhai I made only two special ones for my mother and other for...he trailed off..

"And the other for" I asked curiously.

"Am m my fiance "has said shyly..

"Oh oh fiancè I see" Amir replied smirking

"That's wonderful "I said complementing him politely

"Shukriya now take this". He said

"No no you made it with so much adoration please keep it"I said

"I.will really like it if you will wear it"the small boy said innocently

"No please give to your mom this and say my regards to her. "I said while Amir smiled encouraging my decision.

"Okay." The boy said smiling.

"And here is a gift from me to your mother I said giving him something

( I admire his care and dedication to take care and earn for his family to us he maybe a small boy but to his family he is like a father ).

"No baji ji ap ye kiya kerahi hai I won't take it.."(No sister what are you doing ,I won't take it)

"It's not for you it's for your mother you don't have a say in it" I said keeping it in his small wooden trolley..

"And this is a thanks giving to brighten up our day" Amir said keeping it where I kept..

"The respect you gave me was enough" He said was not looking at us

"And the importance you gave us was more and it's a gift from ur friends you can't deny" amir spoke..

"Bhai we have choosed these things" Amira and reema kept their stuff in front

"Daud you don't want anything buddy" Amir asked before doing the final payment

"I don't have a girlfriend" he said innocently making us laugh

"You don't need a girlfriend to buy these things . You can take it for ur sister" I said.

"No !She will start doing aweee if I give something and I am hungry let's go "he explained innocently.

"Sure" I said obliging..

We were going to the other side to meet the rest..while Amir was talking with the boy

"Api api here take this we all are wearing it " reema said giving me the flower band

I took and than I noticed mine was different from them it was made up of full roses while there was of lilies and roses

"Why mine is different" I asked confused

"Because api ur big and this will suit your dress "amira explained shrugging..

Little did I know that this explanation was just their thinking while somebody had entirely different idea to gift this...

"You all came let's go now" Hina api said

"Yes I am tired now but Alhumdulilah I.had a wonderful time "sana added.

"I missed you for 20 minutes "zari api said looking at me

"Astaghferullah ! you were stalking the poor girl "bilal bhai said..

"These are the clear symptoms that soon you will become a desi aunty" ahmad bhai orated

"Yes ur right clear symptoms" dani joined making her glare at all

While we were all trying to control our audible laughs

"It was just a random number".zari api said rolling her eyes.

"Areesha where is umar?" hina api questioned making me panick.

"He went" daud said devouring his cotton candy..

"Where?" hina api asked looking at me

"I don't know" I replied slowly.

"It's okay I will call him by than walk towards the entrance".Asad bhai said.

By now we all girls were seated in the bus while the boys were out discussing something

"Areesha did something happened ?"Kiran api asked.

"I don't know" was my only answer

What I could say that he flared and went because that little boy called me his sister or despite of his stopping me I called him brother in front of that boy..even in my mind this looks absurd.

"Hmm I guess maybe some urgent work "
Hina api reasoned

"I hope so".sana added

"No worries he had some important file number to give to his client so he had to leave Asad bhai said entering the bus taking his seat

"Oh.!acha" we all answered

Amir was the last to enter and everyone was already seated taking their normal seats leaving behind only one vacant beside me.

He came towards the seat making me inwardly panick but than requested Amira to.sit with me while he sat with his sister reema.

Which increased my regards for him.

We were all so tired that no.body had the will to visit the hills today we all dismissed the idea and decided to head home..

I went into my room and locked the door sighing in relief that I didn't saw him..

I.had all the room to myself now as amira and reema wanted to stay together so Amira shifted in her room giving me privacy .
But my privacy did not lasted long as daud insisted he will sleep with me and made Me promise in the garden that I will talk to his mom regarding this .

As for Umar I didn't knew what to do but I.had to speak to someone regarding this matter but who I had no idea.I would had been enjoying my vacations if it wasn't for him I said irritated opening while shuffling it in all directions to relax my head .
Our all house was filled with all kinds of flowers and it's fragrance which we all bought it from there..

I inhaled the sweet fragrance of my rose band adorned in my hands which proved to be soothing and relaxing for my mind..

I was going to take out my comfy outfit
When suddenly the house filled with voices of loud bangs and shoutings..making me terrified
And the fact that I was alone in the room didn't helped either .

I wrapped the shawl around myself and opened the door where stood Amir and dani facing the other direction looking down..while the shouting grew louder each passing minute

"Dani" I whispered from back

Instantly they both turned around

"Areesha get inside" Amir whispered

while dani was pointing finger at his lips indicating not to talk

"What happened" I asked now trembling from inside as the shouting continued to grow louder

"Areesha get inside now!" Amir ordered.

"B b but I am alone" I stuttered

"I am standing right in front of your door don't worry just please go inside" he whispered .

I closed my door obliging him

But was confused as well as afraid not understanding the ongoing situation..

I sat on my bed constantly praying while my.hands trembled


A loud gun shot was heard making me jump in my place

with hammering heart I dashed outside to see what happened..

The minute i opened the door Amir turned glaring at me .

"Areesha do you not understand please get inside" he whispered shouted

"G un " I said Panicked

"Inside areesha" he spoke sternly side facing .
I wasn't able to.see anything ahead to.his broad shoulders covering me.

"Inside now!" he threatened..

But something caught the person's attention who was down that he ordered Amir to move.


"Little girl "he said a bit loud shake on my place I didn't knew if he or not

Amir hurriedly held my shawl and tugged me inside while.closing the door behind him

"Areesha are you not in ur senses why didn't you listen to me all the uncles sternly.warned all the girls not to come out" he said glaring

"I I I didn't heard that I I w was inside here sin ce we c c came" I said sniffling

"Wasn't I enough for.You to listen" he fired

"I m s ss sory. "I whispered

He raved his hands through his hair and breathed out

"Areesha I am sOrry I shouldn't have shouted please sit and here drink the water" he said pouring the glass with

I took it with shaky hands and sipped while still sniffling..

"Please calm.down" he whispered

"I am.sorry we shouldn't be alone but I cannot leave you here like this and don't worry all have permitted is if it's necessary we have been prepared for this time.."He explained

I slowly nodded

"Who are they" I whispered

"Let's please leave this topic for now you will get ur answers but not from me okay."
"And please.when next time anyone says not to come out u have to oblige"

I nodded.

"The gun" I asked sacred

"It was just an air fire don't worry everyone is safe and IN shaa will be" he consoled.

By now Amir was looking outside the window while I sat on my bed still shaken of what happened I.have never ever had heard the gun shot in real life it was traumatic and the loud voices is still echoing in my ears

A sudden knock on the door brought me and Amir from our trance into reality.

"I will see it "he said while going towards the door

Sana ,hina api and annie emerged from the door making me relax .

"My dear are you alright ?"sana hugged me looking at my state.

While i started crying

"Shh Areesha dear nothing happened" hina api consoled patting my head.

"See here areesha its nothing to be scared off "annie spoke

"She got traumatized because she was alone and the voice of gun shot . Stay with her I am heading down.".Amir spoke. Before leaving.

"Areesha all of them are calling you downstairs".zari api said entering.But looking at my state she was going to say further..

"Areesha.sweety be brave nothing happened "she added..

"I am not going down I am sure I will be scolded for not listening"..I.answered scared

"Who is scared" dani chided coming in.with Umar
"Arey! Areesha don't cry please.
By the way You look.cute in this state" he added.

"GET out dAni "hina api shouted

"Sorry sorry see Areesha Here I came to be angry at you for not listening to me and Amir but I am scolded instead" he said faking a tear

Making me giggle

"Shukar Ha I Areesha you are a bit normal now."sana said taking my.hand while smiling

"I don't think there is anything to be that scared You have to be brave" Umar bhai said after silently watching me from the time he entered

Nobody asked you I thought

"Umar go to dadi please she was looking for you."zari api said dismissed him

"And someone is calling you down" dani added

"I am not going I blurted out" immediately

"No one will say you anything I promise" hina api smiled

"Come on lets go" sana said.

"Okay" I followed unsure of what awaited me..



ASSALAM O Alaikum wa RAHMATU lahi wa barakatuhu

How was the chapter I hope you liked it .
It was the longest chapter so farr..

I would love to know ur thoughts

Keep smiling and takecare :-)

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