*Chapter 13*

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Neither earth nor Heaven can contain me
But the Heart of my Lover
If you find me not within you, you will never find me.
For, I have been with you, from the beginning of me.

~ Rumi

The sky looked beautiful the glimmering wind at light motion.

The house was cozy warm

And the boys at high temperature.
Fuming with anger it was 10'am now not even having the slightest chance for them to go..

"It's you all who did it right!" daniyal fumed eyeing us..while we stood there innocently giving a confused expression

From the side i could see all the.aunties trying to.surpress their laughs ..while they all questioned us.

"If it's not you than who else can do it" Ahmad bhai accused

"Last time i checked it was only you all who had a problem with our trip" bilal bhai added.

"No one even knows my mobile code to off the alarm except you Areesha" Rayyan looked at me .

"But I didn't open it rather i switched it off" I voiced out loud making api groan.
Rayyan glaring at me while all looked at me with amused expressions it is than I noticed what I had said.

I closed my instantly realizing I just said away what I shouldn't have

Before they could say anything. Granny saved us .

"It's was all me I said to them to hide everything that you all may not go"

"I was afraid of what you all mad boys will put yourself into ".

"And I didn't wanted to risk your lives for something you all call fun" she ended stomping her wooden cane on the ground in an authoritative manner.

"But granny why would you do this to us" dani chided.

"No more questions now" she held up her hand .

"And girls the breakfast is set go do it I don't understand why children these days don't take care of them selves" she said while walking.away..

"Chalo you boys also freshen up and come to the table" humaira aunty said to them who were still not cooled now and were glancing us in a very accusing way


"Oh ALLAH we were so close to being caught "sana said taking her seat..

"Yes because of me" I admitted.

"Nah! relax what they would have done anyways. But it's a relief granny saved us," hina api orated.

"Treat from my side on our accomplishment" kiran api squealed.Making us giggle.

"You kids" mom said shaking her head.

"They should be thankfull otherwise they wouldn't have left.this matter that easily ".
Phuphee said.

"Yes" we smiled and engrossed ourselves in the breakfast when saw them.coming

"I want paratha" dani grumbled making it hard for us to control our laughs..

"Where is my.cheese omelette" Umar pointed .

"Here" sana said passing him the plate.

"Soo" hina api started..

"What" Asad bhai replied roughly

"How is the temperature" Kiran api asked

"Currently boiling" Amir said..

"Amm soo.We were thinking let's go out for dinner tonight"zari api grinned

"The number your calling is unavailable please don't try again later" Ibrahim said in monotonous .

"You see what ever happened it was for good now don't spoil your mood" zari api said.

"Please na now don't spoil your moods" Kiran api said

"Yeah we will treat you all with a special dinner" hina api added

"I think we can go on trolling tonight what do you say" dani said.to his fellow boys

"No Dani we will take them somewhere after all they went through so much just for us I mean they would have missed us if we were gone". AHMAD bhai smirked.

"Yeah seems so" Umar said looked at me.Making me stare at other side abruptly.

"So where are you.going to take us bha"i Reema said looking at Amir who hasn't given.his view till now.

"Where ever you want to go" he replied

"Are you not mad bhai?" she asked confused. As a cue they all snickered making us confused..

"Why are you all snickering?" Ameera asked.

"I can't believe it we did it boys" they hi5ed eacother while we looked at each other thinking what we missed

"You know what happened yesterday I.got a call from my.friend who lives there and was going to give us a tour he said due to excessive rain in his area it's not safe to go hiking and it's quite slippery and dangerous and our plan was cancelled but we wanted to hang you all girls till we can and it was worth it" Ahmad bhai finished while laughing leaving our mouths agar.

"That was so selfish" hina api huffed.

"Actually it turned out to be more perfect than we thought"Asad bhai grinned

"It should be marked in the history how they were trying to please us "Daniyal finished proudly.

While we sat there trying to contemplate what just happened with us..


"It was decided that tomorrow we were going to visit simli dam and a beautiful hilly place near by

We were currently deciding our dresses for tomorrow and no doubt really excited.

"I guess we should try maroon colour a bit different from what we usually wear" sana orated

"Yeah I think that's cool" ..hina api agreed

"A knee length frock or long shirt " zari api added

"Yup so it's decided than" sana clapped

"Wait I will.see who's there" Annie said moving towards the knocking door.

"They all are calling us down" she voiced closing the door.

"I guess something about to our trip" Annie voiced as we went towards the lounge

"Assalam o alikum daughters it's great to see you all here" uncle said

"Have a seat and chat with us we all oldies are not that bad" he added looking at all of us ..

"Who said your old uncle your young and handsome as always" dani praised.

"I am sure you still get proposals" Ahmad bhai winked
Making uncle laugh while phuphee grunt.

"I can smell something burning" Asad bhai mused.

"Areesha beta how is your vacation going so far" Amir's dad asked.

"Alhumdulilah good" I responded. Politely

"Your children are innocent unlike you" amjad uncle smirked at dad.

"Haven't you met Ameera yet!" dad answered making Ameera exclaim in annoyance.

"She is a cute daughter" uncle praised

"Don't worry beta"
"I.Will.tell you one of your father's doings"

"when your father was small he used to love planes so much.
That he used to catch a Dragon fly and tie a thread around it's long tale.
And then fly it as his own jet zooming through the fields" uncle finished leaving us in hysterics

"Don't forget your time amjad when you used to come in the school using special ride" baba smirked.

"Children you want to know?" baba asked to which we all cheered yes while uncle was signing baba to keep quiet..

"At that times he was the man who used to come in the most luxurious ride to study"

"That not everyone can afford "

"You all can't even guess it"

He used to come while sitting on his brother's shoulder with a sister at side carrying his bag" my father ended doubling our laughter.

There childhood stories always intrigues me . A simple lifestyle filled with laughter and innocence

"Alhumdulilah" I heard dadi whisper from where she sat. With twinkling eyes.


Covering my head with the beautiful embroidered shawl I sighed looking in the mirror I wanted to wear a maroon dress today like other girls..But phuphee had denied all our pleads and had ordered me to.wear a Royal purple dress with silver work on the boarders and a flower belt around the waist. There was no doubt it was marvelous but my mind was made up before and I wanted to wear the maroon frock I had selected.

I looked different from others..which I didn't wanted to..

"Show me beta" phuphe came in

I turned around concealing my emotions of not wanting to wear it . But I was bad at it in fact very bad .

"You look like a fairy Areesha" phuphee set my shawl and gave an overview.

"You don't like it?" she asked looking at me.

"No no it's great" I smiled.

"Beta I know you want to go with decided dress code but what can I do I love to choose for you and I want my doll to always stand out between others and look the most beautiful she patted my cheeks lovingly".

I smiled in return for her beautiful intentions.

Areesha didn't knew that sometimes a mother is also helpless against the desire of his own child that his happiness overcomes everyone's desire..

"Apii can I come in are you ready Daud's" voice echoed from outside.Making phuphee chuckle.

"Looks like your hero, is here" phuphee said opening the door through which came a very handsome looking hero..

"How do I look Daud?" as I twirled before him .

"Amazing" he grinned while showing thumbs up..

"And Me?" he asked copying my moves and twirling..

"You look like a super hero" I winked.Making him hide his face in his hands..

"Come on Daud let's go" I dragged him out of the room towards the entrance.

I didn't wanted to go with umar like last time so I wanted to sit in any car other than his before every car gets full.

Peeking outside I made sure that all the cars have been ignited as that was the cue for me to know that they are ready to go.

"We will sit in the blue jeep" Daud tugged me making me nod ..

"Oh someone looks awesome" Amir said coming towards the entrance and ruffling Daud's hair ..

"It's a surprise to see you early" he smiled.

"Uh yeah."I didn't know what else to say..

The cars are ready you may choose your ride " he said

"Thanks" I.whispered going towards the blue jeep and infront was the black jeep which screamed danger..

Soon everyone joined..

"Woah it's an honour to see you here!" Ahmad bhai said sitting on the driving seat.

"Bhai why would you say that."I smiled.

"Because we never get to have you in this car right kiran?" he looked at his wife

"Your right" she smiled at me .

Bilal bhai came and sat on the passenger seat while Kiran api with me and Daud at the back

"All set to go" Ahmad bhai wore his shade .

"Yes" we said

Honking bhai indicated Umar's car to move ahead . But it didn't budge..

"I don't know what's the problem" murmuring bhai opened the Door and went towards it..

"You look stunning dear and we didn't even had a chance to see you" upstairs kiran api pointed

"Thanks api and yes I came downstairs because me and Daud wasn't able to wait" .

"I love how you all are looking" I praised

"Uh..Areesha Hina is calling you there" Bhai looked through the window

"No api will sit here with me" Daud stucked to me.

"Yeah let her sit here someone should manage a ride without her today" kiran api smiled

I could see Ahmad bhai smirking and going towards them to inform leaving me in relief

Simli dam is one of those gems, hidden deep among the mountains, that this region is so famous for. It is fed by the melting snow and natural springs of Murree hills. Angling and boating is also allowed in the lake. For fishing, you need to have license from CDA (Capital Development Authority), Islamabad.
The Galiyat are popular due to the cool weather and beautiful scenery.

The mountains are covered by thick pine forests . It The resorts were developed by the British and you will see a lot of colonial influence there.

The natural beauty of the area lies in the pine forests

Arriving there after a long and enjoying ride we reached and the view itself called for praise..it was breathtaking.

We got down and huddled close together and waited till the boys park their .car.

"Api you all look amazing" I complimented looking at them my inside missing my selected dress.

"And you look like a princess between us "hina api smiled.to which all nodded.

Everyone gathered except Umar and Amir..

"Okay You all go ahead me and Areesha will catch up" hina api said tugging me towards the car.

"Why?we will wait" sana said.

"No no.go we will come and Daud beta go with Asad he will buy you a balloon" hina api instructed Asad bhai.

"But I want to go with Areesha api" he pouted

"Areesha api is coming you go and catch Asad he us running away" ..

"Come with me please I want to change zaki s clothes it's very cold here."

"Sure api" I smiled.

"Umar switch on the heater please" hina api said getting into the car.

"It's on sit in and close the door Areesha" he instructed looking at me not so pleased.

"Guys I guess I will wait here for sometime untill he warms up enough."Hina api said after a while

"His fingers and nose are freezing and I am afraid that he will catch a fever
You both go I will off the car and come in sometime.."

"No api-

"No no Umar take Areesha you all enjoy I will.join you" .she cut me in

"Are you sure?" Umar asked

"Yah yah I am I will call Asad here you both go.."

"Okay than Areesha let's go" Umar opened the locks making my excitement vanish..

Walking.on the grass towards the high mountains no one was to be seen I guess they were quite far at the top..

"Why are you nervous?" he asked walking beside me

"I am.not."

"We are going to climb that" he pointed the huge mountains making me gulp

I was wearing heels I know very unreasonable of me but it just slipped out of my mind that we will have to climb the mountain as well..

And one step which I took ahead to climb my pointed heel dug into the ground making me panick.

"What's the problem?" Umar looked at me when he saw I stopped

"I.can't climb this" I peeked nervously

"Why ?" He frowned

"Uh iamm wearing heels."I looked down

He glanced at my feet and sighed "who wears heels going to the mountains
Areesha what were you thinking!" he grunted.

"I I forgot"

"You have decided to spoil my mood from the morning haven't you" he huffed

"Okay give me your hands I will support you" he brought his hands forward making me abruptly step backwards

"What's the problem" his eyebrows knotted.

"Give me your hand "he demanded

"I can't" I whispered

"Areesha keep your unwanted logics with you and listen to me once otherwise you will miss all the fun .up there."

"No i can't " I shook my head.

"You can't walk bare foot so do you plan to just stand here all day?" he spoke sternly

"Be a good girl come on Areesha give me your hand" he came close to me

"No" i stepped back i will come with hina api

"You just don't listen do you okay than stay here" I am going he spoke harshly and left..

My eyes brimmed with unwanted tears.I sighed

I had a long walk back towards the parking.

He is so irritating

ALLAH help me I whispered

I started walking towards the car parking.and saw Amir coming talking on his phone.

He saw me and raised his eyebrow questionably.

Closing his phone he came near.

"What are you doing here alone ?"

"I am going to hina api.".

"What's the matter?"he questioned


"Than go where everyone is I saw hina api with Asad they went to near by shop to get something"

"No actually I can't go there" I looked towards the hill

"Why not ?"

"I am wearing heels and I can't climb with it."

"Oh! you should have been careful with the choice"he said

"Yeah" I whispered not looking at him

"Hmm okay no worries let's think of something"he consoled

"No it's okay I don't want to go"

"Wait take your heels out"he pointed

"What?" I looked at him

"Yeah remove it
and wear my snickers" .He said removing making my eyes wide

"No no I can't"

"I promise they are clean Areesha
Trust me it will work" he said taking out his shoes.

"Amir please no" I pleaded

"Areesha, do as I say"

"What will you wear than?" I asked

"I have my socks and they are thick not a problem for me"

"No still i can't do this" I shook my head.

"Areesha I know what I am doing hurry up and your dress is long no one will be able to see it don't worry" he encouraged

I bit my lip thinking what should I do..

"Areesha trust me
I know the May be lose but you can manage."

His shoes lay in front of me

"What are you thinking?" he asked.

"Are you sure you will be fine"i asked

"Yeah I am now hurry up don't need everyone to know sit on this big rock" he pointed.

Only the solution to my.current situation was doing this so I sat there removed my heels and wore his shoes.
They were lose but comfortable enough to walk

I looked at him nervously

"Is it okay" he looked at them

"Or maybe you.can tie the laces a bit more"

I nodded

"I will keep your.heels in the car when you come back just wear those in the back seat and leave my shoes there I will take them later" okay.

"Yeah..thank you so much"

"Don't mention it please I will just keep this in the car and come"he said going towards it

Alhumdulilah that my dress was long

Amir was leading the way where others were and me following behind..

When we were almost at the top all the familiar faces came in view smiling and motioning us to hurry up

I looked at side to see Umar with a horse coming towards us..

I was so angry at him he just left me there

But as soon as he saw that I was almost at the top he turned and went towards the opposite side..somewhere.And I went to meet the rest of the cousins

Sitting on the high mountain I was admiring the beautiful view which was more than magnificent

The sensational dam covered with glowy high green mountains

The water reflected the mountains with its astounding waves cool breeze hovering above and flowing it's tides at pace.

The fresh air filled with chill fragrance capturing my every breath with its flow making me close my eyes lulling me with its calm sensations.

I could never get bored of this outstanding view.

Alhumdulilah for everything. Truly All Paise is to the beautiful creator of this magnificent creations..

My dress was lightly flowing on it's accord my shawl lightly fanning around my mind free of all the worries until I detect someone sit beside me.

Tilting my head I saw Umar

He sat a little distance away making me relax and on the other hand everyone was around here enjoying the view so there was nothing to worry about..

We were sitting quietly Daud coming after a minute or two to check if I am okay and not bored..

He was so small yet cared the most..

All the voices of our siblings and cousins could be heard ..

I knew just because of Umar no one came here..

He wasn't In a good mood and no one wanted to tease the lion..especially when he was grannys favorite..

Rayyan had told me that he Daniyal and Amir are going to the other mountain and will be back soon

"Your angry?" he looked at me.

"No" i breathed.

"I didn't meant to do that" he said

You could just say sorry

I preferred to stay silent

"Areesha I just got very furious I don't like no for an answer ever" he orated.

"Not everything in life goes our way" I looked at him

"But I always make it happen and the fact you just don't listen to my demands makes.me furious".

"How you managed to.come here?" he changed the topic when he was sure I wasn't going to reply

"I I just did" I orated looking at my dress which shielded the shoes

Actually I didn't left you there I was going to bring a horse there so you could easily sit" he revealed

Oh so that's what horse was for

I couldn't stop my giggle

"Are you making fun of me"he narrowed his eyes

"I wouldn't have sit on a horse" I admitted

"Why not?" he inquired

"I am just not comfortable sitting on it ."

"Are you afraid?" he smirked

"No" I looked away.

"So are we good"

I shrugged

"Areesha I just got frustrated"


"Let me show you something
see there behind that third mountain there is a beautiful resort
Can you see the fairy lights peeking from.between" he pointed

"Yes I can wow it's looks beautiful" I answered slowly

"Indeed it is and the food is extremely tasty there especially the fish it's directly taken.from here ".he finished

"That sounds amazing." I praised

"Hm and the water you see down there is freezing cold that you can't even dip your hand for a minute as its the melted snow from the mountains"

"I would love to feel it" I smiled

If only he could be that decent ever time

"Okay than I will take you there" he breathed not taking his eyes from my face..

"That resort looks amazing from up here "

"Yes we are planning to have dinner there" he nodded

"Really" I said looking at him

"Yeah" he nodded

"That would be mesmerizing" I sighed

I could hear laughter of the rest of them.behind me teasing Daud..

"You wanted to know about those people didn't you.?"

"Yes" I.abruptly looked at him

"Okay than on our way to the resort come in the car I will tell you.
And no one else will be in the car" as hina api is going to sit with Asad

"Than I can't come with you." I said

"Why I mean all the cars will be around us than ?"

"Uh my parents doesn't allow" I said confidently

"If they will allow than will you come ?"

"They will.not I know"

"Let's see about that" he said taking he phone out.making me stare at him in disbelief..

Does he wants to get scolded because I was sure my mom wouldn't allow it.

He did called and she refused to give permission but I don't know how his words trapped her that after some more buttering she agreed on the condition that Daud will be with us and ride was only till the resort..
I heard dadis voice behind her not knowing what she said .

With the accomplish smirk he looked at me and ended the call. I was still gazing his mobile not knowing how my mother agreed she doesn't even let me go out with an unknown friend of mine until she doesn't meet her.

How I wondered..

He clicked his fingers in front me making me realize that I was staring at his hand which no longer supporter the phone.

"What are you thinking?" he smiled

"Uh- nothing".Why I am unable to digest it till now..

"I have my ways he answered."my invoiced question

"What are you doing oh my Allah that view is amazing Annie."screeched making Umar glare at her..

"Annie stop shouting" Umar for grumbled.

"Oh sorry" she squeaked..

"Areesha come with me what are you doing here sitting" sana glared

"Enjoying the view "I smiled innocently

"Yea it's beautiful but you have come there now get up" she helped me stand up.
I was extremely careful as not to accidentally show my oversized shoes..
While Umar scrutinizing me

"Sana leave her here .
Only this side has the most mesmerizing view on the others sides it's just greenery and some other stuff "Umar looked at me.

"Oh no please come Areesha we have to explore there."Sana dragged me

"We will be leaving after five minutes" he shouted getting up making us huff

"We just got together" sana grumbled

"See there it's like a little forest so many wild trees and there are cute houses see" sana pointed..

"Yeah they look great.".

"I want to fly a kite here Dani" chided supported by whining rayyan demanding the same ..

"They will ban your entry here than" Amir pointed

"Yeah well it's a one time opportunity" dani expressed

"Go ahead but we aren't with you than" Ahmad bhai patted his back.

"Sana Zaki is calling you"hina api

great they came

"Be back with my love" she winked making me giggle

"Areesha are you comfortable" Amir came beside me

"Yeah um thanks again".

"Don't mention it I just came here to check because your walking hesitantly it's not showing at all be confident" he encouraged..

"Yeah Amir is right be comfortable no one can know" sana came with a hyper zaki..

I have told sana about. It because there was a very uncomfortable feeling deep inside me that only we both are aware of this little incident so I had to share it with sana to ease a bit..

"You told her?" Amir questioned.

"Yes she did she is to innocent to hide anything" sana wiggled her eyebrows at me

"I am.not innocent" I.glared at sana as we heard voices from the down

Amir frowned looking at them

"There are many people down there go on the other side to stand it's not appropriate "Amir said rather sternly leaving us with no choice but to oblige

The weather was turning harsh and the drive home was long so they decided not Only will we have dinner in the resort they will book room for everyone to.

And this was the best thing elders had said. On the phone.

I was excited but the difficult part was that I will go with Umar till the resort

Although Alhumdulilah daud was with me....

ASSALAM O Alaikum wa RAHMATU lahi wa barakatuhu

How was the chapter I hope you liked it .

I would love to know ur thoughts

Keep smiling and takecare :-)

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