*Chapter 12*

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The roots of love are eternity. The leaves of love are creation.

~ Rumi


The clouds filled the once vacant sky
Coating it with its dark heavy, blanket indicating the arrival of a special blessing upon us.

The swaying, leaves on the tall tree's
And the waving flowers around the garden waiting for the sparkly, drops to bloom them

Even the air, looked happy roaming, around frankly showcasing its mood.

All I.wanted now was to open my hair wear a long frock, and walk around the beautiful garden amidst of the smiling flowers.

I desired, the wind to play with my hairs and the flowers to cover me with its blooming scent.While I just roam around in my imaginations

I was so impatiently, Waiting for the rain to finally Grace us with its appearance that my heart leaped at every click on the window which was turning out to be nothing but a tease, of the wind.

IN Dubai we hardly get rainfall due to its dry weather although in winters it makes.It's appearance more than before but still it wasn't enough.

I have loved the rain since, childhood it's a blessing I adore to feel it with every chance I get.

The window glass in front of me served as an ice berg due to its coldness.,

I couldn't go out, as I desired

sighing I looked back at the cozy bed on which daud was snuggled looking like a small white rabbit..playing on my phone.

planning to relax more for a.While I headed to the bed

Daud tilted his head giving me his adoring smile and snuggled closer to me as I layed down beside him.

"What are you playing" I asked him while styling his hair.

"I am a pilot api and see how I will land, the plane......"He excitedly started explaining his.adventures .as I zoned into thoughts of yesterday's night.

He wasn't lying he did call me late at night not once but many times and I did wanted to pick up as I was curious to know about those people but whenever my finger went towards the attend option it halted involuntarily my heart stopping me every time while my brain played the scenarios of what May or may not happen.

At last I finally, decided I will not pick up .

But on his every call my heart rate accelerated,..He was stubborn he didn't halted calling until he was sure I won't pick up..

My ringing phone brought me back and before I could see who is the caller Daud picked it up not giving me the chance to take any action..

"Hello "
"Umar bhaiya" he spoke making me nervous

"Yes she is here ,api Umar bhai "Daud said handing me the phone

"Assalam o alikum" I said confidently

"Walalikum Asalam where were you last night ?" He said gruffly.

"And why didn't you attend the call? Despite of my message!" he added

"I ...I slept early". I answered unsure.

"Is that so?"..He inquired.

"Hmm."I responded

"But your wattsapp last seen says the orherwise," he mocked leaving me with no words


"Why do you love to ignore me Areesha?"
he asked making me a bit startled at his boldness

"I don't"

"Yes you do.What's the meaning, of not picking up my call, not replying to my message 's huh,?..."

"Mm..uh.. Umar honestly speaking I was not in the favour of late night call despite the reason was genuine but I am not comfortable with the messages and all.

You have lived a different life to you it wouldn't be anything but for me it goes against all my rules and teachings I hope you understand I said slowly

, and about them ,I would appreciate it very much of you could tell all of us instead of just me ,as its important for all of us to know. "I finished politely.

there was a serene silence on the other line

"Areesha" he spoke after a while


"After we come back from our trip I will tell you all everything". He orated making me surprised at his reply

"Okay?? "He asked when he heard no reply from me I was to surprised to reply

"Hmm thank you"I whispered

"Your always welcome" he said slowly..

Closing the call I smiled knowing that I cleared a bit that was in my heart and the fact we all will get to know soon..

I typed the message in the group informing all the girls about and went to get ready for a mesmerizing rainy day..

"Daud your mummy is calling dear listen to her and come in the garden" I said to him as I.made my way out of the house..

Surprisingly all the girls were asleep till now , maybe in there room. Or I guess it was just me who was to impatient to go out before the rain starts to witness the first drop of blessing and feel it .

Seeing there is no one I quickened my pace towards the garden before anyone could spot me because I am sure I will not be allowed to go by the excuse that I may fell ill..

Sliding the glass door I watched the light drizzle which had started making the garden shine with the cold haze.

Excitedly I went further in the amidst to relish the cold drops but my enthusiasm drowned as I heard voices of someone in the garden laughing ..

Going a bit further I realized the voices belonged to daniyal,Rayyan and Amir who were sitting there upon seeing me Daud exclaimed

"Areesha your highness what a wonderful surprise..!"
"Assalam o alikum "he added saluting.

Making me giggle

"Walalikum Asalam beta(son)" I replied

"Hey!! I am as the same age as you.".He chided

"Nope your smaller than me" I challenged

"Only by six months" he scoffed..

"By a minute or a month small is small" Amir smirked at him.

"Don't team up you to.."He narrowed his eyes at us

"I was sure you will come out seeing the rain so I decided to welcome you."Rayyan said wiggling his eyebrows making me roll my eyes

"Areeesha" sana said coming beside me

"Your awake yay see the weather" I spoke excitedly.

"Yes it's amazing" she sighed.

"Oye !Dani you don't like rain than why are you out here ? She inquired

"It's not raining heavily yet only few drops I will go inside as soon as its starts" he replied.

"You don't like the rain"I asked him

"Naaa I just enjoy it from inside" he replied.

"What about you Amir?" sana asked.

"I enjoy rainy weather's taking long drives not   getting wet part though" he answered.

"Please have a seat" daniyal motioned towards us.

"You people are soo boring that you like to enjoy the rain while inside .right Areesha"sana orated

"I guess there are few people who likes to go in the rain,". I said

"True share your experiences,l" sana smiled

"You can't believe whenever, it rains in Dubai .
Baba, says rainy weather's calls for pakora and tea.
,while Rayyan likes to play video game with a chocolate bar near the window and Ameera draws and paints.leaving me and mama to persuade them to go out with us I orated making them all laugh."

"Seriously same here" sana exclaimed.

The rain started to fall heavily leaving us With no choice but to go in the hut close to us

Ufff I so want to enjoy it I thought

"Areesha get in here fast" .Rayyan chided

As much as I didn't wanted to go I had no choice but to oblige despite of my heavy frock to I I didn't wanted to take any Chances for my clothes to stick to me while they all were here.

The rain was finally released from the soft cage of clouds pouring heavily like scattered diamonds spreading joy al around..

"It doesn't looks like it will stop anytime soon ,Wait I will run in and bring umbrellas from inside for you all to go in safe "Daniyal pointed.

We were a little far from house although I wouldn't mind walking towards the house but It couldn't happen

"Do you know, where they are kept?" sana asked

"Yes."He said
"Rayyan will race you" he challenged

He looked at me to see if It was okay to leave me here after slightly glancing at sana he was satisfied that I wasn't alone.

while ducking their face to avoid the rain they both ran as fast as they could towards the house.

"If anyone of you hi5ed the ground I am.not gonna save you" Amir shouted looking at them running

"Duas are accepted in the rain"sana said slowly looking at the shiny beads.

"Yes Alhumdulilah" I whispered..

"Mr poet I really liked your poem" sana said looking at Amir.who was doing something on his mobile

"Thanks" he replied nodding.

"Urggh "

"What happened sana?" I asked

"Daud doesn't.know where they are kept and Khan baba is parking the cars in the shed seriously I will bring it now".sana replied huffing

"It's okay tell me I will" Amir offered

"No, no I know where they are and besides the key is in my room I will bring it" she said as she speed walked towards the house covering her face.

Leaving us alone.

The rain was so.heavy that it covered us all around the.hut .it was like a shower tap suddenly opened at full speed.

Taking my hand out of the hut I smiled seeing the cold drops dance on it.
My eye's sparkled feeling the cold drops on my hand.
My heart was the witness of my longing to be in the rain .
While my eyes were focused on each drop to welcome them .

"You love rain so much?" Amir asked from beside.

"Yes".I.nodded smiling while looking ahead.

"It's a pure blessing" I whispered

"Indeed." He replied

"You.want to go in the rain".He asked.
Making me a bit surprised

Taking my silence as a yes he started

,"You know you can enjoy the rain on the roof"

I looked at him confused

"I will give the keys, take someone with you , don't stay long there. Just 10 minutes.
And don't worry the walls of the roof are too high no one can locate if anyone's there .he finished making me smile whole heartedly.

"But promise that you will come after 10 minutes" he said.


"Areesha promise" he raised his eyebrow

"Yeah" I nodded

"Will give you the keys when we get inside" he spoke

I looked at him and thanked him while the smile lingered on my face.

"My pleasure" he replied

When I turned my head to my previous view my smile dropped seeing there standing a fuming Umar clutching.the phone to.his ears and his eyes narrowed at me .

I don't know why but I involuntarily gulped my smile vanishing away

There was only one favourable thing that he was far away to the other side,
but my heart beat ,rose seeing him approaching near despite of the heavy rain.

"What are you doing here it's heavily raining" he said once he reached near me

"Yeah the weather is turning harsh Daniyal has gone to bring Umbrella".Amir spoke

"Hmm" he hummed not all looking please

And on the cue a sheepishly smiling dani came into the view

"Sorry I forgot where these were kept" he orated .

"No problem "Amir said handing one to me.

"Let's go"dani said

"Areesha I want to talk to you" Umar said blocking my way..

"Talk inside na bhai its cold here" dani pointed.

"We will come in few minutes" he answered.

"I think you should come in" Amir said looking at me ."

"She will come "Umar replied before me.

But Amir was still waiting for my reply.

"Amir bro.sana is also coming here Areesha will join her ". Dani responded

When he saw sana he nodded and went with him.

"Did I.not make it clear that you shouldn't be alone with him "Umar spoke sternly. As they were out off reach

"Areesha look at me" he demanded

"I.wasn't alone I..its that Daniyal and sana went inside "I replied .

I hoped for sana to.come soon but when I looked there she wasn't even there.now

"Why were you smiling ?" He asked yet another disturbing question


"Why are you asking.all this" I spoke confidently.

"Because you don't even stand a minute straight with me" he orated.

"I want to go in" I said looking at him.

"Areesha" he called


"Do me a favour "he asked

"What .?"

"Have a full conversation with me for once ."he replied looking at me intently

"We were just talking about the rain"
I answered his previous question

"Anything more?"I asked when he didn't responded

"Let's go in" he said when his phone started ringing.

"Be mine" I heard him.whisper as I stepped out of the hut.

I halted in my steps but than I remembered that he must be saying on his phone..


"Sanaa please" I requested

"No Areesha you will catch a fever have you even seen the speed of the rain" she said shocked at my demand

"Sanna only for 10 minutes please come with me to the roof I.Have the keys too".I pleaded..

Acha. Okay but wait let's see if anyone's standing there.I don't want to get scolded" she replied.standing up.

I hugged her while thanking her .

Seeing the coast clear we ran towards the area that lead to roof And climbed the stairs
As soon as we were about to open the door that lead to terrace. .A sudden voice halted us.

"GET DOWN THIS INSTANT "Umar said sternly making me internally groan

Seriously I feel like I am on a curfew.

"Umar we will come in few minutes" sana said.

Why should we answer him his is not my father.

"NO! get down now".He said looking at me.

Sana looked at me helplessly and took a step down .

When Umar looked at me stubbornly standing there .

"Areesha I don't think aunty would be pleased to know this" he added making me come down in an instant.

"And who gave you the key?" he asked curious standing in front of me.

"Non of your bussiness" I said slowly looking at the other way angrily.

He sighed "Acha go but I want to see you here in few minutes".He said in authoritative manner.

My eyes sparkled as I held Sana's hand

"And I am waiting here see what you want to see on the roof and come down" he added making me want to throw an orange at him..

"Let's go to the room sana" I said while passing him.

"A wise decision" he smirked .

What's his problem

I hope one day he loves the rain himself I murmured

Some murmurs are meant to go beyond the sky to be fulfilled..

"You won't even believe girls what is happening around" hina api said as soon as we entered her room.

"What ?"sana asked curiously.While I waved at all of the others.

"The boys were going hiking somewhere and that place is magnificent it's just beautiful..And guess what?
They weren't going to take us". She exclaimed.

"But it rained today that's why they have postponed it to tomorrow."

"This is so unfair " kiran api orated

"Tell me about it ?"zari api joined

"Weren't we supposed to go together everywhere "sana voiced.

"Apiiii do something" Reema and Ameera chided.

"Yah we have to!" Annie joined.

"Areesha aren't you going to say something ?"hina api asked.

"Uh..me I don't know what to say" I replied honestly.

As I was still caught up to the idea of going to the terrace.

"Ok girl's We will ask them politely first and if they don't agree than I have a plan" zari api said to which we all nodded

"They are enjoying snacks in the dining room let's go" hina said getting up.And we followed

The house was filled with aromas of yummy snacks.especially pakoras ( dish made up of gram flour ).

"Oh !you all came welcome we were just about to finish right timings everything is devoured" daniyal said stuffing his mouth with oily delights.

"Allah hidayat dey.( May Allah guide you)"
His mom said while lightly smaking his head..

"Ameeen "Ahmad said in a loud voice making us all giggle..

"Now get up you all hurry my daughter's come and have some snacks "humaira aunty said

"Heyy we need some respect" Ibrahim chided..

"Like you were not spoiled by snacks already" Reema answered him..

"Enough! come on now i will bring fresh batch of them for you all "mom said smiling

We took our seats while hina api sat in front of Asad bhai.narrowing her eyes at him..

"Oh looks like ladies on a mission!" Asad bhai smirked.

"Why can't we go ?"Kiran api.spoke getting straight to the point..

"It's a bachelor's day out" Ahmad bhai shrugged..

"You are married!" kiran api said while pointing the frock at him..

While here we were watching them amused

"I know that's why I wanted these lucky un married boys to enjoy there bachelor hood while they can" he answered amused. Making her huff.

While all the boys nodded..

"Fine Mr Ahmad shah let's see about that" she orated confidently..

"Bhai why aren't you taking us" sana asked.

"We want to.Enjoy it and if we take you all we wouldn't be free to go hiking or do stuffs because we will have to take care of you all too. We can't leave you alone while we climb it . And if we will try something adventurous you all will start stopping us while reading Ayat ul Kursi" he finished making api roll her eyes..

"So true if we even drive fast you start to read the kalma"Rayyan said

"You all are not changing your mind's" zari api asked..

"Noo" they cheered..

"Fine" we all responded smiling.

"Why am I finding this suspicious" Umar asked raising his eyebrows at us.

What we just agreed "sana replied.

Seriously no jokes" bilal bhai asked.

"Yup" we cheered while smiling to ourselves.

And started enjoying the snacks

"Api mee too" Daud said sitting beside me on the chair.

I sliced the delights on his plate to make cool faster as they were boiling hot..

"Daud has become very attached to you, what have you done to him ?"Daniyal asked.

"She let's me.play on her phone and also  is very sweet.,She has never scolded me" daud answered..

"And also she makes me the best tea" he added proudly

"Ask from me" Rayyan scoffed making me glare at him.

"Rayyan don't you dare say anything about my sister "sana defended making me smile

"Your api is very sweet ha! daud "Umar asked looking at me making me

"Yes" he nodded devouring his snacks..

I wanted to  ask him directly that if he has a personal problem or a childhood grudge towards me that he likes to make me uncomfortable all the time


"Okay girls so think of a plan we have stop them" zari api said ..

"You said you.had a plan" Reema said..

"Yes I.had the plan to stop them but how think that" api answered..

We were now all sitting in one room and planing of something to stop them..

"We could puncture the tyres of every car! "Amira said..

"No Amira it wouldn't take long for them pump gas into it" zari api said.


"We can break raw eggs in there cars in that way they won't be able to go because of the smell" Reema suggested

"We want to live in the house" sana said laughing..

"Yeah" we all joined..

"Wait i have an idea".kiran api said gaining our attention.

"They all have kept the hiking ropes and some other important stuffs in the cars so they won't forget.."

"All we have to do is sneak and hide those stuffs.".

"And they will leave after 2 hours of fajr.
So for one hour they will sleep . And the next hour to get ready"

"We will have to off there alarm and hide their suit cases by than .".

"Suit cases!" I asked surprised

"Yeah they are planning to stay there for a day".She answered

"Oh !okay.continue api."

"Hmm and if off there alarm clock they won't be able to wake up by there selves and I am sure about that" .

"And the last we have to tell everyone that we all will go out for a walk early morning after fajr. So that they can't blame.us "api finished excited.

"That's a wonderful idea kiran" huda api praised

"And you know the best part they can't leave after 8 am because it will be of no use" Hina api said

"It's amazing" all cheered..

"Are you sure about this all?" I asked uncertain.

"Yes Areesha don't worry it's important to do some adventures in life "Hina api winked.

"Actually I feel like a teenage girl "zari api exclaimed making us laugh.

"Yeah forgetting that we are supposed to.be the sane onces" kiran api voiced..

"I will assign the duties to you all"


Currently its past midnight and we all are gathered at the front door of the house with torches in our hands so we can take out there stuffs from the car..

"Areesha pull the handle lightly guards shouldn't know" zari api whispered.

Slowly as possible we opened the Door and sneaked out of the house..

All kinds of weird noices were halting our moves every minute..

"Are the guards standing there" I whispered to Hina api..

"Yeah they are probably sleeping we have to be completely , noice less untill we get in the garage.".She said to.which I nodded

"Girls over there it's in the jeeps!"..zari api pointed.

It was quite cold but we weren't feeling it a bit and our heart rates was storming inside..

Opening the trunk of the jeep we realized that how Many heavy and huge things were there actually

"Apii it's too much" we sighed the ropes were so heavy that we three girls weren't able to take them out wonder how many are there in the bag..

With all our efforts and teamwork we took the heavy bag out..

"One thing girls now how are we going to take them inside" I asked panicked..

While we all started laughing silently at our antics ..

It was totally impossible to take these all things inside without making noise. I.have no idea how they.kept it here..

"Wait there is a store room outside near the garage move these things there untill than I will bring the keys" sana whispered..

"Okay" we nodded..

Finally after struggling and stumbling we bought it in front of the Door.We sighed untill we heard the foot steps of guards..

"Hide hide.."
"Areesha we will go.in the car"

"Reema and Ameera hide behind the bags."

"And Kiran go in the trunk".hina api ordered..

I don't know why but I.was trembling and my heart beats could be sensed by my ears..

"I hope sana doesn't come now" I.whispered to api..

"Yeah mee too" she replied.

We got to our previous positions when we were sure no one was there..

"Sana right timings" I whispered.

"You have no idea I was totally caught by the guard but thanks to the tree I his behind it" she sighed..

"Shukar" we whispered and with that our one job was done now only we had to switch of the the alarms and to hide the suitcases.

To which we were assigned separate rooms..

We celebrated our little accomplishment by having ice cream .

And than I went to my room to pray tahajjud and than sleep..

I slowly opened my door not to disturb Daud .

I almost screamed when I saw him sitting on the bed..

"Daud what happened why are you awake dear" I asked slowly..

"Api where were you ?I got scared" he said rubbing his eyes..

"I just went to drink water now I am here sleep baby I will join you after praying tahajjud" I answered tucking him in the bed while kissing his cheeks..

He nodded half.asleep..


"Areesha come" sana waved from the Door.
It meant they have slept and it was the last plan to accomplish..

Its been half an hour since they have gone to sleep after praying.And I did felt a bit guilty when they were discussing about there plans and fixing the time but it all went away when they started to tease us that we wouldn't be able to join on there adventures..

I had only a tiny problem now and it was that Daud was wide awake happily chatting with me .he could leak out the information when he will see me bringing Rayyan's suitcase..

I was assigned my brother's room to switch the alarm off and to.bring his bag here..

"Mm Daud here you.can play on my mobile I Wil come in few minutes" I said to.him handing my.mobile.which he excitedly took it.

Slowly I was turning of the alarm without making noice when Rayyan turned to this side making me panick but luckily he didn't.open his eyes and started snoring again..which I.was so tempted to make a viseo of but shrugged of the idea leaving it on next time..

We all were laughing in the kitchen enjoying our juice ..

"Okay get ready to go to the park."

Fine I.will just bring daud" I said going towards my room..

"Apii higherr higher" Daud shouted while sitting on the swing.


"Daud be careful hold tight". I warned him

We were currently at the park enjoying ourselves. Due to yesterday's rain all the greenery looked fresh and bloomed.Making it more scenic than before.

"Yarr I can't wait to see there reactions" kiran api said.

"I am.afraid to go home" I admitted.

"Don't worry they won't even know who did it."zari api replied

"I guess it's been long let's go home and relax" hina api said.

To which we all nodded .

Walking towards the entrance of the house I spotted a man his face was half covered only eyes apparent.

But what made me terrified was something shiny which was in his hand it looked like I gasped when realized it's a big knife.

But before I could do anything he went away..

"Api what happened?" Daud asked innocently

"N 'n nothing let's go" I fastened our pace to catch the others..

But As soon as we saw their car's park in the garage we burst out laughing..

Forgetting what I.had just witnessed before few seconds

Giggling we entered the house to see them all sitting on the sofa's angrily.
And as soon as they heard us they all narrowed there eyes at us making us halt on our steps...

ASSALAM O Alaikum wa RAHMATU lahi wa barakatuhu

How was the chapter I hope you liked it .

I would love to know ur thoughts

Keep smiling and takecare :-)

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