*chapter 11*

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To get what you love, you must first be patient with what you hate.

~ Sufi Saying


The morning glow touched my skin with its cold feelings sending shivers down me..The haze of cold vapours playing with my eyes making them close with its drops..
The view in front of me was beyond beautiful the mountains hidden under a light blanket of fog the trees wearing the caps of mist alerting the people of the cold weather.
I was living a dream of nature..The shiny drops were as if diamonds on the road the cold breeze swaying my dress with its force of motion yet I was standing still but my mind was free.

standing in the garden which faced the house at the top I could see all the houses ,shops and mountains It was marvelous.

Despite of my mind trying to forget about yesterday's events it automatically drifted to the affairs that took place the day before

ALHUMDULILAH my father nor any one else had said anything to me other than some safety measures and not to come outside whatever what happens..
Except for my mother she kept giving me glares hinting me that I will not be off the hook that easily. And my conscious was right .after a while she had come to my room and had scolded me for not listening and running out.
I don't even know who was that person that had told my mother about it .
But after a while she had hugged me and warned me to be careful for the next time .not even giving the slightest hint as to why I should be or who they were..And what they wanted.
"Your to small to understand anything now "was her sentence when I had insisted her to tell me ..And with that she had left my room not before guiding me again of the rules and ordering me to lock the room.
I wasn't alone in the room thanks to daud he had become very close to be in mere two days that he sticks with me everywhere and I would be lying if I say I don't enjoy his company. He is an adorable jelly bean to me and I am his cherry api. These are our private Nick names for each other
Together we don't let each other get bored ..

" Apiiii."I heard daud voice behind me.
I turned around to see daud accompanied by Amir coming towards me .

"Api why you left me" he said.hugging my legs .

"No hero I didn't left you I just wanted to see this view "I said pointing ahead of me

"It's nice" he said nodding still hugging.

"Assalam o alikum" I greeted Amir who was to engrossed in the misty view ahead..

"Walaikum ASSALAM "he smiled looking at me.

"Areesha" he started softly after a while gaining my attention

"Yes"I responded

"I uh. ..wanted to apologize for uh. shouting yesterday..My mind was to disturbed at that time.so.I.wasn't thinking right..
I am sorry I shouldn't have shouted "he said looking at me

"It's okay it was my fault to..You don't need to apologize.anyone at that place maybe would have reacted the same way" I said looking ahead..

"I hope than every thing is clear between us " he orated

"Yeah" I.nodded slowly

"Thank you."

" And I am heading for a walk . Please head inside the weather seems suspicious today and it's better for you and daud to go in don't stand here alone" he said

"But.I just came here a while ago" I said not pleased with his idea

"Please go inside" he said intently looking at me

"AREESHA" sana shouted.from.behind before I could respond

The atmosphere was turning more foggy by the minute that even while scrutinizing a lot I wasn't able to make out her face only two figures approaching towards us could be described

"Are you feeling cold daud ?"I asked looking at him as he was hugging closer.

He nodded in response.

"Okay let's go than."

" Hhhmmhn " some one cleared his throat.

I gazed up to see Umar glaring. With sana behind him

"It's cold Here darling let's go inside" sana said coming beside me.

"Yeah I was just about to come inside" I replied smiling..

"Amir Asad bhai.said he will join you at the same spot" sana said looking at him

"Hmm okay than I will leave now. Umar, don't you wanna join?" Amir asked

"No, not today "he said roughly

Someone had a chilli in breakfast I thought

"Okay than I am off " ..Amir said waving and going ahead

"What were you doing here early.morning " Umar asked sternly

"I just came here for.fresh air" I answered confused.

Now is there any problem for taking fresh air.

"Than what was Amir doing here" he said glaring.

"Umar what's the problem she told you she came here for fresh air and Amir and Asad bhai always goes on the morning run." Sana interrupted

"Don't interrupt let her answer." He said

I was standing there confused.
What to answer more and why to answer.

"I want to go inside" I spoke finally ignoring his useless glares .

"Yeah let's go" sana said walking ahead

"I don't want to see you with Amir alone do you understand" Umar snapped when sana was out of reach..

I looked up at him baffled by His attitude.

The reason I didn't reply back was because it's hard really hard for me to reply rudely to anyone and on the other hand I would gain nothing by doing so.

"Areesha" He sighed " why don't you understand is it so hard "

Looking at my confused and angry expressions he let go off whatever he was speaking about..

"Okay am let's have hot chocolate together will you go out with me tonight. " he asked further

"Sorry I can't " I replied

"If everyone will go than will you.?"he spoke

"Cherry api I am tired while standing here for so.long please let's go" daud said while tugging me towards the house..

"I think I should go in" was my reply to.him as I went towards the house..

"Where were you Areesha I was.scared".mom spoke coming towards me as I steeped in the house

"I was just in the front garden mom."

"Oh !okay beta come and.have breakfast "

"I.Will be there in 5 minutes" I said going towards my room.daud tagging along with me.

"Jaldi.ana .."mom warned


There could be sensed a tension around the house although the elders weren't showing much. But their excitement and banters with each other which replaced with serious talks didn't go un noticed by us.

Although we all girls assumed that boys had the idea of whatever happened yesterday.And why it happened. But unfortunately they were not even giving us a hint of the situation.

We all were gathered in huda api's room. Assuming different scenarios and adding our opinions about it.

While all they elders and the boys were having a sort of meeting downstairs in which we weren't aloud to join.
Although we wanted to intrude but we couldn't..

One thing only one thing I knew about the situation was that whoever they were.
They had something against my father because on that day I could hear my father's name being called out loud by that man and that was the reason which had coaxed me to run outside on hearing the gun shot. I reasoned ....

In short I assume they were my father's enemy and if I would add something from my side I think that it surely.had something to do with all this matter which led to the family break up of 7 years..or more

"Api you can make ahmad bhai to spill out the beans can't you?" sana asked hopefully

"You think I didn't he isn't ready to say anything about it" kiran api replied

"Hina and zari what about you?" kiran api asked..

"Yesterday I started the topic and he shushed me that instant by changing the topic and whenever I tried to ask him he did the same."zari api replied

"Don't even ask about me. First he dismissed the topic but the minute I tried once more to gain a little information he showered me with respect".Hina api replied sarcastically While feeding baby food, to zakriya,making us all.chuckle

"There is one way though" Hina api added slowly looking at me.

"What" we all.asked curiously

"But Areesha you have to do it."She added

"Me" I asked surprised..

"Yes you" Hina api nodded

"But how can she do it?" anny voiced my question.

"Uh..m.Areesha you can ask Umar he will tell you "she said thoughtfully.

"W ha aat"I asked asked shocked.

"Yes hina you are so right why didn't we think of that before" zari api joined while all the others nodded..

"But why I mean why will he tell me".

"Because he would surely tell you."Hina api smiled

"Why ?"I asked again.

"Because I know him. He won't refuse.you for.this." I am sure

"Your a special cousin na. Actually dadi likes you a lot
And dadi had instructed everyone even to him that he can't refuse you of whatever you ask him".

"But I can ask Asad bhai or ahmad bhai too.."

"No no it won't be the same they will think we have sent you so that would be futile to do.."zari api said

"Areesha will you do it" Kiran api.asked.hopefully.


"Only if your comfortable we are just curious very curious to know" hina api added.

"Are you sure he will tell ,"sana asked unsure.

"Hm hopefully I am" hina api responded.

"Am okay" I said obliging to there demand not knowing if I will be able to do it or not

"But for that you have to call him here I will ask confront of everyone .".I further added
.IN response to my demand they just face palmed..

"Areesha do you think he will tell in front of us no never" .Kiran api orated.

"We will arrange the meeting in the back garden and will prepare you what to ask okay "huda api said.

"It's sounding difficult" I.admitted.

"Don't pressurise her. It's okay we will know when the time comes" sana said taking my side.

"Yeah your probably right" zari api said sighing sadly.

"Areesha wouldn't you try for us" anny pleaded.

"Uh..mm okay I will but you all have to be there in the garden . You can hide somewhere but I wouldn't be alone there with him.."I said

"Okay "Kiran api said

"Sure "the rest cheered.

"Okay so here is the plan...."

Stepping outside in the back yard my heart thuded with each step taken towards him.
I am not sure now he easily got ready to Meet me here considering to our last conversation which wasn't good .
He was looking at the opposite side enjoying the view of wild trees which were granting a special atmosphere around us..

I could sense huda and zari api behind the tree actually there dresses were peeking a bit so if anyone would pay close attention they can guess someone is there.

Focusing my attention back to him I awkwardly coughed.to gain his attention.
While reminding myself continuously that I am doing this only because of my.father as I want to.know what's. Linked up to him

"So you finally came"he asked raising his eyebrows at me

"Amm yeah"..I said slowly

"I would love to know the reason behind gracing me with your time he asked in his intimidating voice

"I uh..mm "great all what the api had thought me flooded out of my mind leaving me with no choice except to ask directly..I couldn't butter

"Uh I wanted to know about those people who came here .that day." I blurted quickly

"It's non of your concern "he said shutting the topic.

"But I want to know "I added confidentially.

"Areesha for this you called me here" he asked glaring.

"Uh..Yes" I whispered.

"I should've.known "he said looking at the other side.

"Listen I don't think.It's important for you to know so leave it."

"But it is " I said

"How ?" He asked

"Because it's linked with my father "I said slowly.

His head shot up at this.

"Who told you this "he flared.

"N n no one " I stuttered

"Tell me the truth" Areesha.

"I heard it "I said truthfully..

"IN normal.circumstances you don't even like to stand alone with me in the crowd of people how come you are here all alone now "he said changing the topic while touching a very sensitive issue.

I was left speechless by His words.

"Why are you quiet "he asked looking at me

"She isn't alone Umar don't you dare make her nervous."hina api said coming towards me .

"Don't tell me this was your plan of getting the information out "Umar Said to hina api.

"You were supposed to tell her not interrogate " Hina api replied

"Somethings should remain hidden and I am busy will join you in the evening."he said.while going inside.

Hina api huffed

"sorry api "I said looking at her.

"No problem dear it wasn't ur fault he is clever "zari api said coming towards me .while giggling.

"True zari and Areesha don't worry you did a great job ..Chalo let's have an ice cream" hina api said winking.

My phone bepped in the middle of me devouring ice cream..

I checked to found Umar

But before I could open the message.I was interrupted by Hina api

"What's your favorite stone Areesha" she asked .

"I like pearls "I said adoringly

"Nice choice I love them too."She praised.

"And yours ?"I asked looking at all of them who just joined us.

"I love love ruby" sana sighed

"Mine is diamond "anny cheered.

"Well I like gold" zari api said and this continued

Gathered at the park outside we all were chatting on random topic and lightning the moods of all . To get them out of tension a bit..

"Ladies and gentlemen's as we all have already gathered Here let's play truth and dare and not waste time on the useless banter" Asad bhai pointed looking at Amira and dani who were fighting over the chocolate flavours.

Amira was saying plain chocolate is better.while Daniyal was supporting the hazelnut one's..

"Okay we are done".Amira sighed.

"So which flavor won" Ahmad bhai asked.curiously

"Both actually as we both ran out of praises "dani declared.making us roll our eyes.at their behavior

"Okay let's start the game Here is the glass bottle and after spinning where the cap stops will be the player or should I say victim".Asad bhai smirked..

"people change your positions and make a circle" hina api instructed.

And obligingly we fulfilled her demand

"It's about to stop andddd.
Daniyal you" Ahmad bhai said

"Dare" he exclaimed before anyone could even ask..

"We will give him" Amira and Reema cheered making dani groan..

"Okay so all you have to do is warp a fancy duppata (shawl) around your head. Put a lipstick on and serve these cookies to the elders sitting there" reema orated excitedly.
Making us all laugh while dani was constantly grunting..

"What's this?" he flared..

"Be a man buddy accept the challenge" Ahmad bhai patted him

"You both will pay I tell you" he glared while heading in to get ready..

The moment he came in front we bursted in laughter.
All the boys started hooting and whistling at him.doubling our laughs.

His red face which served to be his.blush could apparently be seen . And we could sense the smoke coming out of his ears.making him look more hilarious.

"Stop laughing "he groaned..

"Here take this plate" Amira gave him the plate filled with cookies.

He took the plate and headed towards the elders . We all weren't aloud to go after him only Amir and rayyan were going that to clicking pictures of him along the way to irritate him..

"So what happened we all asked" curiously looking at them who couldn't stop laughing..

While Daniyal threw the shawl and away and cleaned the makeup.

"Don't even ask how much he was praised by everyone phuphee even asked for his hand for Umar" rayyan replied slobbering up a little..

Making us all giggle while Umar and dani made faces to each other.

"And not to forget dadi who nearly picked up her stick to hit him before knowing it's just a dare."Amir added . Making us laugh yet once again..

"Okay so let's start again.."

"And the it stopped at" hina api.Reema said

"Oooo" everyone hooted.

"Truth" she answered.

"Okay so a habit of Asad bhai you will change if you could" anny asked.

"And no you can't say he has all the good habits and no bad once you have to answer. "She further added making everyone nod .

"Astaghferullah !you people just want to polish my bad habits" Asad bhai said flatly.Making us giggle.

"Amm so If I could change I would make him to share more and not to hide his tensions away" hina api said thoughtfully hinting at the yesterday's event ..

"Whatttt apii that's so thoughtful I assumed you would say something like If I could I would finish his loud snores or something" anny said. Making api laugh.

"On second thought that to anny it's a good one" hina api pointed making us all laugh..

"I am.not even here! and
Anny your chocolate supply will be halted for two days" Asad bhai exclaimed.

"It was jusst a suggestion bhai forget I said anything "she added quickly..Making him smirk.

"So how is the future bride doing" rayyan winked at dani starting to spin the bottle.

"Shut up" he fired

We.All snickered.

What are you all playing "mom,asked while phuphee and humaira aunty joined her sitting beside her.

"We are playing truth and dare mummy just now sister daniyal came to you isn't it . "Reema voiced making them laugh.

"Stoop it" dani groaned

"Now now.Don't tease the handsome boy" mom said.

"We just came here to see you all playing continue it we will just accompany you all.." they Said

" spin the bottle".

"Ameera" we cheered.

"Wait wait I will give her" Daniyal exclaimed

"Ughhh!! Dani bhai please let her choose" Ameera chided.in return.

"How can I spare the golden opportunity" he answered.

"Don't worry I am with you" reema winked at her

"Truth I won't take dare".Amira answered somewhat satisfied by her choice.

"You were afraid admitted". Daniyal orated

"Nope I just don't trust you "she answered.

"Okay than tell us your most most embarrassing moment in the childhood"

"Well a mm "

"Tell them the story of the gutter".mom said.

Ameera's eyes popped up as she signaled mom not to say anything further but I guess it was late because all got interested and insisted her to narrate it

"Mommmy" she chidded while seeing the smirk on dani's face.

Giving up she cleared her throat to start.

"Okay mm once we were heading to the supermarket nearby and despite of my father's continuous warnings I didn't hold his hand and continued my jumping."

"The bricks were lying around the area so I started to hop on them missing that the other brick was on the drain as soon I hoped on that I went straight into it and was covered by filthy water "she grimaced while all laughed.

"And as soon as baba came to my rescue I lifted my arm looking at him innocently and said daddy hand , I could even see the people quietly laughing at me when I was taken out."She added which made it hard to control our laughs

"And not to forget how much praised you were after coming home" Rayyan added laughing..

"Yo..uu f.eel in the g.u.tter I can't believe it" dani said pointing at her in between his laughs.

"Okay now spare her people start the next round "

"Umar ." They hutted

"Truth or dare "sana asked.

"Dare" he replied looking at me

"Okay amm I dare you to say something you want to say to anyone here in any other language . And it could be anything to anyone" she quoted.


We all were looking at him expectantly'as he thought

"Je suis à toi et tu es à moi "he narrated which all went above our brains

"What?" Sana asked again

"Je suis à toi et tu es à moi" he smirked at me which made me a bit alarmed.
And this was the last time I said it I am not goona repeat it he ended.

And I was able to hear that he whispered sonia in the end anyone around him could hear if he or she prayed close attention

"لا تفكر في ذلك حتى"

Amir responded rather sternly

I didn't knew what but I was sure it was Arabic

"Huh.?".Umar scrunched his eyebrows at Amir .

While he just attended his incoming call ignoring him.

"Hey! hey ! "
"Guys !"
"Now the meaning's please" Ahmad bhai said.

"It's for me to know and you all to never find out "Umar nodded satisfied.

"Hey!! that's not fair you know!
at least repeat it slowly so we can Google it "reema said.


"Beta bata do na kiu tang kerahey ho" phuphee said.(tell them child why are you disturbing them)

"Mum IN the dare no one said I had to translate it after so I am not going to" .he declared.

We all huffed..

"Acha Amir at least you tell us.".Asad bhai inquired.

"I know what you said "Rayyan declared "but I don't know why.you said it ?".

"Leave it buddy. Let's start again" .Amir orated spinning the bottle which ended at me

"Hmm Areesha "

"Annnd it stopped at Areesha"
kiran api cheered..

"Who is going to assk ?"hina api asked smirking

"I will ask truthor dare "Umar spoke.

Hmm going by his expressions I changed my mind and opted for truth but the girls weren't satisfied and I was pressurised to take dare..

"Okay I dare you to ask a childhood story about yourself from my mum"
"Come with me on a dinner of course with days tagging along" he finished

I quickly glanced at my mom to see her reaction to his stupid dares but surprisingly it was normal

According to my experience she would have been flared but she was normal

"Areesha choose na" hina api insisted.

"I uh will go for the first one" I orated without glancing at him

"Okay so tell us mom".

"Yes gul naz which of her antics your going to reveal" my mom voiced mischievously.Making me internally panick.

"I can't wait" Rayyan smirked

"No , this is a very cute memory to me" phuphee started and all the attention moved towards her.

"When she was mm barely 2 years old and Umar was 5 or 6 I don't remember clearly and I was babysitting her because fatima went for a check up."

"She was unstoppabley crying not calming down at all which got me quite worried so I took her to children room that maybe by seeing them she will quieten down. But she wasn't"

"When Umar saw her crying he sat beside me and held her while rocking her back and forth in his style from which I panicked but when I saw that she had calmed down I relaxed"

"Awee" kiran api said.

"And from that day onwards whenever she used to cry we would always call Umar and she used to calm down. And one more thing he always used to call her sonia "phuphee ended adoringly. My mom smiling

While the girls were in awe.

But here I was sitting still this wasn't a good memory rather it was embarrassing.

My cheeks burned as I tried to hide it seeing sideways

"My rose"phuphee said while kissing my forehead

"Awe Areesha is blushing" hina api said looking at me with mischievous glint

"No api I am not"I said while I could see Umar's smirk.

"Apii it was totally adorable " Reema voiced.

"Uhh let's start the game" I awkwardly said trying to distract

There was one thing troubling me that what he said in that language which also ended with the name sonia

"Amirr "Rayyan cheered.

"Wait wait bhai I know you will take dare and I dare you to narrate the poem you were hiding" ibrahim smirked

"Ibrahim "Amir scolded.

"Yes yes say it "sana insisted giving all of us a the chance to demand with her.

"Beta suna do na (child narrate it )" his mom said.

"Okay" he sighed

My dear pearl,

So ,radiant beaming like a pure jewel.

Far away in the deep sea of heart you reside.
Closed in a beautiful shell you abide.

Allow me to be your shell,
So I shall protect you from all the cruel the world .

Oh !My dear pearl.

Along the shores I have been walking,
All the time of you I have been thinking .

Smile of yours is a precious band

Making the colours of a rainbow blend

Praying for you begins to flourish. my dreams

The twinkle in your eye's may ever beam.

My heart will be your home and your heart will be my crown which will make me a king from inside and out..,

He finished leaving us all in awe .

While narrating not once did he opened his eyes his face was towards the moon while his words still lingered around us.

"Who is the lucky one" phuphee asked

"No no aunty it was just a random poem just like that." He answered

"Please do not and I am repeating do not take wrong ideas Amir said warning looking at all of us.."

Making us giggle.

"Something is pearllly "Amira mused.

"Ahem ahem" Asad bhai coughed.

"You people that's why I didn't wanted to narrate "he said irritated

"Okay beta all of you stop" mom said shushing everyone.

And with that we continued our game .
Next daring Ahmad bhai to sing a song for Kiran api .

And bilal bhai to bring sugar from neighbors..

After reciting my night prayers

Smiling I recalled all the tantrums and dares of today I was laying on the bed with daud close to me . Which is than I remembered that I haven't opened Umar's message.

I got up and opened my mobile to look at the message.Which read.

Attend the call at night if you want to know about those people

What should I do now I thought dropping the mobile on the bed while looking out of the window which glowed with the shade of the night lamp..

ASSALAM O Alaikum wa RAHMATU lahi wa barakatuhu

How was the chapter I hope you liked it .

I would love to know ur thoughts

Je suis à toi et tu es à moi "(I am yours and you are mine)

"لا تفكر في ذلك حتى"
( don't even think about it)

Keep smiling and takecare :-)

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