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It was a delayed hour, almost when  night had slipped its layers off holding merely a thin blanket of darkness on its residence when Areesha's calm slumber was  interrupted, induced by an innocent spirit whose  delicate form was swanned in her soft neck as she squirmed attempting to locate her milk bottle 

Cold ambiance with a  tenderly warm bed made Areesha fidget in tiredness, she had just laid after praying tahajud  and was wishing for some sleep till fajr but looks like  her princess had varied  plans she turned around in Umar's grasp whose hand embraced her waist nestling her close while he slept peacefully among slight snores 

"Umar "she slightly summoned, her reverent voice disappearing amidst his snores, with a lazy smile she tapped his large hands on her waist  

"I need to get up please," she said softly sensing him stir 

"but you just came " he complained displeased  in a haze of sleep

she affectionately  brushed away his strands easing his frown while capturing his bold features in her heart 

"it's almost fajr you should rise as well" she blew on him some of her beloved verses

He opened his eyes slightly, causing the dark of his orbs to  blend in her light ones   as  he caressed her tender cheeks drawing her closer 

"Acha," his grave voice echoed securing her snug 

her small laugh reverberated in his chest, she treasured his morning antics 

"Areesha yar your husband is trying to sleep" he rubbed her back earning a slight shudder

"and your wife needs to get up" she reasoned muffled receiving a negative nod 

"if parisa wakes up Umar you are responsible"after a minute  he reluctantly let go of her, profoundly sensing in her sweet fragrance of flowers

"don't make her wait" he commanded sleekly rising up

"come on" he fondly  pinched her slight red nose lazily  advancing towards the toilet

for his princess, even sleep doesn't delude him Areesha thought, witnessing his broad  form disappear 

her smooth  silk nightgown swirled along  as she made her way down tying her silky long hair in a messy bun planning to sterilize the bottle before warming the milk

switching on the kettle her gaze drifted past their glass window, beautifully presenting a gracious view of there garden which was dimly lighted by  a few hung lamps, whilst twilight prepared its cruise for the day 

she smiled recalling how this little fairy  has molded their life so much, yes they were expecting an innovation but only when parisa arrived did they discover  how truly oblivious were they of a complete 360 turn, everything set aside the surprising change in Umar was something still unfathomable at times, the mighty  aggressiveness in his attitude has significantly altered with softness  towards parisa  

Even his parents were  stunned noticing his conduct with this little toddler, that   how a person who never had a good reputation with kids turn out to be such a caring and affectionate dad his gestures building many unsolved riddles 

Areesha. often teased him with daud the kid he was so irritated with earning his famous glare in return 

while on the other hand parisa was no less, from day one she was candidly fond by her dad,  every time her cute almond eyes would solely follow her father if insight no matter the distraction in front,

 While now, when she has recently commenced slight walking,  Each day the little princess would sit by the stairs with few of her toys waiting for her king and as soon he would step in her squeals would not subside until her dearest father would scoop her in his arms turning those squeals to giggles twinkling Umar's eyes in return who anticipated to do the same 

Their bond was much admired especially by Gulnaz who  teared up every single time blowing protective verses over her two precious ones,

yet much to  Areesha's distress his calmness would fade anytime parisa got hurt or turned ill shifting him into a beast, she slightly  shivered recalling a past event where he showed no mercy to anyone  including Areesha who had taken parisa out with gulnaz and others in a cold winter morning 

"it's all your fault" he had declared leaving no space for any defense whilst keeping everyone else on toes until she recovered following that gulnaz made sure parisa is properly covered every time they went out 

Areesha chuckled recalling when once gulnaz was wrapping parisa with a compact blanket who fidgeted in annoyance, "my little fairy come on now have mercy on your granny she doesn't want to face your angry father "gulnaz had kissed the small snowflake explaining her the reason who in return only wriggled more striving to get away  

kids have their own ways to capture hearts 

her clipped hairs descended  as she padded upstairs with a warm bottle in hand, upon entering the warm confines her eyebrows furrowed noticing their vacant bed, curious gaze traveled towards the corner where Umar sat near the fire hearth reciting the verses of the HOLY QURAN wrapped up in his thick gray shawl as his light voice continued to fragrant the air blessing her with heaps of peace and gratitude 

"did you shifted parisa to her coat," she asked gently advancing towards the baby coat noticing it unoccupied,  confused she whirled around regarding Umar who seemed engrossed in his precision with a faint smile on his lips 

"Umar?" she inquired doubtfully until parisa peeked from between his shawl 

"Mama milkey?" her small delicate hands held his shawl as curtains while  she sat cocooned near his heart 

her chubby cheeks radiated with light, while her eyes carried their world, her small form safe in arms of her loving father whose rare smile still intact yet his eyes focused on the Holy book in hand as in warm confines the duo sat covered by a special Noor 

that precious moment to Areesha symbolized such devotion that never would she be able to reveal such delicacy in words, tiny tears assembled at the corner of her eyes, AS she thanked her LORD THE MOST HIGH for fulfilling her such frail prayers 

This specifically this image she had fantasized since childhood and now when her cloudy dream appeared as a reality it seemed  hard for both her mind and heart to grasp the transpiring image of her fragile fantasy  

Believe is the key to treasures as she had always trusted Allah in all her prayers and  had a profound belief that if you hasten to keep your heart clean where AL WADUD resides than it will surely be filled with gratitude of dreams you once brew 

"Love?" Umar's speech gained her back as he noticed his beautiful wife in a daze with a small bottle in hand 

"I know we are artistic but can you please give my baby her milk" he teased making her blush 

"come on pari "she slowly  perched down in front of Umar  neglecting his keen eyes 

parisa's  impish eyes peeked again scanning  the bottle, as she struggled to decide between Umar and her

"Go to mummy" Umar instructed, fondly looking at his fairy while she silently twisted giving him a hug, her delicate form  hidden under his shawl 

"no parisa you cant have it here" Areesha warned understanding her antics 

Regarding her mother's words, she breathed delivering the sweetest kiss to her baba and adorably crawled out in Areesha's embrace, who shook her head at Parisa's antics 

"sometimes you both make me jealous " Areesha orated pecking her snowy cheek walking towards their bed 

"why you are always welcome love " came a teasing  voice from behind  turning her  scarlet

"Do you love your baba more my fairy ?" she tapped  her nose making her giggle while parisa kissed her mothers lips as they both reclined on their cozy  bed 

"Milky "parisa gazed at her glass pink bottle, analyzing its contents with a little shake 

"sleep baby" Areesha pressed her soft form close 

scanning her father "baba" she squealed with a smile declaring a  good night whose twinkling sharp eyes and smile in return captured Areesha's heart earning her a wink as parisa turned into her embrace reclining her head on a warm chest and her eyes dropped slowly ...

And in the special breeze of sacred whispers, they lay asleep as Umar continued his recitation which he now did on a regular basis giving his family  in the safest protection for by GOD he couldn't see a slight pain on that precious face 

His sharp eyes took in the most exquisite view of his little world as Umar gently embraced parisa laying her in the coat while awaking his beloved for fajr in his manner 

Areesha's murmurs were filled with gratitude her prayers covering every child in the world as she ended her dua finally blowing on her family.

she tucked her headscarf  lose glancing at Umar who locked his phone advancing towards her 

"Are you not sleepy ?" she  inquired eyeing  a very fresh Umar 

he smiled mischievously "I could be but it's weekend darling " he caged her boldly 

"I am really sleepy though" she politely gazed into his dark orbs hiding her smile at his annoyance 

"Are you now?" he placed his chin on her head hugging close relishing the peace his heart adored as they both stood amidst the light hues of shaded lamps 

"yes thanks to you and parisa "she added earning a grave chuckle 

"complains I see" he tsked teasing her  while he caged her hair free from that tiny clip 

"No, I was just...

"Hush, you don't need to clarify I have heard how we both tire you  "ALOT " he cut in her fervent voice tucking in her loose strands while she peered in his accusing eyes 

standing on her tiptoes she pecked his stubble as he  closed his eye relishing her sweet gesture 

" This isn't enough rose " he softly whispered in her ears smirking at her shiver while he uncaged her from his embrace annoying her she was in peace there 

"Umar", she guided his large hands back on her waist who secured her once again while she looked at him in justification 

"It's alright Areesha you go back to sleep I have been invited to a breakfast anyways so I will get ready and leave" he sailed in her floral  fragrance until she moved back peering at him incredulously 

he had been working so hard since past months they hardly got time together even on weekends he gets busy working from home at times  and now when they finally have a day to their self he wants to leave her alone 

"what can we do?" he said innocently studying her bothered eyes  

having no words in defense she just embraced him tight till his beats calmed her soul 

"ah so now you want me to stay ?" he inquired between his ministrations on  her smooth hairs earning a  nod 

"what?" he interrogated ignoring her inclination 

"don't go please?" her voice pecked his ears 

"and why so should I do this favor,?" he asked arrogantly 

"I missed you" she breathed extremely slow finally calm in a secured embrace 

his grin intact as he played with her "but I can't hear you ? can you be more precise !" he mocked 

"Umar" she murmured backing away 

"what Umar?" he furrowed his eyebrows seeing her angelic features

"I will miss  you" her soft lips orated as she innocently gave in all her defenses to the  captor who leaned in softly conveying his response proudly

After a minute Umar gently scooped her up to their  window sill

"don't assume I forgot what you said I am just letting it pass for now" his heavy voice echoed 

"but Umar?" she sat in front holding his large hand 

"I have to leave in an hour," he declared and Areesha internally sighed, of course, her husband had a huge ego 

she licked her lips studying his eyes nervously "sorry" she whispered realizing it was actually wrong of her to say those lines when the whole  past week they hardly even  got time for dinner 

"I don't need that" he blankly looked at her innocent acts 

"i promise  didnt meant that"she persuaded trying to eradicate the complaint in his sharp eyes  

"and how could I know? "he raised an eyebrow 

"because I love you" she murmured as he struggled to hide his smile 

"come on now" she opened his converged arms avoiding his eyes bashfully 

"Umar!" she tried to pry his arms open 

"my fragile soul cant take these eyes" she innocently closed his fierce orbs

"remind me those three magical more often and we are in harmony" he finally let her in his arms after demanding a generous prize 

"and your fragile soul is filled with a  strong love who would never let it break, always remember !" he roughly whispered prying her hairs on the side as he leaned on her shoulder fluttering her soul 

 There was still a hush all around but  he adored witnessing the day emerge  with his rose  every time they got a chance 

her head on his heart while they reclined together this being her favorite spot since the beginning as  he shared everything of the past week with his wife in a hushed whisper  until she fell asleep amidst the fresh air of the early morning infused with a special essence 

he smiled gazing at his precious rose, 

whilst  dreams shadowed on those lashes, his world brew from a precious glow of her peaceful face he kissed her ever so slowly envied by the winds due to  his softness and tugged her in their warm confines until the world awake  

Is there any soul awake to record such an oracle of love, where contentment and tranquillity appeared just near beloved, where the breaths of life swirl around the heart of another, where a storm subsides only with a gentle whisper, where a true love stays vigilant never falling dormant?


HEY, GUYs, didnt think would be posting anything here at all, but due to dozens of such lovely requests I had to, this was one of the rough drafts I had written for this story but never posted and am still not sure maybe will take it down after a while but till then enjoy!

since it was my promise to many of you and I wasn't able to add it in another book I had to fulfill it, so do let me know your views regarding this 

yes as always would love your comments, 

Those feels when I was editing this..such memories *sigh* I missed them a lot 

to be honest, I almost cried feeling them after so long, 

hope you enjoyed 

Take care 


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